It may be that the party will arrive first on this moon, and begin their adventures from this place. In that event, the following may be used as an introduction. Otherwise consider this your introduction to Roon.

When the party recovers their senses, and gather themselves up, a totally disorienting view greets them. The sky is light tan colored, and it seems the light tan air surrounds them in a fog. Already the taste of dry dust parches their throats and fills their nostrils. There are no features at all in this place. The ground is flat around them, and as visibility is restricted to about 200 feet outdoors (excepting one of the common dust storms) the few remaining hills and mountains are invisible for the most part. No vegetation lives on the surface, except for the Stone Trees.

This dust will work it’s way into everything they have that is not sealed against moisture. Food will become more and more gritty as they travel. This is a minor problem compaired to the dust that they inhale. This causes choking and a gradual lowering of their constitution. They will lose 1 point of Con. for every 12 hours they are exposed. If they have tents or other enclosures, the effect will stop. Wearing a covering of cloth will cut the effect in half (24 hours per point). When they are completely free of the dust, the dust will work its way out of their lungs. This will take 24 hours per point to recover. During this period, they are racked with coughing fits that bring up a pale brown phlegm.

The party is moving slower than usual because the dust makes footing like walking in deep snow. They can move 15 miles per day while walking on foot. This may be reduced by encounters of course, and if the party chooses, they can force march which will double their speed.

The referee should place the entrance of the party in an area that is relatively central to inhabited areas on the surface. They should be no more than 5 days journey (75 miles) away from the closest town. They will still have to figure out where to go, and the "lost movement" chant in the DMG should be consulted.

While they are trying to find their way around in the new world, they will have encounters that will let them find out this world.


Ant Lion





Digger Snake


Dust Devil

Dust Elemental

Dust Skeleton

Dust Spider

Ear ‘A Tue (Dervishes)

Ke ‘Amen



Rooner Caravan

Sand Beetle

Sand Whorls


Slip Sand



Static Sand

Stone Tree Forest




Wind Storm


Encounters on the surface of Roon should be rolled for once per day. A roll of 1 signifies an encounter which shall be rolled off the list above. Some of the above encounters do not involve living things; they are the result of some climatic or geologic feature. You will find these types of encounters described below:


In the dry and constantly moving air of Roon, the fine sand may carry an electrical charge. Sometimes this has no effect other than to make the footing uncertain as sand seems to slip away underfoot. The natives refer to this as Slip Sand. The effect seems to occur in circular patterns of varying diameter. Roll 2Dd20 for the diameter in tens of yards. Every ten yards a save VS DEX must be made or the walker falls down doing 1D2 of damage.


In some cases, the static electricity built up within the dry dust is so intense it is similar to particles of moisture that build up within particles of water in the atmosphere. Thus a patch of highly charged dust may erupt with a bolt of lightning. Roll 2D10/2 to determine the number of D8 to roll for damage from the lightning strike. The area of the strike is determined at random from those in the front line of the party, and the area of effect is as the M.U. spell "Lightning Bolt".

Sand Whorls

These are a more severe form of Static Sand. In this case the static charge develops such that a dust whirlpool forms. Small discharges of lightning (no damage) crack within the circular shaped maw of the whorl.

When this encounter is indicated a roll for surprise must be made. A plus to the roll is indicated when the party is guided by a Roonian. If the party is surprised then they make a save VS DEX at a -4. If they are not surprised, then they make their roll as normal. If they succeed in their DEX roll, they are able to keep their footing. If they fail, they will be drawn into the center of the whirlpool and disappear into the depths of the sand in 2 rounds. Attempts at rescue may be made during this time. During this period they are susceptible to multiple lightning strikes. Roll 2D6 for the number of lightning bolts each player will cause.

If the player is dragged under the dust, there is a 1 in 10 chance that they will be brought to the surface again every 2 minutes for 6 minutes. This is called going down for the third time.

Stone Tree Forest

This is a helpful encounter. The trees will provide the party with shelter and perhaps shields from the blowing dust if they detach the bark from the trees.