This document deals mostly with the expression of time as expressed by the movement of objects in the sky. Astronomy is mostly at this time on Isis, a research subject and not one to which the rigors of scientific method are applied. Their cosmogony is correct, but their cosmology is all wrong. Be that as it may, it is known that:

They year is 308 days long with a "Leap Holliday" of 3 days every 4 years.

Each month is 28 days long and there are 11 months.

Month 1 Muspel (Dwarf dressed in white fur robes)

Month 2 Blerin (Woman in warriors garb)

Month 3 Ossa (Rain and swolen rivers)

Month 4 Merkur (Woman as judge figure)

Month 5 Meduso (Green plants)

Month 6 Airlu (Fiery sun)

Month 7 Avernus (Red Dragon)

Month 8 Bob (Halforld at ½)

Month 9 Nefelhigh (Fallen Leaves)

Month 10 Cathries (Old Woman)

Month 11 Morteus (Old Man)

The day is just slightly longer than the day on Earth lasting almost 13 minutes past 24 hours.

The moon Haforld rotates around Isis in 28 day cycles which are updated by the Leap Holliday to correct the the .726 day past the 308 of a normal year.

The leap holliday is commonly spent in a midyear celebration. The holliday is placed between the end of the 5th month and 6th month. In large cities and capitol cities, the holliday is celebrated by tourniments. In the country the celebration resembles a Earthly county fair with horticulture and domestic animal displays. In frountier areas there is a celebration similar to Thanksgiving day where the best cooks of the settlement attempt to outdo each other in their cullinary excellence.

The days of the week are named somewhat differently depending on the culture. There is a common naming, but this is used mostly in commercial and political situations. Other than these usages, the local names for the days of the week are used.

Monoday (Monday), Duoday (Teusday), Trayday (Wednesday), Kaday (Thursday), Kintday (Friday), Sepday (Saturday), Restday (Sunday)

As in our culture, 4 days a month (Restday) are set asside as a day to recover from the dutys of the week.

As the length of each month is exactly divisible by 4 (7 days long), there is no need for a calendar such as we have. The monthly calendar below is the same for each month of the year. This is information memorized by every educated person and by most anyone above a snow barbarian in cultural development.

Monoday Duoday Trayday Kaday Kintday Sepday Restday

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28


The Leap holliday has 3 days which are commonly used are:

Giving Day - A day where presents are given freely. Revels - This is one where no work is done and plays, music, and sport of any kind are enjoyed. More adulterous laisons occur on this day than any other.

Taking - A day of solumnness and rememberance of those who have died since the last Leap.