IT would be most surprising to the members of the party to find that the monsters in this dungeon are all new. This means a lot of extra work for me, but the results could be surprising encough to them to make it worth while. There are some monsters from sources other than the MM that could be explored as well. These include those clipped out of the dragon magazine and those download from Compuserve.

Regressed Ape

These apes are in stats just as Carniverous Apes. The primary differences are those of appearance. The Regressed apes look more human, and are coverdd by a layer of blond fur instead of corse brown fur. The blond hair is long and strait and completely covers them from head to foot.


These are thinking creatures that look something like octopi except that they have grown tentacles at the end of their tentacles that act as hands or feet. These "Hands" are tougher than the rest of the tentacle. They will always use 3 legs to stand on as a tripod, and use the others to manipulate tools, wield weapons etc. This lives them a potential total of 6 attacks per round, as they may also attack with their beak if they hit with at least 4 of the tentacles. There are many types of Octopeds. They may vary in size (from the small dog to buffalo size), intelligence (from dog to genius), color (bright yellow, orange, brown, black, grey, and all shades of color between including spotted combinations), class (Rogue, warrior, priest, and mage), and in the type of secretion. As they were derived from the original undersea type of octopus, they commonly secrete some sort of substance to keep their skin moist. A number of different substances were used to this end. They may be covered with acid, glue, stinking slime (ST VS con or puke), Contact poison, steel fur (AC -4), pus (attacker save VS rotting disease), symbiotic creatures (small insects, bore worms, flat worms, small snakes, sheet monsters), tree bark (AC -2),


Airsquids are just what the name implies. They are squids that are as at home flying in the air as the regular squids are swimming in the sea. These are a good race and will aid the party if reaction rolls permit.

The airsquid stays aloft due to their light weight (never more than 5 lbs) and a substance that is incredibly light. Far lighter than helium, this solid is a part of their blood. At death, the lack of oxygen in the blood breaks down the substance and the effect is completely gone one turn after death.

Airsquids move either by using their "jet" or using their tentacles to attach to something and pull themselves along. The jet effect is produced by them inflating their lungs and forcing the air out quickly like a balloon.

They use their many tentacles like hands, and are a tool using race. However, they cannot carry any more than ˝ their body weight (3 to 5 lbs) without becoming encumbered. This race is a rebel to the powers that reside in the dungeon. 200 years ago, the airsquids refused to take orders and set up their own community in hiding. Only with great reluctance will any airsquid reveal or take the party to this secret place.

They are highly independent and will only travel with the party if they save the life of the airsquid. They will freely give of their spells if properly asked and if they do not detect the party as evil.



Frequency: Uncommon

No. Appearing: 2 - 12

Armor Class: 6

Move: 12"

Hit Dice: 6 + 2

% in Lair: 60%

Treasure Type: M (x2)

No. of Attacks: 2

Damage/Attack: 1 - 12 / 1 - 12

Specials: +1 weapon to hit

Magic Resistance: Standard

Intelligence: Animal

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Size: M (5 ˝’ tall)


Headlesses are strange humanoids with long, smooth tentacles for arms and no heads. They are covered with fur, and are very pale in color. Where the head should be in a depressed area on the neck. Though they

cannot see, smell, or hear, there is some sort of extra sense which guides them towards prey unerringly, and around objects.

A +1 or better weapon is needed to kill headlesses, but fire of any ort and magic always affect them normally. For some reason, gold coins are imbedded where the headless’ heart should be, leading some to believe that they might be some sort of undead. This is borne out by the fact that they can be turned by clerics as wights.

Headless attack by flailing foes with their whiplike tentacles, each causing 1d12 damage. They may attack multiple opponents at once.



Climate/Terrain: Any

Frequency: Uncommon

Organization: Tribal

Activity Cycle: Night

Diet: Omniverous (Meat)

Intelligence: Human (8-12)

Treasure: P (D)

Alignment: N.E.

No. Appearing: 1-100

Armor Class: 5 (Dodging)

Hit Dice: 1-4

Damage/Attack: 1d4,1d6,1d8,1d10 by Hit Dice

Special Attacks: Nil

Special Defenses: Camouflage, Mimicry

Magic Resistance: 0

Size: M

Morale: 10

XP Value: 35,65,175,270 by Hit Dice

DESCRIPTION - They are mutated humans. The mutations may take almost any form. Some have more or less body parts than normal. Some look like their bones have bent in odd directions. Some look like they are a mixture of one race and another.

ABILITIES - They can mimic any sound made by any monster or creature the have encountered. They use this to attract or repel creatures. They can camouflage their lair and themselves. It takes them 1 turn to

hide themselves. Once hidden the players must roll better than 80% +5%xHD to see them. Their buildings and entraces to their lairs are as a secret door.

They will attempt to pick the pocket of those passing past their hiding places. They hav a 70% chance of success and will try to get coins first. They are usually rather week and are often used as slaves by more robust monsters. In this case there is no cheif.

COMBAT - They prefer to survive and will not attack unless they are threatened in their lair, or they feel they have overwhelming strength. They are not stupid and will carefully check out the situation before

attacking. If they do not wish to attack, they will try to keep tabs of intruders by watching them continuously. They will use their Mimicry to draw people away from their lair. It may also be used by those inside the lair to scare away the intruders. Their powers of Camouflage makes it difficult to see the entrance to their lair.

HABATAT/SOCIETY - They are arranged in a loose tribal group consisting usually of a core group of 3 or 4 families with numerous other single men and women. They may or may not enjoy each others company; they join to gether for the benefit of superior numbers. The strong bully the weak, the cheif must be killed in ritual battle by his successor. For every 10 encountered, there is one with 2HD; for every 30 one with 3hd and for every 40 a 4HD. They will attempt agriculture if the situation allows. Their songs are a mixture of what they might have heard as childeren mixed with animal calls and monster yells that tells the family oral


ECOLOGY - The are omniverous and will eat any meat, even that of their own race. They will eat vegatables and fruit, but prefer flesh.


These are not really monsters, but they are an important part of the encounter lists on each level. They were invented by Baron HouseMunchin the lich. He created a percolating machine from parts of the machinery in the 18th level. From the 18th level, they rise and spread throughout the upper levels, mostly inside the Main Shaft, but also up stairways and such. They are more common on some than on others, but they are

everywhere (unless the area is completely closed off at all times). The Spell Bubbles are about 1’ in diameter and move at a leasurly 1’ per round while they are drifting. They move at random throughout the dungeon

until they are approached or touched by a living creature. These bubbles are invisible to normal sight and to infravision but are visible as floating, coruscating blobs to those with Ultravision.

If a person passes within 20’ of a bubble, it will move at 10’ per round toward who ever is closest. If the person moves out of range, it will continue in its current direction at its normal 1’ per round. It may touch the person, or anything the person is carring and burst. This releases the spell the machine placed in each as they were created. They are not difficult to avoid if they are seen, but not may players have InfraVision. All of the monsters except the apes and mongrel men have infravision. They are always as if cast by a 5th level mage.

Roll 1d6 and consult the list below to determine spell effects:

1-3 (1d6) 4-5 (1d6) 6 (1d6)

First Level Spells Second Level Spells Third Level Spells

------------------- ------------------- ------------------

1) Affect N. Fires Blindness Fireball

2) Chill Touch Darkness 15’ Rad Gust of Wind

3) Chromatic Orb# Flaming Sphere Hold Person

4) Fire Burst* Hypnotic Pattern Lightning Bolt

5) Hypnotism Insatiable Thirst Minor Malison*

6) Magic Missle Levitate Monster Summoning I

7) Metamorph Liquid* Missdirection Slow

8) Precipitation Scare Watery Double*

9) Sleep Stinking Cloud Wind Wall

10) Spook Web Wraith Form



Freq. - Rare

Armor Class - 6 (10)

Move - 12"

Hit Dice - 4 HD

% In Lair - 10%

Treasure Type - None (K)

# of Attacks - 1

Damage Per Attack - 1d10

Special Attacks - +2 to Attack When not Defending

Special Defences - None

Magic Resistance - None

Intelligence - Normal

Allignment - Varies (N.G.)

Size - Man

Psionic Ability - None

# Appearing - 5 to 50 (5d10)


Description - It is obvious that this race is an offspring of Man, but it is a sickly offspring. They’re skin is pale white, they have dark circles under their eyes. They never wear clothes no matter how cold it gets, and

this does make them vulnerable to cold. They die from it frequently. They are emaciated, and weak. They will never attack until attacked, and suffer 20% from all morale rolls. If they feel threatened, they will begin to moan; a lonley pathetic cry speaking without works of doom and death and mourning. If possible they will attempt to run to the nearest person of non-heurman race. They are desended from humans that werecaptured and enslaved in the UnderEarth. They are used by their masters for expendable guards, slaves of light duty, and pleasure (usually as victims of turture).

The most horrible thing noticed when they are seen by humans are the scars. They have all been tortured while they were children and through out their lives. This torture took many forms, and so the scars may appear practically any where. They were tortured so that they would never consider trying to escape. The idea is to punish before the offense, so the offense never occurs.

When they do attack, there is a 50% chance that they will decide to commit suicide by throwing themselves at their attackers. They get a +2 to hit while doing this, but as they a re not protecting themselves, they suffer a -4 to their AC. Their skin has grown tough under the lash, and thus have a normal AC of 6. When the rulling Clerics feel that they must send a party of Heurmans out to battle against something that they feel threatens them, they will always be accompanied by a cleric of level 3 or better. This cleric will always attempt to cast a Morale releated spell on them; most often this is Courage. Without this spell, the Heurmans will exhibit all the simptoms of extreame fear. They will become incontanant and cringe and shake and sweat and plead with their eyes. If the cleric with them is captured, killed or rendered non compus mentus they will throw themselves on the mercy of their attackers.