Room Number: 1 Room Type: Mage


- Air Properties - Misty,

- Contents of Container - gelatin,

- Article of Clothing - Belt,

- Furnishing - Loom,

- Personal Item - Bandages,


Room Number: 2 Room Type: Mage


- Contents of Container - Adders' Tounge,

- Furnishing - Bottle,

- Miscelanious Item - Badly dented helmet,


Room Number: 3 Room Type: Torture Room


dormitory: 1d4 beds, square table, acid damaged hide armor, round table,

mantle, muddy candelabra, crimson jade anklet with a picture of a

humanized buffalo head, couch, hat, unuseable scented oil, useable trunk,

useable cape, crucible, boots, trunk, undamaged desk, unuseable square



The Black Beet of HealingIt has this power: restores ALL lost Health

Points when eaten. Itis useable only once, then it vanishes. The duration

isinstantanious. The Black Beet of Healing is useable only byPaladins of

the Goddess of Battle. The experience for first use is490 EP.


- Article of Clothing - Doublet,

- Furnishing - Fetters,


Room Number: 4 Room Type: Kitchen


- Air Properties - Dusty,

- Contents of Container - Acorn,


Room Number: 5 Room Type: Empty


- Room Smells - Fetid,

- Personal Item - Awl,


Room Number: 6 Room Type: Cleric


- Air Properties - Clear,

- Contents of Container - Beth Root,

- Furnishing - Vestry,

- Sounds in the room - Tapping,


Room Number: 7 Room Type: Kitchen


- Contents of Container - Abcess Root (Sweet Root),

- Miscelanious Item - Slimy ceiling,

- Room Smells - Stale,


Room Number: 8 Room Type: Barracks


audience room: cracked hammer head, katzbalger, high stool, cobweb


parang bedak, undamaged brazier, vial of perfume, wrought platinum

coronet with a picture of a queen, dung stained ninjato.


Coxter's Rug of WarningIt has this power: will warn user AWAY from gold

and silver whencommanded. The magic command phrase is UEWUV. Holds 1d4

charges andcost 4d1000 Gold to recharge. The duration is special.

Coxter's Rugof Warning can not be used by Thieves. The experience for

first useis 420 EP.


- Contents of Container - Aloe,

- Miscelanious Item - Dripping wall,


Room Number: 9 Room Type: Empty


- Personal Item - Dish,


Room Number: 10 Room Type: Kitchen


- Container - Bowl,

- Contents of Container - Aloe,

- Food Item - Dog Meat,

- Room Smells - Smoky,


Room Number: 11 Room Type: Abandon




Room Number: 12 Room Type: Cleric


- Air Properties - Hazy,

- Contents of Container - Avens,

- Furnishing - Candles,

- Miscelanious Item - Bent Copper Piece,

- Room Smells - Acrid,


Room Number: 13 Room Type: Mage


- Air Properties - Still,

- Container - Bottle,

- Contents of Container - Barley,

- Article of Clothing - Cloak,

- Furnishing - Bowl,


Room Number: 14 Room Type: Abandon


- Air Properties - Foggy,

- Room Smells - Fetid,


Room Number: 15 Room Type: Cleric


audience room: slimy coating on floor, broken tegha, beacon lantern,

dusty cologne, dais, one leather boot, violet chronicle on monstrous

friendship, undamaged fundibulum, fire damaged ninjato, small metal

mirror, unuseable painting, box, broken small table, armchair, talibon,

candelabrum, dung covered shashqa, black cyclopedia on taciturnity,

dented idol, badly dented claymore, dented urn, red codicil on giant



Suzban's Morning Star of MythomaniaIt has this power: owner desires to

identify EVERYTHING whencommanded. The magic command phrase is UOZEJAZ.

Useable three timesevery two days. The duration is one hour per level.

Suzban'sMorning Star of Mythomania can only be used by

Split/Classcharacters. The experience for first use is 735 EP.


- Contents of Container - Arrach (Goosefoot),

- Furnishing - Thurible,


Room Number: 16 Room Type: Cleric


- Air Properties - Misty,

- Container - Wine Skin,

- Contents of Container - fibers,

- Furnishing - Vestry,

- Room Smells - Chlorine,

- Sounds in the room - Sneezing,


Room Number: 17 Room Type: Cleric


- Furnishing - Vestiments,

- Room Smells - Acid,


Room Number: 18 Room Type: Kitchen


- Miscelanious Item - Cracked Flask,

- Sounds in the room - Grating,


Room Number: 19 Room Type: Empty


- Personal Item - Awl,


Room Number: 20 Room Type: Barracks


- Contents of Container - Birch (Whith Birch),

- Food Item - Beans,

- Personal Item - Basket,


Room Number: 21 Room Type: Empty


waiting room: 2d4 chairs, 100 foot roll of hemp rope, dung covered bowl,

[TRAP THAT EMITS A GAS THAT CAUSES NAUSEA], high stool, fire damaged

lantern, altar, round table, flask of lamp oil, small table, muddy

flagon, dusty gold goblets (2d4), pedestal, dagger hilt, rare wood

coronet with a picture of a rat, lamp.


Colossal (75 inch tall) copper statuette of anassassin made by an Orc

that is worth 20 gold. (Thistreasure has a trap that emits a gas that has

ablinding effect.)


- Air Properties - Slight Down Draft,

- Room Smells - Acrid,

- Personal Item - Basin,


Room Number: 22 Room Type: Kitchen


- Container - Potion Bottle,

- Contents of Container - Birch (Whith Birch),

- Food Item - Biscuts,

- Miscelanious Item - fFloor dampness,


Room Number: 23 Room Type: Empty


- Trap in room - Resisting Door,

- Personal Item - Bandages,


Room Number: 24 Room Type: Torture Room


- Room Smells - Rotting Vegitation,


Room Number: 25 Room Type: Empty


observatory: wax blob, undamaged low soft boots, small bottle of

perfume, flask of cooking oil, platinum statue of a herald, muddy vase,

broken sword blade, jar, wineskin, crate, dung stained mirror, trunk,

caldron, chamber pot, fungi, cracks in floor, fire damaged flagon, flint

and steel, glass bottle, rotten rope.


Yhtak's Aquamarine Sack of DisenchantmentIt has this power: as a Dispell

Magic spell when commanded. Themagic command phrase is WYTELNYPYX. Holds

3d4 charges and cost4d1000 Gold to recharge. The duration is

instantanious. Yhtak'sAquamarine Sack of Disenchantment can only be used

by Druids. Theexperience for first use is 805 EP. (Secret side effect

after firstuse: 10% chance that a distant relative will appear.)


- Trap in room - Lightning Bolt Trap,

- Room Smells - Ozone,

- Personal Item - Bandages,


Room Number: 26 Room Type: Torture Room




Room Number: 27 Room Type: Barracks


- Contents of Container - Abcess Root (Sweet Root),

- Room Smells - Dank and Mouldy,


Room Number: 28 Room Type: Abandon


court: large throne, flask of lamp oil, arras, cups (2d4), common wood

statuette of an octopus, couch, beaker, solid abdurite wristlet with a

picture of a centaur, copper statuette of a mighty male warrior, dung

stained throne, acid damaged small table, useable statue, damaged bag,

urn, dried blood, silver statuette of a dwarf, 4d20 copper coins in a

medium metal chest, unuseable oil lamp, dented morning star.


The Wizardly Knife of Life ProtectionIt has this power: can restore 2d8

Health Points automaticly whencommanded. The magic command phrase is

FEVOG. Holds 2d20 chargesand costs 10d1000 Gold to recharge. The duration

is special. TheWizardly Knife of Life Protection is not useable by

Demonologists.The experience for first use is 630 EP. (Secret side effect

afterfirst use: 10% chance of (for 1d8 days) becoming a bandit.)


- Air Properties - Steamy,


Room Number: 29 Room Type: Abandon




Room Number: 30 Room Type: Empty


- Air Properties - Strong Down Draft,

- Personal Item - Awl,


Room Number: 31 Room Type: Barracks


- Personal Item - Brush,


Room Number: 32 Room Type: Living Room


laboratory: bullseye lantern, blood covered pegs, dung stained amphora,

colichemarde, cracked hammer head, large sack, skeel, hassock, jar of

salt, crucible, large metal chest, broken bottle, fountain, box of

insence sticks, 1d4 whips, bent iron bar, jar of powdered gold, 1d4 gold

coins in a small metal chest, bowl, dung covered tub, small puddle of

water, damp ceiling, magnifying glass, brazier, prism, small belt pouch,

small metal chest, damaged mirror, dung covered cabinet, crushed cups

(2d4), vial, scratched armchair, large puddle of water, undamaged candle,



The Asparagus of NuncupationIt has this power: user can identify the name

of a person wheneaten. It is useable only once, then it vanishes. The

duration isinstantanious. The Asparagus of Nuncupation can only be used

byElementalists. The experience for first use is 455 EP.



Room Number: 33 Room Type: Cleric


- Contents of Container - Cinders,

- Furnishing - Bucket,

- Furnishing - Screen,

- Miscelanious Item - Dust,

- Sounds in the room - Twanging,


Room Number: 34 Room Type: Living Room


- Personal Item - Comb,


Room Number: 35 Room Type: Torture Room


- Article of Clothing - Blouse,

- Sounds in the room - Clashing,


Room Number: 36 Room Type: Torture Room


banquet room: flagon, ladle, jar, trivet, [ARROW TRAP], useable vase,

ivory dice, grater, fork.


The Asparagus of NuncupationIt has this power: user can identify the name

of a person wheneaten. It is useable only once, then it vanishes. The

duration isinstantanious. The Asparagus of Nuncupation can only be used

byElementalists. The experience for first use is 455 EP.


- Air Properties - Slight Down Draft,

- Article of Clothing - Blouse,

- Furnishing - Fire pit,


Room Number: 37 Room Type: Living Room


- Furnishing - Pipe section,


Room Number: 38 Room Type: Barracks


- Air Properties - Clear,

- Contents of Container - Anise,

- Personal Item - Dish,

- Room Smells - Rotting Vegitation,


Room Number: 39 Room Type: Cleric


- Contents of Container - Adders' Tounge,

- Furnishing - Coal,

- Furnishing - Sanctuary,

- Personal Item - Brush,


Room Number: 40 Room Type: Abandon


- Sounds in the room - Knocking,


Room Number: 41 Room Type: Torture Room


entry room: 2d4 clothes pegs, glass bottle, cobweb covered long table,

bar of soap, drawing of a wizard, dusty long table, crushed pail, useable

mirror, rotten rope, rug, bucket, damaged pedestal.


Enormous (62 inch tall) bronze statue of an octopusmade by an Orc that is

worth 29 gold.


- Article of Clothing - Belt,

- Miscelanious Item - Giant Cobwebs,

- Room Smells - Ozone,

- Sounds in the room - Howling,

- Furnishing - Grill,


Room Number: 42 Room Type: Living Room


closet: signet ring, candle, small metal mirror, tankard, bronze rod

with a picture of a ranger, candle.


Helajdon's Jug of ProvidingIt has this power: as a Create Food and Drink

type spell whencommanded. The magic command phrase is IASYREV. Holds 1d20

chargesand costs 10d1000 Gold to recharge. The duration is

instantanious.Helajdon's Jug of Providing can not be used by Clerics of

the PlantGod. The experience for first use is 490 EP.


- Article of Clothing - Doublet,

- Furnishing - Screen,

- Personal Item - Candle,

- Room Smells - Dank and Mouldy,


Room Number: 43 Room Type: Living Room


- Room Smells - Acrid,


Room Number: 44 Room Type: Torture Room


- Room Smells - Salt Air,


Room Number: 45 Room Type: Empty


- Miscelanious Item - Common mold,

- Personal Item - Book,


Room Number: 46 Room Type: Torture Room




Room Number: 47 Room Type: Empty


- Miscelanious Item - Grafitti,

- Personal Item - Awl,


Room Number: 48 Room Type: Abandon




Room Number: 49 Room Type: Living Room


- Article of Clothing - Doublet,


Room Number: 50 Room Type: Mage


- Contents of Container - Bay Leaf,

- Article of Clothing - Coif,

- Personal Item - Brush,

- Room Smells - Stale,


Room Number: 51 Room Type: Kitchen


storage: 1d4 barrels, 1d6 crates, bell, dusty skeel, muddy box, 1d100

platinum coins in a medium barrel, vessel, fire damaged jorum, scratched

vase, muddy pegs, useable armchair, broken urn, basket, damaged lamp,

dented candle, bowl, bowl, dust covered bench, cobweb covered musnud,

cresset, badly dented hassock, shelf, cobweb covered cresset, unuseable

quiver, acid damaged hourglass, broken square table, unuseable reliquary,

torn sack, [MAGIC - SEX CHANGED ON FIRST TOUCH], muddy wall sconce, blood

covered small table, small bottle of perfume, lute.


The Jug of FindingIt has this power: as the Locate Object or Person type

spell whencommanded. The magic command phrase is KAXOSAWU. Holds 4d8

chargesand is recharged by drawing off one attribute point from the

user.The duration is instantanious. The Jug of Finding can not be usedby

Paladins. The experience for first use is 245 EP.


- Contents of Container - Cinders,

- Food Item - Ale,


Room Number: 52 Room Type: Barracks


- Contents of Container - Dust,

- Miscelanious Item - Broken Sword blade,

- Personal Item - Basket,


Room Number: 53 Room Type: Empty


- Air Properties - Still Dry,

- Personal Item - Comb,


Room Number: 54 Room Type: Barracks


- Contents of Container - Balmont (Snake Head),