Room Number: 1 Room Type: Abandon



Room Number: 2 Room Type: Barracks



Room Number: 3 Room Type: Cleric


torture chamber: backpack, pieces of rotting wood, huge pot, fishing net, table, pillory, manacles, 1d4 whips, stool.

Kotnia’s Dirk of Magic DetectionIt has this power: changes color when near enchantment magic whencommanded. The magic command phrase is HUQPISAKJU. Useable eighttimes every eight days. The duration is instantanious. Kotnia’sDirk of Magic Detection is not useable by Humans. The experiencefor first use is 455 EP. (Secret side effect after first use: 20%chance of (for 1d6 hr) becoming a poisonous spider.)


Room Number: 4 Room Type: Mage



Room Number: 5 Room Type: Abandon



Room Number: 6 Room Type: Living Room



Room Number: 7 Room Type: Barracks



Room Number: 8 Room Type: Mage



Room Number: 9 Room Type: Empty



Room Number: 10 Room Type: Abandon


prison: 3d4 one man cells, pieces of rotting wood, pillory, scratched cask, [DAGGER TRAP], large sack, hooded lantern, pick handle, pillory, acid damaged throne, arras.

The Unsurpassed Urn of Opposet AlignmentIt has this power: changes alignment good/evil to evil/good whencommanded. The magic command phrase is LOBOL. Holds 3d10 chargesand is recharged by drawing off one attribute point from the user.The duration is permanent. The Unsurpassed Urn of Opposet Alignmentis not useable by Druids. The experience for first use is 665 EP.


Room Number: 11 Room Type: Cleric



Room Number: 12 Room Type: Mage



Room Number: 13 Room Type: Barracks



Room Number: 14 Room Type: Abandon



Room Number: 15 Room Type: Barracks



Room Number: 16 Room Type: Barracks



Room Number: 17 Room Type: Kitchen


banquet room: long table, scrathes on wall, gold goblets (2d4), damaged gold goblets (2d4), [SPEAR TRAP], sheet of parchment, beater, sifter, earspoon, pile of twigs, strainer, chopper, towel, [TRAP - CEILING COLLAPSES], trivet, candle stub, bottle, sifter, platter, pile of rubble, fork, scattered teeth, dipper, platter.

Lesmira’s Greater Basket of Opposet AlignmentIt has this power: changes alignment good/evil to evil/good whencommanded. The magic command phrase is MUVECELI. Holds 3d6 chargesand is rechargable. The duration is permanent. Lesmira’s GreaterBasket of Opposet Alignment is not useable by Bards. The experiencefor first use is 840 EP. (Secret side effect after first use: Owneris totally avoided when meeting a giant ant.)


Room Number: 18 Room Type: Mage



Room Number: 19 Room Type: Abandon



Room Number: 20 Room Type: Barracks



Room Number: 21 Room Type: Living Room


trophy room: 2d6 shelves, long ladder, exotic wood statuette of a man in chains, signet ring, spyglass, pick handle, drawing of a basilisk, wrought platinum wand with a picture of a werewolf, silver statuette of a torose male laborer, rare wood dagger with a picture of a prince, water-color painting of a mighty male warrior, water-color painting of a tailor, brass statuette of a fisherman, 5d20 silver coins in a small barrel, 1d20 gold coins in a large metal chest, dung stained hand axe, bronze statue of an elf.

Balline’s Magnificent Beet of StrikingIt has this power: hands and feet can do 1d6 damage when eaten. Itis useable only once, then it vanishes. The duration is one roundper level. Balline’s Magnificent Beet of Striking can only be usedby Mystics. The experience for first use is 910 EP.


Room Number: 22 Room Type: Abandon



Room Number: 23 Room Type: Abandon


antechamber: small wood chest, sofa, muddy hassock, oboe, bucket, blood covered loom, small wood chest, trestle table.

Pustus’s Red Harpoon of SilenceIt has this power: as a Create Silence 15 foot Radius spell whencommanded. The magic command phrase is OIPOSA. Useable six timesevery four days. The duration is one round per level. Pustus’s RedHarpoon of Silence is not useable by Samurai. The experience forfirst use is 700 EP. (Secret side effect after first use: 10%chance that a minor-demon will appear.)


Room Number: 24 Room Type: Empty


cell: cracked flask, wig, dented pedestal, dung, soot covered surai, bar of soap, glass bottle.

Walukald’s Knife of Sovereign TorousnessIt has this power: user LOOKS as if Strength is Maximum whencommanded. The magic command phrase is LONGO. Holds 6d4 charges anduser takes 4d4 Dam to recharge. The duration is one day per level.Walukald’s Knife of Sovereign Torousness can not be used byElementalists. The experience for first use is 560 EP. (Secret sideeffect after first use: 10% chance of permanently becoming a dwarf.)


Room Number: 25 Room Type: Living Room



Room Number: 26 Room Type: Mage



Room Number: 27 Room Type: Mage



Room Number: 28 Room Type: Living Room



Room Number: 29 Room Type: Torture Room



Room Number: 30 Room Type: Cleric



Room Number: 31 Room Type: Living Room



Room Number: 32 Room Type: Mage



Room Number: 33 Room Type: Abandon



Room Number: 34 Room Type: Abandon



Room Number: 35 Room Type: Kitchen



Room Number: 36 Room Type: Barracks



Room Number: 37 Room Type: Abandon



Room Number: 38 Room Type: Empty


divination room: slimy coating on floor, lodestone, pile of bone, vial of holy water, brown booklet on history, euphonium, jar of ape hair, jar of soot, violet disquisition on clairaudience, sheet of papyrus, fishing net, trunk, pile of dirt, stand, prism, green tome on astronomy, [OBJECT APPEARS AS PLAYERS ENTER ROOM], jar of rose petals, candlestick, black study on plurality, white codicil on lightning, blue publication on pain, jar of bone powder, furnace, box of insence sticks, small forked metal rod, gong, merchant’s scale, carafe, box of talc, ivory pendant with a picture of a basilisk, jar of oil.

The Ocherous Turnover of BlindingIt has this power: user is caused to become blind when eaten. It isuseable only once, then it vanishes. The duration is one round perlevel. The Ocherous Turnover of Blinding is useable only byWizards. The experience for first use is 735 EP. (Secret sideeffect after first use: 10% chance of gaining an admirer who is anox.)


Room Number: 39 Room Type: Empty



Room Number: 40 Room Type: Mage



Room Number: 41 Room Type: Mage



Room Number: 42 Room Type: Kitchen


chantry: fishing net, beacon lantern, muddy small table, dagger hilt.

Wagbara’s Mysterious Flask of WeaknessIt has this power: reduces user strength to Race Minimum whencommanded. The magic command phrase is DUHURILUZL. Holds 5d10charges and cost 4d1000 Gold to recharge. The duration is one hourper level. Wagbara’s Mysterious Flask of Weakness can not be usedby Paladins of the All-Father. The experience for first use is 910EP.


Room Number: 43 Room Type: Kitchen



Room Number: 44 Room Type: Cleric


crypt: 2d8 coffins, fishing net, brass neckband with a picture of a woman in chains, unuseable karabela, spadroon, torn sack, slime covered dais, solid abdurite scepter with a picture of a powerful warrior about to burst free from his chains, slime covered bow, cobweb covered chalise, bucket, kettle, glass bottle.

Rolton’s Orange Tart of DelusionIt has this power: owner THINKS he has Race Maximum Strength wheneaten. It is useable only once, then it vanishes. The duration isspecial. Rolton’s Orange Tart of Delusion can not be used byPaladins. The experience for first use is 700 EP. (Secret sideeffect after first use: 10% chance of gaining an admirer who is ahyena.)


Room Number: 45 Room Type: Barracks



Room Number: 46 Room Type: Mage


dormitory: 1d4 beds, large basket, muddy petticoat, pin, acid damaged long table, undamaged sideboard, soot covered trestle table, small table, mattress, pile of bones, common wood girdle with a picture of a turtle, dented shoes, dented square table, acid damaged armoire, scratched medium rug, brush, sofa, muddy frock, razor.

Minute (12 inch tall) silk tapestry of a prince madeby a Tagga that is worth 74 gold. (This treasure iscoated with a contact poison.)

- Air Properties - Smoky,

- Contents of Container - Cinders,

- Miscelanious Item - Ashes,


Room Number: 47 Room Type: Living Room



Room Number: 48 Room Type: Cleric



Room Number: 49 Room Type: Kitchen



Room Number: 50 Room Type: Abandon



Room Number: 51 Room Type: Cleric



Room Number: 52 Room Type: Cleric



Room Number: 53 Room Type: Barracks



Room Number: 54 Room Type: Kitchen


library: trestle table, violet dictonary on clairvoyance, dust covered keg, brown study on uranography, green treatise on exorcism, soot covered flask, gray treatise on flowers, candelabra, dung covered jorum, brown treatise on exorcism, [CROSSBOW TRAP], unuseable rug, brown textbook on reptiles, orange textbook on hearing, white compendium on striking, blue scroll on aggression, broken hood.

Lirpa’s Splendorous Bastard Sword of Magical ArmorIt has this power:

gives user the effect of chain mail whencommanded. The magic command phrase is GOMORUKA. Holds 5d12 chargesand is recharged by drawing off one attribute point from the user.The duration is one hour per level. Lirpa’s Splendorous BastardSword of Magical Armor is useable only by Demonologists. Theexperience for first use is 1155 EP. (Secret side effect afterfirst use: 10% chance that user is followed by a growing group ofanimals.)

- Air Properties - Dusty,

- Contents of Container - Artichoke Juice,

- Room Smells - Fetid,


Room Number: 55 Room Type: Barracks



Room Number: 56 Room Type: Torture Room



Room Number: 57 Room Type: Cleric



Room Number: 58 Room Type: Living Room



Room Number: 59 Room Type: Barracks



Room Number: 60 Room Type: Empty



Room Number: 61 Room Type: Cleric



Room Number: 62 Room Type: Abandon



Room Number: 63 Room Type: Living Room



Room Number: 64 Room Type: Kitchen


lounge: pile of sticks, flask of lamp oil, slime covered box, flint and steel, dust, urn, urn, bucket, blue essay on polydeuces, hourglass, soot covered beaker, candle, flask of perfumed oil, tankard.

Very Large (62 inch tall) ivory statuette of a shepardmade by a Human that is worth 142 gold. (This treasureis coated with a contact poison.)


Room Number: 65 Room Type: Living Room



Room Number: 66 Room Type: Empty



Room Number: 67 Room Type: Mage



Room Number: 68 Room Type: Barracks



Room Number: 69 Room Type: Living Room


bestiary: 1d6 cages, hourglass, tankard, undamaged scented oil, large wood chest, large puddle of water, puncheon, scroll case, pick handle, dusty box, jar of phosphorus, fire damaged censer, torn sack, tub, common wood decanter with a picture of a torose female laborer, small metal mirror, solid silver sphere with a picture of a dragon, cushion.

Vadazcus’s Ocherous Basket of DarknessIt has this power: as the Create Darkness 15 ft spell whencommanded. The magic command phrase is AABEKALU. Holds 4d4 chargesand costs 6d1000 Gold to recharge. The duration is one round perlevel. Vadazcus’s Ocherous Basket of Darkness is useable only byAssassins. The experience for first use is 910 EP.


Room Number: 70 Room Type: Kitchen



Room Number: 71 Room Type: Living Room



Room Number: 72 Room Type: Torture Room



Room Number: 73 Room Type: Mage



Room Number: 74 Room Type: Mage


entry room: 2d4 clothes pegs, pile of small stones, cobweb covered dirk, dais, dusty mirror, reliquary, vial of perfume, useable low table, urn, crushed fresco, small sack, dusty shawl, dusty toga, badly dented beaker.


The Warhammer of Body ArmorIt has this power: user unhurt by blunt weapons when commanded. Themagic command phrase is QAF. Useable eleven times per week. Theduration is one minute per level. The Warhammer of Body Armor isnot useable by Dwarfs. The experience for first use is 455 EP.(Secret side effect after first use: Owner is totally avoided whenmeeting a wolf.)


Room Number: 75 Room Type: Living Room



Room Number: 76 Room Type: Mage



Room Number: 77 Room Type: Empty



Room Number: 78 Room Type: Empty



Room Number: 79 Room Type: Living Room



Room Number: 80 Room Type: Barracks



Room Number: 81 Room Type: Cleric



Room Number: 82 Room Type: Torture Room



Room Number: 83 Room Type: Living Room



Room Number: 84 Room Type: Mage



Room Number: 85 Room Type: Torture Room



Room Number: 86 Room Type: Cleric



Room Number: 87 Room Type: Living Room
