Deepway Level 8

The eighth level of Deepway is a large opening into which the waters from above fall. The ceiling is about 60’ high and irregular as this is a natural cavern. A large lake fills the room almost completely. It is filled with the sound of falling water from the 3 waterfalls and from the huge whirlpool in the SE corner of the cavern. There several beaches at different corners of the room which may be submerged if the water level raises considerably. In the center of the lake that fills this room.

There is an large opening to the Shaft from this room. This opening is in the NW and is a 20’ tunnel that leads to an irregular hole in the side of the shaft. On the cavern end of the thunnel to the shaft, the opening is a natural one, but the end that enters the shaft, crude excavation has occured to extend the tunnel into the shaft. If examined, the shaft opening can be seen from the pattern of missing tiles around the hole that it was caused by a huge force applied from the inside.

At the extreme NE corner there is a shaft that goes up all the way to the surface. This tunnel is small (5’) in diameter and goes up very steeply (50 deg). There are guards posted at 2 points along this tunnel. The guards are Octapeds with both priests and mages in their ranks. They will pass through this room during their "guard changes" and will drop from the opening down to the lake below. At the lip of this opeining is a door like construction that has a rope to attach to it. When a mage casts a knock spell on this area, the rope falls down into the lake. The Octapeds use this rope to climb up and place the rope back in position before they continue up to their guard station. Thus, there is a good chance the party will encounter Octapeds if they stay in this room for more than a couple of hours.

The party will find it difficult to stay in this room for long. The lake has been stocked with a variety of Flying Phirannas. These will make sure that the air of the room will stay free of low flying party members. In the lake itself, the Turtlemen will attack anything organic that enters the water. In addition, the party doesn’t even have to move toward a exit; if they fall in the water, the current of the whirlpool will draw anything into it. The current of the water through the whirlpool is visible for some distance around it. If the party drops something that floats, they will be able to trace the current with more accuracy.

The Turtlemen are well experienced with the current and will always try to pull anything passing by out of the current and up to their island in the center of the lake. As a result, they have a considerable amount of treasure stored on their island. Most of it is burried under the sand on the beach, but a few indiveduals take waht they find underwater near the island.



Torten (Turtlemen)

Climate/Terrain: Underground/Any

Frequency: Very Rare

Organization: Pack

Activity Cycle: Any

Diet: Carnivore

Intelligence: Medium 8-14


Alignment: Neutral

No. Appearing: 5d4

Armor Class: -4 (0 if out of shell)

Hit Dice: 6d8+2

No. Attacks: Claw, Claw, Bite

Damage/Attack: 1d4,1d4,1d12

THAC0: 15

Special Attacks:

Special Defenses: Shell

Magic Resistance: Nil

Size: M

Morale: 13

XP Value: 1200



They are 5’ tall and about 4’ around. This makes them somewhat oval. Their shell is serated along the edge, except around the head area. Their legs enable them to walk upright with difficulty; this adds 1’ to their height. When they are standing, their shell is covering most of the the back of their head. They are mostly green colored, with a pecular pattern of yellow spots on their shell. Their eyes are human, but have a nicetating lid that covers their eyes underwater. They have no lips, but rather something that looks like a beak. The arms of these turtlemen are just long enough to allow them to hold something in front of their eyes. But they seldom do this. The fingers and toes are webbed, but elongated and mussled for doing fine work if necessary. But at the end of the digits are black finger nails which can severly rake anyone whom they attack.


They almost never attempt to attack those on the land. They will wait for creatures to fall into the water. In some cases, they will attempt to lure victems in. In the water, they will attempt to ram as their first attack. They are +2 to hit if they have more than 20’ in which to pick up speed. When ramming, they do 1d10 pts dammage. With their clawed hands, they do 1d4 dammage each. The beak does 1d12 pts dammage.


These creatures are very similar to wolfs in their ways. In most things they prefer to be in small groups of 3 to 6. But they always hunt toghether in greater numbers. Childeren are commonly raised.


These creatures are a form of Battle Beast. They were intended to be something along the lines of armored personell in the water world. But their form was so limiting to the upright form and their manual dexterity is so bad that the animalistic side always took over from their rational side sooner or later. Because they are a constructed lifeform, they have no ecology per se. But they like water with rocks that come above the surface of the water. They use these spots for sunning, breeding and such.

Flying Phiranna

Climate/Terrain: Warm , Slow moving water

Frequency: Very Rare

Organization: Horde

Activity Cycle: Quiet until disturbed

Diet: Carnivore

Intelligence: Animal (low)

Treasure: None

Alignment: Neutral

No. Appearing: 5d20

Armor Class: 0

Hit Dice: 1

No. Attacks: 1

Damage/Attack: 1d4

THAC0: 19

Special Attacks:

Special Defenses:

Magic Resistance: Nil

Size: S (1’ long)

Morale: 16

XP Value: 200



These fish are short and mostly mouth. They are about 3" in diameter and the front 4’ of the body is mouth. They have 4 rows of razor sharp teeth. The front of their face has very large scales and is bony around their mouth. These scales and those of their body are a pale silver. When looking down on them from above, their quick passage and the silver color make them look like flashes of light. When swimming, their wings are folded under their underside. They must have at least 40’ of underwater travel to launch themselves into the air. They then spread the leathery wings and lift themselves into the air. They can "fly" (actually glide) only 25’ up and as far as 60’ in length. They are accustom to bringing down creatures in the air and are fearless when attacking this way.


They will attack creatures in the air but only if they will fall back into water at the end of the flight. Underwater, they are even more deadly. Only 20 per round may attack one target when they are flying. Underwater, twice that many may attack a single target.


Only the strongest survive. They are canableistic so the dead are quickly eaten by their fellows. They wait until the intended prey is dead or has fled before feasting on their own dead. They will even attack others of their kind for no apparent reason. They are nasty iltempered and in large number increadably deadly.


They originally came from the tropics and so like warm, slow moving water. They reproduce very quickly and will eat all the fish in an area and in some cases, making the water they live in unsafe for wildlife to use.