They may be covered with acid, glue, stinking slime (ST VS con or
puke), Contact poison, steel fur (AC -4), pus (attacker save VS
rotting disease), symbiotic creatures (small insects, bore worms,
flat worms, small snakes, sheet monsters), tree bark (AC -2),
Basic Octoped
Underground and in Sea Caves
Frequency: Rare to Very Rare
Organization: By Sub-Species Heirarchy
Activity Cycle: Any Underground, Rainy Above
Diet: Omniverous
Intelligence: Low to Very Intellegent
Treasure: N and Q
Alignment: LE
No. Appearing: 4-40
Armor Class: 6 to -2
Hit Dice: 6 to 12
Damage/Attack: Tenticles 1-6, Beak 1-12 or by Weapon (5 att per rnd)
Special Attacks: Attaching Tenticle
Special Defenses: Skin secretion
Magic Resistance: 0 to 40%
Size: Man
Morale: Average to Elete
XP Value: 300-5000
These are thinking creatures that look something like octopi except that
they have grown tentacles at the end of their tentacles that act as hands
or feet. These "Hands" are tougher than the rest of the tentacle. They
will always use 3 legs to stand on as a tripod, and use the others to
manipulate tools, wield weapons etc. This gives them a potential total of
6 attacks per round, as they may also attack with their beak if they hit
with at least 4 of the tentacles. There are many types of Octopeds. They
may vary in size (from the small dog to buffalo size), intelligence (from
dog to genius), color (bright yellow, orange, brown, black, grey, and all
shades of color between including spotted combinations), class (Rogue,
warrior, priest, and mage), and in the type of secretion. As they were
derived from the original undersea type of octopus, they commonly secrete
some sort of substance to keep their skin moist. A number of different substances were used to this end. The basic shape and functioning of their brains are very different than on other creatures. It is almost as if there is a brain devoted to use by each of the 4 arms. This enables them to use all eight tenticles at one time.
They speak using their beaks to make hissing clicking sounds.
As they use 3 of their 8 tenticles to walk on, they have 5 free to attack. Their tenticles hit as clubs. If 4 are successful attacking a single person, that person is swept toward the beak. The beak is +3 to hit in this situation.
Those Octapeds higher in the heirchary will use weapons and shields. They may use any combination of weapons and shields.
Spell casters may cast 2 spells per round with each brain part gathering the spell power.
They live in may different habitats as they have been genetically altered to fit. Some are completely water based (the lowest in the evolutionary scale), some are amphibian (require water nearby) and some have completely adapted to life on land (the high class octapeds).
They are organized first along sub species lines with those more adapted to living on land are higher in status and may give orders to those lower than themselves at any time. Within each sub species they are organized along very different lines. The undeveloped are ruled by the stronges in the tribe. The amphibians are ruled by their oldest member. The others are ruled by the smartest.
This is determined by their level of evolution. Water is necessary to different degrees depending on this. Some are completely free of dependance on water to protect their skin while underground. They have never been adapted to bright sunlight which tends to quickly dry out or disrupt their skin covering. The only time they can travel on the surface is when it is still and humid or raining. The dry, breezy conditions will damage them in 3 turn and kill them in 2 hours.
Climate/Terrain: Fresh Water Underground or in lake caves
Frequency: Rare
Organization: Tribal
Activity Cycle: Any Underground, Night on lakes
Diet: Omniverous
Intelligence: Low (7-9)
Treasure: Q
Alignment: LE
No. Appearing: 4-40
Armor Class: 4 (Thick leather skin)
Hit Dice: 6d8+6
Damage/Attack: 1-6
Special Attacks: Additional 3 attacks if swimming
Special Defenses: Leathery Skin
Magic Resistance: 0
Size: M
Morale: Average
XP Value: 400
black skin, noe toe tenticles
They can swim using their tent. if swimming, they may use all tenticles to attack.
Underwater, Tribal
Can’t get out of water for more than 2 min or take dammage. If out 1 hour, they die.
MONSTER NAME: Octa’stench
Activity Cycle:
No. Appearing:
Armor Class:
Hit Dice:
Special Attacks:
Special Defenses:
Magic Resistance:
XP Value:
Bad smelling slime covering their body.