Ubersea When Deepway was a active R&D facility for genetic design, it was considered one of the most advanced. It was responsible for creating a number of the animals that are now considered by the people of Isis to be "native" to the planet. They also were responsible for constructing a number of different species of BattleBeasts.

Powered by the disintegration unit at the bottom of the Deepway shaft, their facility had an almost unlimited supply. There was a large facility for the hatching and raising of the creatures they created. They even had enough power to mattermit their creatures to Tefnut from the lowest level of the facility.

Their major project for 200 years was a race of humanoids that would live in the Sea World of Tefnut. They eventually decided that the humanoid form was not the most efficient form to use and so developed other intelligent species using the genetic material from more efficient creatures of the sea. One of these attempts was the Octapeds. However it was found that these creatures were not as efficient as they could be and there were problems with their adaptation to the very low temperatures that would be found on Tefnut. So they decided to try a radically different form which not only could withstand the low temperatures, but would be much more pressure resistant than any humanoid form could be. They decided to create a form of lobster that was intelligent.

This attempt was only successful to a degree. Although the creatures were living, intelligent and had all the necessary ingredients for a functional sentient race, the creatures were uncontrollable and could not be forced to have even the most rudimentary continues. They desired only animal comforts and power over their own kind and all other creatures as well. They became evil.

At the time, it was thought that this was the result of divine interference; one of the evil gods desired new followers. Only the gods know if this is true or not (It is!).

Once they had been created and started to breed, it was difficult to end the experiment by killing all the subjects. The geneticistsdecided to sterilize them all. But the creatures learned of this plan, and revolted. They decided to take over the area of the Ubersea and have it for their own kingdom. They sealed off the primary entrances and didn’t open them up again until after the Dark Millennium was about halfway through. At this time all the good creatures had left Deepway and they had the place to them selves for the most part. Some of the Battle Beasts which had remained were still present, by their magical powers allowed them to confine the BB to a small area. They decided to reclaim the upper portions of DW and so, blocked off the main stream of water that poured into the Ubersea. This caused the water to slowly backup into the lower levels of DW. Currently portions of the bottom 6 levels are full of water.

Another creature they created was a sort of flying jelly fish. This creature stored a lighter than air gas (hydrogen) in an air sack in its body. Their digestion process created this gas. They are subject to fluctuations of temperature; warm air makes them rise and cold air makes them sink. They can control this to some extent, but not completely. If they are flying higher than they wish, they let out some of the gas. If they are not flying high enough, they can eat and their digestive gas will make them float higher. They can control the rate at which food is digested. They are very slow moving in any direction. The move horizontally by pulling themselves along with their tentacles or by undulating the skirt of their body to move through the air. The former is the prefered of travel as it is twice as fast.

The JellyBlimps are hard to destroy. Most of their bodies have no nerve endings or important organs. Their tentacles may be separated from their bodies at no harm to the organism other than to make it difficult for them to eat. An arrow or a sword will pass right through them, and unless the part that is struck is completely severed, it will quickly reattach itself. This will however allow the Buoyant gas to escape and they will sink lower. When they reach the ground and cannot fly, they are helpless.

While they are airborne however, they are anything but helpless. They will eat any meat. They kill their prey by using their long dangling tentacles which are covered with poisoned spines. This is a type of nerve poison which is very fast acting. Their normal means of hunting is to travel 3 or 4 to a group, pick a victim and surround that one. In order to escape, the victim will have to pass through their tentacles and so will suffer from their poison.

Under the continent of Weldon there is a huge sea which was trapped below the surface of the planet about 50K years ago. It was long unknown.

This sea is three times more salty than the sea above as the salt water from above collects here and can not escape. There is little or no evaporation here that is not returned to the sea except for at the extreme northern end of the sea. At this point, there are active volcanic hot spots that boil the water up into the atmosphere of the world above. These volcanos are the primary sourse of energy for this underworld area. The area closest to the warm spot is the most heavily inhabited by all forms of life. Tidal effects spread the warmth around. Many creatures have adapted to the lightlessness in a variaty of different ways. Some have lost their eyes completely and now rely on other senses (some are psyonic for instance). Others use light as a trap to unwary victems.

There is some evaporation going on all the time, but most of this collects on the ceiling of the cavern and drips back down into the sea. This dripping makes a constant noise which can be unnerving to those not used to it. The drips happen to seldom to be called rain and as the drops tend to be large, you can’t call it mist. It can fall anywhere in the cavern.

There are at may places in the ceiling points where water from the surface falls down into the sea in waterfalls. These also contribute to the evaporation and make the amount of dripping water particularly heavy around them.

The height of the ceiling varies from a couple of feet in some areas to over a thousand feet in others.

The lobster beast has a thick carapace and walks on 4 legs. It’s other 2 legs are used as arms. At the end of these arms are losenge shaped and house 8 tenticles which act as hands so that the creature can grasp tools and cast spells with somantic gestures. The tenticles are strong enough to hold weapons as well. Their carapace is very thick and heavy and acts as AC -4 naturally. They retain their claws which they sharpen with file like objects. These claws can fold back along the body to get out of the way when not being used.