Nogrond Becomes Dorngon

This adventure is from John Marvin. The dungeon is his the surrounding territory is mine.

Before the dwarves came, the place was a quary for the Ancients who maintained a moderate sized mining operation on this site. Drongon is carved out of a huge outcropping of granite with many other types of rock not normally seen with granite. The main entrance to the tunnels originally was from the buildings on the top of the rock, but they were all filled in (except the one dug since there that goes into Room A of the graveyard which goes down to the first level). Today may buildings still exist on top of the huge outcropping, but nothing of this can be see from the ground. The face of the cliff is 700 ft. tall and very sheer. It is almost impossible to climb. The only way up is a narrow stairway which is so well conceled that it invisible unless you find the stairway beginning at the bottom. This stairway leads up to the entrance to level 1 in the side of the hill.

With the colapse of civilization, the digging s and the city on top of it were abandon; and so it was for over 700 years.

Then an unlucky dwarf name Gargumbal re-discovered the place. And he told one person, and that person told one person and soon a expidition was formed to investigate sending out a colony. Dazzled by the wealth of riches they found, a colonial force was quickly dispatched.

This dewarven city was ill advised from the first. It should never have been built so close to an area that was populated with quick breeding orcs. From the begining it was a constant battle just to stay alive.

While it is true that the gems and metals they took from the earth bought them protection for a time, but it couldn’t last forever even if the treasure did hold out.

They thought that the tunnels and rooms made by the Ancients would give them a foothold, and while the extensive ruins and dungeons did give the dwarves a respite at times, you need more than a foothold to make a home.

The dwarves were unstinting in their expenditures to this end.

They bought the best weapons and mercinaries that money could buy. They

hired Mighty Mages to cast spells to bring them servants from other

planes and places to help protect them. Elementals, Demons, Devils and

other fell races were pitted against the Orcs. Some of these creatures

These days the city of Karnbak lies near the ruins. At one time this town flourished on the dwarven trade and when this was taken away from the townspeople, they began to curse the name of Dorngon. Currently, the place is considered tabu and anyone saying they have been their will be reviled if not attacked outright.

In Karnbak is an inn named the Plume and Wagon run by the Widow Norwood. In reality, the inn is just a front for her. She is also know by the name Old Muther and is a 4th level witch.

There is a small temple to the Earth Goddess. escaped from the final battle, but could not find their way to their home and so still remain.

After hundrads of years of fighting, the Dwarves were facing the largest force of Orcs they had seen since they came to Dorngon (its ancient and present name). Despite the fact that there was still no signs that the treasue was running out, the Dwarf Council decided to take everything they could and take off; abandoning Dorngon to the Orcs and others.

It has been 300 years since that time and of course the dwarves have never forgotten about the place. It is a matter of some status to clean the place up and get the wealth flowing from this evil font again.