This is some general information about the country of Enland. There is a list of cities, and some historical information. Much of the specific information is listed under the name of the cities, but political information is listed under the name of the shire.


This is the northern most part of Enland. The Hagar Penninsula makes up the eastern shore, with the Skell Lagoon forming the western boundry. The capitol is Yallicol located inland toward the edge of the Norfost forest. It is ruled by Duke RŠs„t—.




Port Haven (On Haven Bay)

Bluster Point (On western shore)

Glanscor (On Curl Bay)

Doomiston (Capitol)



Harma (Capitol)

Sorifa (North Coast Fishing Town)

Bokaville (Fishing Village, Smugglers haven)

Calmiton (Timber and Farming trade center)

Jaemton (Way station village)

Lathineml (Elvin Forest trade village)

Helvlina (Elvin City

Highthrone (Capitol of Desinal Wood area)

Kantral (Farming trade town)

Jesel (Way town and departure for River Scoomis trade)

Dorn (Kantral Valley main city for farming, and trade)

Scoorba (Marsh Monster Village)



Tilden (River Trade city and Summer CapitoL)

Luakis (River trade town)

Shornel (River Trade town)

Nemmik (River/Marsh Village)

Blaksoil (Farming Town)

Horum (Monster Marsh town)

Rivermouton (Winter Capitol City and Trade Center with Deep Water Port)


Thenigah (Elvin Trade Village)

Rohihhun (Forest Village)

Sleepi (Farming Village)

Qomin (Hillside Coastal Town)

Pinnace (Capitol City and High Tower Castle)

Kintal (Coastal Village)



Hanisah (Elvin River/Forest, Capitol of Mistral Wood Elves)

Grumgalin (Dwarven Mountain fortress. Capitol of Mt. Mistral Dwarves)

Lasket (City of evil races Dark elves, orks, Dark Gnomes and goblins)


Haxes (Coastal Village)

New Craxone (Costal Town)

Bresken (Farming Village)

Leiden (Farming Village)

Pindal (Human Forest Colony - Not welcomed by Elves)

Wiseshdal (Wood Elvin Tribal Center)

Four Trees (Coastal Village)

Hoken (Trade City - Capitol of Arthurshire, Castle Cludge)

Bitishor (Coastal town on Curley Bay)

Doszier Fortress (Garrison protecting Curley Bay & Hidden Cove)

Signet (Town on Signet Island)



Curleytown (Town on the coast of Curley Bay)

Residum (Coastal Trade City)

Horse Fens (Central Village specializing in Horse husbandry and trade)

Kreshin (Coastal Village)

Quesish (Human/Elvin Trade Town)

Overlook (Capitol City and Castle FarView)


Lumiston (Coastal Town)

Yeklumis (Coastal Village)

Wheeton (Farming City and Capitol, Rockey Fortress)

Raafeln (Coastal town on Bay of Fundo)

Breem (Lawless smugglers Village on Coast of Donivans Reef)

Farsel (City at entrance to Bay of Fundo)



Lahore (Elvin Central Settlement)

By a 300 year old decree of the Elvin King no permanent settlement larger than that of 3 families can be establilished in this shire other than the capitol which houses the common meeting areas and the Royal Houses.

Seas, Bays and Coves

Bay of Funda

This bay is so named because of the legend of the first person to cross Enland Bay. He used a ship with 8 men (the largest commonly made at the time) and lost half of his men in the crossing.