The continents will be devided into roughly organized culture groups. In
many cases, this will be along racial lines as well. There are 7
continents and 3 island groups. These are broken down racial/culturally
as follows:
*Tobalalan African - Human/Elvin Tribal/Egiptian
Alien Names #16
*Farile Australian - All Races Penal Colony/Oligarchy
Alien Names #6
*Nelan American - All Races New Colony/Eglaterian
Alien Names #5
*Olome Russian - Human/Elvin/Dwarf LandLocked Feudalism
Alien Names #13
*Woflan Roman - Wolfin/Gnome Republic
Alien Names #10
*Weldon European - Human/Elf/Dwarf/Hobbit Renisaunce Feudalism
Alien Names #15
*Whitfeld Escimo - Human/Gnome/Dwarf Tribal Nomads
Alien Names #21
Lano Isles Greek - Humans Proto Democracy
Alien Names #4
Polonesian - Human/Hobbit/Elf Tribal Isolationists
Alien Names #2
Monster - Non-Humanoid City States
Alien Names #7