Local 509's Lecture by Ziahdoo


You are awakened the next morning by a knock at the door. The door opens and the young priest sets a bowel of sweetened meal on each desk and silently leaves again. When an hour has passed, Kuh'arwor knocks and says "your Lesson begins this morning. Please join Nei Ziahdoo in the speaking room." This is the last that you see him that day. Arriving in the room where you spoke to Kuh'arwor yesterday, you see Ziahdoo standing on a chair at the end of the room. He has several books spread out in front of him and several sticks with charred ends in a tied bundle.


In a pompous manner very different from his manor the day before, he asks that you be seated. He waits for silence before he begins speaking.


"My name is Ziahdoo. "

He turns and writes zÿdô with a burned stick on a white washed wall.

"This is pronounced as you would say it 'Ziahdoo'. "

"Repeat after me; Ziahdoo. No the accent is on the second syable Zi AHH doo. Again. Good, well better. This means I am or will be Zelous in a religious sense. I will be dedicated to Magic (of the religious sort). I will have much Love in my life which I will enjoy greatly. The study of the names and their meanings is called Namology and this will be the subject of my fourth lecture."


"What we will be discussing are the basics of what make's us of this world, Isis. Every world is quite different as you know from your travels. But for me to try to tell you everything that the most naive and isolated country bumpkin takes for granted would take you more than a year to learn. I am confidant that this amount of time is necessary as I undertook to perform this service for a group from Tekumel. In their case or perhaps I should their "caste" they were so excited about their new freedoms and unsure of their "position" that they were very anxious to complete their acclimation to this world. Even so it was just over a year before I felt they could venture out as merchants without endangering their lives, and that of those they were unfortunate to meet them."

He walks closer to the front line of chairs

"Ah, there is so much to tell and I do so enjoy telling about it. I do tend to go off on spontanious tangents however, so please hold your questions until after the lecture is complete. If you need to, please feel free to make notes. Oh! How many of you can read and write. Hopefully, those of you who do not read have a more developed memory an will not forget their question; though this has not been my experience. I find that those who do not read have minds that are untrained in general

and have had little opportunity to ... well I highly recommend it to those of you not enjoying this skill. It will return your time investment many, many times over even in a short life."

He moves back to the white board.

"I am a cloistered cleric of Saint Edwar the Farsighted. Repeat please, Eh 'dwar. Remember there is no "d" in the first sylabal. He is the god who aids Soothsayers, some say particularlly Nameologists. His is the realm of those who seek to know that which is obscure and impossible to learn. He also is worshipped by Bards who through Saint Edwar seek inspiration

at some times and simple retention of songs and poetry and stories as a daily activity."

"I am cloistered in the sense that I have limited freedom to do other than seek to expand upon the knowledge collected by my fellow priests, past and present. Normally, I rise with the rising of the sun, perform the morning abolutions and begin my devotions which are called "Ahmins". Repeate with me please, Ahhh Mins. The "s" is longer. Again please. Yes.


"Ahmins takes from 2 to 3 hours, after which I break my nightly fast. My meal is light and taken with "Kleas" a sacremental drug to increase wakefulness and assist in concentration. Before you ask, the substance is not for sale, and is very habit forming. Some say that this is a means of Saint Edwar to prevent us from leaving the church. Without "Kleas" within

a week I would be suffering from daily migrain headaches which would continue until they consume a mind numbing drug such as Laudinium, or Hosel which is little more than exchanging one addiction for another. The headaches continue till death. Suicides are common among ex-priests of Saint Edwar. Obviousy, this makes travel difficult for me. Kleas is used by cloistered clerics only, those not so tightly tied to the church use this only on an occasional basis. During the day I study the Holy Books, practice the Lessons and pray. At the rising of the first night star I perform the evening devotions called "Noghtines". That is Nock'tins, putting the accent on the first sylable. As those of you who attended last night, it is a short devotion. The song and content of the rememberance that follows varies each evening and is open to any who would attend. Ahmins is a private worship time which should never be disturbed."


"The time I spend with you is both a service to you, made available by the church of Saint Edwar in exchange for monies needed by the Exchequer. The service is one specifically demanded of us by our god. The legends do not reveal the origin of Saint Edwar as he sought to hide this from all. It is known that he suffered much in the time before his worship of the great Air'Lou lifted him to god hood. Repeate please: Ayar Lou. What is known is that he was not of this world and was brought here by Air'Lou as punnishment for his sins on the planet of his birth. Through the Trials as we call them, he was acclimated to this world and made worthy of worship. He asked his deciples to provide instruction to those to quote the "Cyclemel" our holiest book "Thou shalt aid the unification of the Rocks in these times by giving aid, succor, protection and knowledge to those who come from Elsewhere which is beyond Wildspace."


Ziahdoo then places the fingers of both hands together, in front of him, mimes dipping them in water, scrubes his hands together, shakes them and then places his fore arms in front of him and pulls them away to the right and left. He will do this any time he quotes Saint Edwar.

"The information I give you will in no way be complete. Beyond the simple fact of our limited time together, there are many things known to the Church which may not be revealed without the consicration of the individual who could be relied upon not to reveal this knowledge outside of the orders of the church. You will notice that I do not answer all questions asked. I pray you will forgive me for this rudeness and return the favor by not pressing in sensitive areas. So goes the preamble."

"Now, some basics. The most important things in almost everyones lives are Time and Money. The two things most people would say you can't get enough of. Time is on almost all planets devided into successivly smaller portions. On most worlds these are called Months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and on some worlds further into seconds and fractions thereof. On Isis, the second is used only in incantations for some spells and is very loosly defined. However, theoretical philosophers claim to have determined that the second is not an absolute measure on any world. It is longer or shorter by some degree to properly configure the larger units of measure. In otherwords, time is relative to the system in every sense. Practically, this means that a day on your planet would be 24 hours long, and be made up of 1440 min. per day as it is here on Isis. But if a means was found to truly measure time acuratly, the day on Isis would be slightly longer. Not by much, but you will find that left completely on you own, isloated from the sun, your bodies will revert back to the length of day you are most accustomed to. This is not something to worry about, but you should keep in mind that you perception of the passage of time will be forever different than that of a native."

"The length of the weeks and months on Isis (as on most Worlds) is the represention of time as expressed by the movement of objects in the sky."


Astronomy (the study of world movement) is at this time a historical subject and not one to which the rigors of the so called "scientific method" are applied. Their cosmogony is correct, but their cosmology is all wrong.


"As the length of each month is exactly divisible by 4 (28 days long), there is no need for a calendar such as is needed on some worlds. The monthly calendar is the same for each month of the year. This is information memorized by every educated person and by most anyone above a snow barbarian in cultural development. You will memorize it. I have copies used for childerens instruction which you shall copy."


"So be it. It is known that: The year is 308 days long, each month is 28 days long, each is day devided into 24 hours and so on. There are 11 months, each named for one of the gods whose Holy day lies in that month.


"The days of the week are named somewhat differently depending on the culture. There is a common naming, but this is used mostly in commercial and political situations. Other than these usages, the local names for the days of the week are used.

The first day is called Monoday, followed by Duoday. Next is Trayday also known as Hump day. Kaday and Kintday are the fourth and fifth days of the week with Sepday next. Last is Restday and as its name suggests, is a day where little work is done. Repeate after me please Monoday, duoday, trayday, Kaday, Kintday,Sepday, Restday. Again. And again, repeate. More quickly now ...? Good."

"The moon of Haforld rotates around this world once every 28 days and so the new moon and old moon always fall on he same day. However, as it was discovered some time after the time of the seasons and days were set that they did not fit accuratly into this monthly schedule. The cycles are updated by the Leap Holliday to correct the the quarter day past the 308 of

a normal year. This prevents percevable distortion in the Haforld orbit. Halforld is what we call our moon." Each month also has a symbol associated which in most cases is related to the god of that month, although there are some that are obscured. It is suspected that the accurate meaning of these symbols are Holy Misterys of the priests. "

"The new year begins on the winter solstice with the leap holliday falling on the Summer Solstice. These are called High Winter or New Year and the High Sun or Leap Holliday. There are many other days that are special on Isis. Some are days sacred to a god, and of these we shall speak later as they are of our culture and form each other. Others are days declared hollidays that are commerative of an event or person. As these are specific from one country to another, I will simply recommend that you

inquire of this in casual conversation with a native to the area."


As he speaks, he draws the month's symbol on the whitewashed wall behind him. When the charcoal on the end wears away, he filps it to the other end where the stick has also been charred and continues.


"The first winter month of the new year is Muspel and is depicted as a Dwarf dressed in white fur robes. The old man symbol that is associated with the last month of the year (Morteus) is that of a human, and some say this is also symbolic of the future of all races. I don't beleave so myself. The second month is Blerin most often by far shown as a Woman in warriors garb. For those not making notes, who can read, scrolls of this information for you to study later will be available at a cost. So. Month

3 is nammed Ossa and as it is the official begining of Spring it is shown with stylalized design of heavy Rain and swolen rivers.

"The fourth month is known as Merkur and either the symbol of a person acting as an adjudicator (a judge of non-personal behavior) defined the time that is most commonly used by royalty to issued decrees, hear cases of law and exchange ambasidors or this practice came to be associated with the month and so the adjudicator become used. The fifth month, Meduso is the time where all is green and growing, and the climate is most temperate. It is represented with the symbol of growing plants. This month and a few weeks preceeding it are known as the 'Greening' and green is the associated color."

"Month number six, Airlu, is always shown as a circle surrounded by 8 triangles pointing outward. The last day of this month is usually celebrated yearly as High Sun. At this time, people come together to share their food, engage in feats and contests of skill of all sorts."

"Once every 3 years comes the Leap Holliday. No one knows why it is named "Leap" but such is the custom. The leap holliday falls between the fifth and sixth months. It is 3 days long. In large cities and capitol cities, the holliday is celebrated by tourniments. In the country the celebration resembles a Earthly county fair with horticulture and domestic animal displays. In frountier areas there is a celebration similar to Thanksgiving day where the best cooks of the settlement attempt to outdo each other in their cullinary excellence. The names of the 3 days that are most commonly used are Giving Day - this is a day where presents are given freely to ones family and those one associates with regularly. The mornings are spent with family, a midday meal is taken with family guests and the night is spent getting to know people one knows less well that one should. The second day is Revels - This day, no work is done and plays, music, and sport of any kind are enjoyed. "

Here he raises a bushy white eyebrow.

"More adulterous laisons occur on this day than any other. The third day is called Taking , which is a day of solumnness and rememberance of those who have died since the last Leap."

"A red dragon, his breath a plume of fire, symbolizes the hottest part of the year the seventh month named Avernus. Some say there was in fact a Red Dragon named Avernus, but the educated know that this is not so. The first month of fall, the eighth in the year is called Bob. Our moon, Halforld is the symbol of this month as it is the time where this moon revolves closest to Isis. The celebration of the Holy Day of Bob, known as "Bobiday", is a day of thankfulness for the years bounty. This is in

relation to his stature as the creator, even though all educated people regard the creation legends as a mythical fabrication. Month 9 is named Nefelhigh and Fallen Leaves represent it. It is normaly a time used to prepare the produce gathered the previous month. Preperations for the winter are usually done by months end. Cathries, the 10th month is symbolized by a Old Woman who may be of any race, but is most commonly human. In many representations she is shown holding the hand of the old man who symbolizes the last and 11th month, Morteus. Morteus is the god of the dead and the underworld, and so Years End (the day of the New Years Eve) is a solumn time. "

"The celebration of the first day of Muspel (New Year Day) is one of abandon. The leap holliday is commonly spent in a midyear celebration. The holliday is placed between the end of the 5th month and 6th month. In large cities and capitol cities, the holliday is celebrated by tourniments. In the country the celebration is a county fair with horticulture and domestic animal displays. In frountier areas there is a feast where the best cooks of the settlement attempt to outdo each other in their cullinary excellence."

"It is only natural that such a celebration should be a opportunity for people to sell and buy. Much money changes hands at this time. You must learn about the coins and rates of exchange on Isis. The most common coins are flat disks of various types of metal. Most times there is an inscription or picture on them. In addition to the common coins (which have many different minting and dates) there are specialty coinages. Most of these you will never see, but all people are familliar with the ones I will discuss, so you should listen and learn about them."

"Although there are many different kinds of gold coins, they are all of the same weight. Each gold coin of "Value" (Meaning that they are readily accepted) weighs 1/10 of a lb. Other than this, the similarity of gold coins from the different realms are very different. There are currently 13 different types of gold coins being minted. From antiquity forward there are between 85 and 92 differnt types of gold coins coins. There are many scholarly scrolls dealing with the study of coins, and this is designed to be a overview of the subject, so only 45 coins that will be encountered outside the collection of a coinologist."

"Most gold coins are refered to as Falcons. This is a common way of referring to gold coins of all types. In reality, they are specifically coins that are 1.5" in diameter and 1/10 of an inch thick. They will always have some sort of impression on at least one side; generally this is a portrait of the king in power at the time the coins were minted. This will of course vary from one realm to another. As long as the coins are of value, they will be accepted anywhere, unless it is a coin from a warring state, in which case you could be arrested for consorting with the enemy!"

"The Threbald is named after the king of Frensa in whose reign these coins were minted. They are notable due to the fact that a special version of Continual Light was cast on these coins in the mint that makes them glow with a blood red light. At the time Frensa was having much difficulty with mages who had developed a means to make coins made from an amalgam of lead and gold appear as if they were true gold. This was done by means of a specialized spell for warping gravity."

"Another gold coin, Hocks, are money pieces are shaped with loops and points that allow them to be connected together into a single large piece. They may even be formed into a belt of vest. These are primarally seen in Farile. Moons in contrast are found all over the civilized areas. On one face of this coin they have a depiction of the one face of Haforld, and on the other a

stialized picture of the sun. Hexes are a common term for any of thevarieties of hexagonally shaped coins. These also will have an impression of a monarch on one side, but many have a ridge on the peremiter of the coin that makes a honeycomb design when they are layed out flat on a table. Some gamblers think that these coins are more lucky to gamble with than others."

"A Quarte is a single coin with built in change. These gold coins are distinguished by deep indentations that devide the coin up into 4 equil pie shaped sections. It is a primitive method of making change where it might not be available otherwise. The pieces may be cut away with a common knife to form 1/2 or 1/4 gold piece sections. When cut, they may not be readily tradable outside of civilized cities.

"A Spit is a gold coins roughly the same diameter as the most common gold coins (Falcons), but are almost twice as thick 2/10" and have a 1/8" hole in the center. These coins come from the areas surrounding the Moon Sea. The name comes from the upright dowels they are placed around when being counted. "

"In addition to coins, there are other tenders used. These are most often called by the generic term "Anvils". Only a few of these are actually shaped like a blacksmiths anvil from which they take their name, with most being shaped like bars or bricks. It is common for them to be re-cast with the chop of a specific money dealer. Anvils are seldom accepted at face value; most merchants will demand that they be weighed on a ballance against 50 gold coins."

"Silver Pieces come in many of the shapes of gold pieces. Regardless of their shapes, silver coins are mostly known as Kreses. Copper Pieces are seldom more than featurless disks of weighed pieces of pure copper. The are almost always called Coppers. Electrum Pieces are somewhat uncommon. They are called many things different things from one area to another, but most often they are called Eeps. Repeate pleaes: EEE ps. Good. Platnium Pieces are known by the popular name for this metal which is DragonGold. Many times they have a crude picture of a dragon imbossed in them with a metal stamp.

"Krosnium coins are very rare. It is less rare in Dwarven settlements and so they are mostly refered to as DwarfGold. Of course, it has nothing to do with gold from a metalurgy standpoint, but it would be futile to explain this to the people at large. They would still insist on using the misnomer."

Ziahdoo puts down his chard stick and his manor changes from pendantic to interested.

"As this concludes the first of my lectures I am pleased to entertain your questions at this time. They need not be related to the subject at hand, but you will find that if they are not, I may refer you to one of my subsequent lectures for an answer. Now, what may I tell you..."


And with this ends the first lecture.