
Nelan is a large continent that stretches from around 600 mi North of the equator to 1500 milse south of it. It is bounded on the Notrh by the Great Northern Sea, on the west by the Circle of Heat and the Lano Isles, on the south by the Seren Sea and the east by the Siddern Sea. It is a continent of vast planes, lofty mountains and is sparsly populated compared to other continents.

Yanihogani is in the northern part of the continent and is only 300+ miles north of the equator. However, the presence of an almost constant wind that blows from south west to the north east, it is cooler than it might be. In the summer, it is very warm and humid. In the winter, it is very cold as the winds are swift and bear lots of moisture. In the higher elevations, they will even get snow. Above 6K feet, the moutains begin to get snow in the 11th month and it lies on the ground until the 4th month.

Soskasa Island

This is the location of the most sea-going of the nothern indians.

Quickwater Bay

This bay is formed between the southern portion of Sosaska Isle and the mainland. It is named because of the heavy tides this bay is subject to. In some areas it is normal for the tide to raise and lower by 15’. This means that during low tide it is impassable. As the tides are changing, it can be used to accelerate entrance (from low to high tide) or exit (from high to low tide). Although it is dangerous in the extream to sail at these times, the indians regularly use this to ease their journeys.

Tewis River

The Tewis river runs from Zentya Lake to the sea. The difference in elevation is only 1200’ from the lake down, and this river is very old. Thus it is extreamly windy and has a large swampy area at the delta.

Tequa River

This river flows from Sowan Lake, between the Tequana mts. and into Zentya lake. It is swift running and deep almost all year round. There is only one ford across a trecherous rock strewn grade. This is called Horse Skull Ford (or Reskuyaska in Yani).

Sowan Lake

Sowan is fed by small streams flowing from the Tequana mts. and by the River Yalistekal This lake is deep all year round and is heavily populated with a large variety of Bass. There are 3 small islands which are regarded as no mans land by the natives of the Yanihogana and Yanihogini.

Tannis Island

This island is located to the West of Nelan. It is made up primarally of swamp and rock. Both its bays (Kiskis and Seutr) are shallow and not good for much in the way of ports. Only small boats can enter. And not many choose to enter. There is little to interest the seaman or tourist here. The two small towns (Grisville and Dinkton) are both fishing villages. Grisville is the larger with about 850 people. Dinkton is a gathering place for the fisher families along the coast to meet and trade. It has 200 people maintaing shops here on a regular basis, but at "Meet time" this may swell to 1200.

No one enters the central part of this island as there are tales of giant lizzards there. The tales are quite true, the swamps hold mutated gekkos and slinks that find any meat tasty. Their are two tribes of cannibles who worship evil gods living on the edges of the swap.

Zentya Lake

This lake is rather shallow


Slain Kin Bay

Two tribes who are related through marrage fought a great sea battle involving hundrads of men for fishing rights to this bay. In the struggle, fully ¾ of the men were killed and no clear outcome came from the battle. The women of the tribes then declared that the battle was over and that the men would never again lose their lives in battle over this water. Any man breaking this taboo will find that the women will no longer cook, sew or provide congical conforts for them. This ended the war. The women renamed it Slain Kin bay and today it is grudgingly shared by both tribes.