The continents will be devided into roughly organized culture groups. In many cases, this will be along racial lines as well. There are 7 continents and 3 island groups. These are broken down racial/culturally as follows:
/*Tobalalan African - Human/Elvin Tribal/Egiptian - Hot Southern Desert
Alien Names #16
/*Farile Australian - All Races Penal Colony/Oligarchy - Hot Central
Alien Names #6 Desert
/*Nelan American - All Races New Colony/Eglaterian - Central Planes
Alien Names #5
/*Olome Russian - Human/Elvin/Dwarf LandLocked Feudalism - Arctic
Alien Names #13 Desert
/*Woflan Roman - Wolfin/Gnome Republic - City States
Alien Names #10
/*Weldon European - Human/Elf/Dwarf/Hobbit Renisaunce Feudalism No
Alien Names #15 Desert
/*Whitfeld Escimo - Human/Gnome/Dwarf Tribal Nomads - Arctic
Alien Names #21 Desert
/*GlokLaock Giant/Monster Expansionist, Warlike
Lano Isles Greek - Humans Proto Democracy
Alien Names #4
Pango-Pango Polonesian - Human/Hobbit/Elf Tribal Isolationists
Alien Names #2
Krelk Monster - Non-Humanoid City States
Borash - Monster Isles - Genetic Headquarters - Home of Mutants
Alien Names #1
All races and variations
Arakol - Monster Isle - Orks & Kin
Moritaria - Like Ravenloft w/Lots of Vampires and Feudal
Soritan Isles - Tinker Gnomes
Nondo Isles - Shy, super strong race of mutants
Arbo - Gay Refuge Male and Female (Latter Greek and Amazonian)
Bleak Isles - Were PolarBears
Terripan Isles - Philosopher Turtle Men
Hake - Alboleth and Locantha w/Were Porpuse slaves
Tannis -
Arbo Isles - Monators and Were Cows
Quark Isles - Sylvan Pixies and Sprites etc.
Porash - Floating Island
Troska -
Mech -\
Noch -/ Warring races of Bird men
Lenicosta - Elvin Old Folks refuge
Letleana - Sirens and SwanMays
Seren Isles - Human Low profile/high tech civilization (true democracy)
The information above was created in an initial pass at creating Isis. Now that the map is complete, I am going back and having a close second look at what is on the map and how it relates to the above information.
Thus, the information below superceeds any information above.
Isis is 4756 Miles in
OLOME - The Great White
This continent
29882.61384 Miles in circumference