The Plynth

The bottom floor has a small shrine for each of the religions around. If their isn’t a priest to a specific shrine, then it is often tended by a lay person or a related cult. Three are statues to some Gods.

There is a shrine to Oghma on the second floor of the Temple. A small shrine is also on the ground floor, usually attended by a accolite. Brightly lit by dozens of braziers. There are giant tables in the center of the room at which studying is going on. Rolph is high priest. Tacit(who only talks when he is addressed directly), and Fractal (who is a a very deep character) are the other priests. They live in a house where half the house is devoted to a library. There are a number of books on astronomy and planeology. 400-450 books. He reads about the planets and the space between the planets.
Clangadin has a temple on the 2nd floor north half and a statue on the ground floor. It is cool, dark (no lanterns) and smells like a dwarven home. Accolites name is Gerlubak 1st level priest. Unkle Darligon (fat and lazy) is true neutral priest 4th level. The priest instructs Way bad to face the statue and hold holy thoughts in his head while the priest tells him legends about his god.

Lovitar and Mask are on the third level

The temple to Myrkul is on the fourth level. His accolites wear black robes and wear skull masks. The alter is made of human bones joined together with iorn staples. Perlidine is priests name. There is a large door with a bass relief of a skull on it. There is a small size door just large enough for a dwarf to go thruough uprite. 15 by 20 ‘ wide bone throne.

Also on the fourth level is Talona’s priestesses.