The undead of Ravenscrag Castle are many and varied. The charts below detail these undead and provide a method for randomingly creating new undead.
Walking Phantoms
No physical manifestations possible. No Communication.
No Physical mainfestations possible. No Communication. May move objects
that are not too heavy.Monsters that could be used for Ravenscrag Castle
List of monsters from Tegel Manor.
Balrog Ghost (B)enign
Skeletons (H)ostile)
Ghosts (B)
Poltergeists (H)
Green Slime(H)
Stag Beetle(H)
Foo Dog (F)avorable
Zombies (H)
Giant Shrew (B)
Wraith (H)
Sentient Bowling Ball (H)
Wights (H)
Homonucli (B)
Giant Toad (H)
Giant Beaver (H)
Monkey Pack (H)
Undead Bard (F)
Rats Giant (H)
Rats Normal (B)
Giant Spiders (H)
Phantoms as the word is used in this dungeon are nothing more than shades. They can react to the party and some have intelligence, but they can not assault anyone. There is a chance that someone will be frightened by one of these creatures. Make a save vs WIS with a automatic +3 to the roll, to which the characters level is added. Failure indicates that the person is afraid. Consult the chart below for specific results of this fear. If the phantom surprises the party, the +3 is negated.
1. Ghost
2. Litch
3. Mummy
4. Ghoul
5. Wraith
6. Vocal Spirit - Vocal effects only
7. Apparition - Esp, deadly fear
8. Coffer Corpse - Rises after first death
9. Crypt Thing
10. Gast
11. Skeleton
12. Hecuva - Polymorph Other
13. Zombie
14. Vampire
15. Poltergist
16. Skeleton Warrior
17. Sheet Phantom
18. Penanggalan - Flying severed head
19. Drelb - No ST COLD
20. Juju Zombie