Selune Locations

The moon Selune is small, and not entirely explored. It is a world whos people live hard short live spent fighting to survive. Exploration of their world is done only to find additional resources which they so desperatly. It will be a long time before they know even details about the geology and geography of the planet they live on.

The Shas’Has (Lizardmen) who grudginly share Selune are determined to win it back with an ongoing policy of genocide against the humans. They found that they can do little when the humans retreat into their fortresses, and so have adopted a strategy similar to that of the American Indians; and are more effective at it than were the originators of this gurilla warfare technique. They have effectivly stopped the advance of human settlements on Selune, and completely denied humans access to the center of the main continent and most of Selune’s islands.

Thus, the locations of Selune are very limited in scope. If adventurers adopt this planet as a "cause celeb" and do some exploring, further features will be created (probably on a "as needed basis" and at randomly determined). Until such an event, the list of locations below will suffice. It is important to repeate that the list below is not complete, but simply those locations known to the humanoinds living on Selune.

Named by the earliest settlers upon their arrival on Selune. It is rather a misnomer, as it is not at all a friendly or useful sea to the humans. The fish which call it home are ineatable and tidal forces from Kopeta make it violent and unpredictable to travel on. There are no know perminant islands and little to be gained by using it for travel.

This sea hosts several large islands which are inhabited only by the Shas’Has. The humans do not use it for travel. It is similar to the Sea of New Hope in its dangerous nature as it is prone to gigantic waves reaching 80’ in height during one of its frequent monsoon storms.

The Between Sea is the only large body of water which the humans use for travel. Protected as it is by a long island archepeligo, its violence is tamed. There is even a species of troglabites which is edable for humans, so fishing is common. All ships hug the coast and never venture into open water. Travel across this sea is the main conduit of trade between the eastern and western colonies. Even so, the sea takes a fearsome toll on the ships and sailor brave enough to travel on it. Almost 20% of the ships which make the trade voyage between the colonies are never seen again.

The Sea of Exile was the first sea explored by the colonists. Its original name was the Sea of Homecoming but was changed when one of the few ships returning from a voyage describe the terrible weather, enourmous waves, dangerous sand bars, sunken mountain ranges and beasts of the deep. Only very limited travel is considered wise, and is always limited to costal travel with the crews refusing to sail out of sight of land. It is a unfriendly sea which will kill all but the most heardy sailor.

The central area of the main continent is firmly in the control of the Shas’Has. Many tribes of the lizardmen live along the borders of the human lands to the east and west and consider it their reason for life to prevent any non-lizard from setting foot on this territory. There have been many attempts by the humans to pass these sentries but only 3 are known to have been successful and to have returned to thir people to tell the tale. It is from these expeditons that the little information regarding this place have come.

This is a huge lake in the S.W. portion of the Mountains. It was named for the numerous aquatic dinosaurs which live in the lake. Only the necks and heads of these beasts are visible and their appetite for human flesh makes it impossible to safely investigate what might be attached to the long necks. It can be assumed that the underwater creatures ore of enormous size for the necks will strech up to 60’ out of the water.

This lake lies at the extreame weatern edge of the Mountains. It was named when a exploration party lost half of its men when attempting to cross the S.W. portion of the lake in a boat of their own construction. The horified party watched from shore as the boat of their fellows was silently and without warning pulled underwater by a creature which never even surfaced. So quick and deadly was the attack that the boats passengers never even had a chance to cry out; they simply dissappeared. This is the largest inland lake on the planet.

This large land is unexplored. It existance is known only from the single exploration which managed to make is northern most coast. Its name comes from the strange cries heard by the sailors at night which the described as being like the "cries of souls sent to the lowest levels of the Abyss". The sailors wisely decided to sail away the next morning.

This is the second largest land mass on the planet. It is respected by the Shas’Has as being the home of the ruler of all the Lizard men. Beyond this simple fact, nothing is know of the continent except that is is due south of the Kin Yosan colony across the Between Sea.

This is the western colony of humans on Selune. It was the first established but only predates the Kin Yosan colony by 5 years. This area is dominated by the huge mountains in the center called Shan Gi La or the Celestial Mountains. Shan Gi La means "Mountains with head above clouds". This is an apt name as even the medium sized peaks extend above the this blanet of atmosphere and into the vacume of Wildspace.

The N.W. most bay of the colony. Only partialy protected from the wild tides and bad weather it is seldom sailed on, and then only to take the huge "Ancient Pike" fish; one of the few eatable fish on the planet.

The N.E. most bay of this colony. The southern portion is one of the most commonly traveled sea routes which plies between Buchisgali to Minlew and Fengya. It is relativly safe from the terrible tides and poor weather, but is still dangerous due to a species of carniverous aquatic dinosaur which calls this bay their home.


From N.W to S.E.
Karaton on Yang Su bay
Buchisgali on Botan Bay
Minlew on Botan Bay
Pin Ting on Lake Le
Fengya Island and City on Botan Bay
Cham Fai in the S.E. planes

This lake is in the center of the colony area. The presence of high copper concentration in its water makes it and the lands around it useless to humans, except for a few hardy prospectors who search its bank for nodules of copper formed by the evaporation of Pu’s deadly waters.

This bay is the most hospitable sea area. It is home to 3 species of fish which are eatable and is well protected by land from bad storms and high tides. Its coast is host to a number of small villages which are in regular contact with each other for trade and communication.


From N.W. to S.E.
Tien in the planes off Benying Bay
Shuson near the Sea of New Hope
Chenpi in the Yuka Mountain Valley
Bokistan on the Western frountier Big fortress
Hsia on the Southern coast of the Between Sea
E"Pong S.W. of Hsia on the Between Sea coast
Shanku the southern most city on Shung Bay