The Temple of Crom in Waterdeep

The Waterdeep Temple of Crom was founded (by Aerin Golgukuri-Cullan, a mage and priestess of Crom) for the purpose of helping those that could not help themselves. To this end, the temple was not located North Ward with the other large temples. Instead, it is located across the way from the home of Mirt the Moneylender (see note 1), just outside of Dock Ward.

One of the features that most sets apart the Temple of Crom from all others is that it doesn’t charge money for healing services. Donations are accepted, but no one is turned away due to lack of funds. The only likely charge is that of service. The temple will ask that the petitioner, in gratitude of the healing they’ve been given, help others as they are able. A common request of lower level adventurers is that they repay the healing by serving a stint in the city watch.

The philosophy of the temple is to help those that cannot help themselves and, if possible, teach them to be able to help themselves in the future.

The tenets of the faith are a strong respect for individuality and self reliance, the idea of might for right - not might makes right, the idea that "That which does not kill us makes us stronger" and the philosophy and implications of the idea "Suffer no guilt." Facing up to your enemies (without or within), fighting valiantly, behaving with honor - these are all revered by the follower of Crom. There is also a basic acknowledgment that life isn’t necessarily fair. The followers of Crom are expected to work with life as it comes. A description of this attitude might be summarized by, "Stuff happens. Stop complaining and deal with it."

The holy symbol used by the temple in Waterdeep is a hammer and anvil superimposed over an eclipsed starburst (a black 8-pointed star outlined in silver or on a silver circle). The hammer and anvil signifies the forging of the soul, and the eclipsed starburst is the personal sigil of the founder of the temple. Mages use the same basic symbol, with a pentagram placed on the anvil.

There is no set schedule of sacrifice or tithing. Again, donations are accepted if the person is able, and help might be given if they are not. The sacrifice is generally the icon of a defeated foe. In the case of defeating a powerful enemy in physical battle, the icon would be that person’s weapon (or perhaps spellbook if the enemy was a mage). Someone that had fought and won against a debilitating opium addiction would sacrifice the water pipe as a symbol of the addiction’s defeat. If the sacrifice is acceptable it is consumed in a golden flame (that burns only the item being sacrificed). Sometimes, if the fight has been particularly valiant, or the foe especially strong, the item is purified by the flames and returned to the person making the sacrifice. An evil sword might be transformed into a weapon for good in the hands of the faithful. Weapons which are so transformed are always gold-colored and inscribed somewhere with the statement "Suffer No Guilt". Sacrifices from a battle that was no challenge, or that might not be considered honorable are always rejected. Crom rarely intervenes or aids followers who are in positions of failure or weakness; after all, He wasn’t the one who got you into trouble. But He respects someone who can face a desperate situation and emerge victorious. Even if you die trying, He respects a valiant effort and will welcome you to His hall.

Followers of Crom are expected to act honorably, and to stand up for what they believe is right. Cowardice is the worst accusation you can make against a follower of Crom. Cowardice by the clergy will result in loss of ability until they have redeemed themselves. A strategic retreat from overwhelming odds is not necessarily cowardice - Crom understands the concept of living to fight another day. But leaving behind a wounded companion to save oneself - that is the basest of acts.

The main holy book of the temple is called The Book of Forgings, a collection of essays by respected past members of Crom’s clergy. It teaches that, as the follower lives with honor, fights evil, always strives to give their very best, and doesn’t turn aside from the difficulties life holds, they are engaged in the forging of their soul. Someone facing a particularly fearsome challenge (such as a foe that has been their life’s goal to bring down) are sometimes said to be "writing their chapter" in The Book of Forgings.

There are fairly standard services offered a couple of days during the week. These would be things like singing hymns, hearing stories of previous followers of Crom and lectures from some of the liturgical texts. The main night service is held every 8 days by Aerin. The service begins with a hymn or hymns, but diverges from the usual service from there. Generally she opens with a philosophical question she’s been thinking about, gives her thoughts on the subject, asks if anyone else has thoughts on the subject, and sometimes suggests they think about it over the coming week. Then she tells what deeds she’s done since the last service that are worthy of Crom’s attention. She then asks the congregation, "What have you done this week?" Those that wish to share their deeds, their victories or trials, have their chance to speak. The congregation offers their congratulations or support, sharing in each other’s lives. Speaking is always optional, and it’s not unusual for someone to be shy about talking so openly when they first arrive. Afterwards she makes a point of talking to those that wish to speak more privately and generally at least saying "hi" to everyone. A group of people, including Aerin, often go out afterwards to one of the fest halls - the Dripping Dagger, the Misty Beard and the Three Pearls are particular favorites.

The following was at about 30 to 40 people for a while (mostly people Aerin had helped while working the Dock Ward night watch, or other members of the watch), but as some of her deeds have become known, and word the temple’s healing services have spread, the congregation is up to about 140 people and still growing.


All of the personnel are from another sphere, Balorspace, to which the worship of Crom is native.

The priestess in residence is Oddrune Egilsdotter, a LG human woman in her mid forties. She is a ninth level specialty priestess, proficient with spear, and considered to have sage abilities in temple history, theology, gambling, drugs and intoxicants, and accounting and embezzlement. She is a recovering opium addict and, at first, comes across like a radio talk show psychologist (caring, empathetic, and maddeningly forgiving of your personal growth needs. Yes, she talks like that.). She is the primary theology instructor, and is the person most often encountered by temple goers. She is about 6’1", very muscular, and extremely blond, wearing her hair in a waist-length braid or ponytail. Her spear is +2 to hit, and will deliver an 8d6 lightning bolt upon a successful hit in combat (person hit only).

Aerin is the temple’s founder. She is a NG half-elven woman of 30, W/C 12/9. She usually dresses in motorcycle leathers (the back of her jacket is emblazoned with a banner that reads "Mess with the best - die like the rest" in modern English.); more rarely she appears in very Victorian garb. She is 5’2", with black hair and gray eyes. She is always protected by ‘stoneskin’, and carries several wands, stored spells, and a longsword which functions as a mace of disruption - among other toys. She rarely appears outside of her regular services unless there is a medical emergency. She prefers to do what is right first and worry about the legality of it later. She is known to be a member of both Force Gray and the Harpers.

Valkrys Darkwine is the highest ranked priestess (C 14), a CG full drow and former priestess of Lloth. She is not involved with the temple operations; she administers the Waterdeep city orphanage and only comes to the temple for Aerin’s services or to respond to an emergency. She is 5’ 0", with gold eyes. She is proficient with drow martial arts and may attack as a 9th level (1st edition!) assassin. One of her favorite attacks is to perform an ‘eagle claw’ special maneuver (OA) as an assassination attempt. She rarely goes around armed, preferring to wear simple, elegant full length dresses in the elven style. She is generous, kind, playful and adores children (moreso even than most elves).

The Priesthood of Crom


Call Upon Faith: 1/Day/2 Levels - Starts at 2nd level. Adds +3 to one roll or increases chance to do something by 15%


Draw Upon Holy Might: 1/Day/3 Levels - Starts at 3rd level. Increases a chosen attribute by 1 point


Turn Undead: As per normal chart


Immunity to: Undead life draining and paralysis and life energy draining magic. See note 2.


Major Spheres: Necromantic, All, Healing, Combat, and special.


Minor Spheres: Protection, War, Wards


Duties: Marriage, baptism, blessings, guidance, strengthening the flock

Sacrifice of enemy’s weapons


Sins: Cowardice, slaying a coward, using poison.


There is no set garb for clergy, although robes decorated in the individual’s colors and preferred sigils are common.

Special spell access: under some circumstances, Crom will grant a specialty priest/ess with the ability to cast a spell they would not otherwise have access to. This is strictly DM option, as a means of demonstrating Crom’s favor for a battle well fought or a worthy personal sacrifice.

Crom’s avatar is usually a male human blacksmith or weapon instructor, powerfully built, usually carrying or using a hammer.

Note 1. Temple physical description: The temple resides in a converted manor house (on the Waterdeep map, it is the one diagonal to the south-east from Mirt’s, a square building with two towers on opposite sides), on a lot bordered by a wooden palisade. The lot extends south-southeast to envelope two large, adjacent buildings (a warehouse and a boarding house) which are currently being renovated for future temple use. The front gate is flanked by two blacksmiths anvils, and a signal gong hangs by the front door. The grounds contain a number of secluded spots for meditating, and a large pool occasionally occupied by a sabretooth tiger and a number of children (the tiger belongs to Alissa, a seven-year old hellion who wants to conquer the world when she grows up. She is Aerin’s fosterling.).

The main sanctuary takes up the former ballroom, facing south, and is open the full three interior stories of the main building. The room’s southern side is glassteeled crystal and stained glass, etched with scenes of deeds of valor performed by temple members. The images are etched by Crom when He deems an act worthy. The sanctuary has pews lining the walls, but the main seating is in the form of pillows covering the sanctuary floor in front of the altar. The altar is carved of gold-veined lapis lazuli, crowned by a mithril anvil and hammer. Behind the altar, the baptismal pool is carved crystal shaped to resemble the mountains where Crom makes His home. The pool is large enough to accommodate three people at a time (one being clergy).

The towers contain quiet meditation areas and private studies. The kitchen, dining hall, and the temple armory, which contains a number of blessed and magical weapons awaiting worthy worshippers, are on the first floor. Also on the first floor are the temple offices, privy, and the infirmary. The second floor houses a library, staff bedrooms, and some guest bedrooms. The third floor consists of guest rooms, storage, and small meditation areas.


Note 2. The protection is granted because Crom feels that the strength you have earned should remain yours, and that only your actions should affect your fate.