Portals were invented in 924,212 and began to be distributed in the planets of SOS. They are difficult in the extreme to construct and require materials that are legendary in their cost and scarcity. Thus, there were few of them built, and they were often the cause of war and intrigue. An isolationist faction of mages destroyed all knowledge (so they think) of how the Portals were built, so no more portals may be built.
The first portals were built in heavily defended areas so that the makers of the portal could protect and control this advanced means of transportation. This practice was discontinued when the mages found that if they were ever deposed from the site where the portal existed, that there was little or no chance that they would be able to regain control. Most ofthe portals were then built in open areas so that no one group could easily maintain a monopoly on their use.
During the Isolationist period, many of the portals were damaged or destroyed. Although some of them were repaired, many remain unusable, only partially functional, intermittently operable, or deadly.
All portals look like a doorway in the middle of a room or wilderness that has swirling mists inside that prevents one from seeing what is on theother side. The portals look as though they are made of mother of pearl.They are covered from top to bottom with unrecognizable magic runes, giving them a baroque look. They were built in two main sizes; personal (4X6 feet) and industrial (30X20 feet).
On some planets, there may be many portals, but most of the portals that are known are no longer usable. It is not immediatly obvious whether or not a portal is operating properly. There are some that have now "glow" but these are relatively few. The effects of the glow are described below.
There were originally three types of portals. Those that are in regular usewill have no surprises as to what type they are. The type of those that theparty discovers for themselves will have to be determined by use. This cansometimes be dangerous or deadly. To the untrained eye (this includes allbut those who have studied the portals for at least 5 years) it isimpossible to find out what type a given portal might be. Legend Lore willhave no effect. In all respects treat portals as artifacts.
It is important to remember that the type of portal may be differentupon arrival than it was upon departing. Only a round trip portal willteleport a party to their place of departure. Also there is no guaranteethat a safe departure will take the party to a safe portal to depart from!
2) One Way Portals - Anyone using this type of portal will arrive at asingle consistent destination. However, returning though the destinationportal will arrive at another portal. This may be a preset "station" or maybe determined at random.
3) Random Portal - This portal teleports anyone who enters it to one
of aspecific group of other portals. The destination is totally random.
Thegroup of potential destinations is a closed set; someone entering portal
Acould be sent to B, C or D while someone entering B could be sent to C,
Dor A.