The Gods (with the exception of Bob Dobbs) were not around when theworlds were created. They do know precisely when SOS came into being. Thisinformation they were able to get from Bob Dobbs. He cut them some Slack.From the information he gave them, the present year is 4,550,162,953,178.The present year is when the first characters arive on the planets.
Time Measurement Historically
It is uncommon for the entire year to be used. In fact, the lessofficial the document the more casual the year date. For instance, the datea king came to power would contain the entire date in god time, with notranslation to local time. The year would be listed with all digits. Legaldocuments (deeds, wills, ect.) would have the god date with a translationto local time; the year listed to 5 digits. For social purposes, localyears are used, with formal or political invitations listing the year onlyin god time to 4 digits. Historical documents list 6 digits of god time,and use all the gods measurement unless, it is exclusively in local timewith a nod to god time in the form of a conversion chart of importantevents with the local and god time listed side by side. This document willuse all god times, and 6 year digits.
CURRENT DATE 4,550,162,953,178
TIME LINE DATE 2,324,872,000,000
The Second Ring of planets (Greld, Seker, Tekumel ect.)
appears. Bobhas not revealed the reason for this second systems sudden
introduction tothe system. The reason is, that there was an error in the
way the originalsun of the secondary system was created. It only lasted
1.5 billion years.Rather than allow the entire system to be destroyed,
he moved the planetsin rotation around Klee.
TIME LINE DATE 3,429,000,000
Atmosphere begins to develop on the planets.
TIME LINE DATE 4,162,885,000
The first race of men is born on Greld. This year is
a commonly agreedupon approximation of what is a evolutionary process.
Based on informationfrom fossil remains described in several ancient tomes.
No specimen hassurvived to this time, but gods have confirmed this.
TLD 162,888,0550
Beginning of civilization on Greld. Nothing is known
of this timeother than a few barely recognizable ruins, and a cliff with
runes engravedwhich no one can read. There are some fragments of literature
from laterages that describe an early age of magic and make reference to
gods fromthat time that have aspects similar to those known gods of present
times.This is the basis for the theory that postulates a connection between
thepowers of the Chaos gods and the gods of Law. They say that as the power
ofprayer swings between the two extremes, the presence of magic waxes andwains.
Thus too does the use and understanding of technology inverselyfollow that
of magic.
TLD 891,300
Recorded history begins on Greld with the records of
the Kora'tinui orthe World Conquerors. Their records describe the Wars
of Uniting thatresulted in the first world government of the planet. While
managing toplacate or terrorize the many divergent peoples of the planet,
they weretotally ruthless with their methods of control. One method was
a gradualbut inexorable erasing of cultural and historical information
to effect atruly global culture that was relatively static. Their success
at this canbe measured by the total lack of information about previous
civilationsbeyond almost fictional accounts left in "approved" literature.
Theyallowed a rapid progress in technological areas, and repressed the
use ofmagic to the point where it is never mentioned as a real skill. It
wasunknown, unpracticed, and made fun of in the elaborate hoaxes of by
the"Magicians" of that time. All of their illusions were technologicalyachieved.
TLD 892,898
The first space flights begin. Roon and then in 5 years
Klee arevisited. Technology was well into its ascendancy at this time.
During thistime the power of the Atom was discovered and the first of the
Mubomb (Highradiation mutation bomb) was used. Rudimentary genetic skills
TLD 893,264
Tekumel first visited by humans. Found uninhabitable
by humans.
TLD 896,354
3 Light Drive discovered. Faster Than Light travel begins.
Contactmade with Outer Races.
TLD 897,003
Enforced "Co-Habitatition" by the InterSteller League.
This results inthe settling of fair number of alien races on the worlds
of SOS. This ruleis an attempt to create understanding and maximize the
diaspora of racesthroughout the known universe.
TLD 898,332
Outer Races discover humans magical potential. First
documentedmagical pograms.
TLD 901,000
Terra-Forming begins on Roon.
By means of Astral Travel, it was determined that this
moon had manyrare gems and metals which were much needed on Greld. There
are still gemsand metals being dug up, but by now the interior of the whole
globe ishoney-combed with crumbling and beautifully ornate excavations.
TLD 904,000
Terra forming begins on Klee
The Terra-forming of this moon, while admittedly the
second time around for the clerics, went vastly better than the first.
Most attribute this to the fact that Druids who had been forbidden from
working on the first moon, were asked to participate in the creation of
TLD 918,049
Terra-Forming begins on Tekumel
TLD 919,476
Seker Terra-forming begins.
Seker was not the first world to be Terra-Formed by the
Technologists,but it may be their most ambitious project. They started
with a world muchlike Mercury in temprature, atmosphere and geology. They
were disrupted bythe Revolt, and the planet was not complete in its changes.
Thus, it isslowly reverting back. Never again will it be the boiling hell
it once was,but the creatures on this world will eventually have to evolve
to existwith little or no water. (Perhaps this is how "Dune" began is futureadventures?
It took 800 years of magical and technological work to make this dryhusk of a planet and make it into a planet that was fit for humanhabitation. At first it was only criminals and members of the TechnologistsLeague who populated the world, but after 300 years, the planet was openedto general emigration. At first the world flourished under the control ofthe League. But they grew greedy and thus began the unrest that led to thenear destruction of life on the globe.
TLD 920,923
Isis Populated
TLD 922,644
The Institute of Genetic Maintenance established on Isis
The Institute of Genetic Maintenance was originally establised
whenfears arose in the leaders of the planets that experiments and programs
ofgenetic manipulation underway could get totally out of hand.
TLD 922,773
Grawk Populated
TLD 923,186
Kopeta - Terra-Formed
TLD 923,965
Do the Prison Planet Terraformed
TLD 924,212
Portals invented.
TLD 924,562
Merman race created and Tefnut Populated
Tefnut was one of the last of the inhabited worlds of
SOS. This isbecause it was many millennium until the genetic arts had progressed
to thepoint where humanoids could be altered to live completely under water,
andstill be close enough to humans to pay the heavy tithes demanded by
theMother World, Greld.
Year of the Cataclysm
The years darkness described as "The Dark Millennium"
are the resultof the battle against Greld raged around the sun. Greld lost
the battle dueto the Black Globe Field that the Mages stole from the League.
The rest ofthe descriptions, Timelines, Histories and all are the same
as in the EPTbooks. It is often said that "technology kills the gods" to
mean that inthe days of the tech. league there were no clerics on this
The League sought to maintain their power over the people by limitingtheir power individually in every way possible. As magic put a large amountof power in a persons hands, they tried to crush those who used it anddestroy or discredit all books published about it.
An example of this control is the way the League handled the Portals.Recognizing the Portals as a means of separating and isolating the planets,the League initially began to destroy every portal they could. Manyremained hidden and the League sought a way to bring the knowledge of theportals location out. They released a genetically designed plague onseveral planets at the same time. This resulted in much loss of life andeconomic disruption. The plague was blamed on the portals. The League toldall that the plague had spread by way of the Portals, and pointed to itssimultaneous appearance on many worlds as proof of this. By this method,most of the remaining portals were located. As the initial fervor abatedhowever, the Portals were not destroyed; they were simply made taboo.Supposedly, none could use the Portals under pain of death, but in realitytheir use was limited to a few controlling members of the League.
But the lore continued to exist. Much of the time knowledge was passeddown from adult to child using no written materials other than the spellbooks which were necessary for mages. At that time possession of a spellbook was punishable by death and thus the books were extremely well hidden.
At last the power had corrupted the League and they began to getuncaring about the life they forced the people to lead. This was thebegining of unrest. It still took 250 years for the revolution to begin. Itbegan on the then newly colonized world of Sekar. The people on that worldwere living a life little better than that of animals with the products ofthe world going into the pockets of the League.
Minor magics had been overlooked (if not exactly made legal) in asmall attempt to better conditions. No one is sure at this time what wasthe match that lit the fire of rebellion amoung the populous. What is knownis that a Coup was attempted to overthrow the representatives of the Leaguesome 1200 years after the founding of the colony. In order to end therebellion, the Terra-Forming machines were distroyed, and the planet beganto return to the dry state that it was in before the technologists hadintervened. Millions died as a result, the bulk of the dead being comprisedof the weak, old, young and other innocents.
This incredibly rash act started protest on all the other worlds andeventually resulted in mass riots, assassinations, political coups and thedestruction of the League. In the backlash of feeling against the League,laws were passed limiting the use of technology and the destruction ofalmost all devices beyond that of simple mechanics.
As the state-of-the-art of magic was at a all time low at that point,and due to the heavy loss of life during the time of revolution, thethousands of years that followed are now refered to as the BlackMillennium.
TLD 929,876
First Reappearance of Civilization on Greld
The darkness described as "The Time of Darkness" are
the result of thebattle against Greld raged around the sun. Greld lost
the battle due to theBlack Globe Field that the Mages stole from the League.
The rest of thedescriptions, Timelines, Histories and all are the same
as in the EPTbooks. It is often said that "technology kills the gods" to
mean that inthe days of the tech. league there were no clerics on this
First records following the Dark Time appear on Tekumel
TLD 932,912
History begins again on Seker
After the spitefull destruction of the Air Machines (Terra-Formingequipment),
the atmosphere and water so carefully horded over the yearsbegan to leak
away, until after 50 years, there were only a few areasinhabitable.
At the equator, there are many ruins of what were once cities. Atleast 15 major cities (>4000 people) are known to exist. The people whoroam the deserts, plundering the remains of civilizations are called"Skalvers" and are not respectable.
TLD 939,296
Cluros UnderEarth Established
TLD 940,684
Recorded history begins on Isis
TLD 941,665
Contact between Roon, Klee and Greld re-established
TLD 944,523
Contact with Tefnut re-established after Dark Millenium
This was the first planet to lose contact, and the last
to bereconnected with the rest of SOS. And frankly, those on Tefnut could
havecared less for the most part. In their thousands of years of isolation,they
developed a society that was very different from all air breathingones.
It was because of some unknown reason that contact was made again.The gods
gave back the Mirrors of Far Sight that all thought had beenbroken in anti-magic
TLD 947,087
First recorded date 1 for Grawk
TLD 951,821
Current Year 1 for Kopeta
Present Date
Present Date 953,178