City of the Green Men - Pop. 30,000


Located on a large plane, the city is huge. It once had a population of over a million white men, but was abandoned when the green men came across the dried up ocean. 3 roadways lead away from the city into what is now the wilderness of yellow moss. When the roadways get close to the city, they end in a broad stairway that climbs the 120’ high plateau on which the city rests.

The city was constructed from the outside of this plateau inward. The buildings were constructed by carving the hard sandstone of the plateau. This stone is of varying shades of brown running from tan to chocolate brown and brick red. Single story buildings lie shallow and areas that are more stories are dug further into the rock and are reached by going down stairs.

Most of it lies in ruins with only one building in 200 being inhabited. Most of the inhabited buildings are clustered around the large plaza near the center of the city.

The inner plaza is made of white marble with gold and semi-precious gems inlayed. The assemblage of chieftains and the strongest warriors will speak with them to determine their objective and place of origin. They are emotionless in their deliberations. The value their own lives little and recognize no value at all in life in general.

They value heroism, cruelty, strength and stoicism. They hate cowardice and all races but themselves. Their favorite pastime is the torture and killing of captives. They do not think it right to keep slaves.