SEKER - "Barsoom"
Seker was not the first world to be Terra-Formed by the Technologists,?but it may be their most ambitious project. They started with a world much?like Mercury in temprature, atmosphere and geology. They were disrupted by?the Revolt, and the planet was not complete in its changes. Thus, it is?slowly reverting back. Never again will it be the boiling hell it once was,?but the creatures on this world will eventually have to evolve to exist?with little or no water. (Perhaps this is how "Dune" began is future?adventures? Hm..)
In the days of the high wizzards it was became possible to travel to?the outer planets and colonize those planets. In those days was Seker?inhabited. Not that the colonists were the first life on the globe; it?already had a varity of plant and animal species. However the colonists?were the first intellegent life.
It took 800 years of magical and technological work to make this dry?husk of a planet and make it into a planet that was fit for human?habitation. At first it was only criminals and members of the Technologists?League who populated the world, but after 300 years, the planet was opened?to general emigration. At first the world flourished under the control of?the League. But they grew greedy and thus began the unrest that led to the?near destruction of life on the globe.
After the spitefull destruction of the Air Machines (Terra-Forming?equipment), the atmosphere and water so carefully horded over the years?began to leak away, until after 50 years, there were only a few areas?inhabitable.
At the equator, there are many ruins of what were once cities. At?least 15 major cities (>4000 people) are known to exist. The people who?roam the deserts, plundering the remains of civilizations are called?"Skalvers" and are not respectable.
The ramainder of the details for Seker are directly from the?difinitive works on the Mars series of books by E. R. Boroughs. The time is?set 50+ years before the events in the books take place. Any technical?devices related in the stories are left over equipment of the Technologists?and share descriptions with those on Greld, sometimes with modifications.