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Planets of the Solar System
Geographic Interest
Cities & Nations
Maps of Barsoom (LARGE images)



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 From the Skeleton Men of Jupiter




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Artolian Hills -- (aka Snow Clad Mountains)
Aisle of Hope --
Avenue of Ancestors -- Helium
Avenue of the Green Thoat -- Zodanga
Avenue of the Jeddaks -- Horz
Avenue of Quays -- Aanathor
Carrion Caves -- subterranean entrance to Okar
Chamber of Mystery -- in the Golden Cliffs
Chamber of Reptiles -- in the Golden Cliffs
Dead Sea of Korvas -- at dead city of Korvas
Death, the -- underground river of Tjanath
Fields of Jetan -- In Manator
Forest of Lost Men -- land of invisible men of Barsoom
Garden of Jeddaks -- in palace of Kadabra, Okar
Gates of Enemies -- Manator
Golden Cliffs -- surround Valley Dor
Great Plaza --
Guardian of the North -- a device in Okar
Hall of Chiefs -- Manator
Helium Forest -- Helium
Island of Ompt -- in the Toonolian Marshes
Isle of Shador -- prison island in Omean Sea
Iss -- also known as River of Mystery, River of Death
Kaolian Road -- Kaol
Korus, Lost Sea of -- open body of water, Valley Dor
Land of the First Born -- at the south pole
Lesser Games -- In Kamtol, Valley of First Born
Mountains of Torquas -- Thuvia
Omean, the Buried Sea -- 2 miles beneath south pole
Otz Mountains -- Surround Golden Cliffs and Valley Dor
Palace of Peace -- government building, Ptarth
Pedestal of Truth -- Temple of Reward, Helium
Pit of Plenty -- Kadabra, Okar
Polodona -- the equator
Southern Road -- in Dusar
Throxus -- mightiest of the Five Dead Oceans of Barsoom
Toonolian Marshes -- 19' to 27' N Lat; 90' to 123' W Lon



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Golden Temple of Issus
Temple of Issus
Temple of Knowledge -- Helium
Temple of Reward -- Helium
Temple of the Sun -- in the Temple of Issus
Temple of Tur -- Phundahl
Throne of Righteousness -- Temple of Reward, Helium



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Tower of Diamonds -- Ombra
East Tower -- Tjanath
Tower of Jetan -- Manator
Tower of Luud -- Bantoom. Where Tara was held captive.
Tower of Moak -- Bantoom
Scarlet Tower -- Greater Helium (destroyed by the terrific sandstorm described in Chessmen)
Tower of Thavas -- Toonolian Marsh
Thurian Tower
Turquoise Tower -- Ombra
Yellow Tower -- Lesser Helium



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Dor -- south pole, Martian Heaven
of the First Born -- here Kamtol lies
Hohr -- northwest of Tjanath; Ghasta
of Lost Souls -- at south pole between Valley Dor and Otz Mountains
Otz Valley -- surrounds Valley Dor.



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MAP LOCATIONS IN: (xxLat xxLong)

 Aaanothor - dead city (50S 80E or 55S 70E)
Amhor - 700 miles north of Morbus, at war with Duhor. Ranchers export their products. (42N 118W)
Bantoom - Nation of Kaldanes (46S 46W)
Duhor - 10,500 haads nw of Helium. 7,800 haads west of Toonolian Marshes on western side of Artolian Hills (aka Snow Clad Mountains) at war with Amhor (40N 178W)
Dusar - (15N 60E)
Exum - Barsoomian Grenwich. (0 lat 0 lon)
Gathol - NW of Helium. Titled the oldest inhabited city of Barsoom. Gathol began as an island in Throxeus and as the ocean disappeared, the city built down the emerging seamount. Surrounded by salt marshes, Gathol has never been conquered though many have tried to take possession of the fabulous diamond mines beneath the city. (6N 15W)
Ghasta - located Hohr Valley NW of Tjanath. (58S 70W)
Gooli - city on Island of Ompt in the Toonolian Marshes
Hastor - city/nation of Helium (33S 106E)
Helium - 1,600 miles from Exum (30S 106E)
Horz - 1,500 miles NW Gathol, 5,000 miles NW Helium, last stronghold surviving Orovars--except Lothar (48N 0Lon)
Illall - city of Okar, north pole
Invak - located in the Forest of Lost Men near Polodona (the equator).
Jahar - U-Gor is a province of Jahar. (30S 35E)
Kadabra - Okarian capital, north pole
Kamtol - city in the Valley of First Born between Gathol and Horz
Kaol - a city reference I do not recall from which story.
Kobol - (25S 45W)
Korad - a dead city
Korvas - a dead city deserted over 1,000 years. Pew Mogel set up shop here.
Lothar - a city of Orovars? (Kar Komak was an incarnation of an Orovar captain) 43S 30E)
Mantaja - see Manator
Manator - 814 miles west of Gathol (3N 38W)
Manatos - see Manator
Marentina - a principality of Okar
Morbus - 700 miles south of Amhor
Okar - nation of yellow men at north pole
Onvak - a city in the Forest of Lost Men
Panar - Nation of red men at North Pole
Pankor - city of Panar
Phundahl - west end of the Toonolian Marshes (20N 120W)
Ptarth - (13 or 15N 168W)
Raxar - (60N 40W)
Thark - (50S 122E)
Tjanath - (60S 70W)
Toonol - East of the Toonolian Marshes (21N 98W)
Torquas - a city of green men (28S 36E)
U-Gor - province of Jahar (58S to 50S and 2W to 7E)
Xanator - dead city. (I believe it is 40S 16E)
Zodonga - 1900 miles E of Helium 30S 172E (map says 10S 150E)
Zor - 380 miles SE of Helium (40S 120E)
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Copyright Notice
Text and Images (c) 1982, 1996 by David Bruce Bozarth. HTML Version (c) 1996. All Rights Reserved. Excerpts from the Martian Books of Edgar Rice Burroughs are copyright by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. Permission to copy for personal use is granted though links are preferred as long as this notice is intact.

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