Ras Thavas' Laboratory

Welcome to the Mastermind of Mars' Laboratory. Collected here is all the knowledge of Barsoom. Ras Thavas has had to move his laboratory yet again. Returning with John Carter to the twin cities of Helium, he has been given quarters in the Great Library, allowed to practice his experiments for the good of Barsoom. You will, of course, pardon him if his archives are somewhat incomplete as he has not fully moved in. I can assure you they shall not stay that way for long.
 *NOTE* - Much of this page is due to the efforts of John Flint Roy, who compiled this information for his book 'A Guide to Barsoom'. To him go my thanks.


Atmosphere Plant - The building that contains the machinery that produces the artificial atmosphere which sustains life upon mars. The machines use the Ninth Ray in the process and it is stored in great quantities within (up to 1000 years worth). The plant is a huge building, 200 feet high and covering roughly 4 square miles. It has only one entrance, composed of three doors each 20 feet thick and controlled only by a series of thought waves. The walls are 150 feet thick and the roof is made of glass which is five feet thick. There are two men which control this plant and each serves for half a year at a stretch.
The Gate of Jeddaks is the main entrance to Greater Helium and it opens onto the broad, moss-cushioned Avenue of Ancestors, which stretches five miles into the heart of the city, terminating in a huge plaza fronting the great Temple of Reward. It is in this magnificent structure that heroes are honored, servants rewarded, and criminals punished. Such individuals are led up the aisle of Hope to the Pedestal of Truth, where they stand before the Throne of Righteousness; and here they are judged. Enormous buildings house Helium's fighting forces and the roofs serve as aerial docks for the naval ships of the fleet, smaller buildings serving as docks for freighters and commercial craft. Private homes are built upon slender metal columns upon which they are raised into the air at night, mainly to avoid assassins. In most cases only the sleeping compartments are raised, but for the rich, they usually use hired guards. Assassination is very prevalent upon mars, yet thievery is almost non-existent. These cities are beautiful to behold with their gardens and stone walks and ramps to lush balconies.
Ptarth - Possibly the second most powerful nation on Barsoom. Its border stretch from the Artolian Hills in the east to the Toonolian Marshes, south to the equator, east to the boundaries of Kaol, and west to the canals of Duhor. The Capital of the same name is seat to the jeddak, Thuvan Dihn, who rules from the Palace of Peace. He is father of Thuvia of Ptarth, wife of Carthoris of Helium, who is the son of John Carter and Dejah Thoris. Ptarth is noted for its wines.
Thark - Once one of ancient Barroom's greatest sea ports, it is now headquarters to the most powerful of the green tribes, and from it they take their name. The name also applies to an enormous track of arid land surrounding the city of Thark and contains all but the five most powerful communities of green men of the tribe, those residing in the capital. Tars Tarkas, personal friend of John Carter, is from this tribe.

Time, Measurement, and Money

Linear Measurement: Through the efforts of various students of the canon, the tables that Carter gave to Burroughs have been updated and corrected. Presented here are the tables as they should read.
  • 1 sof = 1.17 inches
  • 1 sofad = 11.694 inches
  • 1 ad = 9.75 feet
  • 1 haad = 1949 feet
  • 2.71 haads = 1 mile
  • 10 Sofs = 1 sofad
  • 10 sofads = 1 ad
  • 200 ads = 1 haad
  • 100 haads = 1 karad
  • 360 karads = 1 circumferance of Barsoom at the Equator
Time: The Barsoomian day is approximately 24 hours 37minutes long, Earth time. Their day starts at the equivalent to our 6:00 am. and is divided into 10 equal parts. These are divided further into 50 shorter parts, each of which is then broken into 200 more parts, each roughly equal to our 'second'. Presented here are pictures of some Barsoomian wrist-watches and a wall clock. So, the Barsoomian/Earth time table reads thus;
  • 1 tal = .885 seconds
  • 50 tals = 1 tak = 44.25 seconds
  • 4 taks = 1 xat = 2.95 minutes
  • 50 xats = 1 zode = 2 hours, 28 minutes
Also found amongst ERB's notes where the following terms and measurements, though they do not appear in any of the novels.
  • 10 zodes = 1 padan (day)
  • 67 padans = 1 teean (month)
  • 10 teeans = 1 ord (year)
Money: There are only three types of coins in circulation upon Barsoom, and they are dull and oval metal. Paper money may be issued by individuals, like we would write a check, and this must be redeemed twice a year. If the individual should issue more than he can redeem, the government pays his debts and he is forced to work out the amount of indebtedness on the government run farms or mines.
  • 1 bronze pi, comparable to 1 U.S. cent
  • 10 pi = 1 silver teepi, comparable to 1 U.S. dime
  • 10 teepi = 1 gold tanpi, comparable to 1 U.S. dollar
Numbers: The following meager table of number names is all that can be compiled from the data contained in the chronicles, and even it is partially guess work.
  • 1 = ay
  • 2-3 = ?
  • 4 = tor
  • 5-6 = ?
  • 7 = ov
  • 8 = bar
  • 9 = ?
  • 10 = tee
  • 11 = teeay
  • 12-13 = ?
  • 14 = teetor
  • 15-16 = ?
  • 17 = teeov
  • 18 = teebar
  • 19-20 = ?
  • 100 = tan
  • 1000 = dar
  • 10,000 = mak
  • 1,000,000 = dur
Burroughs indicates that there are more tables, but states that they were turned over -- with other scientific data -- to members of the International Astronomic Society for their perusal and study. Where these priceless papers and documents are now should be of the utmost concern.