One of the ways to increase the physical aspects would be to use all the physical props that might work. The physical objects would be for example be rings, staffs, wands, swords and other objects that would ostensibly have magical abilities.
One of the problems would be however the doubting of those involved in such an exercise. It is doubtful that people would believe that such simple means could work the necessary spell within the minds of those playing. There is no way to ultimately determine what will and will not be accepted and used by the players of the game. Not the least problem would be the resistance of the players to a situation that is obviously contrived and artificial. In reality there is no such thing as magic or spells, or alternate worlds. But in the perfect campaign, these things would be taken as axiomatic.
What I have in mind is a book to be read like and have the style ofthe King James version of the bible (might as well set my sights a littlehigh!). This will be a book for me to bounce material off for adventuresand to be a document that the party could read upon entering the realm.Also it will become a source book for the campaign.
Time Line
All the years given in this document are in Ancient Years (Terran Normal)
3556 - The last ship leaves.
Something that would be very nice would be to make globes of theplanets and their moons. This could most easily be done by using a beachball as the form, and then cover it in paper-mache. The paper could be usedto detail the planet topographically. I have never seen this done in anygame, and I think it could really increase the players involvement in thegame.
What I have in mind is a book to be read like and have the style ofthe King James version of the bible (might as well set my sights a littlehigh!). This will be a book for me to bounce material off for adventuresand to be a document that the party could read upon entering the realm.Also it will become a source book for the campaign.
Time Line
All the years given in this document are in Ancient Years (Terran Normal)
3556 - The last ship leaves.
Dungeons and Dragons thrives on conflict. The party will be exposed toconflicts at all levels, person to person, race to race, nation to nation,planet to planet, god to god, and plane to plane. A clear structuring ofthese conflicts will suggest many adventures which will then be written up.At this early stage of development, this will also help codifycharacteristics of cults, nationalities and races. First a listing of allraces and dieties will be produced. These will be attributed to theirnatural habitat, and perhaps suggestions for proportions found at on otherworlds.
Black Skinned Human - The First Born
White Skinned Human - Orovars
Yellow Skinned Human - Okarians
Green Man - 4 Armed Giants
Red Skinned Human - Mongrel Race
There is no reason that I can see to make some races "soul" and others"spirit". I can see little difference in the game play either way. In mostcampaigns, the level restrictions are sufficient to limit the abilities ofthose races. In a high level campaign, inability to resurrect a charactercan be a disaster for a DM. So, on SOS,
The Genetics of SOS
Giantism is said to be the result of a virus developed at one time tobe administered to cattle and chickens to increase the yield of flesh. Thisvirus was not supposed to infect anything other than the specific animal tobe infected, but after a century, the virus mutated and was caught byhumans and other species, until today on all planets, variations of sizeamong animals are still rampant. The entire race of giants is said to havesprung from the victims of the virus.