Any history must start by defining the date system used within. Asthere are so many different date systems used on the planets of SOS, thisis not a easy task. Converting from years on Tefnut which are 289 days longto Bast which has a year of 468 is especialy difficult. However, the Godshave provided SOS with a common system of time measurement based onlogical, not planetary means. This system is detailed below. Remember, thissystem is used only by historians and servents of the gods. The people wholive on a planet, or are not dealing with issues that span SOS, use thetime of thier own planet.
TICK - A half a second.
DEKTIC - 5 seconds
CIL - 100 ticks, 10 seconds shy of a minuet
KLAR - 100 Cil, about an hour and a quarter
MEK - 10 Mar, about 12.5 hours
DAY - 2 Mek, 25 hours
MIR - 10 Mek, 5 days
NANTH - 10 Mir, 50 days, just under 2 months
YEAR - 5 Nanth - 305 24 hour days
Thus the basic means of locating ones self in time (the hour and theday) are approximatly the same regardless of what the planetary time is.