The Underworld

The Underworld or the place where the dead go just after death is rather different in SOS than it might be on other planes. On SOS, there is a intermediary place where souls go that is on the planet rather than on some other plane. Remember that we are dealing with souls here, and these take up no space. The actual area of this place is only 20 sq. miles, but to the souls inside, it seems infinitely large. They sounds the souls make is terrible. Just as those who remain alive mourn for the dead, the dead mourn for the living. The sounds of their lamentations fill the cavern.

The terrible sounds and the realization that they have passed on is to much for weak souls, and so there are many who go insane. The most common form of insanity is the soul that refuses to accept where they are. They will constantly mutter and engage other souls in monologues trying to determine where they are. Thus, this place is very lothesome.

The ruler of this relm is a Demi-god usually having Lawful Neutral alignment.It is this ones job to determine where (to which of the outer planes) the soul will spend it's time between incarnations. Although the being is different on each planet, they all are known by the name Judgment. They relinquish their real names upon accepting the job. This is a common job for new immortals before they are granted Demi-God status. Thus, this being does not have a large number of hit points. This is more than made up for by a magic item that only the Judgment rulers possess. This is called the Rod of Ultimate Judgment.

This Underworld is featureless. There is a 1% chance that a soul will even see a wall. There is no light in this realm, and even Elves and Dwarves are helplessly lost here. There is no sense on direction, and no clues as to where this place is located. There are yielding but impenetrable invisible walls that seem to curve through the area of the Underworld.

The souls move through this area slowly, approaching ever closer to the seat of judgment. If a soul attempts to move backwards along the maze, invisible pseudopods will extrude from the walls and push the soul forward. If a soul persists in its attempts to move back or stop, a group of 5 demon, each having the same number and Hit Dice as the unwilling soul will threaten terrible tortures before they bring the soul directly to Judgment.

They will make good their threats on any further resistance. It is possible

for a soul to move quickly and reach Judgment

The idea of the added detail that goes into this place is to make the death of a character interesting. Many characters will die and be resurected, so it is appropriate to give them a chance to play out what happened during the time they were dead. It is a possible to have several meaningful random encounters. The number of encounters will depend of course on the time spent dead.

The long line of souls may get longer or shorter, depending on how many people die at a particular time. It is possible to have 2 billion souls crowded into the area of the Underworld, but this will be very cramped. But short of a planetary disaster, this limit will never be reached. The only time it was even filled from end to beginning was during the Technology wars. The basic time needed to pass through the maze and arrive at the seat of Judgment is 3D10. This may be modified up or down by the following factors, or at the DM discretion. A catastrophe will add 1d20, a war will add 1d10, a plague will add 1d30.

A more accurate ruler would be 1 additional day possible per 5% increase of the normal death rate. I.E. A barbarian horde sweeps through a defenseless city, killing all but a few of its people. The town had 34,000 people and the normal death rate is calculated by dividing the mean age at death into the total population of the planet. This is the average number of deaths per year. On Kopeta (where this tragedy took place) has a population of 1,345,000,000 people. The average age at death is 56. This gives us a total of 24,017,857 dying per year. This is then divided by the number of days in a year, in this case 413, resulting in 58,154 per day. 34,000 in one day means an increase of 58.5% Thus an addition 1d6 days is needed to reach Judgment. This is a cumulative total.