that ubiquitous and incomparable Bard
Staalin Faars
The following is a chronicle of a true event. All similarities to player characters living or dead is intentional. Names have not been changed to protect the innocent who, due to some unfortunate circumstance, may resemble any of the heroes introduced forthwith. Certain artistic license has been taken to provide substance and colour to what would otherwise certainly be a trifle boring to you, the Dear Reader. So with this short but important preliminary preamble concluded, on with the story…
Published by the Author
<click> They want you to do a slow circle around the city...But
keep your distance. <click>
"Aaaaaallllll riiiiiiiiight," thought Galranwyn.
The neuroplugs in the ship's helm which constantly monitored
her brain waves identified the pattern as a communication request, translated
it into electrical impulses, routed them to the communication port which
fed them to the amplifier, which boosted the signals to the speaker on
the bridge, which translated the impulses into sound waves by vibrating
the sensitive cone in the speaker.
"Oh damn! I hope she isn't going to start humming again!" said
It had taken her a few flying sessions to discover that by mentally
re-routing the ship's feedback sensors in the speakers to a specific part
of her brain, which was the nerve receptor of a certain part of her body,
speaking through the ships com system created a VERY strange sensual sensation.
Damn damn damn damn damn damn thought Chicolini. A little over
a year ago, puzzled by the humming that was Galranwyn's habit whenever
she flew the ship, Chicolini, after much trial and error, had discovered
the joys of feedback. He had also discovered that turning the speakers
off made his habit more bearable to the crew, though much less intensely
pleasurable to himself. Something about the cone shaped object …
He thought about having a frank discussion with Galranwyn. And
once again decided that it was m-m-much too embarrassing to contemplate.
He shivered violently, then began to preen his ruffled feathers.
Pisheo had just finished stretching which she did twice each day
ever since joining the thieves guild. Only the fine beads of sweat above
her upper lip gave evidence to her recent contortions.
Now for an hour of knife work, climbing walls, and other exercises
which helped hone her dexterity and maintain the muscles she needed to
ply her trade. She always hated this part of the workout. The sweat stains
were easily disguised by the dark clothing she habitually wore. But the
odor was a REAL problem. There were many nights when she would awake in
a cold sweat over the recurring nightmare of being caught in the act because
she smelled like a bantu in heat.
An hour later, ready for a bath, she paused before the mirror
to admire herself. It took a full minute before she could see herself amid
the clutter and shadows of her room.
Hot damn your good! she thought. Then she began wondering
what personal item she would return to Galranwyn. Maybe the communications
orb. Well that means I'll have to return the pouch of holding as well.
It was a tricky problem, but not too difficult for a master thief. I'm
just not appreciated enough around here. But that's how I like it. She
chuckled as she planned how she would return the items that had not been
She had just closed her cabin door when two crewmen stepped around
a bulkead and started to walk towards her in the corridor.
"Well that was a strange city."
"Yea. Looked kinda spooky to me."
"The 509 are strange birds. Imagine wanting to visit a place
like that out in the middle of nowhere, when we coulda took 'em to any
city they wanted!"
"Go figure. HEY! Have you been porkin' out on those navy beans
again? PHEEEEWW!"
"Hey, don't go DISin' me. After all, the first one to catch a
whiff is the one who done it. Man, that was RIPE!"
They picked up their pace and disappeared around the corner.
Pisheo slowly let out her breath and decided to take a short
cut through the cargo hold to see this strange city before taking her bath.
<tap, TAP, tap>
There, it's
done! Dromar beamed as he stepped back several gnomish paces to admire
his handiwork. There on a large block of wood (pedestal really) sat
an intricately engraved chair of gnomish proportions(well, really
more like a throne). Steps which added stability and support led to the
pedestal. This should shut them up! No more jokes about the baby on the
high chair!
Eager to try out his latest invention, Dromar pressed upon the
cleverly concealed panel which sprung open at his touch to reveal a lever.
Pushing on the lever activated a series of ropes and pullys which
lifted his chair on to the cleverly concealed wheels under the pedestal.
He rolled it out the door and into the mess hall. Shoving the high chair
aside, he carefully positioned HIS chair before pushing forward on the
lever, which retracted the wheels. He clicked the panel shut.
After fixing himself a royal snack, he walked up the gnomish
steps of the pedestal, set his plate on the table and prepared to sit in
his custom made chair that molded perfectly to his body. Aaaaaaaaah! He
slowly began to savor the first enjoyable meal ever on this boat.
Just as he was finishing, Krom and Bensyl strode into the room.
Krom's eyes opened wide as he did a comical double-take. "Well look at
what our inventive engineer has made. A throne on which to SHIT so that
he can eat!"
"He shits so that he can eat so that he can shit so he can eat
so he can shit..."
Dromar scowled. I'm not going to let this potty humor ruin my
day. At least its better than dead baby jokes.
When he walked up on deck, he saw a huge walled city with very
strange roofs. What's this? He went to his favorite spot in the aft and
began loading his pipe.
Suddenly, his stomach contracted forcing his partially digested
snack to spew out over the railing in three distinct streams. Despite the
burning sensation in his nose, he noticed that the chunky fluids did not
arc gracefully and disappear beneath the railing. Rather, they seemed suspended
in mid air. Several of the smaller chunks even appreared to actually be
floating back towards him as if drifting lazily on the wind.
Katrina, Victorex, Timber and I were top deck enjoying the view
of the long abandoned but still majestic Kumelon. Naturally, I had the
best view, having had the foresight to purchase a marvelous invention that
made objects appear nearer than they actually were. Of course Timber and
the rest begged to borrow it. So after a few minutes I passed it around.
Out of the corner of my eye I spied Pisheo sneaking out of a
cargo hatch. I was about to yell to her to bolt the hatch behind her when
I was distracted by the sight of several rather large and unsightly sweat
stains clearly visible on her black shirt. Really! How gauche.
Victorex was on his knees, his face scrunched in concentration,
probably praying to his god again. He was babbling on about how he was
a genius (ha!) and that we should land the ship immediately. Dromar was
standing by the aft railing stuffing his oversized pipe with god knows
what evil smelling refuse.
In retrospect, I knew that something was terribly wrong when
Galranwyn's humming ended abruptly, before the usual grand finale of sharp
short notes. However, my stomach, banging against the roof of my mouth
to be let out, claimed my immediate attention.
Being no stranger to this condition, I did not panic, but, almost
reflexively, activated my boots and coordinated my flight match the
abrupt decent of Dragonsbane. It's amazing really. Though falling at the
same rate of speed, I now felt in control and was able to put my stomach
back where it belonged.
I calmly looked about the ship to access the situation. I wanted
to determine where help was most needed and, more importantly, if I could
provide any aid at all.
Timber was shouting orders to petrified crewmen. Though I couldn't
immediately discern their meaning, I used my extensive vocal training to
relay his orders to the crew. I was gratified that they seemed to
understand them and immediately began to carry them out.
What next? Pisheo seemed to have the situation AND the railing
well in hand.
Dromar had decided this was the perfect time to lose his lunch. Yuck! Nothing
I could help with there.
Victorex was mumbling some gibberish sounding suspiciously like, "I told
you so." Then, I saw Katrina crouched, cowering on the deck.
I flew over, patted her on the shoulder and offered her a few
words of encouragement. I believe I said, "Whatever you do, DON'T look
over the railing. And for heaven's sakes girl, RELAX! You'll break quite
a few more bones if you're all tensed up like that when you hit the ground."
My sensible advice seemed to fall upon deaf ears.
"Ooooooooooooooooooooooh!" wailed Katrina, "Where is Fido?"
Her mood was infectious. I began to worry so I drifted over to
the railing. Once I had re-established my spacial orientation vis-a-vis
the ground, I began to feel a whole lot better! Dromar, his hair
and beard adorned with choice bits and pieces of his last meal [an unfortunate
choice of words] was now manning the steering wheel.
Well, it's almost time to abandon this sinking ship. I've collected
some great material for a song. I really do hope my friends survive so
we can all have a good laugh over this incident.
And as Timora is my witness, we did just that! Oh, it took some time to find our way back to a PROPER inn. There was a little problem of moving our ship several hundred yards so it could fly again. The solution was very ingenious and involved several party members forming some VERY close (but short-lived) relationships with large, dumb, hairy smelling creatures that were almost certainly distant relations of the bantu. But that's another story.