The Staalin and the Mist Dragon

by Staalin Faars

 I had just completed the complex gestures required for the summoning when I heard the shouts of alarm from the crew. Lost in the familiar throes of light-headed langeur that was the inevidible result of channeling hug amounts of magical energies through my body, it was easy to ignore the sense of fear and desperation emanating from the sailors. The unnaturally thick fog appeared to roil off the bow, gradually taking the form of a powerful stallion twenty hands high! His hooves barely broke the surface of the water as he bobbed up and down to the rhythm of the sea. He stared at me with one milky eye, then tossed his head as if saying, “Well, what are you waiting for? Let’s go!”
 The panicked cries of the crew suddenly came into focus as the effects of the spell casting disappeared. I glance over my shoulder in time to see a glowing cloud of mist begin to engulf the boat. The cries turned to screams of agony. Where mist touched skin, blisters grew like huge translucent mushrooms which burst, leaving twisted strips of skin over bloodless white muscle. A brilliant glow encircled me just before I felt the searing hot kiss of the dragon’s breath.
 I leapt upon the phantom steed’s back, mildly surprised that I was able to stay in the saddle. He twisted his neck until a milky eye met mine and bared his teeth as if to say, “Nice try, french fry. You’re lucky that I was the one who answered your summons.” Without further urging he began to trot around the boat.
 I barely had time to enjoy the novelty when he broke into a spine jarring gallop. With both hands tightly gripping the pommel and both cheeks being rhythmically and soundly slapped by the saddle, it took me a few seconds to realize we were charging straight for the dragon. I leaned low and whispered, “Careful…I’d rather we take a more roundabout way. I just want to reconnoiter the area to access our situation.” The wind of our passage must have impaired my steed’s hearing.
 A white flash of light illuminated the dragon’s head leaving its dark image floating before my dazzled eyes. I shivered as a bolt of ice shot overhead covering my damp clothes with a coat of rime. A thunder-like clap rang in my ears as the bolt glanced off a scaly breast, shattering into a thousand shards of glittering ice. Bellowing, the dragon reared out of the water exposing two squat powerful legs bristling with razor share claws.
 I belatedly realized that I was screaming like a berserker. My long sword in front of me was glowing with a pale green light. As I drew near, it tried to claw me. My steed deftly evaded its deadly embrace only to swerve right into the path of its gaping jaws.
 It plucked me out of the saddle and shook me like a rag doll. I felt one leg buckle as a huge sharp tooth pierced the fleshy muscle of my thigh. I heard a sickening crunch as my ankle broke. Three of four ribs snapped as my left side was crushed.
 Something thick and warm was bubbling from my mouth. Surprisingly, I felt no pain. My mind was crystal clear, soaking up the minute details of my predicament. As the dragon opened its mouth to swallow me I saw my chance. Summoning every last ounce of strength, I thrust my sword into the soft upper palate of its mouth. It stuck halfway in and I knew my death was but a heartbeat away.
 Then a miracle happened. My battered body was suffused with a sense of well being. With renewed vigor, I pushed against my sword. There was a slight resistance before I drove my sword to the hilt, piercing its brain. The dragon’s jaws opened wide and I was flung  into the chaotic waves below.
 I finally broke to the surface caughing up frothing blood and sea water. There, not a few inches away, was a ghostly hoof. With knotted muscles and twisting guts, I managed to climb onto the back of my horse.
 And as I lifted my head I saw the dragon sink beneath the waves. In a hoarse voice I could barely recognize, I croaked, “I WANT THAT DRAGON’S SKIN!”