1.  True Blue

(a timeworn phrase which is often casually bandied about by inexperienced adventurers)
Nostrils filled with rotting flesh
Dripping putrid offal ooze
Gagging on every searing breath
We took another cautious step

Black brown slime, ankle deep
Sucking at our soles
It was hard to keep our feet
No help from moist slick walls

Wandering hopelessly, helplessly
Following a carpet red
We encountered an abomination
We long since thought was dead
Its crusted puckered sphincter mouth
Opened up and said...

Tho travel worn and really filthy
I'm so very glad to see
You've survived, arrived here safely
To finally set me free
The mad and evil doktor mage
Forced me to summon you
To be parts of his experiment
(He needs a limb or two)
Hack'm, slash'm,  kill him
Swear this is what you'll do
And I'll return you home again
This I promise you

Strangers in a stranger land
No landmarks could we see
This offer the only flickering light
To guide us home safely

Up to our eyeballs in gooey muck
Down in spirits, out of luck
We were well and truly fucked

Then trembling, heaving, churning
We were swept away
Flotsam floating on toxic waste
Into the grey cold day

Who first to see this dreary world?
Krom puts his life at risk
To the edge, arms windmilling
Toes frantically grasping the precipice
Victorex follows close behind
Slipping, stumbling into the pall
Upsetting Krom's precarious perch
Over the edge, he begins his fall
Hand grasping hand
He's in for the ride
As Victorex begins to slide
Out tumbles Katrina
Who's flight she confers
Onto Victorex Mortalis
Momentum transfers
Hand grasping hand
An unbreakable grip
Alas Katrina begins to slip

A cold wind blows o'er slate grey sea
Battering, hammering ceaselessly
Pounding to sand inexorably
The coal black rocks which littered the cove
Behind which towering cliffs abruptly rose
Atop of which our story unfolds

Three kindred souls
Arms linked in the rain
Will spring become winter
For this daisy chain?

Brown puckered lips
Open wide yet again
Disgorging renewed hope
Out pops Galranwyn

Sadly lacking physical strength
She displays surprising skill
No hesitation, weighing risk
She grabs Katrina with iron will

Calling forth from hidden depths
Adrenalin summoned by her fear
Courage bound her fate with friends
Though patient Death hovers near

Muscles bunch
Tendons creak
The die's been cast
Both hands hold fast!

And thus these travel weary warriors
Twould draw another ragged breath
From selfless act of brave Galranwyn
Were saved from an untimely death

We all know of kindred spirits
Who've played out similar roles
In different scenes, different acts
Who chose to risk body and soul

Now put yourself in their place
Would you be a person who
Would tread the same rocky road
What would you really do?

Stand by your values
Stand with your mate
And by those who cover
Your butt in a scrape
For the gods tend to favor
Those who remain true
To their friends and just causes
And to those who continue
To struggle 'gainst all odds
From out of the blue
Miracles do happen
To those lucky few

To my regret this song now ends
Though not the tale, fear not my friends
When next we meet, I'll make ammends
I'll continue to compose in rhyme
The wonderous saga of Local 509
From now till then, fly swift the time...

Staalin Faars