From the "Uber Ego"

My notes from the early days of the campaign are not very good to say the least. I was not working on the computer at that time and my handwriting is very bad. My script is so bad that I have to use block printing. This is much slower than my typing speed, so my records of the old days are far more limited than I would like.

I doubt that anyone is interested enough to look at or enjoy these notes, but I have included much of the early material here that you may know the nature of the material.

The story of SOS begins way back in mid 1989, but many of the players have already adventured through my first serious campaign. It was in a place called the Planets of the Blue Sun which began in 1980. We are a close knit group of friends who regularly socialize together away from the gaming table. Camping in Big Basin State park is our favorite outing which we manage to do 4 or 5 times a year.  

As it happens, Lisa (my wife) and Gordon were the first to create characters; more by chance and availability than by plan. At any rate. I have chosen to begin this adventure with their journey to Waterdeep and have the rest of your characters meet them there.

Please understand that there are imperatives to a narrative that go beyond balancing it so each character get "equal time". If I have my way, these narratives will be long enough and detailed enough to give every character his due. As the perspective will be "3rd person Omniscient", I will be able to focus on the character most involved in the current action and this should prove to even things out.

It is impossible for my own imagination to conjure up the actions that the players have performed throughout this campaign. I feel that they are a necessary part of the creative process. However, I have the sole responsibility for any faults that occur within.

I sincerely hope that you enjoy this and regard my representation of the creations by the players of Local 509 as worthy. - Chip

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