Draft Heavy Medium Light Pony Wild Riding Mule
Climate/Terrain: Any non-mountainous Any non-mountainous Any non-mountainous Any non-mountainous Any non-mountainous Any non-mountainous Any non-mountainous Any non-mountainous
Frequency: Common Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Common Common
Organization: Herd Herd Herd Herd Herd Herd Herd Herd
Activity Cycle: Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day
Diet: Herbivore Herbivore Herbivore Herbivore Herbivore Herbivore Herbivore Herbivore
Intelligence: Animal (1) Animal (1) Animal (1) Animal (1) Animal (1) Animal (1) Animal (1) Animal (1)
Treasure: Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Alignment: Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
No. Appearing: 1 1 1 1 1 5-30 (5d6) 5-50(5d6) 1
Armor Class: 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Movement: 12 15 18 24 12 24 24 12
Hit Dice: 3 3+3 2+2 2 1+1 2 3 3
THAC0: 17 17 19 19 19 19 17 17
No. of Attacks: 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 or 2
Damage/Attack: 1-3 1-8/1-8 1-6/1-6 1-4/1-4 1-2 1-3 1-2/1-2 1-2/1-6
Special Attacks: Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Special Defenses: Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Magic Resistance: Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Size: L L L L M L L M
Morale: Unsteady (5-7) Unsteady (5-7) Unsteady (5-7) Unsteady (5-7) Unsteady (5-7) Unsteady (5-7) Unsteady (5-7) Unsteady (5-7)
XP Value: 65 120 65 35 35 35 65 65

  Nars Raurin Semphari Steppe Sosser
Climate/Terrain: Temperate Arid Arid Steppe Temperate
Frequency: Uncommon Rare Very rare Uncommon Uncommon
Organization: Herd Herd Herd Herd Herd
Activity Cycle: Day Day Day Day Day
Diet: Herbivore Herbivore Herbivore Herbivore Herbivore
Intelligence: Animal (1) Animal (1) Animal (1) Animal (1) Animal (1)
Treasure: Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Alignment: Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
No. Appearing: 2-5 1-3 1-3 3-30 2-20
Armor Class: 7 7 7 6 6
Movement: 18 24 24 24 18
Hit Dice: 3+3 2+3 3+3 4+3 4+3
THAC0: 17 17 17 15 15
No. of Attacks: 3 3 3 3 3
Damage/Attack: 1-6/1-6/1-3 1-4/1-4/1-3 1-4/1-4/1-3 1-4/1-4/1-3 1-6/1-6/1-3
Special Attacks: Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Special Defenses: Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Magic Resistance: Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Size: L (7-8’) L (7-8’) L (7-8’) M (5-7’) M (5-7’)
Morale: Average (8-10) Unsteady (5-7) Unsteady (5-7) Average (8-10) Average (8-10)
XP Value: 120 65 120 175 175

Horses are large quadrupeds often used for transportation, or as pack and draft animals, by human and demihuman races. They are frequently bred for their speed and for their beauty.

A horse can be solid white, gray, chestnut, brown, black, or various reddish tones; its hide can instead show a variation or combination of these colors. Some of the more interesting variations include the piebald, which has a coat of large, irregular patches of black and white; the palomino, with its rich yellow-gold coat and white mane and tail; and the dapple gray, which is dark gray with flecks of lighter color on the chest, belly, and hindquarters.

In addition to the coat’s color, the horse may have markings of various sorts. The long hairs of the mane and tail can be lighter, darker, or of the same color as the body of the horse. Possible markings include socks (meaning the leg from the hoof, halfway to the knee, or hock, is white); a white muzzle; a blaze (a wide band of white from the top of the horse’s head to the tip of its nose); and a star (a white, diamond-shaped patch set on the horse’s forehead, right between its eyes).

Horses are measured in “hands”. One hand equals 4 inches.

Combat: War horses will fight independently of the rider on the second and succeeding rounds of a melee. Other breeds fight only if cornered. Most attack twice per round by kicking with their front hooves.

Unless specially trained, horses can be panicked by loud noises, strange smells, fire, or sudden movements 90% of the time. Horses trained and accustomed to such things (usually warhorses) panic only 10% of the time.

Habitat/Society: The horse’s gestation period is about 11 months. Mares (female horses) usually give birth to a single foal (young horse). Twins do occur, but only about 10% of the time (or less). Even triplets are possible, but are extremely rare. The foal is weaned after six months. It is mature after two to three years, and is considered adult at age five. The usual life span of a horse is 30-35 years, though rare exceptions have lived to age 50, and hard-worked horses rarely live past age 12.

Only 10% of ponies and wild horses can be trained to serve as warhorses. Of all the breeds and varieties listed here, only mules are agile enough for use in mountainous or subterranean environments.

Ecology: Modern horses evolved in temperate plains and grasslands. Domestic breeds can be found anywhere people live (even in the high mountains, if the local roads are good).

Horses can carry great weights for long periods of time, but not without tiring. The table below shows the maximum weight a horse can carry; as illustrated, greater weights cause the horse to move at slower movement rates.

Horse Table 1. Maximum weight in pounds at
Type of Horse Full speed Half speed One-third speed
Draft 260 390 520
Heavy war horse 260 390 520
Medium war horse 220 330 440
Light war horse 170 255 340
Pony 160 240 320
Wild 170 255 340
Riding 180 270 360
Mule 250 375 500
Type of Horse Walk Trot Canter Gallop
Draft 6 12 18 24
Heavy war horse 6 15 21 27
Medium war horse 9 18 27 36
Light war horse 12 24 36 48
Pony 6 12 18 24
Wild 12 24 36 48
Riding 12 24 36 48
Mule 6 12 18 24

A horse can also move at speeds higher than those given as their base movement rates, as shown on the table below. The horse’s normal movement rate is considered a trot.

As noted in Chapter 14 of the Player’s Handbook, in a day of travel over good terrain, a creature can travel a number of miles equal to twice its normal movement rate. A horse’s overland movement rate can be improved by pushing it to a canter or gallop. A canter can be safely maintained for two hours, or a gallop for one hour, but the horse must be walked for an hour before its speed can again be increased. For the effects of increasing a horse’s speed enough to affect its overland movement rate, see Chapter 14 of the DMG.

A horse will not gallop when loaded with enough material to reduce its normal movement rate by half; nor will it canter or gallop if carrying a load which will reduce its normal movement rate to one-third normal (see Horse Table 1).

Draft Horse

Large beast, unaligned

Armor Class 10
Hit Points 19 (3d10 + 3)
Speed 40 ft.

18 (+4) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 2 (−4) 11 (+0) 7 (−2)

Senses passive Perception 10
Languages --
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)


Hooves. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4) bludgeoning damage.

Riding Horse

Large beast, unaligned

Armor Class 10
Hit Points 13 (2d10 + 2)
Speed 60 ft.

16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 2 (−4) 11 (+0) 7 (−2)

Senses passive Perception 10
Languages --
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)


Hooves. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) bludgeoning damage.

To the untrained eye, a horse is a horse and there is little difference between a riding horse, light horse, warhorse, and draft horse. To the trained eye, however, there are great differences in breeds of horses. This is true in the Forgotten Realms just as much as anywhere else.

The different breeds of horse described here are the most notable types found in and around the lands of the Endless Waste.


The Nars breed is famous throughout the North. The breed has the reputation for combining strength, speed, and a placid nature. The Nars is a popular breeding stock in Almorel, Nathoud, Narfell, Rashemen, Damara, Vaasa, and Impiltur.

The Nars averages about sixteen hands (5’4” – a hand equals 4 inches) at the withers, making it a large animal. Its coat is normally a chestnut color, although golds and blacks are also found. It is strong in the harness, such that its movement rate is not reduced when hitched to a cart or wagon. For its size and strength, it has a fast gait, moving at the pace of a medium horse. It can carry as much as a heavy warhorse (260/390/520). The Nars has a good disposition and is less likely to be spooked by sudden shocks. For these qualities, the Nars is popular with the northern nobility and yeoman farmers alike. The Nars breed is a staple of the horse markets of Nathoud.


The Raurin is found mainly in the Raurin Desert and surrounding lands. It is an ancient breed and has been the well-spring of many other bloodlines. Bred first when the desert was a green land, the Raurin survived the drastic change to arid desert. In surviving, it grew tough and sturdy. For centuries it lived wild and free in the desert lands. Then, as men returned into the desert, they tamed the Raurin and began to cultivate the breed.

The Raurin is a fine, strong animal, about 15 hands high. Its legs are long and slender. Overall, the horse is slimly built, so that it has the general proportions of a light warhorse. The Raurin are almost always golden, dun, or gray in color.

The breeders have capitalized on the Raurin’s strength and stamina. Through careful management, they have bred the line for speed. The Raurin has all the qualities of a light warhorse and then some. In addition to speed, the Raurin is noted for its sure-footedness and stamina. It is stronger than a light warhorse and hardier. It can survive on fodder alone, and does not need to be fed grain. It can also last for one to three days without water.

It is speed that makes the Raurin famous, however. its supporters boast that there is no faster horse in the world. It certainly is one of the fastest, and the breed is popular among the horse racers throughout the region. It can triple its speed for short spurts (no more than 1 or 2 miles). After this it must be cooled down (walked for a turn) and then allowed to rest. If this isn’t done, the horse must make a saving throw vs. shock or collapse from exhaustion.

The Raurin breed is rare in the desert and virtually unknown in distant lands. The breed is seldom recognized in distant lands. Although the horse is valuable in the lands where it is known, commanding prices of 1,000 gp or more, it is hard to sell elsewhere. Foreigners must be shown the Raurin’s talents, usually in a horse race. If the demonstration is convincing, the price can be as great as 5,000 gp. In these cases, it is commonly bought to improve the stock of the local breed.


One of the closest relations to the Raurin is the Semphari, a magnificent animal. Of the known breeds, there is none that can rival the Semphari for grace and beauty. These, combined with its fine stamina, sure-footedness, and intelligent nature, have made it one of the most valuable of all horses.

The Semphari, so named for the land of its origin, is a smallish, light horse. It stands an average of 14 hands (4’8”) at the withers. Its body is light, and its muscles are lean and trim. Like the Raurin, the legs are long and slender, giving it a graceful look. The coat is almost always chestnut or white, fading to gray near the rump. The mane and tail are long.

The Semphari is prized for more than just its good looks. it is a hardy horse, able to endure more hardship than its appearance would suggest. This stamina gives it the hit dice of a heavy horse, while it still retains the speed of a light horse. It is nimble and sure-footed, so that all Riding proficiency checks made by its rider are improved by one. Likewise, any saving throws the horse must make that involve dodging are improved by one. Thus, both the horse and rider would have a slightly better chance of springing out of the area of a dragon – a breath at the very last second.

By far the most desirable traits, however, are the keen senses and intelligence of the breed. It has good sight and hearing. Wild Semphari mounts have a +1 applied to their surprise die.

Tame horses are easily trained. Learning general tasks takes half the normal time required (see the Animal Training proficiency). The Semphari can learn more specific tricks, from 2 to 12. Because of its nature, all Animal Training proficiency checks are one better than normal when dealing with the Semphari.

The Semphari is not a widespread breed, found mostly in Semphar and Murghom. There, the lords and nobles keep breeding stables and vie to produce the finest horses. Elaborate pedigrees are maintained and traded with each sale. An average horse of the breed sells for 1,000 to 3,000 gold. A Semphari stallion with an illustrious father can easily command double or triple the normal price.

Outside this area, the Semphari is less well known. However, unlike the Raurin, the Semphari’s qualities are easy to see. in foreign markets, the Semphari can still fetch a high price. Pedigrees, while impressive, have little bearing on such sales. Most of the horses are sold to kings and nobles as breeding stock. The prices average 1,000 gold, but finding the breed is almost impossible.


This beast looks like a cross between a horse and a pony. It is not a graceful or attractive mount, nor large and powerful. Its homely appearance disguises a horse of great endurance and strength.

The steppe horse is small, averaging 13 hands at the withers (4’4”). The neck is short, and the body is heavyboned. The head is large. The overall effect is of a small, ungainly mount. Add to this the shaggy winter coat of the breed, and the appearance is such that the Steppe is often called a “half-wild”. The coat is normally copper or bronze with a lighter yellow stripe down the back.

Beneath the surface, however, is a remarkable mount. The steppe horse is tough and hard to kill; its thick coat and hide give it a good armor class. For all its short legs, the steed can go swiftly for long distances. Its small back is strong and can carry as much as a medium warhorse (220/330/440). It is even-natured, making it steady in battle.

The most remarkable of its qualities is its endurance. The steppe horse survives on grazing alone. It does not need separate supplies of grain. It can be ridden for long distances without faltering. A +3 modifier is applied to the saving throw for lameness and exhaustion checks when traveling overland.

Still, the steppe horse is not valuable or sought after; it is most commonly ridden by the nomadic tribes. Outside this region, however, the horse is almost completely unknown, nor will it command high prices at auction. Only those breeders seeking strength and stamina for their own bloodlines are likely to consider the steppe pony worth greater than normal sums.


The Sosser is a mix of steppe horse and other breeds. It is not a glamorous animal, but it is not as homely as its cousin the steppe horse. It is valued for its surefootedness, strength, and ability to resist the cold.

The Sosser is a smallish horse, about 14 hands, though not as barrel-chested as the steppe horse. The neck is long and the head narrow. The hooves are broader than most. In general, it has the proportions of a light horse. The coat is normally chestnut or copper and grows long during the cold season.

The Sosser is bred to endure the cold weather of the far northern mountains and to serve as a work animal. It has greater-than-normal hit dice and a better armor class than most. It is not a fast horse for its size, but can carry as much as a medium warhorse (220/330/440). Like the Nars, it is good in the harness. Its movement rate is not reduced when pulling carts or wagons.

The Sosser has admirable resistance to cold weather. it has a saving throw bonus of +1 against cold-based attacks and suffers one point less per die of damage from such attacks. Conversely, it has less endurance to heat, and saving throws against heat exhaustion are made at a -1.

With the Nars, the Sosser is favored by the farmers of the far north. The horse can commonly be found in the lands of Sossai, Narfell, Vaasa, Damara, and Thar. It is not considered particularly exceptional and can usually be bought for only a little more than the average price.

Draft Horse

Draft horses are large animals bred to haul very heavy loads, and are usually trained to be part of a dray team. Muscular but slow, these ponderous animals haul freight over long distances without complaint, and are frequently used by traders.

War Horse

Warhorses are bred and trained to the lance, the spear, and the sword. They have higher morale than other horses, and are not as skittish about sudden movements and loud noises. The choice of knights and cavalry, these are the pinnacle of military horses. There are three varieties; heavy, medium and light.

Heavy war horses are similar to draft animals. Large and muscular, they are relatively slow. Their size and powerful legs allow them to be armored in plate, and to carry a warrior in plate, as easily as a pony carries saddle bags. A good heavy war horse, fully trained, costs 400 or more gold pieces.

Medium war horses are lighter and smaller than their heavy cousins. They can be encumbered with leather or light plate armor and carry a rider wearing leather or light plate. The advantage of the medium war horse is its increased speed. The price of a medium war horse is 200 gp or more.

Light war horses are the fastest of the breed. They can carry warriors in leather armor, but are rarely armored themselves. They make excellent mounts for raiding parties, light cavalry, and thieves. Light war horses cost 150 gp or more.


Small horses used primarily for transportation and occasionally farm work, ponies are a lively breed. They are more excitable than the larger horses, but frequently more gentle, as well. They are sometimes trained and used as war horses by several of the smaller demihuman races. Prices vary depending on training and size, but most cost around 500 gp.

Wild Horse

Wild horses can be captured and trained to serve as mounts or work ponies. Training usually takes twice as long as training a domestic horse. Wild horses are hardy but jittery, and difficult to catch in the wild. They are sometimes hunted for food by human and demihuman tribes.

Riding Horse

Riding horses are bred to the saddle. Perhaps the most common of all horses, they are ridden, worked, and raced by humans and demihumans alike. The price of a riding horse will vary, depending on its bloodlines, training, and appearance. Fast and agile, this breed is a good choice for personal transportation and general use.


Sterile hybrids of horses and donkeys, mules are very sure-footed and exceptionally stubborn. They can be ridden by patient handlers who know how to control them, but are best used as pack animals in difficult or mountainous terrain. They are sometimes used by adventurers, for they are the only breed that can be taken into subterranean regions. The price of mules depends on how much grief they have given their current owners.

Steppe Pony

A steppe pony is not attractive, graceful, or large, but its homely, ungainly appearance disguises an animal of great endurance, speed, and strength. A steppe pony looks like a cross between a horse and a pony, but is a breed unto itself. They are small, averaging 13 hands (4’4”) at the withers, and they have short necks, large heads, and heavily boned bodies. Their winter coat is shaggy and gives them the appearance of being “half-wild”. They are most commonly colored copper or bronze, with a light yellow stripe running down their backs.

These horses are tough, hard to kill, and aggressive in battle. They have most of the same characteristics as a light war horse, with a few exceptions. It attacks three times per round, its third attack being a bite which causes 1-3 points of damage. The steppe pony’s thick, shaggy coat and tough hide gives it an AC of 6. Its short legs are powerful and can carry horse and rider swiftly, over long distances; its small back is also very strong and it can carry as much as a medium war horse (220/330/440). The steppe pony is even-tempered and steady in battle; its morale is average (8-10), and it panics very rarely (5% chance) due to such things as fire and loud noises.

The steppe pony has remarkable endurance. It can survive by grazing alone and does not require feeding and handling by its rider, so separate supplies of grain are not needed. It can be ridden for long distances without tiring or faltering. A +3 modifier is applied to the pony’s saving throws for lameness and exhaustion checks when travelling overland.

In spite of all its qualities, the steppe pony is not sought after or considered valuable. It is most commonly ridden by nomadic tribes. Outside the steppes, the animal is almost completely unknown and does not command high prices at auction. Only breeders who know the steppe pony’s qualities, and who seek strength and stamina in their own horses’ bloodlines, are likely to consider the steppe pony as valuable.