Back to Undermountain (Again!)

The illustrious members of Local 509 were taking their breakfast in their rented villa, the Stormwatch. As usual, they were discussing what they would do that day. Dromar and Katrina seemed particularly interested as the night before they had finished their spell writing which had occupied their complete concentration the first week they were in the city.

"So, you all got some nice items!" said Katrina. "I hope there are still some good stuff left for us to buy."

"I'm sure they bought all the good stuff" grumbled Dromar. "I doubt there is a single magical item in the whole of Waterdeep that is still for sale. Local 509 is like locusts to the wheat crop when it comes to anything magical."

"That's not true, Dromar." replied Galranwyn with some heat. " Well, maybe it's mostly true, but there are some items for sale still that we know of. When we were visiting the various stores I was making a list of what they had so we wouldn't forget something. Here is the list. The items that are not checked are the things that are still for sale. Of course, something may have been sold since we were at the store."

Dromar perused the list quickly then casually tossed it to Katrina.. "Dross and baubles. Nothing really GOOD, but I suppose we should check things out."

Katrina picked up the list and studied it while the rest sopped up the excellent country gravy that had covered the breakfast ham steaks with the remains of the dense wheat bread made fresh that morning..

"I see some interesting things here. What do you remember about them Galranwyn?"

"It depends on what the item was and whether I was interested in it or not. But if you have question about anything on the list, we should go back to the place that had it and you can see it for yourself."

"Suits me!" cried Katrina excitedly. "Who all wants to come with?"

By the time they had all eaten as much breakfast as they could, they had all decided to re-visit the places they knew still had some special items for sale. The first stop would be Xoblob's as they wanted to give him some more help and see how the repairs to his shop were going. Some of them were still guilty about the Efreet they had released which burned a portion of his shop.

By this time, they know the way to Xobolb's well and it took them only a quarter hour to make their way through the early morning throngs to the shop. Along the side of the building were piled wooden posts that they could see would be used to replace the burned beams, and several stacks of wooden shingles. From the street in front of the building they could see workmen standing on the roof, sawing away at the unburned section of the supporting beams. A large piece of canvas covered the rest of the hole in the roof.

They went to the door and knocked. In a few moments, the door opened and revealed the smiling face of Dandealus. "Ah, come in my friends. Things are going well with the repairs as you will see." Turning to Dromar and glancing at Katrina he added "I don't believe I have had the pleasure."

"Dandealus, these are the last of the members of Local 509. They have been working the last few days and this is their first opportunity to see the city since we arrived. This is Dromar and this is Katrina. They are both very adept in the ways of the Arts Arcanum."

"It's a pleasure to meet you both. But don't lets stand on the doorstep; please come in."

He gestured for them to enter. As they walked in they looked around at the repairs under way. Progress was begin made. A fine shower of sawdust drifted down from the workers on the roof and landed on the bed sheets that covered the display cases. On the floor above, workmen were chiseling at the edges of the remaining supports creating the dovetail joints that would connect the replacement beams to the existing one.

"Things seem to be going well." said Stallen in a cheerful voice. "What can we help you with this morning?"

"You are most kind to lend us a hand so readily." said Dandealus. Even his wife had ceased to glare at them and if she didn't smile, it was probably because she was unaccustomed to doing so. "If you please, the workmen told me it would be a lot of work to get the large beams up to the ceiling where they are needed. If you could help with that, it would much speed the day's work."

"No problem" rumbled Jon Keel. "I'll be glad to carry them upstairs for you."

"Unfortunately, that won't do. They are too long to make the turn at the head of the stairs. They tell me that they will need to rig a hoist with a block and tackle to get them up" explained Dandealus. Jon looked disappointed.

"I think I may be able to help with that" said Galranwyn. "I can cast a Levitation spell and lift them to the top, if there are people on the roof to grab them and pull them over. Remember, the spell will only work vertically; I can't move things an inch horizontally."

"Then I will go up to the roof and put them where ever the workmen want them" Jon said with a satisfied tone.

"That will do wondrously well." Dandealus said. "Not that that is settled, I would guess that you have also come to allow me to show your friends some of my little wonders am I not right?"

"Right you are." said Dromar. "If you still have anything left that the rest of these magic hungry people haven't bought yet.

"I do still have some things left and despite being officially closed, I have been brought a few new things of interest."

While Dandealus showed Dromar and Katrina his wares, Galranwyn and Stallen went outside and Jon Keel went up to the roof with the workmen. While Galranwyn cast her levitation spell, Stallen pulled out his new harp and played a song about a man who loved his house. The beams lifted themselves slowly to the roof where they were Jon Keel tied a rope around them and pulled them over to the building. He then grabbed them with his huge hands and maneuvered them to the spot indicated by the workmen. In a half an hour, the heavy beams were all on the roof and ready for use.

Meanwhile, Dromar and Katrina had seen the wares of Dandealus and the delivery of them was being arraigned. Krom had deicided to buy something too, and everyone was smiling.

After many expressions of thanks, Dandealus allowed them to leave and they headed off into the city to the other shops known to have special items for sale. The rest of that day was pleasantly spent revisiting shops. Despite Dromar's pessimistic view, there were a few interesting items for sale.

At the Halls of Hilmer (one of the cities most outstanding weapon smiths), Katrina was shown the sword that Hilmer called "The Sword of Farrinae". This was a very beautiful sword that had tempted many in the Local 509. The unfortunate thing was that the sword had a mind of it's own. Whenever someone had touched the sword, it had begun to scream with an almost human voice! Despite the failure of the others, Katrina picked up the weapon. To the surprise of all (including Hilmer) the sword did not scream. Instead, Katinra's eyes began to go out of focus and looked like she could hear something that none of them could hear. As she stood holding the sword almost trance like, she said to no one in particular "I am Katrina, who are you?". Then "Yes, me too" and "Oh, OK". Just as some of the others were beginning to worry about Katrina's state of mind, she again became aware of her surroundings.

"I'll take the sword" she said "if I can take it with me now." The hurried sale of the wonderful sword was arraigned as was the payment to Hilmer from their funds at the money changers. As they left the Halls of Hilmer, Katrina was smiling broadly.

"What's with the sword Katrina?" inquired Dromar.

"It likes me! It really, really likes me! It is a truly powerful sword. It talks to me and is named Ressna. I am sure it is one of the so called "Intelligent" weapons. Fact is, I think the soul of the woman Ressna has been placed in the sword for some reason, but I didn't get the whole story. I did find out enough to know that the two of us will make a powerful team."

Several of the Local 509 had heard stories of such "Intelligent" weapons before and had a healthy respect for their power. They had also heard tales of weapons that took over the minds of their wielders, and made a mental note to keep an eye on Katrina's state of mind over the next few weeks. Katrina however had not thoughts of danger and spent the rest of the day in a happy fog, drawing the weapon to just look at it with the pride of ownership glowing in her eyes.

Stallen in particular was thinking of this as they walked down the bustling streets of Waterdeep on their way to the book sellers. He was also wondering how she was going to wield such a weapon. He knew she didn't have much practice with such a weapon. Hopefully, she would find someone to train her. He reflected on whether he would go to the trouble of learning how to wield an unfamiliar weapon if he found one as powerful as she had.

It wasn't a long walk to get to Serpentil's Books. They arrived still in high spirits, reacting to Katrina's excitement. Galranwyn looked at the un-impressive building that housed one of the most famous stores in the city. Every mage knew of the place even if they couldn't afford the cost of the wonders he sold. You would think that he could spend a few coppers to give the place a coat of paint and shore up the sagging roof. She supposed he couldn't be bothered with such trivialities.

The small sliding panel at the top of the door was open, but looking in revealed nothing due to the gloom of the room inside. All of the windows of the building were shuttered closed and the shutters were crudely nailed shut. Galranwyn stood at the panel and said "Hello, may we come in?"

A grumbling voice answered her. "Patrons I hope. I'm far to busy for curiosity seekers. Oh well, come in."

The door opened and revealed an old, old man. He was dressed in once fine clothes that were now dirty and tattered. His face was wrinkled and his hair was sparse, but his eyes shone with youth and the excitement of his never ending quest for information. He gestured them in, then turned his back on them to return to a stack of books on a desk that was almost completely obscured with papers and books.

The room had no wall space that was not covered with books. Books in bookcases, books on the floor in 5' highs stacks, books piled on top of piles of papers and books leaning up in corners. The smell was the distinctive musty dust of antiques and moldy paper. Although they looked carefully at the spines of the books reading the titles they saw, they could make little sense of the titles organization. After a few minutes it was obvious that they would need help to find anything. The ancient bookseller was rustling papers and peering at them as they looked around.

"Ahemm!" said Dromar. When he saw he had obtained the booksellers attention he continued. "I understand you have some magical tomes for sale, or so my friends tell me."

"I thought I recognized most of you from the other day. Yes, I still have a few things of interest and perhaps a couple of items I have received since last you were here. Was there something in particular you were after?"

"Actually, we are interested in anything magical" said Dromar "but I'm most interested in the Book of the Magister. I have heard of this volume as has any Illusionist mage. If you really have one, I would be most interested in that."

"If I have one? Of course I have one! Such an expensive and powerful book can only be sold to the most rich and daring of customers. Are you one such?"

"Perhaps. I would see this marvel first."

"It is here. One moment if you please" said the bookseller a little testily.

In a few moments he brought forth a large book with Mother-of-Pearl covers. It was thick and the pages inside were thick too. Dromar accepted the large volume dispassionately and looked for a place to set it down to inspect it. Not finding one, he set it on the floor and knelt down. When he stood up again after a time, he had an excited look in his eyes. He asked some questions of the bookseller and he liked what he heard. Within a few minutes, he had come to agreement regarding the cost of the item.

There were some other items of interest that the party purchased there as well, and all of them left Serpentil's satisfied. They stood on the porch just outside the door talking.

"Well, what now?" asked Galranwyn.

"That about does it form me." said Dromar. "I'm broke!"

"I've had enough shopping too. How about a drink?" asked Krom.

"Sure, that sounds good. I think the Yawning Portal is not far from here. How about that? We can see if the place has changed." said Stallen.

They all agreed and the set out around the corner to the only known bar in town with it's own dungeon entrance.

The long building didn't look like it had changed at all in the year or so since they had last been here. The 2 story building was not remarkable from the outside. It was a humble clapboard structure with the bar on the ground floor and rooms for rent over it. The right side of the double door entrance stood open, so they walked in. It was much as they remembered it, except there was now a wall and a door closing off the round well-like entrance to the dungeon. Remarking about this new feature, they found an empty table and all sat down.

The place was full of the usual population of adventurers and well to do merchants. There was no one they knew there, so they passed the time by drinking and talking. As they talked, their conversation turned to the other times they had come here and the times they had ventured into the dungeon below. It is a measure of their restless spirits (or was it the Devils curse?) that turned their talk to venturing below again. By the time night had fallen, they had decided to try their luck below once again.

They must have been talking more loudly in their excitement than they realized. A one-eyed man of past middle age approached the table moved toward them after making friendly eye contact with Stallen. Asking for and receiving their consent to sit with them, he b3egan to talk.

"I couldn't help overhearing that you were thinking of venturing down into the Undermountain. And there is no doubt that you are well to do folks; that show from your clothes. As it happens, I might have something of interest to you."

"Oh, really" said Stallen in his most non-committal voice. "What would that be?"

"If you are interested, we should talk more privately. I would hate to have it stolen from me and any one of the folks in this place could have it off me for nothing if I'm not careful."

"Sure, lets talk privately." said Stallen. He, Galranwyn and Victorex followed the one-eyed man to a private room off of the common area. The man closed the door and showed them to a chair around a wooden table. He fixed them with a steady gaze from his one eye.

"I have a map for sale. It's not cheap, but it might be very helpful to you. I can't tell you where I got it, but I will say that I came by it honestly. It is a map that shows the way down to the third level of Undermountain. Been there before?"

"No, actually we have only made it down to the second level before." explained Victorex.

"Then this will be a big help to you. I'm only asking 300 gold pieces for it. Not much I think for the likes of you, but it will let me live in the way to which I'm accustomed to for a couple of years.

"Interesting, let's see it"

He pulled a couple sheets of tattered cheap paper from leather wallet he had hidden under his doublet. He un-folded them and laid them out on the table. The drawing was crude and not particularly legible, but from what they knew of their investigations down in the dungeon, it looked genuine. They looked at each other and silently agreed that they should buy it.

"So who's gonna pay for it." asked Stallen. "I'm about tapped out as you know."

"I'll pay for it now, but I want some money back from the party if it works out" said Galranwyn. "But you should know that I'm not going down with you this time, and I don't think Kilana will want to either. We have things to do." she ended mysteriously.

"Suit yourself." said Victorex gruffly. "I'm going to try it. Pay the man if you would be so kind."

Galranwyn fixed the one-eyed man with an ominous gaze. He quailed a little, but didn't flinch. "You will regret it if this is not what you say it is. You understand this?"

"Naturally. As if I would try to cheat killers like you lot!"

With that she passed over the coins taken from the bag at her side, and the man counted them carefully as they waited.

"You're square. Thanks! Best of luck down below." and with a nod of his head, he left the room. They went out with him and saw him nod happily to the bartender and then walk out the door with his head high.

The three negotiators rejoined their companions around the table and told them what they had purchased. With this their enthusiasm increased and they talked for quite a while about their plans to go back to Undermountain dungeon the next morning. By the time they had returned to the Villa Stormwatch, they had a plan to begin early the next morning. They went to bed early.
True to their words, they were up early the next day and spent a couple hours preparing for their foray into the dungeon. They sharpened their weapons, memorized their most deadly spells, made sure they had food for a couple of weeks in their pack, and made sure they only took a small amount of their fortunes with them. Being very used to the routine, they were ready to leave well before mid-day.

They attracted a few curious stares as they made their way through the early morning streets. Small wonder with their large backpacks, heavy armor and exotic weapons. No one got close to them and several people moved to the other side of the street as they passed. Local 509 took no notice of this. They were used to this kind of reaction. In fact, this was one of the milder reactions to their appearance they had experienced.

They arrived at the Yawning Portal and walked in. They saw only one table occupied. They took the empty table next to them. As it was early and they had already had their breakfast, they ordered a single glass of port each when the waitress came by. They were familiar with the working of the entrance to the dungeon under the bar, so they knew they needed at least four people to operate the winch that lowered the platform ninety feet down. They observed the party at the table next to them and eves dropped on their conversation. They had the appearance of men who were going to bed very late rather than being up early. They were bleary and sounded more than a little drunk.

"Wanna go up?" - "Huh?" - "D'ya wanna go up?" - "Up what?" - "Up stairs." - "Upstairs?" - "Emmm." - "Huh?" - "What" - "Huh?" - "Huh what?" and so on. They did not look like good candidates for handling heavy machinery. They beckoned the waitress over.

"Where is everybody?" asked Victorex.

"I don't know. It's not unusual to be mostly empty this early in the morning. Looking for someone?"

"No one in particular. We want to go down to the dungeon."

"Oh! Well," she glanced at the drunks at the table next to them, "I suppose you'll have to wait until someone gets here."

Stallen grinned as an idea came to him. "We don't have to wait. We can do it ourselves. We have the spells and the necessary mussle."

This set off a round of proposals and counter-proposals. They talked about several ways they could get down without help, and decided (After an hour and a half) that they would need Galranwyn to cast some spells for them so they didn't waste spells they might need later. Kilana had come with them to see them off although she didn't intend to go down with them, so she left to return to the villa and fetch Galranwyn. In a half and hour, she returned with a rather put out Galranwyn in tow.

"This had better be good. I have things to do and I can't keep showing up like this just to get you guys out of jams!" she said.

Stallen answered her. "We want to go down to the dungeon, and there isn't anyone here to lower..."

Just as he was speaking, a group of five adventurers came into the bar. Stallen looked at them, then looked at Galranwyn and then sheepishly down at the table. He looked back up and met Galranwyn's scowling gaze. He shrugged and said "As long as you're here, you might as well help anyway."

"Typical. This is just so typical." said the elf in her most scornful voice. She sighed and said "I think I can guess what you want me to do. A couple of feather fall spells right?"

"If you would be so kind." replied Stallen with a rueful smile.

"OK. Let's get it over with"

They stood up and began to get their gear together. The waitress came over and said "I can see some helpers for you now. Are you ready?"

"We have our own way down, but yah, I think we're ready."

The waitress turned to the other in the bar and said "We have some volunteers to brave the terrors of Undermountain here!"

"Huzza!" cried the other patrons almost with one voice. "We shall stand ready to render all assistance needed."

"A drink for luck!" proposed one. And in spite of their protestations, everyone in the place had a tankard of ale in their hands within a moment. "To good luck and your continued good health." shouted the toastmaster, and they all drained their tankards dry this being the accepted custom.

Local 509 with all their gear and the newly arrived sober adventurers walked back to the new door that led to the room wherein the well hole down was located. They all crowded into the smallish room. One of the other adventurers began to unwrap the rope to the winch.

"Uh, we aren't going to need that." said Victorex.

"What do you mean?" asked the one with the rope.

"Actually, we will need to raise the platform enough for us to get under it." said Stallen.

"Raise it?" the one with the rope asked him.

"Victorex, Krom, Ember give me a hand." said Stallen.

Moving the other confused adventurers out of the way, the named people grabbed the ropes to the winch and pulled until the round platform that fit inside the round well hole was about 4' above the level of the floor. They tied them off on the large metal cleats.

"Four of you stand around one edge of the hole." instructed Galranwyn. The other adventures muttered questioningly among themselves.

"Right. Jump!" shouted Galranwyn. And they jumped.

"Holy gods, they jumped!" cried one of the adventurers as they ran to the edge of the hole to look down at the people falling.

"Hukis alisakem" said Galranwyn as she threw a feather into the air. The downward plummet of the ones in the well quickly slowed to a leisurely pace.

"Man, I thought they were dead!" said another of the adventurers as they watch the ones in the hole drifting toward the invisible floor some 90' down.

By this time, the remainder of the dungeon delivers had arraigned themselves in the same way as the preceding group.

"Jump!" shouted Galranwyn, and they stepped off the edge of the well.

"Whoa! There go the rest!" The adventurers were laughing and slapping each other on the backs now. "A full 10 points for style, I'll give them that." said another admiringly.

"Hukis alisakem" Galranwyn said and threw another feather into the air where it was consumed in a flash. "Bye, Bye. Have fun and come back in one piece." She waved until the last had slowly sunk out of sight into the darkness. Then she turned and walked out of the Yawning Portal shaking her head and scowling.
The brave members of the Local 509 floated as lightly as a feather down to the gravel floor at the bottom of the shaft. They took out their magical rocks that shed light without burning and Victorex flipped up the panel on his helmet behind which lay a smaller rock. The walls of the room became brightly illuminated.

The walls were made of well cut blocks of the local granite about 18" by 24". They were laid one on the other without mortar. They had been almost completely covered with graffiti. It was the custom that everyone would write something there on their first venturing into the dungeon. There were also dozens of shields hanging from spikes driven between the blocks. Most of them were in terrible shape; beaten into junk or with only the edges intact. But some were in serviceable shape and a couple still bore brightly colored coats of arms. The gravel that covered the floor contained numerous bits of broken glass and shards of metal.

There was a smell, similar to a basement full of ancient cast off junk, but with an overtone of something rotting. It was not pleasant, but not overpowering either. They were soon used to it and stopped noticing.

Dromar knelt on the gravel floor and took out the map the party had made of the place. Next to it he place the map they had purchased the day before. The others gathered around and together they discussed how to proceed. This took some time as their map and the map they had purchased differed in some significant but subtle ways. They decided to walk south and compare what they found with what was on the maps.

They walked through a corridor to the south as it turned a couple of times, then widened to 20'. As they walked down the wide corridor, their light rocks revealed a stairway down into a very strange looking room. They stood at the edge of the stairway and looked into a widening room crowded with a forest of stone pillars. They could see archways in several walls. Dromar took out a candle and lit it saying "This is a magic dead area, so our light rocks will stop working when we go down the stairs. At least that's what it says on the map."

They walked down into the room and their light rocks did indeed wink out, but the candle being non-magical served to illuminate the room. As they passed into the center of the room, they could see a snake skeleton that was wound around a pillar to the north of them. In the center of the room they could see that all the archway exits led up a flight of stairs. A faint glimmer of light seemed to come from the archway to the west, but otherwise it was very dark. They were not used to the faint light the candle gave off. They headed quickly toward the southern archway. On the wall next to this exit were words that seemed to have been written on the wall with a spent torch. They said "CERTAIN DEATH, THIS WAY." Local 509 had seen this writing before and had passed this way and lived, so they paid little attention to the warning. They walked up the stairway.

When those in the front of the party (Dromar and Jon Keel) had reached the point where their heads were just above the level of the floor ahead of them, they saw a crouching humanoid figure.They stopped suddenly and Dromar raised the candle to try and illuminate the figure better. But it was up and sprinting down the corridor to the south before they could get a good look at it.

"Might have been a goblin" said Dromar to those behind him "but it could have been a hobgoblin too."

"Are they poisonous?" asked Jon Keel as he tried to peer into the darkness into which the creature had fled so quickly.

"No, but they are a pain in the ass" replied Dromar. "Thieving pests they are, and can be dangerous in numbers. Wish we could have gotten the drop on that one. Oh well, lets keep going."

When they had reached the top of the stairs, their light rocks began working again and Dromar put the extinguished candle back in his pack. Jon Keel was looking at the floor just ahead of him.

"Hey, somebody dropped a gold piece." said Jon Keel. He drew his sword and flipped the coin over. He looked around then bent down to pick up the coin. The instant his finger touched it, the coin turned into a brilliant blue flame about 4 feet high which engulfed the unhappy giant. With a surprised cry he leapt ahead to get out of the flame. He was able to put out the several small fires that had started on his clothing quickly and without much damage being done. He rubbed his burned forehead and watched as the blue flame continued to burn.

By this time, the rest of the party had come up the stairs to get a look at what was putting out all the blue light and were clustered around the blue flame.

"It's burning right into the stone!" exclaimed Dromar.

"It stinks bad too" added Katrina.

And the flame continued to burn. In a couple of minutes, the flame was a foot or so shorter and they though that it was going out. But in another couple of minutes they could see the coin was actually a burning a deep hole through the floor. Walking carefully around the ever shorter blue torch, they watched as it burned the rock until the top of the flame was even with the floor. The shimmering of the light passing through the heat told them it was still as hot as when it had first started. They all had their hands over their nose and mouth as the smoke was very acrid.

"Ever seen something like that before?" asked Jon Keel as they continued to walk to the south down the blue lit corridor.

"Oh yah, but you can't tell the burning gold from the normal gold. You just gotta take your chances." said Dromar.

"Uh huh." replied Jon Keel doubtfully with a sideways look at Dromar to make sure he wasn't making fun of him.

They followed the turnings of the corridor until they began to hear a strange rhythmic sound. "Thump, thump, thump - Thump, thump, thump" it went. They slowed and shielded their light rocks as they approached so they would not be as obvious. When they came around a corner of the corridor, the reduced light revealed an opening not far ahead of them. Kneeling down in the opening were a pair of dark humanoid shapes. They were pounding with their fists on something laying on the stone floor.

The dark shapes leapt up with a low grunting growl and began running toward the party. Katrina began to encant her quickest spell as Dromar and Jon Keel drew their swords. The dark shapes were Ghouls, nasty stinking creatures that were once men. They had been killed by other Ghouls and had become undead themselves. Ghouls ate people and it looked like they thought that Local 509 would make a fine meal. They were barely clothed in disintegrating cloth and smelled of dead rotting flesh.

Dromar and Jon Keel met them with steel. As the creatures attacked the pair with horrible looking black clawed hands, they hacked at them. At the same moment, Katrina completed her spell and several small balls of energy leapt from her outstretched fingers to crash against the undead creatures. They howled as burn marks appeared where the balls struck them. But the howling only lasted for a moment as the swords of both Dromar and Jon buried themselves in their chests. With a last murderous look the Ghouls sank to the floor and lay motionless; now they were truly dead.

Before Jon could ask Dromar said "Now those are poisonous. If their claws hit you they can paralyze you and then they have you for dinner."

"I thought they looked poisonous" Jon replied sagely.

"Ya better search them" reminded Katrina. Jon and Dromar bent down and began going through the rags they wore. Dromar found a leather wallet on his. Looking inside, he found some papers which he thrust into his pack without looking at them. Jon shrugged as he stood up.

"Nothing on this one" he said.

"Let's move on then" answer Dromar and they continued into the room.

Glancing at the maps, Dromar swore. "Damit, these don't match up. What the hell's going on here." He showed the others and they discussed several options, but Dromar insisted that they take the first opening in the south as it was clearly indicated in the map they had purchased. The corridor turned a couple of times and they came into another corridor that had stairs at both ends. Dromar swore again as neither were indicated on the purchased map. Guessing, Dromar took them to the south again and they opened a door.

From a corridor to the east, candlelight shown brightly. They saw a long passageway lined with lit candles. But the candles had no sconces or holders; they were floating in mid-air. Jon Keel felt a faint shiver run up his back at the strange sight. Dromar swore. "Another fucking unmarked corridor!"

The proud but confused Local 509 continued to flounder around, trying to locate their error and find the area indicated by the inaccurate map they had bought. In one area they found a very ugly creature that had the head of a badger, the body of a stag, the feet of a goat and the tail of a lion. Although it attacked them, they suffered no damage and quickly dispatched it.

After an hour of confusion, false starts and dead ends, they found an important flaw in the map they had bought. Once they had figured this out however, their way was clear. By that time it was too late to save Dromar's good spirits. He was cursing the map maker and grumbling about the wisdom of buying maps from strangers. He angrily corrected the map and led the way to the south through a twisting maze of 10' wide corridors.

They came to a door which they opened and revealed a room beyond lit with strange purple light. It was a very long room and on both sides were statues of men seated in thrones. The statues glowed with a bright golden light.

"About fucking time" exclaimed Dromar; "this actually matches up!" and with this final profanity it was agreed that the members of Local 509 would return to their mundane lives until the next adventure began.