Of Practicalities

Some have asked how I  Philibus the Amulet am able to use pen and ink and paper to record these documents. As an amulet, I have no hands of course! The answer is simple. As I was a mage and retain that knowledge in my current form, I use magic.  But how can I use magic with no hands? How would I prepare the material ingredients and make the somatic gestures that summon the form of the magical energy? These questions proved to be less than simple. It was the foresight of the one who placed me in this crystalline form that enabled me to overcome these difficulties.

In the course of his studies (I will refer to the one who transferred me as a male only for the sake of convenience.)  he had learned of a race called the Pharim who occupied various evil places. They had no hands and yet used magic. After long searching, he found them in the ruins of Myth Dranor. He studied them and learned many of their secrets over the years. From a captured spell book, he learned the means by which they form the magical energy using only their thoughts. In this spell book was the spell by which I can move small, light objects short distances. This spell is called "Telekinesis". Using this spell I am able to form the magical energy inside my mind instead of outside my body and use this energy to act as if I had a long flexible limb. This limb of energy is created and continues until all its strength is gone. I can lift a total of about 20 pounds before the spells energy is exhausted. This amounts to being able to lift a ten pound spell book twice or 200 tenth pound pages. Although the strength of the limb is almost negligible, it is sufficient for me to continue my research without much help.

Using this spell as a guide, he developed a spell that he calls "Automatic Writing". This spell lasts 2 hours and using a similar limb of energy, I can use pen, ink and paper to write. I have but to order my thoughts and pretend I am speaking them. These imagined spoken words are then written using the magical limb. Oddly, the handwriting is not mine, at least not what it was when I had my own hands. It looked quite alien to me at first, but I soon got used to its supernatural regularity. You can see that there is nothing of humanity in the writing. When a person writes, his personality is apparent and even his mood is transferred to the page in the variant shapes of the letters. My Automatic Writing does not allow for this individuality, but is sufficient for carrying the meaning which is sufficient for the day. I would someday like to research a spell that would allow for more control and give me back my old handwriting.

Galranwyn has been kind enough to provide me with my own desk. What a luxury! I imposed upon Natasha to help me in positioning my needs so them may be readily available. Now, I can do my work using the absolute minimum of energy
The drawers are always open on my desk as I can not open them easily. The books I use most often are arraigned against the wall behind the desk so that they overlap, but their inspection does not require me to lift them. Over time these arraignments are so unchanging that I can maintain my concentration on a book or on someone speaking and use the spells. When I am interviewing someone, they will admit that it is disconcerting to talk to a crystal globe while an animated pen scribbles and scratches away by itself. By now, the members of Local 509 regard this as commonplace and have stopped noticing it altogether.