Being an account of the Adventures of Local 509

The blackness cleared abruptly. It had not lasted long, but was disturbing none the less. All around, the other members of the famous Adventuring party the Local 509 heaved heavy sighs of relief.

"Am I still alive?" says Krom looking at his hands.

"You mean "am I not roasting in the flames of Hell?". I was afraid the Judge would make a mistake and out we'ld pop into the wrong place" Timber sayed to Krom.

"I hated that whole judgement thing" says Victorex. "The only god I want to see is the great Bobocob. I trust him. These other gods are unpredictable. I wasn't sure the door he sent us through wouldn't lead to the 66th Layer of the abyss."

"Right, like Bobocob is predictable." said Pisheo. "I'm releaved to get through the judging still free, but I wouldn't have felt one whit better being judged by Bobocob."

"Geez, take a look at this place. What a wierd town!" said Stallen.

And it was a strange place indeed. They appeared to be standing in the middle of a paved street which was covered with dense fog. It was very humid and their noses told them that there was a lot of smoke and worse that also went into makeing the air difficult to see through. The buildings all looked like they had been made from the discards from a village rubbish pit. None of them had a single kind of material used but rather a crazy quilt of wood, shingle, mud, rock, and brick. They were not attractive. There were no gaps between the buildings around them, and this made it difficult to tell where one building stopped and another began. Doors and windows seemed to be placed at random in the patchwork walls.

Overhead what looked like an enormous stone shaft was visible through the fog. It was so large at first it looked like a curved wall, but the angle of the wall was wrong. It was purpendicular to the horizon!

Given their irregular appearance, the buildings closest to them appeared relativly normal. But dimly through the fog they could see other buildings farther away that looked strangely tiled toward them so that more of the roofs showed that should. It looked like they were at the bottom of a hill and the buildings nearer the top of the hill were built at a strange angle.

"So what did you expect to find? That Sigil was the same as everyother place you've been to?" Dromar said derisivly. "I'm surprised it isn't even stranger. Were a long way from home friends!"

"So, what next then?" says Galranwyn.

"Find some food, a beer and a place to sleep. I'm dying for some good grub" said Krom.

"Sounds good. Lets head that way" Stallen said pointing up the street toward an intersection.

They were a large group and a threatening one. They were still armed and armored for battle as their breif stay in the Palace of the Celestial Bearu had not allowed them time to change. They looked every inch as dangerous as they were.

They wandered down the street, looking for signs for an Inn or Saloon. As they walked, they noticed that they never seemed to get to the top of the hill. Looking both in front of them and behind them, the street seemed to rise away from them. Occasionally the fog would clear for an instant providing them with visions of house roof tops at a perpendicular angle to the street they were walking on. At last, they saw a man coming out of a building.
Stallen stepped quickly forward and introducted himself. The man looked like a craftsman as he wore denim clothes and a leather apron. After making sure he wasn't interrupting an important appointment, Stallen asked the craftsman where they were. Shaking his head ruefully the craftsman replied,

"Clueless huh? Just got here and don't even know where you are. Well it won't be the last time I hear it and thats sure. You're in Sigil, the City of Doors. A word of advice friend. Find some one as will give you the chant directly or ye won't last long."

"I will take your advice willingly if you could point me to a place where we could meet a likely person for such a task. Preferebly an Inn or Tavern."

"Well, I do have to get to work, but if you'll grease me, I'll lead you there myself." He held out a hand and Stallen placed a pair of shiny gold coins in it. After examining and biting the coin, the craftsman smiled and directed them all to follow him.

They were soon very glad to have his help. The streets seemed to have no rhyme or system to the layout of the streets. This added to the strange perspective of the place even confused Timber's direction sense. They had been walking a few minutes when the man stopped and pointed down a narrow street that connected at an odd angle with the one they were on.

"See that sign down there near the brick and morter wall? Thats Scuppers. They don't have the best food or the largest rooms, but the Innkeeps honest and you won't pay merchants rates there. Thanks for the gilt, and good luck." With that he strode off whistling a merry tune.

They all walked in and were releaved to find this place a refuge from the strangeness they found walking down the street. It was confortingly small and filled with the smells of roasting meat and years of spilled beer.

The next morning they hired a guide to take them through the city. The guide turned out to be a very lucky find. Not only did he know the city of Sigil large street and small, but he knew a fair amount of obscure information as well. As he led them around the city he would tell them things about the way the city works. One of the more starteling peices of information was that Slide was "dead". He lived a lifetime on a planet he declined to name and was sent here by the gods of Judgement to continue to do what he was best at; arrange things.

The city of Sigil was a unique place filled with people from many worlds and planes. Local 509 learned much about how the multiverse works from the people they met in Sigil, but this is not the place to try to describe what the found out.

Although "The Scupper" was good enough for and exhausted nights rest, it had few amenities, so they instructed Slide to take them to a nicer place. He takes them to a new Inn called the Bowling Green. It boasted private rooms enough for the entire party. It had a large but friendly common room with an area set aside for 10 pins on a proper lawn. But the telling feature was that there are guards available for their rooms.

Once secure in their rooms, they changed out of their armor into their finest travelling clothes and went down to the common room. They all agreed that Slide should take them to the foremost shop that sold items strange and magical. Slide took them to a place called "Humeroes Curioes" that did indeed have some very strange things. It had an even more peculiar market technique. The sales people were circus performes in their previous lives. They amused (and distracted at times) the patrons as they were making their purchases. Some of the items offered for sale were so obscure that Humeroe himself could not profess to know what they were. As he says "I have it on good authority that the right person will recognize the item".

Although they did find some mundain items to purchase, everything of a magical nature was far more expensive given the small purses they had brought with them, so they returned to the Inn of the Bowling Green.

Examining their coins, Dromar, Katrina and Stallen found them insuffient to the task of buying the trinkets from Humeroe. They asked Slide to take them to a jewler who would pay ready cash for some stones they had taken from the Funeral Barge of the First Emperor. The jewlers were accomodating and a deal was quickly struck to turn the gems into easily transportable and transferable bars of platinum. They went back to Humeroes and picked up the items (a couple of potions and some scrolls).

Pisheo and Galranwyn had not found anything of interest at Humeroes and struck up a conversation with a human named Yesenda in the common area. She was friendly, and very informative regarding a number of important facts regarding the people and politics of Sigil, but unfortunatly did not have the answers Galranwyn had hoped she would. Galranwyn was trying to find out more about the outer plane they would be going to. You see, the great god Gaga had been split into peices and they were trying to find the soul of the piece they had just recovered... Well its a to long a story to go into here. Suffice it to say that Local 509 had come to Sigil as it was the largest city on the plane of Concordiant Opposition which was near where they needed to go next. Although Yesenda didn't know much, she recommended that they get a "mimir" which would answer some of their questions. Pisheo recognized this as being a strange magical skull that had plumited down from the sky one night. They had tried to determine what the skull was back on their home planet of Kopeta. Then all it would do is float about 5' off the ground and give off strange sounds when a question was asked of it.

When the people got back from Humeroes, the entire party including Beourn and Sir Ulla all went to Gals room. There, they discussed what the next steps were to rejoin the Soul of the Feet to Beourn. Bourn told them where he thought the soul was. He said it was in the hall of Chronipsis the Time Dragon who guarded it along with the souls of all the dragons in every multiverse. The Hall was closest to the city Glorium on the Plane of Concordiant Opposition. Galranwyn took out the skull and asked it a question about the city of Sigil. Now instead of gibberish, the floating skull told them facts about the Outer Planes including Sigil, the Concordiant Opposition and something about other planes too. Much amazed at how well this old mystery performed for them, they quickly decided to try to arrange to get to Glorium as quickly as posible.

They arrainge with Slide (the Guide and Procurer Extrordinare) to be escorted through one of the dimensional doors that are so common in Sigil that would get them to the city of Glorium.
Knowing they are leaving soon, they go to Humeros Curioes to see if he has some new magical items. They make several purchases. After leaving Humeros, they return to their Inn and decide they want to "Pahtay". They decide the best place to "Pahtay" is the World Serpent Inn, the crazy place that is the planar Nexus and exhibits the most eclectic population of any bar the party knows. They have to walk to the other side of Sigil to get to the alley that leads to the Inn. As they walked Slide explained to them that the city was built in the shape of a doughnut that was suspended miles in the air over the plane. A Spire of infinate length stretched from the plane into the heavens and peircing the doughnut city in the center. Thus, says Slide, it is possible to see buildings at these strange angles as they are placed up the sides of the doughnut as well as along the outside.

Slide took them to a tiny alley and faced a non-descript door. He threw a pinch of sand at the door and said "Orouborus" and then opened the door. Inside they found themselves in the pecular bar between the planes. This room was also shaped something like a doughnut, but it had a regular floor and celining. In the center was a bar. The outside wall was covered with hundreds of doors. In between were kidney shaped tables and straingly shaped metal chairs. Wildly colored dim lites which did not burn cast circular pools on the gaudy carpet. The room was further occupied by gambling devices, performing stages, tented privacy areas and lots of people. The atmosphere in the place was electric. It was here and only here that deals could be struck between people on different planets, planes and even seperate universes. This was the World Serpent Inn. You knew big things were going on all around you and that tough as you were you were NOT the toughest guy in the room.

They found tables large enough to be grouped together so all of Local 509 could sit comfortably. Once they were settled, a 3' high talking penguine with a silver tray balanced on its head took their drink orders. He recommended a "Hong Kong Snickersnee" which they all agreed to try.

"Slide", said Stallen, "we want to have a good time. A REALLY good time. And we want to do some business too. I always thought that this would be a good place to look for magic, but I never had the cash. Tonight we have the cash."

Stallen tossed a heavy pouch on the table. "There are a hundred Mythril peices in that bag." He threw another larger bag on the table. "There are 200 gold peices in that one. The Mythril is for our amusement tonight. We want the best food, the best women, the best drink and the best fun that fortune can buy. We don't want any of it back. The gold is to arrange appointments with those who have information about magic and magical items that are for sale. As long as we are satisfied, you can have whatever remains of the coins for your own."

An enormous grin spread over Slide's face as he replied "I gotta love that style! Right Boss, its time to "pahtay" and I'm your man." Looking at each of them he said "now you all just relax and give Slide some time to get the barrel rolling."

Still grinning he took off into the crowd to make his preperations. And what a wierd crowd it was too. Although humans made up the majority, there were representatives of all the races the Local 509 knew and several that they had never seen before. One of the stranger ones was the two headed snake that talked to itself. In all, it seemed that there was a new being in sight no matter what direction they turned. Was that a bright blue jini talking to that man in the black treanch coat?

Slides efforts soon began to appear. One of the talking penguines came over to their table and introduced himself as "Maurice" in an outrageous french accent. The accent was spoiled by the high pitched squeeky voice of the flightless bird. He explained that he was there to arrainge for food and drink as desired and would be the parties personal host for the evening. He bore a message from slide explaining that he had spent some of the 200gp to send out messangers to roumer mongers saying that Local 509 are paying ready metal for Magic. He could not say when offeres might arise, but that he had no doubts of success.

Maurice kept a continuous flow of "Hong Kong Snickersnees", which was a fruit punch with real punch. Next to appear were 6 beautiful human women in formal but very revealing cloths. They had a note from Slide saying that they were the parties accompanyment for the evening.

Once the introductions were made and a place found for the ladies, the first course of a huge meal was served personally by the ever solicitous Maurice. The meal was leasurly and comprised many differet exotic dishes none of which were familiar to anyone. Each was better tasting than the last. After the meal as they relax, the offers begin to come in from Inn folks selling magic.

They bought some things from Hooskis and turned down some uninteresting offers. Getting bored with "shopkeeping" as he calls it, Stalen takes his choice of the evenings ladies named Lolly on his arm and finds Slide where he is gambling. Stallen plays for the crowd and gives a excellent performance, impressing everyone who hears and earning him generous tips as well as much applause. Slide calls Stallen "good luck". Stallen gives the tips to Lolly. As Slide thinks Stallen is good luck, he talks him into another set.

After some poor luck gambling, Stallen returns to the rest of the party. Feeling a little drunk, Stallen is taken aback when he is approached by a small 4' high guy with a big head and bushy eyebrows. The jerky head and eye movements show that the small man is very paronoid. He tells Stallen that for 75gp he will be the contact for a guy in the "dark room" who has potions to sell. As much out of curiosity as anything, Stallen agrees to follow the short man to one of the doorways that ring the Inn. Inside the room it is dark, hot and very humid. It is hung all around with dark tapistries so no light can penitrate. There, Stallen is told about some potions the voice in the dark offers. Stallen is cautious and buys only one. He then checks it for authenticity and when it checks out, buys a couple more items. He was very glad to get out of the dark room with its invisible occupant. It was lucky the smell of brimstone did not cling to Stallen's clothes!
Meanwhile, Gal and Vict are back at their table when a black raven flies down and attracts their attention. Flying from table to table it leads them to a black sultan who calles himself Bebe Robobo. He is an amusing man with a deep voice, easy laugh and amusing anicdotes who amuses while the conduct their business.

After they have made their purchases, they go back to their table where Slide and the others are still partying. Slide arrainges for a 3 course meal that included 32 condiments that are almost all delicious and unidentifyable. Then, he takes off with 5 of the other women (Lolly stays). When they are done with the meal, they return through the door that takes them back to the alley in Waterdeep and then walk back across town to their inn.

They sleep late the next day.

They must have been up early because Pisheo, the first of the revelers down the next morning, found Beourn and Ulla already finished with their breakfasts in the common room.

"Morning" said Sir Ulla a bit loudly.

Pisheo whinced and then put on a brave smile. "Good morning to you both. May I join you?"

"Of course my dear" said Beourn gesturing to the seat next to him.

She took the seat and gestured to the waitress to bring another breakfast.

"Have fun last night?" asked Sir Ulla.

"Yes and it would be merciful for you to keep your voice down" pisheo replied. "Unless you're the type who pulles the wings off of flies."

"I did pull the wings of of flies, but only those that deserved it. For the correct sort of files, I leave carrion to feed and breed them."

"Oh god, not more philosophy."

"As you wish" Ulla said smiling.

The rest drifted down for the next couple of hours in roughly the same condition as Pisheo. Stallen and Krom in particular were uncharistically subdued. After the last one down had finished his meal, Brodda ordered them all mulled wine. When each of them had a cup of fragrent liquid in hand, Beourn said.

"I am glad you had a chance to have a good time last night. After all the times you have saved my life and risked your it is right that you should. But I can feel the pull of the soul. It is on this plane you know, although it is not in Sigel. Its proximity is making me, well nervous. I wonder what plans you have for the immediate future."

"I'm not ready to go today if thats what you mean" growled Krom.

"Yah, I'ld like to see more of the city now we are here." added Stallen

"I could be ready in a couple of days to a week" Galranwyn put it.

Stallen said "I think we should talk to Slide obout this. We have no idea how to get to ... Hell we don't even know where we are going!"

"I'm not sure I know either exactly." said Beourn with intensity. "But I have had reaccuring dreams of a very vivid nature. I beleave they are telling me to look for the cave of a dragon
that is of every color of the rainbow. Inside, it looked like the cave was filled with hour glasses. The soul fragment that belongs to the feet will be found there. But I don't know where on this plane the cave is."

Just then, Slide walked into the common room with an enourmous smile on his face. "Beautirul morning isn't it? The smog is very light today."

"You drank as much as I did last night" said Pisheo. "Why are you so damn cheerful?"

"Last night was a classic. I am impressed as hell I don't mind telling you. You don't often come across a clueless that really know how to have a good time. I feel like I have a tird in my mouth, but my soul soars!"

"So maybe you know something about this" said Timber. "Beourn has been having dreams about a place, but we don't know what it is. Tell him Beourn".

"The dream was of a cave of crystal. Inside the cave lived a dragon that was of every color, not just one. He guarded what we are looking for. Inside the cave with the dragon were hourglasses. Do you know aught of such a place?"

Slide nodded. "It the Mausolium of Chronypsis. The legend is that in a time long before man lived when the worlds were populated only with the elves and the dragons, the dragons battled. The good vs the bad. Mighty were the spells and fires used, but neigher side could gain a decisive victory. The elves suffered from the battles that took place in areas they inhabited.

The gods decided to do something about the war when it had raged for 100 years. They sent two of their number; avitars name Yugai and Tolsil. You have never heard of them. They began to interfear in the Dragon battles. The dragons, engraged at the interfearance of the gods, killed them both. Even unto following them to the outer plane and defeating them both in their own domain. At this, the gods knew they had a major problem. They temporarilly banded together and agreed that they needed to warp reality. After lengthy discussion, they all agreed that what was needed was a hostage on the lives of the dragons.

So with might wishes and spells that are the wishs of gods, they extracted the soul from every dragon. They place the souls into hour glasses that measure out the days of the dragons life. If a dragon dies, the hourglass has run out of sand. If the hourglass is destroyed, the dragon dies. In this way, the gods assured them selves that once more the dragons were vulnerable to something they could not control.

Using a tiny part of every dragons soul they created the guardian of the hourglasses. His name is Chronipsis which means "Dragon of all Times". He is a chromatic dragon because he incorperates the color of each dragon into his own. He is a god in his realm and his powers are unknown.

There are also legends of great wealth in the cave. It is said that the celings of the rooms are studded with diamonds and other gems. Some say that dragons contribute to Chronipsis who sleeps on a huge golden horde. I do not know about this and I doubt any one does. What I do know is that every few years a clueless heads off to the Mausolium for the booty. No one ever hears from them again. At least they never come back here." Slide finished his story and leaned back against his chair.

"Wanna go there? I mean, you clueless usually have some good reason for coming here. I'm not the nosy type so I haven't asked about it, but I could you help better if I knew what is going on."

Beourn began to speak saying "The quest on which we are.."

"He really doesn't need to know all that Beourn" said Galranwyn quickly interrupting him. "Just tell him about what we are looking for here." She knew the mesmerizing power of the tale of Gaga. More than several people had suddenly changed their lives forever after hearing it. Sometimes not for the better.

"As you wish. I am trying to find something I lost, and I beleave I will find it in the place you were talking about. I don't wish to take anything away, so perhaps I can speak to the dragon and convince him to help me."

""I don't know how successful you will be, but if you want to get there, I can tell you how."

"If you would please" said Galranwyn.

"Right! Well, first we need to settle on a price. I know the people who know the way there, but I would need to check with them to find oout iif they are willing before I say more. Give me an hour or two to find the guy, and I can tell you what it will cost. Alright?"

They all agreed and Silde left.

They hadn't really spent too much time in the common room yet. Now they had the leasure to look around they decided it was a little strange, but in a nice way.
The bar streatched almost all the way across the far wall. There was a 30' wide area in the middle of the long room, and beyond that, 2 alleys for 9 pins. Tonight for the first time a lane was in use. A pair of dwarves were rolling the large stone balls where they knocked down the pins making a great noise. Local 509 watched trying to figure out how the game was played.

Slide returned in a couple of hours. He was still smiling.

"Am I good or what! I found the guy I was looking for and he agreed to send you on your way if you meet his price. Here's the deal. No one knows of a portal into the Mausolium, most people don't think one exists. The best you can do is get to Glorium. From there you cross the Dwarven mountains and the valley of the Mausolium is in that valley. Altogether, the trip will take a couple of weeks on foot max. My aquantaince will get you to Glorium for 1000gp."

"A Krosnium? Isn't that a little high?" asked Victorex pevishly

"Why how much do you usually pay to get to Glorium? Who takes you, as a rule I mean" said Slide sarcastically.

"OK, I know we don't have much of a choice. Do you think the price is reasonable?" replied Victorex.

"It's OK. Not much call to get to Glorium, so there is a small market for the information. That makes it more expensive. So I can tell him you accept?"

After everyone grudgingly agreed to put up their share, Slide was up again and heading for the door. "Gotta let my man know and set up a time. Back in 20 minutes. Be thinking of what you want to do today".

And he was a good as his word. Twenty minutes later Slide returned. While he was gone the group discussed what was the plan for the day and arrived at a decision.

"So what will it be?" Slide asked them.

"Why don't you show us the city" said Stallen. "We haven't seen much of it, but I bet it's an interesting place."

"You bet! Lots to do and lots to see. Up on your feet and we're out the door" Slide cried jumping up.

He led them out of their inn and through a couple of small alleys until they reached one of the widest streets they had seen. They turn to their left and Slide said they were going "clockwise" explaining that the cardinal directions had no meaning in Sigel. As they walked the saw that the rag tag nature of the buildings was common. It was the rare building that looked like it had been planned and the materials obtained from the same source. Most of them were much repaired, and small with little or no space between the buildings.

After walking down the large road a ways, SLide turned to the right which he called "Shaftward" which ment toward the great shaft that pierced the doughnut shaped city in the center. Even though they were walking to the edge of the city, it still looked like they were walking up hill. This impression consisted until they came in sight of the edge. They were all surprised to find it really WAS an edge. There was a stone parapet, and then a drop that dissappeared into foggy nothingness. The shaft looked like it was a couple of hundred yards away. It was so big it looked just like a smooth, slightly curved wall that continued off as far as they could see in the fog.

Stallen and Gal. spot a buisness as they walked back to the main road. It was a fabric store. In the window there was some material that looked like it was scaled. On examining it they found it was not scalled, but rather was very smooth with the scale pattern cunningly woven into the fabric. They bought some at a high price and the party moved on.

They visit the Foundry and The Ruined Temple

Beourn and Ulla are in the commonroom the next morning and the party discusses what will happen after they get the Soul of the Feet.

They let Slide know they are ready to see more of Sigel and he takes them on a tour of the place.
They visit a number of Temples then make their way to the Open Market. They make some minor purchases.
They continue their tour of the city. They end up in the Festhall where they party some more. Slide takes them weaving back to the Bowling Green.
Arising late again the next morning, they realize they have a day till they leave for Glorium. They spend it with a group of dwarves that try to instruct them in lawn bowling. Krom is unclear on the concept and throws the ball at the pins.
They are in bed early that night with the exception of Ember who has a one night fling with one of the dwarves.
The next morning Slide is back and has them get ready to leave.
He takes them to some friends of his who lead the party on a confusing path through a bunch of buildings so they won't know where the gate is. Finally, they are blindfolded and taken to the gate. Their blindfolds are removed and they see a blue glow at the bottom of a staircase. They walk into the blue light and instantly arrive in Glorium
They arrive overlooking the Feourd. They go up the rise and see the Longhouses. Vict casts Know Customs. They are offered lodging in one of the houses in exchange for work by Svald. They drag logs to the work area. Svald takes them to the longhouse of Skald Horvish and introduces them to the Old Woman who judges they have paid with work properly. Once OKed, they eat and learn some of the customs of the residents and specifically about the Blood Contests.
Time Stop in the Longhouse of Skald Horvish an hour after dark.
Weather - Med. Snow - 25 MPH wind
Korvish comes by and OKs the party as long as Svard speaks for htem. He tells
them "Courtesy, Privacy and Respect" and they take it to heart.
They decide not to look around for the merchant and interact as little as
They spend the night watching all the wierd activity.
The next morning Svard kicks them out of the Longhouse and goes off to his
pole splitting with the logs the party stacked up the day before.
They wander over to a large stump and brake their fast on a huge stump in the
3' of snow.
They pull out the Mirmier and ask it about Iornfist and the Dwarven
They discuss how they will find where they need to go.
They want to find Svald again to ask him about the temple of Odin.
He tells them where to go and their off to the temple.
The temple is a 15'x6'highx40' long building made of pine saplings curvend
into a quonsit hut shape which has been covered with ice. The door is low and
forces them to bow as they enter.
The priests consult each other before answering any questions. Stallen tells
them that they are worthy of Odins blessing because they are performing a
quest to get to the Maus. of Chronipsis and bring back its head.
The priests are impressed and do a Fog of Purification on the party. They
have little information, and soon the party leaves.
They go into the forest and make a clearing whle they try to formulate a
They are splitting up.
Timber goes off to search for tracks and the trail for 3 hours. Katrina and
Fido head off into the forest 50'. Stallen goes back toward the town to find
someone to talk to.
Timber finds the road to the mountains.
Rnd. Enc. Grizzly bear. He befriends it and they split up when Tikm. goes
back to the p0arty without encounter.
Stallen goes into the city and approaches a woman in furs that is splitting
frozen fish with a cleaver. She takes a liking to Stallen and calls him out
wagering his pritty butt against the knowledge he seaks. St. calles for First
Blood. They fight in the center of the city, naked. St. Wins!
She will tell St. how to go about finding a guide.
Yeselda will take St. to her Long house of Beorvil.
She takes him to the long house and introduces him to Hegimoonis the woman
dwarf. Heg. proposes the deal and St. Agrees
Skald Beorvil sets them the task of clearing the path to the fiourd in the
morning for all of the party to stay there.
He goes out to the party and meets Tim. outside. They go back and the poarty
agrees to the conditions.
They return to the Beorvil Longhouse.
They agree to the task and are given a dinner.
Heg. comes by after they have finished their dinner. She proposes the same
deal (the party thinks they are taking the stone to Iornridge, but Hegimonus
says "to the dwarves" which means to the dwarvewn settlement.
They will begin their trek after they finish clearing the path to the fiourd.
Yeselda is rebuffed by Stallen and sleeps alone.
Time stop as they bed down in the Longhous of Beorvil.
The giant triangle wakes them in morning and summons them to work.
While they are working on diging their way through the snow to the fioud
(their task) Hegimonis approaches them and says she has to see the proests
and will meet them in about an hour. The decide to go down to the waters of
the fiord where they do some fishing.
Tim., Vict., Stalen go into the water to fish.
No Enc. Until they search for fish to catch. It takes them 80 min to find:
They wrestle the fish to the shore where they de-head and gut them. They ask
how to cook them and find out they are not vbery good (tough, oily and rank)
They get 40lbs of fish off one, and throw the others off the fiord.
Hegimoonis will take them to a good camping spot near her cache of rocks.
They make a camp (heg. turns their glann into a pool then drains the water t
make an ice covered camp.
They cook their fish. And eat it.
They wake the next morning. Heg. makes a travous 10 day journey.
The next morning, Heg. makes pine seed coffie, cuts wood for a travois and
takes off into the wilderness to get her rocks.
The party looks around throws out the fish and Timber makes Beorn a pair of
They devide up the rock so every on has an average of 40lbs of rock,
depending on their strength. No one is encoumbered, but the load is somewhat
unbalanced (-2 to dex rolls).
They see the rats eyes have no iris, the are large and black and unnatural. A
horified Heg. tells them they are beholder thralls (creatures charmed by a B.
and driven mad with torture and fear). The battle is over, and Heg. wants to
run away, put as much space as possible between them and the beholder.
They ren 210 min and rest 30
They ren 80 and rest for 1/2 hour.
No Enc.
The next morning the snow stops but has effectivly covered the tracks. They
head out trying to stay hidden.
On the 9th day afternoon encounter. Encounter House Cat
It is a deader on its way toward the gate leading to the dwarven planes.
The Inn is the Last Highland Home.
Slug Steak, portabello mushrooms, bear stew, fungus ala fleeson
They take rooms
The cat runs off.
Heg. moans about the dwarves not giving her enough for the rock, so she takes
most of it out and buries it.
They spend the day waiting for her. She returns and tells them that they will
start the journey to the Mausoleium of Chronosys in the morning.
Next day she takes them to a grocer and they stalk up on their food.
Begining a 10 day journey.
Krom is in the lead with snowshoes with the rest of the party is following
single file. Hegimoonis is second.
Morning encounter!
They encounter a merchant heading toward Ironridge.
Bohagora is a merchant who sells antiques and junk.
The hail starts just after they pass the merchant without trying to contact
Enc. Late the night of the 3rd day on the journey with a polar bear. Timber speaks to it and it goes away.
Evening of the 5th day, Rand. Enc.
Monster Name:    Giant Stag
It is a very noble looking beast as it stands on a outcropping of rock about
250 yrds away.
They fire their bows at it and wound it. Stallen takes off after it flying,
and Timber uses his league striding boots and overshoots the stag by 2
leagues! He gets back to within 3/4 of a mile and shouts untill they get back
Stallen catches up with the stag as it is running scared and at last (after
17 min) it begins to slow down a lot and he can catch up. He makes one cut
and then another begfroe the beast goes down. The rest of the party follows
the trail of blood dncatches up with stallen after 1 and a half hours.
They butcher the stag and take it through the early night to a good camp.
They make a big fire and feast on the stag. Krom and Stallen eat the heart
and toast to the stag.
Day 6 midday - Rand. Enc. Mountain Giant
It has no desire to attak so large a paty, but wants to keep and eye on them.
Day 9 Rand Enc. Giant Eagle
It watches them and is visible to them too. It is an inspiring sight.
They get to the bottom of the mountain although they have to use their
torches for a while. She tells them she is going back now they can see the
Early in the morning, the dragon checks them out invisible.
They hear it but can't do anything.
Time stop when they are 30mi from the mausoleum.
It has the shape of a black triangular pyramid. Sticking out of the pyramide
are spires each with a different shape. At the top of each is a platform that
is a landing pad for dragons. Each spire is a different color; the color of a
race of dragons.
They are just over the last rise of the foothills of the Dwarven Mountains
looking across the broken land to the Mausoleum of Chronipsis.
They will be travelling across the broken lands toward the Maus. It will take
them a day and a half. It is about 1 hr before dark when the game begins.
Their Dwarf guide Hegimoonis is leaving the next morning.
Black pyramid with 18 spires each a different color.  The is a large entry
way with a barred gate.
When they see the dragon Chronipsis (an ancient crystal dragon) they will be
blinded for
1d20 rnds if it is exposed to bright light (which will not commonly be seen
ouside the mausoleum.
It will meet them at night, invisible and try to find out what they are doing
and what they want. The voice is loud and ringing "crystaline". It is
basically friendly, but this is tempered by the serious nature of his duty.
They find a depression at the foot of the hill and make their camp.
Early morning, the dragon is checking them out from above as the evening
If the party prepares their weapons, he will wait for them in his strong
hold. If they seem friendly, he will land to talk to them.
The party is not very watchfull (fail on 5 rolls out of 6 for surprise) and
are even more surprised when Chronipsis (encouraged by their wachlessness)
decides to talk to them.
They make no agressive movements and talk politely and promice a riddle which
intregues the dragon.
It invites them to wake up the rest of the party.
They wake up and make no agressive movmentts this encourages her to reveal
herself to them.
The weather is turning foul. The 1st layer of clouds never goes away and just
after midday, the second level of clouds moves in. As night falls and
successive curtains of cloud roll in, the lightning starts and the 8th level
of clouds brings the rain.
 The dragon opens the gate for them and they walk into the hollow pyramid. It
is fulled with the hourglasses and the dragon lies reclining on a great wedge
shaped "throne"
It calls for Beourn and they speak. When the dragon hears that  Beourn is
Gaga, he files into a rage. He eats Beourn! Beourn hangs onto his tounge and
pleads. The dragon uses his breath weapon, B. saves and takes 26HP. Sir Ulla
attacks the dragons back foot doing 6 pt dam., but the dragon grabes him and
swqeezes for 18 HP damage. B. finally remembers the name of the dragon. He
forces the dragon to open the throne front to reveal the soul inside.
Beourn touches the glowing ball of light and it races through his body to
rest in the feet.
The dragon is still outraged and tortured at being forced by his true name to
return the soul to Beourn, the one creature in the entire universe that he
hates the worst.
Beourn promices to free the souls of the dragons he imprisioned and
Chronipsis curses him for giving the dragon hope again.
The party leaves quickly and travel an hour throught the night. They make camp for the night and when they are having breakfast, Beourn explains what
was up with the hourglasses and the dragons souls.
They have completed the adventure of Chroipsis and are about 3 mi from the
They discuss the various ways they can get back home.
Stallen tries to reach the P Mat. Plane, and the spell fails (can only get to
outer planes or astral from the Outlands).
Vict. tries to use Dimensional folding. The spell fails and shows him the
edge of the Outlands the great road and the abbys.
They talk about going back to Ironridge and fear their ability to find it
again without a guide.
Or try using Stallens cube to get to the astral plane.
No Enc.
No visible Pool
Boris the black is the new bartender/bouncer 6'2"x280 lbs STR 17,Con16
He is a retired pirate.
The mayor Turnlmore has gotten fat.

Pi attracts followers.
Kroms tree house is finished.
79 Weeks have passed
800 feet complete, 540 feet yet to do

Stallen's Amphitheater is ready.
Gal's tower-70x70x3stories all finished but the roof, Temple to Mystra, Mage school
Farm Buildings rebuilt and added to is complete
Timbers log cabin is finished
They want to go to Waterdeep
Timber leaves to go off and search for a place to set up as a temple to
Gal visits her folks in Longsaddle.
Tim-Pi ride around their lands investigating new buildings and looking for Meliki temple site. Gal. brings a mage named Cleetus back from Longsaddle.
The rest of the party meets up in the Hero's Rest. on the 8th day since they
got back. Everyone wants to go to Waterdeep. Cleetus speaks with Beourn. He
wants to cast some information spells on Beourn. Ulla is unwilling to do this
unless the party helps him identify Cleetus and make sure he has no bad
thoughts toward Beourn. As a diviner, Cleetus understands the need to know
positivly who and what they are doing and agrees to submit to the questions
and spells of the patry before he casts any spells on Beourn.
He is wearing several magic items which he has to take off before the spells
of the party will work. Amulet of Attraction (+3 Chr), a ring of x-ray
vision, s ring of Disease detection, a Robe of Eyes, a Gem of Insight mounted
into another ring and the Human Influence flute.
Cleetus submits to a through examination. It turns up that Cleetus is NG,
Well intentioned, a scholor and seeks only to find out about Beourn.
They then allow Cleetus to return his magical items to him and scast what
spells he will on Beourn. He tells them what he is doing as he casts his
spells and tells them some of what he sees in a running commentary that is
very technical like a autopy report.
Cleetus is fascinated and will try to help Beourn recover his memory and
regain his stability. Ulla agrees to this as he sees no reason not to trust
Cleetus now and he might help.
That day, Local 509 heads out toward Waterdeep. It is a 60 mile journey and
will take 4 days by horse. After no important encounters, they get to the
city and go in the south gate.
They go to the Unicorn's horn and see the new decorating. Despite a bad first
impression, they decide to stay there that night. The rooms are expensive and
while the service is good, they don't like the place any more. They move to
the Jade Jug across the street. Once they store their stuff and cast their
ward spelss on the important stuff, they head down stairs to talk to the
one-armed porprioteress. They go to the Blue Jack tabern for drinks. Then
they go to the furriers guild and sell some of there gems at the jewlers
nearby.Gal. teleports from her room to the library in the Mages Guild building. A
student see her there and takes her quickly in to talk to the woman who heads
the guild. She also asks for Gals story and is obliged. Mhair is impressed by
her story and as Gal is dismissed she too offers the help of the guild. Gal
notices nothing interesting stuff on the bulitin board. She teleports back to
her room at the Jade Jug.
The party gets together again after a good lunch and decides to go to
Balthors. They get there with no incedent. they find there:
Bocobs Blessed Book 39KGP
Ring of Elemental Control - Air 16KGP
Scemitar (+3 to hit, +2 dam) 13KGP
Globe of Serenity 15KGP
Pipe of Bob Flute (non magical)
 and other nonmagical stuff - Fire opal, Black Horn Drinking set, Crystal
Boozed container
The next morning, Timber goes to shrione to Miliki on the hill inside the
Heros park at the N gate. They tell him to immediatly go to a inn in the city
where the waiter are monsters. There he meets a ranger with a ring of Plant
Passage. He takes Tim into the stand of trees outside W. Deep and uses the
ring to go to the Falls of Stumbling Stars where the main gathering of the
followers of Milliki is located. There they examine him and determine that by
direct decree from the Goddess, that all ranger/clerics are to become
Ranger/Druids! They explaine to him what is involved and Timber changes his
He is taught some Pegasus, and Treent.
He has the Sign of Shadowier which is the symbol of the goddess in the skin
of his right hand. This will be invisible except when in the shadow of
moonlight. It then glows pale green. Shadowioers are special guardians of
forests often assigned specific tasks by the church.
His studies intensivly, using priest endurance to complete his training as
quickly as possible. he doesn't slepep during his 6 week stay.
Meanwhile the rest of the party is taking care of business.
Broddas new spheres are chedked. Kilana also dissappears for her conversion
(only changes to spheres) a new spoell slist for her is produced.
St. and Vict. go to the plynth where it is jamed. St. uses his charisma to
work his way up though the waiting line. They get to the temple of Bob and
find it almost empty. Vict is told that no changes have been noticed to the
proests of Bob even though most other religions are going through changes.
Vict. volentiers to help the old priest  while he is in the city;.
St. goes to the temple to Oghma where there has been a shake up. Several
leading priests in the religion have suddenly and inexplicably died and the
church hierarchy is completely re-arrainged. They have been told to be more
attentive to gathering information and have set up new procedures for
gathering information. With the aid of a new spell (remote writing) they take
dictation into huge books. St tells the story of 509 in Shou Lung and the
priest is excited by this and promices to pass the info up the priestly
Pi tries to contact the thieves guild and finds may of their buildings have
become abandoned. She findss out htat a concentrated force of city guards and
noble militia in the hundrads shut them down about 4 weeks ago. Not there is
little of the guild remaining in the city. Pi finds their hideout in the Rat
Hills and is spending a considerable amount of time with them to try to get
her followers.
Pi comes back to the Jade Jug the next day and finds out what everyone did
the day before. She get her stuff ready to go back out to the Rat Hills, but
decides to go with the party to Aurora's catelog shop and buy some mundane
items. Time Stop after leaving Aurora's.
They are back at the Jade Jug and talking about what they want to do next.
We work out how many followers will appear to the party so they know how much
they need to buy in the city. They get:
These will all be treated as a "Bandit" group in the Monster guide to
determine the number of leaders that will show up along with the 0 level
Victorex attracts 116 0 level followers
Kilana gets 87 peopls level 0
Stallen attracts 38 followers
Pisheo talks 18 theives into following her out of the Rat Hills.

Gal. got an introduction from Melchor to the Nobleman family, Hawkwinter. She
and St go to the Hawkwinter Villa to introduce themselves and try to get an
invite to a party. They meet Raylin Hawkwinter and he sees that they receive
an invitation to a party a few days hence. The party takes care of indevidual
business until the day of the party. Pi comes into the city from the Rat
Hills to attend. They rent a coach and 6 to take them to the party;; the
first time many have been in such a vehicle.
They get to the party and do a lot of milling around. They are impressed by
the food and drink and enjoy themselves but are not impressed by most of the
Nobles they meet. None the less, they do make some important contacts. They decide to leave the party as it is quickly seen that they are "on
display" and they don't like this.
Time Stop as they get out of the Villa.
They have left the Nobles Party and are returning to the Jade Jug.
Note: Get them to the Old Monster Shop 146!
They get back to the Jade Jug without incedent using a coach and 6 as before.
Pi starys the night there.
Next morning they talk to their one-armed hostess about where to go to get
furnicture. She tells them of Carvers Guild and the Whickerwork guild.
(110) rope bunk beds @ 10gp(2 per day constructed), 20 Fine Bunks @20gp (1
per day) and 200 std. chests @4gp (4 per day). Total=2300gp will be done
within 2 months.
Gal. buys a bed carved from a single slice of a redwood tree 8' cube
(2500gp). Finely carved with fauns and faireies in the top of the canopy 6'
Desk 8' long on back, 4' long of sides, cold drawer, warm drawer, light rocks
in top, (3000gp)
Table and chairs made of natural wood with the bark still on.
Wardrobe with secret bags 2"x6" in the back behind the drawers that run up
both sides.
Big throne with rearing lion and slave rings in the arms.
Hovee Mauksoun is the one they deal with (Son of Guild leader)
They go to Orsabbas and check out the imported goods from Calimshan and
further south.
They find a few things and move on.
They get a meal from a street vendor and continue on to a place recommended
to Krom by Rualathar the Island King. They go to The Splended Order of
Armorers, Locksmiths, and Finesmiths. at 279
They heading off the the Blushing Mermaid looking for the Beholder Theif
They have the Ship's Galley meal with the pirate and the 6 slave girls.
Pi. finds where the contact is (in an alley nearby) named Notef
She goes outside while the rest are still at diner.
She meets him and sees that he is one of the Beholders men by the eye ring on
his finger.
The beholder is recruting, but Pi is not interested. She finds out how to
contact Notif again at the Mermaid.
They return to the Jade Jug late that day
The next day, they are looking for a way to feed all the followers. They talk
about farming and what it would take.
They find the Order of Farmer/Grociers and buy seed grain at 10gp per 50lb
grain which wil cover 1 acre.
That acre will grow 10,000 lbs of food (one grain will grow 200 more, 200x50
lbs per acre)
They need 180000 pounds of food per year. They will need to plant 1000 lbs of
seed which costs them 200gp.
They return to the Jade Jug.
She was to go to the Mages guild the second day she was in the city. This is
about 2 wks before tonights game, but she has been patient about doing its.
It is the 3rd day since she was in the city.
She wants to go to the guild and talk to Kappian Fleurmeister.
A group of mages will listen to her in the guild chambers.
She prepares to go to the meeting by adjusting her spell list somewhat and
takes along a spell "Galranwyns Sticky Fingers" and additional scrolls and
teleports. Wearing all her magic items and dress to the 9s in her best mage
outfit.  The meeting starts after the midday meal. Gal. walks with Kagar to
the guild.
No encounter, they reach the guild building. Kagar will wait outside with the
guild building in view.
Kappian, Mhair and Malchor are there with
Eleifal the Mystic (W12 Evil) Weak, mousy brown hair, ple and a lisp.
Derias Selenborin a high elf mage (w13) an Invoker specialist.

Katrina rolls to find her number of followers and comes up with 40 total.
They go to talk business with Benit Hillgauntlet; Nobles  who are military
mercinary providers and outfitters.
They send word to Belick to arrange a meeting with the party.
They get a meeting a day later where they are treated like customers in a
very efficient way.
The party uses the carrage to get to the meeting.
They are introduced to Leutenant Mokiner Horserider. He is very good at what
he does and is willing to discuss with them what
they have in mind and how they will work it out. Kadre and bivowak and
soldiery and weapons.
They explaine that they are building a school and fortification on the
fronteer and are about to grow rapidly.
They find a few things and move on.
Balugis o'Yeclept Master mage who charges the wand of fireballs for 22Kgp.
Gal spends time with the Mages Guild Celebrating.
Gal and Krom shop
The rest of the party arrives and they are off to Balthor's one more time..
Stallen and Katrina is preaching in the street and in the inns and bards
collage. - "Fell like your lifes in a rut need some adventure Im looking for
a few good men to follow me for treasure and adventure."
Vict. goes to the plyntha and preach for followers.
Pi. is going out to the Rat Hills to convince theves to go with her.
St. and Kat. go to the Bards school. St. jumps on the stage and begins
They play for hours. A drumnmer comes up and help them out. They lead a conga
line to the warehouse where they are going to wait until 509 is ready to go.
The party members come by for training and greeting them.
The leader of this troop is Hoopi Gloopta Sgt at arms..
Vict goes to the temple fo bob in the plynth and talks the priesxt to go down
to the outside of the plynth and preach.
Vict attracts a number of followers (80) and tells them to gou out and btring
more followers back.
The Sgt. Digety boogh takes over the training of the men.
Pi. is out with the remains of the Theives Guild in the Rat Hills.
Pi selects several of the most likely theives and asks them to meet her out
by the old dead tree. She makes them a pitch to come out the HOS.
They spend the remainder of the time till the ship comes hanging out at the
inn or helping get the followers together.
The ship arrives and they go to the dock in a goup to meet it.
Phantoozie brings them presents : Powder of Shrieker Growth, 4 Oil of slip, 2
Healing, 2 Rainbow Hue, Poly Self,
Francous is new cook and he is conceated and arogent.
Phanto tells them of the sacked castle where the furnicture came from. They
spend the night there and begin loading things that morning
They have travleing with them 40,38, 116, 18, 87
Time stop 4 wks after getting back to the School. All the followers have
arrived and they are getting organized!
1 Week - Vict. takes one of the buildings in the school and gets his men
stettled in.
The party set many of their followers to clearing the land in preperation for
the next years crop.
10 men working for a week may clear 1 hex on the white map.
Vict. sets up a forge, sends out hunters and trappers,
1/3 Working on the temple
Elemental is summond and clears 60 sq yards. (180x180)  or 3240'x10'x10'
down to the temple on the 6th level (see player map by Pisheo!)
Timber has been helping find tree to clear, Help finding where they should be
clearing the land Sings his song.
Pi. sets her guys working on the 3rd level, first setting up the cave as a
rap and rappel area and getting it set up as a school.
Gal. spell writing in her spellbook for 3 weeks and the last week Takes the
Statue of Mystra from the 6th level and brings it up to the surface and takes
it to her tower in her study.
Stallen is getting fighters trained, and finding a place for them to have and
starting construction by cutting logs and putting up log cabins. They are
staying in the sholl buildings.  In the month they find trees, trim them,
de-bark them, drag them back to the outside of the school wall where they
will be built. They get enough wood to build 1 - 5 plex building.
Day 1 for seeing - no
next day 2- no
next day 3 - sees something, but looses it.
The watchers get back to the rest of the troop.
The men spread out at 3:00 and will begin the attack at 3:30.
It was a fine, warm late summer evening. All the people in the tiny village
of Katina slept soundly after their day's labor, unspecting that they would
soon be the target of a vicious, unprovoked surprise attack by the largest
band of Orks seen in this area for decades. Of all the people in the vile,
only two small patrols of militia were awake that night. They rode slowly
through the town on their horses. They fought their boredom by gossiping
about the events of the day,  debating the charms of the villages young women
and talking of all the things they would do when their tour of duty was over
and they could return to their companies in Waterdeep. They had no idea that
they and the town had been observed for days by shadowy figures.

The Heros of Local 509 slept soundly too. It was a busy time for them as
well. The huge influx of people who followed them to the frontier village had
presented them with logistic problems the like of which they were ill
prepared to deal with. They had spent the day overseeing the labors of those
followers and the workmen rushing to complete the construction of the walled
bailey they refered to as "The School". Although the wall had been completed
two weeks before, construction continued on several of the buildings inside
and two of the small towers.

A small contingent of grumbling followers patrolled the walls. They spent
more time looking at the construction of the buildings inside than they did
watching for movement outside them. Tired from their day's training in the
ways of war, they complained of the bumps and bruses they had received. They
barely know how to draw the swords the carried ackwardly. And they were the
lucky ones who had received one of the few weapons produced by the newly
construced forge. Weapon making had been a low priority for the school
compared to completing its construction before the colds winds and rains of
fall began.

The frst sign that this night was to be different han the thousands of
similar night that had come before was the deep sound of war drums. Placed
some distance from the village, their sound seemed to fill the air with their
booming. It was impossible to tell the direction the sound came from; it seemed to come from everywhere.

The militia reigned in their horses and listened trying to determine what the
sound was and where it came from. The followers on the walls of The School
asked each other what it was and men began running between the widely spread
groups trying to find someone who could answer the question.A few of the
people in their homes were awakened, but those were mostly childeren.
Frightened, they got up and ran to wake their parents. And so, slowly the
word that something untoward was begining.

They attack in 2 waves with the 3rd wave held in reserve until the drums
begin double time.
The party wakes up in 2 to 4 rounds, except for Gal who wakes up in the 5th.
Families are escaping, double baring the doors and guarding, some of the
adventurous head out to help.
Building R (with 1 dwarf in it) is burned; farm 9 is burning.
The battle of Katina continues
Game begins 5 min. after the attack began. The townspeople are roused, and
they are all reacting to the attack in different ways. The party is just
leaving the Inn, the followers are waiting for commands from the superiors,
the remainder of the orks are being held in reserve, the ship has not been
allerted and lies 1/2 mile (10 min) away.
The battle continues...
Round 7 Orks at school, fort appear
Round 8 Battle going against Orks, PC&NPC continue to leave school
Battle continues
It's the 22nd of Marpenoth, and they are on the Ork trail!
Cindy (Katrina) gets 200 exp for duplicating the map of the 3 and 4th level
of the HOS dungeon.
Timber joins back up with Bilibong and the rest of the party tells all.
Time Stop when the Advance party and the Orks make their camp for the night.
They are speaking the morning the 4th day out of the village of Katina. The
Orks are moving 15 mi per day, so the party is keeping up twith them easily
on their horses.
They continue to follow the party of Orks at a safe distance. They will
continue on until the army catches up or something else comes.
The destination of the Orks (Crumbling Stair) is 90 miles east of Katina, and
95 mi after they start to the NE.
They do 15 mi per days so its a 6 day journey. They are currently 25 mi E of
Katina and continuing E.
It will take another 4 days.
Last recorded date is the 5th of Eleasias (august) 5days after Midsummer. Its
been 47 days since then It's the 22nd of Marpenoth.
Day 1 No Enc.
Day 2 Morning Encounter - Injured Ork Gal sees it and sends Krom out to check
on it.  It is whining and pleading (it only speaks ork). Krom dispatches it.
They have another encounter that night - it is with a wild animal. Wild Bats
spreading out from the Crumbling stairs.
Day 3 - No encounter.
Day 4 They get to the Hubis Hollow
They come to Hubis Hollow. They see 3 people moving around in the city. One
is a young girl 9 yrs old who is washing clothes in the pool. Karttrina talks
to her. Deliah is her name.
They go into the Tavern and talk to the wotn people. They ask about what the
pray is doing there and tell them about the mink. A selection of pelts and
items is put up for sale. Hats and muffs. Pelts 200gp each and the hat is 250
gp and the muff is 400gp. 20% discount in pelts more than 20.
They leave the Village and see the Crumbling Stair just at sundown.
That night the Orks are having a "Pecking Order" meeting with a huge bonfire
made of furnishing from the castlel
Krom, Kat. , Gal. head out toward the ruin at 10:00 in the dark.
infravisionx2,armorx2, invisibility,
There are 4 guard orks hidden in the ruins. They will give alert and will not
They get to the ruin and circumlocute it going clockwise. They arrive back at
their starting place and listen to the orks in their shakedown.
200 orks are in the ruins. Gal sends a wizard eye and sees the battleing for
position by the tribal leaders.
Gal. wants to climb up to the top of the rubble and cast a wall of fire on
the croud below.
Kat goes with her to cast wall of fog.
They get to the top undetected and begin casting their spells.
Rnd 1 Fire Wall spell - 5 to 8 HP damage
Rnd 2 Fire Wall - 8 to 5 4 and wall of fog.
They get to the bridge and run across.
The orks try to dump them off the bridge and fail. Krom throws one of the
logs in the moat
They get back to the party safely and advise them to leave their current camp
toi a spot further away.
Another small adventure. Cindy, Dale and Lisa are playing Timber, Pisheo and
Bilibong the Druid.
They are on the trail of the orks as they run toward the Crumbling Stair. Th
day before, they killed 11 and wounded 4 using giant ants.
They continue to follow the orks, keeping them in sight.
They talk about what to do for the night. They decide to go back to the rest
of the party and tell them what the orks have been doing during the day.
There are no encounters.
Timber finds a big beetle and he saves it to use on the orks tomorrow. They
search around for another beetle and find one (15%!)
They get up easrly the next morning and change into gflying forms to quickly
(3.5 hours) catch up with the fleeing orks.
They cast spikesx2,, on sides of hill, entangles inbetween the trees, snair
behind one tree.while they wait at the end of the undergrought with the
beetles. And here come the orks!
They cast their enlarge insect on the beetles
They stop harassing the orks, and follow them until they get to the Crumbling
stair. They find the party in Hubis Hollow and let them know what is going
When Gal, Kat and Kroim go off to do recon on the castle, the rest set up a
campo and go to sleep.
They move the camp when they return from recon and continue to talk about
what they will do. They talk about letting the army know where the Orks are.
Bilibong leaves to find the army, They continue to talk about what there are
doing at daybreak.
Timber changes into a bird and files off to the castle; Stallen files off
with him.
Flying for 2hrs to recon. They find some stuff.
Gal,  Stallen go toward the courtyard.
Timber as wolf goes to E. side.
Katrina, Krom and Vict. (invisible) goes to watch the front of the castle
where the arch is
Pi goes invisible sneaking around. She doesn't see anything.
A group of orks leaves (35) and Kat, Krom, and Vict. follow them until they
are 3/4 mile from the castle and attack. They kill more than half of the
orks, but 2 get back to the castle to warn the rest. They all decide that the
castle is a dangerous area, and they were going to go their olwn way anyhow
now that the cleric is no longer exerting his influence. Finding that the day
is too dangerous, they move out under cover of darkness in early evening.
The party regroups at camp and spend the evening trying to figure what to do.
They wake up the next morning, and head back to the castle to watch. They
don't see any orks. Stallen invisible goes inside the courtyard and son't see
any orks. He checks out the archway. Makes people unable to kill anything if
they fail their save when going through the arch.
He also checks out the inside of the courtyard. Stallen climbs the wall and
plays his harp to tell the rest of the party that the orks are gone.
At 1:00 in afternoon they re-group outside the moat and discuss what to do
now the orks are gone. They all agree that Morticity will be pissed off when
he founds out they are not bottled up.
Gal wants to go inside the courtyard. Stalen says it's safe. They head in.
Stallen is leader. Cindy is mapper.  28th of Marpenoth. At 1:00 in afternoon
they re-group outside the moat and discuss what to do now the orks are gone.
They all agree that Morticity will be pissed off when he founds out they are
not bottled up.
TTT Gal wants to go inside the courtyard. Stalen says it's safe. They head
They go in through the double doors. They go down the corredor to the first
door in the N. (rm 33).
TT They search the room.
They cotinue to investigate the ruiened buildings.
Time stop with them in Rm 37. 26 rounds since entering (~4.5 hrs - 5:30 in
The sun will be going down in 1 hour 20min
T Tim. examines bones for type (ork, human, animal), St. goes up the stairs
to where he can see the next floor.
Encounter at the top of the stairs.  Crab spider. They don't go up
They go to do in W of room and open it into the Armory room
TT They map the room and check out the middle too.
T They go to door in E. to bedroom 41.  Opening the door.
Krom, Gal. and Pi look through the arch. Rand Enc. - Giant Termite/Soldier
T Dro drags body away to light it on fire. Krom ring of clean, Gal does clean
cantrip on all. Take Termite parts
TTT They get termite spit htat does 1d8 in 5' and 1d4 in 10' per potion
bottle worth.
T They look at the harl of arches - Go to 42
T Searcing 42 find crysatl ball
T Back into 41
TTT Open door to 39 and search
T They go back to the tower. Att. Rnd. Encounter 4 Bodolare Spiders hiding on
TTT Open door to 39 and search
T They go back to the tower. Att. Rnd. Encounter 4 Bodolare Spiders hiding on
Time Stop at the end of the battle.
T They discuss wethyer to go out of the dungeon or not. (No Enc.)
They go up the stairs.  Into 2nd Lev. Rm 34 (No Enc.,)
TT They search around and map.
T They head up to the 3rd level (Rm 13) They quickly search and go to the
door in the W. (No Enc)
T They are mapping and searching Rm 20
T They check it out and then go to the door leading to the stairs to the 4th
T They go N to room 10 and open the door
Open the door Enc. Rock will fall on the first person going through the door.
SV vs dex -2 to jump back or take 2d4 dam.
T St. saves against the stone falling from the 4th level.
They go backj into the20 and talk/
TT They go to Rm 18 and search the on to 17.  (No Enc.,)
They go back to the door to 10 and open it up again.
TTT They look at the stairs They clear the stairway.
T They get top the top floor and see the nest. The treasure is 12 PP.
TTT They all go put to the next level and search around (No Enc.)
T Stalelen searches the "pearch"; the section of the roof to the 4th level
that wtill retains part of the old crenilations. This is where the Roc
pearched on nice days.
T They go back inside the 3rd level room (20) and talk about where to go
They go down stairs into the Armory. and then dopwn to the gournd floor.
T They go to Rm 39 and prepare for sleep
T. They plan to rest here for the night (10 hours) Enc. at 9 hours with
spitting spiders. They will wait outside the door for something they smell
inside comes out.
Day 2
They sleep 9 hours and then spend time memorizing spells and stuff.
Encounter 4 spitting spiders
T Stallen goes up the stairs in wraith form.
The party goes up the stairs.
12 Crab Spiders in web at entrance to 2-31. The party goers into the web,
cutting it carefully.
Crab Spiders
TTT They are searching the room. They find the shrine and the pedistal.
After searching the room, they are getting ready to move on.
Dromar is leader, Pisheo is mapper. Time stop in Rm 2-31 at 10:10 in the
morning of the second day in the ruins.
They searched the room & they found the shrine and the pedistal.
T They go through the door to the E. and walk in Setting off the gas trap. no
one fails.
T They back out close the door, and wait for the gas to dissapate.
T They decide to open the N. door and look in. Timber casts Find Traps and
see none
They go back to the E. door and open it. No traps seen they enter.
T They map and search in Rm 32.
They leave and go back to Rm 30.
T They go in to Rm 30. Search and map
Rnd Enc. Attracted Monster Spitting Spiders
4 Spitting
A 13            B 14
-9 Pi           - 10 Kat
-6 Kat          -7 Gal
-11 Gal
They return to the S. to Rm 29
T They Open and stallen sees the chest. He runs in, graps a chair and throws
it at the chest.
T Katrina uses a knock to take the lock off. St. opens it. Trap goes off.
T They take everything out of the chest and search the rest of the stuff in
the room. The chairs are woth 50gp, but there are only 2 intact .
T They appraise the stuff in the chest.
T They go on to RM 28 and listen successfully
They hear the wind but the spiders arent making noise then. They get ready,
light a torch and open
T They move into the room and find the wardrobe that folds out into a small
magical workshop.
T They find and dispell the magical trap.
They go on to RM 28 and listen successfully. T They search it and find lots
of stuff. Time stop (in rm for 1 hr)
Game Begins with an encounter. Jumping Spiders. They were attracted by the
noise and will weait until they get out into the corredor leaving the room.
They will wait util the party is not entirely there.
They leave and go to 24. Spiders attack
12 Spiders 2+2 HD
The rest of the spiders flee down to S. and will wait until the party is
TTT They are searching the statue and alter.
They take the statue down and then put it into the bag o0f holding. They open
one of the coffins and find the metal capsule inside. They open t and find
the stuff inside. It is a stasus capsule. None of them are functioning
properly and only one occupant (5) is alive. He will die in 3 min of opening
stasus field.
They move on to Room 27
Timber is leader, Pi. is mapper
It is a stasus capsule. None of them are functioning properly and only one
occupant (5) is alive. He will die in 3 min of opening stasus field.
They move on to Room 27-Level +2 in ruins.
They go downstairs to Rm 37 and then out to the open courtyard.
They are breathing fresh air and looking at the seaguls that are on top of
the rubble.
They leave a message (druid) over a scroll tube which contains the note. This
leaves instructions to the soldiers who will follow in case they can't get
out in the 2 days that remain until the army arrives.
The archway that glows green in inscribed with "Blessing of all gods to all
who pass this way in peace".
They are stainding in front of the archway down to the dungeon. They are
discussing how to pass without going through the arch.
Victorex casts dimensional folding .
Timber csast bat sence and Stallen uses his light rock.
They go down to where the slime begins (70'). They look down the stairs.
After Stallen falls while going down by himself, they put pitons in the wall
and tie a knotted rope to it. They use this to let themselves down. Thus, if
they fall, they dont fall far (1d4 Hp per fall, check every 20')
Gal., Vict., Timber use a levitate to get them edown the stairs, the rest use
the rope.
They get to the 50' (400') from the bottom point and look.
T They see something, but lose initiative and don't get much clue. Gal casts
W. Eye and sends it into the room.
T They see the roaches sitting out of the light. They roll a light rock into
the room and see them quickly moving out of the way of the light.
TT The move over to the column and examine it. They are standing 20's. of the
TT They move around the room mapping and end up atht e SW corner of the room.
Rand. Enc. with Valuable Roach
R none
They let it go by.
They go to room 28
T Searching 28
Attrackted Monster Enc. Roach hordes.
R B. Hands 8 die Pi-1,G.-1,K-2
R Glasses
TT They try to communicate with them. The roaches stand on the rotting
ticking of the cushions and rub their mandibles together for 10 min. Then
they eat some of it and begin to mill around when they are full.
T Matress searched
They leave the room. The roaches stream into 28 to eat. They close the door
on them!
Time stop outside room 28.
They leave the room 28. The roaches stream into 28 to eat. They close the
door on them!
They walk up the cooredor 29 to the big room (21). Time stop just outside the
T They go to Rm 30 and open the door. They start walkking down the corredore
to the door in the south
T They stop and turn around because of the smell
TT They go into 21again, and cast det. Magic. They go around the room c.
clockwise. They see magic in 26 only (the rune of protection over the
bookcases on W wall).
T They go to 19 and easily see the tan valuable roaches in the room. Everyone
hides and Dromar firsts casts Ice Bolt, then Fireball into the room. 36
roaches+25 Roaches of 145 roaches. 26 - Dromar
T The roaches start streaming in! They shut the doors, but 50+ get in and
start rubbing themselves on the grease covered surfaces. They call more.
T They leave.
T Go to 26 and open the door
TTT They search the desks; investigate the magic protection of the rune in
the bookcases, capture a couple of organic roaches and throw one into the
protection over the bookcases.
H They search the books, cast light spells on the ceiling over the darkness
door, take out some interesting books.
TTT The do l. lore on books and the stuff they found in 19.
Gal. casts Room of Seclusion.
They will stay for at least 10 hours and use the time to read the books and
study stuff.
They are in the Room of Seclusion talking about what the books told them.

Data Loss! Somehow the record from the first part of the game got lost. They
have been through rooms 32, 22, 23, 25, 19, 17, 8, 9, 7, 12, 17
Time stop for dinner (turkey!! Great Stuff!)
They are in room 21, Dromar is looking at room 15, others looked in rm 16 and
they are waiting for dromar to complete a hole in the "sandstone" of 15.
TTT He makes a hole as deep as his l. sword and finds nothing. Pi looks in rm
16 and finds nothing except the door to 15
T The party moves into Rm 16 and they try to open the door to 15
They leave 16 and walk around mapping to rm 6.
They open the door, then rush in when they see it's undisturbed
TT They search the room and find nothing.
T They leave and walk and map around room 4. They look inside, but don't go
in as it's empty
They wal up toward Rm 2 and look inside. They see the defending bugs and cast
a Det. Magic
T They go toward the magical opening down to L. 2 (the levitating plug of
stone that covers the 5' wide hole leading down.
T They find how to activate the plug (they see the "Approach Slowly" sign)
T They check out the pool and search the room (they don't spot the water
T They search the stairs down and then head out.
TT They get to Level 2 Rm 6. (The roaches scatter when they see the light
coming. Their pheromnes allert the Outcasts. They will investigate in 2d4
rounds for 5 rounds after arriving in Rm 6
They map the room then the Praying Mantis B.Beasts attack
They flee up to the 1st level again except Stallen who stays below. He
plunges into the water when he hears "fire in the hole".
The F. Ball goes off and he soon comes up and out.
The Wise roaches are guarding at the W. Archway. He casts toungues and
listens to them speak intellegently.
Invisible with a darklight spell going, he speaks with them.
They send off the the Wise roach who comes in on the backs of 4 other
roaches. He tells st. that he requires "signs of rank" before they will not
attack them.
After a turn St. rejoins the party
They discuss whAT they will do next
Rand., Enc. Glue Spitter Roach - Dro shoots at it and misses. Stallen
befriends it and learns how to "milk" it for the glue.
They go S and look into Room 2. Dromar wants to F. Ball it!
T The party stands off and he lets go
He kills most of the, but many survivors head out of the room toward him.
He casts another F. Ball and he is caught in the area of effect (9pts dam).
T He walks into Rm 2 and sees more roaches. He uses his ram ring to clear the
way before him.
TT The rest of the party follows him into the room. They search the mounds of
roach droppings.
Gal. sends a W. Eye down the main hole to see the larva and eggs with the 18"
long brood mother presiding over the eggs.
TTT They leave this room through the N. and map the area beyond.
They go inside Rm 5 and map and search.
Rnd Enc. with dust roaches who drop off a load of dust.
TT They continue searching the room in the S. wall for S. doors
TT They make their way to Rm 6 and search for S. Doors not finding any.
TT Down to corredore 29 to the 2nd door to the s. on the W. wall Rm 34
T They search the bunks and the cabinets and find a few coins, lots of trash
and a tin cup.
TT Find a semi-intact infantry uniofrm.
Time Stop in Rm 34
Down to corredore 29 to the 2nd door to the s. on the W. wall Rm 34. Find a
semi-intact infantry uniofrm.
Time Stop in Rm 34 at 4 in afternoon.
They talk about what they want to do now they have found the uniform.
TT Gal casts Mending on the Uniform coat they found and it is intact except
for it's mottled color.Puts it in her Backpack.
T They go down to rm 35. They see the bugs running away. They light a
bullseye lantern. And look around.
53 Vermin roaches attack (92 more are in the room).
the party flees after killin many.
TT They discuss what they want to do while they are in Rm 21. Healing and
T They go back to the roach room. They all go in.
T They look inside Room 38 and see the roach lavia.
T They go back up to 29 corredore.
T They plan how to wipe them out. Timber will have bad dreams about this
episode. If he participates in the effort, he will suffer a loss of his
highest level spells for a month.
They go down 30 to 35 and open the door.
T Dromar casts 2 fireballs into the room to kill roaches.
The spells around the gate door react against the F. Ball and hits dromar
with a Ray of Enf. which he saves against.
T They search the rubble of the male nest and find nothing.
T They look into Rm 38 and see the roaches have herded the larva to the SW
corner and are guarding them.
T Gal. does Det. Magic And walks around the room.
T Stallen goes etherial and investigates the door.
T They talk about getting the big blocks of stone.
T They head up to Rm 17 They are making camp that night. They rest until 6:00
the next morning. (The army will aririve at 2:30).
They get up and go to Rm 20
Stallen stays behind in Rm 17.
He goes back to the Library room and casts wraith self and slips under the
He is caught by the contingency spell and pulled into the room. He arrives in
the room, searches it and finds no exits. The only choice is to go through
the gate and he ends up in Condom Tower. He stops there to consider the fact
that he is a free man.
T In rm 20 they see that the dozen roaches have not done any percevable
damage to the stuff in the room.
TT They are spelling the casks to mend them. Krom and Timber grab one and
Vict. casts dimension folding
TTT They get outside of the archway into the crumbling stair.
TTT They set up a camp in the courtyard of the castle.
T Pi, Vict, Kat,krom go up inside the ruins.
Dromar summons his pahntom steed and heads toward the school.
They go up to the second laevel
T Encounter Giant Termites. They attack!
They surprise! - Krom blind for a turn!
The sighted ones grab the blinded ones and go out of the building.
They make camp in the courtyard again.
They look around. They wait until the army arrives at 2:30 Time stop