Jubjub Bird

This enormous bird has a lizardlike tail and bright purple feathers on its back and wings; the rest of its body is bare and scaly.

Jubjub Bird CR 15

XP 51,200

N Huge magical beast

Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Perception +24


AC 31, touch 11, flat-footed 28 (+2 Dex, +1 dodge, +20 natural, –2 size)

hp 230 (20d10+120); fast healing 10

Fort +18, Ref +14, Will +11;

Defensive Abilities adaptive defense; Immune acid; SR 26


Speed 50 ft., fly 20 ft. (poor)

Melee bite +31 (3d6+19/19–20/×3 plus grab), 2 talons +31 (1d8+13)

Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. (20 ft. with bite)

Special Attacks deadly bite, shriek, swallow whole (3d6+19 bludgeoning plus 2d6 acid damage, AC 20, 23 hp)


Str 37, Dex 15, Con 22, Int 2, Wis 16, Cha 13

Base Atk +20; CMB +35 (+39 grapple); CMD 48

Feats Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Critical (bite), Iron Will, Mobility, Power Attack, Run, Spring Attack

Skills Acrobatics +14 (+22 when jumping), Fly +7, Perception +24; Racial Modifiers +12 Acrobatics, +8 Perception

SQ planar acclimation


Environment temperate or warm forests

Organization solitary or pair

Treasure incidental

Special Abilities

Adaptive Defense (Su) When first encountered, a jubjub bird has no energy resistance. When damaged by an attack that causes cold, electricity, fire, or sonic damage, it gains resistance 30 to that energy type until the end of its next turn. If an attack causes more than one type of energy damage, the jubjub bird gains resistance 30 to all the types of energy damage dealt.

Deadly Bite (Ex) A jubjub bird applies 1-1/2 times its Strength modifier to damage dealt by its bite attack. A successful critical hit decapitates and instantly slays a Large or smaller victim (DC 33 Fortitude negates decapitation; creatures without a head are immune to this effect) and deals triple normal damage regardless of the decapitation result. The save DC is Strength-based.

Planar Acclimation (Ex) A jubjub bird is always considered to be on its home plane, regardless of what plane it finds itself upon. It never gains the extraplanar subtype.

Shriek (Ex) Once every 1d6 rounds as a standard action, a jubjub bird can voice a piercing screech. All creatures (other than jubjub birds) within a 60-foot-radius spread must succeed at a DC 26 Fortitude save or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. This is a sonic effect. The save DC is Constitution-based.

The jubjub bird is a rare and dangerous bird that resembles a giant dodo bird, but with long, muscular legs and wings that provide functional, if awkward, flight. When attacked with magic, a jubjub bird's plumage shifts randomly in hue and pattern with each spell hurled against it.

Like the bandersnatch and other legendary creatures such as the jabberwock, the jubjub bird originally hails from the primal world of the fey. It has the dubious honor of being the least powerful and least intelligent of these creatures, which are known collectively as the “Tane,” yet one should never assume that the jubjub bird is a pushover—its penchant for snapping off heads with its razor-sharp beak can quickly put such ideas to rest.

Powerful fey sometimes keep jubjub birds as guardians, and there are even reports of giants (particularly powerful tribes of jungle giants) using them as mounts. Such avian allies must be carefully trained, for few giants and fey are able to comfortably exist alongside a creature so prone to uttering such stunning shrieks so often.

Jubjub birds stand about 20 feet tall and weigh roughly 6,000 pounds.