- Cackling Skull
- Cacophonous Call, Mass
- Cacophonous Call
- Caging Bomb Admixture
- Calcific Touch
- Call Animal
- Call Construct
- Call Lightning Storm
- Call Lightning
- Calm Animals
- Calm Emotions
- Campfire Wall
- Cape of Wasps
- Cast Out
- Castigate, Mass
- Castigate
- Cat's Grace, Mass
- Cat's Grace
- Cause Fear
- Caustic Eruption
- Certain Grip
- Chains of Fire
- Chain Lightning
- Chain of Perdition
- Challenge Evil
- Chameleon Stride
- Changestaff
- Chaos Hammer
- Charm Animal
- Charm Monster, Mass
- Charm Monster
- Charm Person
- Chill Metal
- Chill Touch
- Chord of Shards
- Circle of Clarity
- Circle of Death
- Clairaudience Clairvoyance
- Clashing Rocks
- Cleanse
- Clenched Fist
- Cloak of Chaos
- Cloak of Dreams
- Cloak of Shade
- Cloak of Winds
- Clone
- Cloudkill
- Cloud Shape
- Cold Ice Strike
- Color Spray
- Command, Greater
- Command Plants
- Command Undead
- Command
- Commune with Birds
- Commune with Nature
- Commune
- Companion Mind Link
- Compassionate Ally
- Compel Hostility
- Comprehend Languages
- Cone of Cold
- Confess
- Confusion Lesser
- Confusion
- Conjure Black Pudding
- Consecrate
- Contact Other Plane
- Contagion, Greater
- Contagion
- Contagious Flame
- Contingency
- Continual Flame
- Control Construct
- Control Plants
- Control Summoned Creature
- Control Undead
- Control Water
- Control Weather
- Control Winds
- Coordinated Effort
- Corrosive Consumption
- Corrosive Touch
- Corruption Resistance
- Countless Eyes
- Coward's Lament
- Crafter's Curse
- Crafter's Fortune
- Create Demiplane, Greater
- Create Demiplane, Lesser
- Create Demiplane
- Create Food and Water
- Create Greater Undead
- Create Pit
- Create Treasure Map
- Create Undead
- Create Water
- Creeping Doom
- Crushing Despair
- Crushing Hand
- Cup of Dust
- Cure Critical Wounds, Mass
- Cure Critical Wounds
- Cure Light Wounds, Mass
- Cure Light Wounds
- Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass
- Cure Moderate Wounds
- Cure Serious Wounds, Mass
- Cure Serious Wounds
- Curse of Disgust
- Curse of Magic Negation
- Curse Water
- Curse, Major
- Cursed Earth
- Cushioning Bands
- Pain Strike, Mass
- Pain Strike
- Paladin's Sacrifice
- Paragon Surge
- Pass Without Trace
- Passwall
- Path of the Winds
- Peacebond
- Pellet Blast
- Perceive Cues
- Permanency
- Permanent Image
- Pernicious Poison
- Persistent Image
- Persuasive Goad
- Phantasmal Killer
- Phantasmal Revenge
- Phantasmal Web
- Phantom Chariot
- Phantom Driver
- Phantom Steed, Communal
- Phantom Steed
- Phantom Trap
- Phase Door
- Pied Piping
- Piercing Shriek
- Pilfering Hand
- Pillar of Life
- Plague Carrier
- Plague Storm
- Planar Adaptation, Mass
- Planar Adaptation
- Planar Ally, Greater
- Planar Ally Lesser
- Planar Ally
- Planar Binding, Greater
- Planar Binding Lesser
- Planar Binding
- Plane Shift
- Plant Growth
- Plant Shape I
- Plant Shape II
- Plant Shape III
- Play Instrument
- Poison
- Polar Midnight
- Polar Ray
- Polymorph Any Object
- Polymorph, Greater
- Polymorph
- Polypurpose Panacea
- Possess Object
- Power Word Blind
- Power Word Kill
- Power Word Stun
- Pox Pustules
- Prayer
- Prediction of Failure
- Prehensile Pilfer
- Prestidigitation
- Primal Scream
- Prismatic Sphere
- Prismatic Spray
- Prismatic Wall
- Produce Flame
- Programmed Image
- Project Image
- Protection from Arrows, Communal
- Protection from Arrows
- Protection from Chaos, Communal
- Protection from Chaos
- Protection from Energy, Communal
- Protection from Energy
- Protection from Evil, Communal
- Protection from Evil
- Protection from Good, Communal
- Protection from Good
- Protection from Law, Communal
- Protection from Law
- Protection from Spells
- Protective Penumbra
- Protective Spirit
- Prying Eyes, Greater
- Prying Eyes
- Pup Shape
- Purging Finale
- Purified Calling
- Purify Food and Drink
- Putrefy Food and Drink
- Pyrotechnics
- Sacred Bond
- Sacred Space
- Sacrificial Oath
- Saddle Surge
- Sanctify Armor
- Sanctify Corpse
- Sanctuary
- Sands of Time
- Savage Maw
- Saving Finale
- Scare
- Scent Trail
- Scintillating Pattern
- Scorching Ash Form
- Scorching Ray
- Scouring Winds
- Screech
- Screen
- Scrying, Greater
- Scrying
- Sculpt Corpse
- Sculpt Simulacrum
- Sculpt Sound
- Seamantle
- Searing Light
- Secret Chest
- Secret Page
- Secure Shelter
- See Alignment
- See Invisibility
- Seek Thoughts
- Seeming
- Sending
- Sentry Skull
- Sepia Snake Sigil
- Sequester
- Serenity
- Shades
- Shadow Bomb Admixture
- Shadow Conjuration, Greater
- Shadow Conjuration
- Shadow Evocation, Greater
- Shadow Evocation
- Shadow Projection
- Shadow Step
- Shadow Walk
- Shadow Weapon
- Shadowbard
- Shadow Anchor
- Shadowy Haven
- Shambler
- Shapechange
- Shard of Chaos
- Share Language
- Share Language, Communal
- Share Memory
- Share Senses
- Shared Wrath
- Shatter
- Shield of Faith
- Shield of Law
- Shield Other
- Shield
- Shifting Sand
- Shillelagh
- Shock Shield
- Shocking Grasp
- Shocking Image
- Shout, Greater
- Shout
- Shrink Item
- Siege of Trees, Greater
- Siege of Trees
- Sickening Strikes
- Sift
- Silence
- Silent Image
- Silk to Steel
- Simulacrum, Lesser
- Simulacrum
- Sirocco
- Skinsend
- Slay Living
- Sleep
- Sleepwalk
- Sleet Storm
- Slipstream
- Slow
- Smug Narcissism
- Snake Staff
- Snapdragon Fireworks
- Snare
- Soften Earth and Stone
- Solid Fog
- Solid Note
- Song of Discord
- Sonic Thrust
- Soothe Construct
- Soul Bind
- Sound Burst
- Sow Thought
- Spark
- Spawn Ward
- Speak with Animals
- Speak with Dead
- Speak with Plants
- Spear of Purity
- Spectral Hand
- Spell Immunity, Greater
- Spell Immunity, Communal
- Spell Immunity, Greater Communal
- Spell Immunity
- Spell Resistance
- Spell Turning
- Spellstaff
- Spider Climb, Communal
- Spider Climb
- Spike Growth
- Spike Stones
- Spiked Pit
- Spiritual Ally
- Spiritual Weapon
- Spit Venom
- Spite
- Spontaneous Immolation
- Squeeze
- Stabilize Powder
- Stabilize
- Statue
- Status
- Stay the Hand
- Steal Breath
- Steal Voice
- Stinking Cloud
- Stone Call
- Stone Fist
- Stone Shape
- Stone Shield
- Stone Tell
- Stone to Flesh
- Stoneskin, Communal
- Stoneskin
- Storm of Vengeance
- Stormbolts
- Strangling Hair
- Strong Jaw
- Strong Wings
- Stumble Gap
- Stunning Finale
- Suffocation, Mass
- Suffocation
- Suggestion, Mass
- Suggestion
- Summon Eidolon
- Summon Elder Worm
- Summon Froghemoth
- Summon Instrument
- Summon Minor Ally
- Summon Minor Monster
- Summon Monster I
- Summon Monster II
- Summon Monster III
- Summon Monster IV
- Summon Monster IX
- Summon Monster Table
- Summon Monster V
- Summon Monster VI
- Summon Monster VII
- Summon Monster VIII
- Summon Nature's Ally I
- Summon Nature's Ally II
- Summon Nature's Ally III
- Summon Nature's Ally IV
- Summon Nature's Ally IX
- Summon Nature's Ally V
- Summon Nature's Ally VI
- Summon Nature's Ally VII
- Summon Nature's Ally VIII
- Summon Nature's Ally Table
- Summon Swarm
- Summoner Conduit
- Sun Metal
- Sunbeam
- Sunburst
- Surmount Affliction
- Swarm Skin
- Symbol of Death
- Symbol of Fear
- Symbol of Healing
- Symbol of Insanity
- Symbol of Mirroring
- Symbol of Pain
- Symbol of Persuasion
- Symbol of Revelation
- Symbol of Scrying
- Symbol of Sealing
- Symbol of Sleep
- Symbol of Slowing
- Symbol of Strife
- Symbol of Striking
- Symbol of Stunning
- Symbol of Vulnerability
- Symbol of Weakness
- Sympathetic Vibration
- Sympathy