
There exist throughout the world items that were never meant for the hands of mortals, powers that by all rights should solely be the province of divine beings and the elemental forces of creation. Yet occasionally, whether by accident, calamity, or strange fate, shards of such impossible might do fall into the hands of mortals. These motes of the unfathomable are called artifacts, and where they pass, lands shudder, nations rise, and legends are born.

Rather than merely another form of magical equipment, artifacts are the sorts of legendary relics that might become the focus of whole campaigns—sparking quests to recover them, fights against their wielders, missions to destroy them, and more.

Unlike normal magic items, artifacts are not easily destroyed (and are impossible for PCs to create). Instead of construction information, each artifact includes one possible means by which it might be destroyed.

Artifacts should never be purchased or found as part of a random treasure hoard. When placing an artifact in your game, be sure to consider its impact, but also keep in mind that artifacts are fickle objects, and if they become too much of a nuisance, they can easily become lost once more.

Minor Artifacts

Minor artifacts are not necessarily unique items. Even so, they are magic items that can no longer be created by common mortal means.

Beacon of True Faith

Slot None; Aura strong (all schools); CL 20th; Weight 2 lbs.

The beacon of true faith takes the form of an ornate torch made of electrum. It holds an undying magical flame that requires no fuel or air, and in the hands of most creatures it simply functions as an everburning torch. When held by a divine spellcaster, an outsider with an alignment subtype, or a creature of strong religious faith (GM's discretion, but usually requiring a feat or trait reflecting this devotion), the beacon gains additional powers based on the bearer's alignment. For example, a lawful good paladin gains access to the lawful and good powers, but a neutral cleric gains access to no powers. All of these are command-word activated.

Chaotic (violet flame): Word of chaos once per day on command.

Good (white flame): Allies within 30 feet of the beacon gain the benefits of protection from evil and heroism.

Evil (black flame): Bearer is constantly under the effect of protection from good and may use harm twice per day.

Lawful (golden flame): Dictum once per day on command.


The beacon of true faith is destroyed if its bearer turns against the worship of his deity to willingly embrace an opposite alignment.

Book of Infinite Spells

Slot None; Aura strong (all schools); CL 18th; Weight 3 lbs.

This tome bestows the ability to use the spells within its pages upon any bearer of any class. However, a bearer not already able to use spells gains one negative level for as long as the book is in her possession or while she makes use of its powers. A book of infinite spells contains 1d8+22 pages. The nature of each page is determined by a d% roll: 01–50, arcane spell; 51–100, divine spell. Determine the exact spell randomly.

Once a page is turned, it can never be flipped back—paging through the book is a one-way trip. If the book is closed, it always opens again to the page it was on before the book was closed. When the last page is turned, the book vanishes.

Once per day, the owner of the book can cast the spell to which the book is opened. If that spell happens to be one that is on the character's class spell list, she can cast it up to four times per day. The pages cannot be ripped out without destroying the book. Similarly, the spells cannot be cast as if from a scroll, nor can they be copied into a spellbook—their magic is bound permanently within the book itself.

The owner of the book need not have the book in her possession in order to use its power. The book can be stored elsewhere and still allow its owner to cast spells by means of its power, so long as no other creature attempts to make use of the book, in so doing becoming its owner.

Each time a spell is cast, there is a chance that the energy connected with its use causes the page to magically turn despite all precautions. The chance of a page turning depends on the spell the page contains and what sort of spellcaster the owner is.

ConditionChance of
Page Turning
Caster employing a spell usable by own class and level10%
Caster employing a spell not usable by own class and level20%
Nonspellcaster employing divine spell25%
Nonspellcaster employing arcane spell30%

Treat each spell use as if a scroll were being employed, for purposes of determining casting time, spell failure, and so on.


The book of infinite spells can be destroyed when the current page contains the erase spell, by casting the spell on the book itself.

Branch of Life

Slot None; Aura strong conjuration; CL 15th; Weight 1 lb.

This verdant branch glows with a soothing, pale green light. Carefully pruned from the world's first tree, this artifact hums with energy. Full of everlasting life, it needs time to transfer its magic. It can cast heal at will, but needs a full hour to do so. Once a day, it can cast resurrection, but it takes the full day to do so.

The branch serves only those who are worthy. It will not stay in the possession of a non-good creature for long, disappearing in 1d4 days. It will similarly disappear while in the possession of a good creature who associates with nongood creatures, but this takes 2d8 days to occur.


The branch of life can be destroyed by taking it to the heart of the Negative Energy Plane.

Crown of the Iron King

Slot Head; Aura strong enchantment; CL 18th; Weight 3 lbs.

The creation of some long-forgotten tyrant, this iron crown is fitted with four retractable spikes that can slide into the crown's interior. When the crown of the iron king is placed on a creature's head, these spikes burrow violently inward. The wearer becomes the thrall of the creature who placed the crown on it for as long as it wears the crown. The crown must be placed on either a willing or unconscious creature, which takes a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Taking off the crown also takes a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity and can be taken only by the creature who put the crown on the wearer, or at the command of that creature. Although the crown's spikes dig into the head of the wearer, it does no permanent harm aside from leaving four vicious-looking scars once the crown is removed.

Once a creature becomes a thrall of the crown's user, it must do everything the user commands, as per the spell dominate person—though the crown's dominance is not limited to humanoids, lasts as long the creature is wearing the crown, and allows no saving throw.


The crown is destroyed if a creature places the crown on its own head. This not only destroys the crown but it also kills the wearer. The wearer cannot be returned to life by any means short of divine intervention.

Deck of Many Things

Slot None; Aura strong (all schools); CL 20th; Weight

A deck of many things is usually found in a box or leather pouch. Each deck contains a number of cards or plaques made of ivory or vellum. Each is engraved with glyphs, characters, and sigils. As soon as one of these cards is drawn from the pack, its magic is bestowed upon the person who drew it, for better or worse.

The character with a deck of many things who wishes to draw a card must announce how many cards she will draw before she begins. Cards must be drawn within 1 hour of each other, and a character can never draw from this deck any more cards than she has announced. If the character does not willingly draw her allotted number (or if she is somehow prevented from doing so), the cards flip out of the deck on their own. If the Idiot or Jester is drawn, the possessor of the deck may elect to draw additional cards.

Each time a card is taken from the deck, it is replaced (making it possible to draw the same card twice) unless the draw is the Jester or the Fool, in which case the card is discarded from the pack. A deck of many things contains 22 cards. To simulate the magic cards, you may want to use tarot cards, as indicated in the second column of the accompanying table. If no tarot deck is available, substitute ordinary playing cards instead, as indicated in the third column. The effects of each card, summarized on the table, are clarified below.

Balance: The character must change to a radically different alignment. If the character fails to act according to the new alignment, she gains a negative level.

Comet: The character must single-handedly defeat the next hostile monster or monsters encountered, or the benefit is lost. If successful, the character gains enough XP to attain the next experience level.

Donjon: This card signifies imprisonment—either by the imprisonment spell or by some powerful being. All gear and spells are stripped from the victim in any case. Draw no more cards.

Euryale: The medusa-like visage of this card brings a curse that only the Fates card or a deity can remove. The –1 penalty on all saving throws is otherwise permanent.

The Fates: This card enables the character to avoid even an instantaneous occurrence if so desired, for the fabric of reality is unraveled and respun. Note that it does not enable something to happen. It can only stop something from happening or reverse a past occurrence. The reversal is only for the character who drew the card; other party members may have to endure the situation.

Flames: Hot anger, jealousy, and envy are but a few of the possible motivational forces for the enmity. The enmity of the outsider can't be ended until one of the parties has been slain. Determine the outsider randomly, and assume that it attacks the character (or plagues her life in some way) within 1d20 days.

Fool: The payment of XP and the redraw are mandatory. This card is always discarded when drawn, unlike all others except the Jester.

Gem: This card indicates wealth. The jewelry is all gold set with gems, each piece worth 2,000 gp, and the gems are worth 1,000 gp each.

Idiot: This card causes the drain of 1d4+1 points of Intelligence immediately. The additional draw is optional.

Jester: This card is always discarded when drawn, unlike all others except the Fool. The redraws are optional.

Key: The magic weapon granted must be one usable by the character. It suddenly appears out of nowhere in the character's hand.

Knight: The fighter appears out of nowhere and serves loyally until death. He or she is of the same race (or kind) and gender as the character. This fighter can be taken as a cohort by a character with the Leadership feat.

Moon: This card bears the image of a moonstone gem with the appropriate number of wishes shown as gleams therein; sometimes it depicts a moon with its phase indicating the number of wishes (full = four; gibbous = three; half = two; quarter = one). These wishes are the same as those granted by the 9th-level wizard spell and must be used within a number of minutes equal to the number received.

Rogue: When this card is drawn, one of the character's NPC friends (preferably a cohort) is totally alienated and made forever hostile. If the character has no cohorts, the enmity of some powerful personage (or community, or religious order) can be substituted. The hatred is secret until the time is ripe for it to be revealed with devastating effect.

Ruin: As implied by its name, when this card is drawn, all nonmagical possessions of the drawer are lost.

Skull: A dread wraith appears. The character must fight it alone—if others help, dread wraiths appear to fight them as well. If the character is slain, she is slain forever and cannot be revived, even with a wish or a miracle.

Star: The 2 points are added to any ability the character chooses. They cannot be divided among two abilities.

Sun: Roll for a medium wondrous item until a useful item is indicated.

Talons: When this card is drawn, every magic item owned or possessed by the character is instantly and irrevocably lost, except for the deck.

Throne: The character becomes a true leader in people's eyes. The castle gained appears in any open area she wishes (but the decision where to place it must be made within 1 hour).

Vizier: This card empowers the character drawing it with the one-time ability to call upon a source of wisdom to solve any single problem or answer fully any question upon her request. The query or request must be made within 1 year. Whether the information gained can be successfully acted upon is another matter entirely.

The Void: This black card spells instant disaster. The character's body continues to function, as though comatose, but her psyche is trapped in a prison somewhere—in an object on a far plane or planet, possibly in the possession of an outsider. A wish or a miracle does not bring the character back, instead merely revealing the plane of entrapment. Draw no more cards.


This item can be destroyed by losing it in a wager with a deity of law. The deity must be unaware of the nature of the deck.

Deck of Many Things
PlaqueTarot CardPlaying CardSummary of Effect
BalanceXI. JusticeTwo of spadesChange alignment instantly.
CometTwo of swordsTwo of diamondsDefeat the next monster you meet to gain one level.
DonjonFour of swordsAce of spadesYou are imprisoned.
EuryaleTen of swordsQueen of spades–1 penalty on all saving throws henceforth.
The FatesThree of cupsAce of heartsAvoid any situation you choose, once.
FlamesXV. The DevilQueen of clubsEnmity between you and an outsider.
Fool 0. The FoolJoker (with trademark)Lose 10,000 experience points and you must draw again.
GemSeven of cupsTwo of heartsGain your choice of 25 pieces of jewelry or 50 gems.
IdiotTwo of pentaclesTwo of clubsLose 1d4+1 Intelligence. You may draw again.
JesterXII. The Hanged ManJoker (without trademark)Gain 10,000 XP or two more draws from the deck.
KeyV. The HierophantQueen of heartsGain a major magic weapon.
KnightPage of swordsJack of heartsGain the service of a 4th-level fighter.
MoonXVIII. The MoonQueen of diamondsYou are granted 1d4 wishes.
RogueFive of swordsJack of spadesOne of your friends turns against you.
RuinXVI. The TowerKing of spadesImmediately lose all wealth and property.
SkullXIII. DeathJack of clubsDefeat dread wraith or be forever destroyed.
StarXVII. The StarJack of diamondsImmediately gain a +2 inherent bonus to one ability score.
SunXIX. The SunKing of diamondsGain beneficial medium wondrous item and 50,000 XP.
TalonsQueen of pentaclesAce of clubsAll magic items you possess disappear permanently.
ThroneFour of wandsKing of heartsGain a +6 bonus on Diplomacy checks plus a small castle.
VizierIX. The HermitAce of diamondsKnow the answer to your next dilemma.
The VoidEight of swordsKing of clubsBody functions, but soul is trapped elsewhere.

Hammer of Thunderbolts

Slot None; Aura strong varies; CL 20th; Weight 15 lbs.

This +3 Large returning warhammer deals 2d6 points of damage on a successful hit. In the hands of a wielder who wears a belt of giant strength and knows the weapon is a hammer of thunderbolts (not just the +3 warhammer it appears to be), it becomes a +5 Large giant-bane returning thundering warhammer with the following two properties. One, when the bearer hits with the hammer as a thrown attack, it emits a powerful clap of thunder, causing all creatures within 90 feet to be stunned for 1 round (DC 15 Fortitude negates); the wielder is not immune to this effect. Two, the hammer's range increment increases to 30 feet.


A hammer of thunderbolts is destroyed if heated in a fire giant's forge and quenched in the blood of a good-aligned humanoid, which causes the iron of the hammer to become so brittle it shatters the next time it is used to strike. Only bathing it in a fire giant's blood can reverse its brittleness. Once shattered, nothing can repair it.

Knucklebone of Fickle Fortune

Slot None; Aura strong (all schools); CL 20th; Weight

At first sight, the artifact appears to be nothing more than a piece of bone worn down to a near sphere, but when a creature picks it up, the knucklebone's true power and nature becomes apparent. When a creature holding the knucklebone of fickle fortune looks upon it, he sees that the bone is actually a perfectly shaped die with 20 sides, each side bearing a glowing red symbol of power. When the creature rolls the die, instead of falling to the floor it rolls upward in mid-air, stopping at the eye level of the creature who rolled it. It then takes its effect, based on the side immediately facing its caster. Roll a 20-sided die to determine the effect (see the table). For effects that are lost if the die is rolled again (such as #17) or a specific result is rolled (such as #14), the character is aware of this restriction.


The knucklebone of fickle fortune disappears if its Eha-Zah face (a 20 on the die) comes up on 20 consecutive rolls. Some sages believe that this does not destroy the artifact, and it instead reappears at some random spot in the world. Such knowledge is purely conjecture, for it is not known whether anyone has accomplished this improbable task.

Knucklebone of Fickle Fortune
d20Rune NameEffect
1Eya-DohThe character gains 1 permanent negative level.
2BvuThe character is subject to a powerful compulsion never to roll the knucklebone of fickle fortune again. He can shake this compulsion only by succeeding a DC 25 Will saving throw. He can attempt this saving throw only once per day.
3EijThe character is affected by a harm spell (caster level 15th).
4HorThe character is subject to a powerful compulsion to roll the knucklebone three more times immediately (Will DC 25 negates). All three of these rolls are made with a –5 penalty on the knucklebone's die roll (minimum 1).
5 VehThe character is blinded as with blindness/deafness (no saving throw).
6 Chu The character takes 5d10 points of cold damage (DC 25 Fort save for half) and moves at half speed for the next hour (a successful saving throw does not negate the reduced speed).
7 RohFor the next 24 hours, the character suffers a –2 penalty on all skill and ability checks.
8 SehThe character is paralyzed for 2d12 hours, as with hold monster, except he cannot attempt new saving throws to overcome the effect.
9 KogFor the next week, the character emits a horrible smell. He suffers a –4 penalty on Diplomacy and Stealth checks.
10 VisOnce, during the next 24 hours, the character can reroll a single die roll he has just made and take the second result, as if using the good fortune ability from the Luck domain.
11 FyehThe character gains 100 points of fire immunity, as if using protection from energy.
12 XalThe character gains the benefits of a heroism spell for the next 200 minutes.
13 YaqFor the next 24 hours, when the character hits a target he is flanking with a melee weapon, the attack does +1d6 points of precision damage.
14 GibOnce in the next 24 hours, the character can cast faerie fire (caster level equal to his character level). This ability is lost if the character rolls this result again with the knucklebone of fickle fortune before the 24 hours is concluded.
15 XkuThe character is immune to fear for the next 24 hours.
16 LevOnce in the next 24 hours, the character can cast a lightning bolt (caster level equal to his character level). This ability islost if the character rolls this result again with the knucklebone of fickle fortune before the 24 hours is concluded.
17 NhiFor the next 7 days, when the character is the target of healing magic, he heals an additional 2d8 hit points. This effect is lost if the character rolls the knucklebone of fickle fortune again before the 7 days are concluded.
18 ZmiFor the next 24 hours, whenever the character succeeds on a saving throw against a harmful effect that does half damage or partial effect on a failed save, the knucklebone's character takes no damage or suffers no effect.
19 TemFor the next 24 hours, the character automatically confirms all critical hits.
20 Eha-ZahThe next time the character dies, he comes back from the dead the very next morning as if the subject of a resurrection spell. This effect is negated if the character rolls the knucklebone of fickle fortune again before he dies.

Monkey's Paw

Slot None; Aura strong necromancy and universal; CL 20th; Weight 2 lbs.

This dimension-hopping artifact waits patiently until a creature picks it up. Each time it is picked up by a new user, the monkey's paw grants that creature three wishes, as if it were a ring of three wishes. Once a new user picks up the monkey's paw, it cannot be discarded, not even by way of a wish or a miracle spell. Even if stolen, it reappears among the user's possessions within 1d4 hours. It can only be parted from its bearer when all three of its wishes are used or it is destroyed—but such a feat takes time and patience. When a bearer uses a wish granted by the monkey's paw, he is then subject to a curse, as per the spell major curse (DC 25 to remove; Ultimate Magic 215). This curse manifests as the creature taking a –4 penalty to attack rolls, saves, ability checks, and skill checks until the curse is removed. These penalties are cumulative in cases where multiple wishes are used before past curses are removed. Once all three wishes are used, the monkey paw plane shifts to a random plane and begins the process anew.


The monkey's paw is destroyed when its user retains the artifact and is cursed by it for 1,000 years.

Perfect Golden Lute

Slot none; Aura strong transmutation; CL 20th; Weight 3 lbs.

The perfect golden lute is said to be a flawless instrument; its tone and clarity are unrivaled. It is an instrument so fine it practically performs itself, granting anyone who plays it a +10 competency bonus on Perform (string instruments) checks with it. A character with ranks in Perform (string instrument) can play the lute to activate countersong, distraction, or fascinate (as the bardic performance abilities) as if he were a 1st-level bard, performing a number of rounds per day equal to his Charisma modifier. If the user of the perfect golden lute is a bard, he adds +2 to the DC of all bardic performance abilities using the lute, and can use bardic performance with the lute for an additional 6 rounds per day.


The perfect golden lute shatters into splinters if a day passes in which no music is played within 1,000 miles of it, or if its bearer is killed by a bard spell or bardic performance.

Philosopher's Stone

Slot None; Aura strong transmutation; CL 20th; Weight 3 lbs.

This rare substance appears to be an ordinary, sooty piece of blackish rock. If the stone is broken open (break DC 20), a cavity is revealed at the stone's heart. This cavity is lined with a magical type of quicksilver that enables any character with at least 10 ranks in Craft (alchemy) to transmute base metals (iron and lead) into silver and gold. A single philosopher's stone can turn up to 5,000 pounds of iron into silver (worth 25,000 gp), or up to 1,000 pounds of lead into gold (worth 50,000 gp). However, the quicksilver becomes unstable once the stone is opened and loses its potency within 24 hours, so all transmutations must take place within that period.

The quicksilver found in the center of the stone may also be put to another use. If mixed with any cure potion while the substance is still potent, it creates a special oil of life that acts as a true resurrection spell for any dead body it is sprinkled upon.


The philosopher's stone can be destroyed by being placed in the heel of a titan's boot for at least 1 entire week.

Runescarred Dragonship

Slot None; Aura strong divination and necromancy; CL 13th; WEIGHT 26 tons

This decrepit longship seems barely seaworthy. Its boards are splintered and it is branded with a number of angular runes, each said to bind the soul of a sailor to the vessel. Due to its powerful magic, it is seaworthy and very fast (though it doesn't offer its passengers much in the way of comfort). It needs no crew. Creatures that spend a week on the boat (which is usually discovered drifting aimlessly at sea) find that they can control the boat by just speaking the name of a port or a description of a specific destination that can be reached by way of the sea the runescarred dragonship is currently sailing. The runescarred dragonship then sets sail toward that destination. It always takes the safest path, navigationally speaking, to the spoken destination. If there is more than one creature capable of giving the boat commands, the runescarred dragonship gives each order equal weight, changing its course each time a new command is given. A runescarred dragonship can carry 5 tons of cargo or 120 Medium creatures. It moves at a rate of 10 miles per hour.


If a runescarred dragonship is taken 100 miles inland, it crumbles to dust.

Sphere of Annihilation

Slot none; Aura strong transmutation; CL 20th; Weight

A sphere of annihilation is a globe of absolute blackness 2 feet in diameter. Any matter that comes in contact with a sphere is instantly sucked into the void and utterly destroyed. Only the direct intervention of a deity can restore an annihilated character.

A sphere of annihilation is static, resting in some spot as if it were a normal hole. It can be caused to move, however, by mental effort (think of this as a mundane form of telekinesis, too weak to move actual objects but a force to which the sphere, being weightless, is sensitive). A character's ability to gain control of a sphere of annihilation (or to keep controlling one) is based on the result of a control check against DC 30 (a move action). A control check is 1d20 + character level + character Intelligence modifier. If the check succeeds, the character can move the sphere (perhaps to bring it into contact with an enemy) as a free action.

Control of a sphere can be established from as far away as 40 feet (the character need not approach too closely). Once control is established, it must be maintained by continuing to make control checks (all DC 30) each round. For as long as a character maintains control (does not fail a check) in subsequent rounds, he can control the sphere from a distance of 40 feet + 10 feet per character level. The sphere's speed in a round is 10 feet + 5 feet for every 5 points by which the character's control check result in that round exceeded 30.

If a control check fails, the sphere slides 10 feet in the direction of the character attempting to move it. If two or more creatures vie for control of a sphere of annihilation, the rolls are opposed. If none are successful, the sphere slips toward the one who rolled lowest.

See also talisman of the sphere.


Should a gate spell be cast upon a sphere of annihilation, there is a 50% chance (01–50 on d%) that the spell destroys it, a 35% chance (51–85) that the spell does nothing, and a 15% chance (86–100) that a gap is torn in the spatial fabric, catapulting everything within a 180-foot radius into another plane. If a rod of cancellation touches a sphere of annihilation, they negate each other in a tremendous explosion. Everything within a 60-foot radius takes 2d6 × 10 points of damage. Dispel magic and mage's disjunction have no effect on a sphere.

Spindle of Perfect Knowledge

Slot None; Aura strong transmutation; CL 20th; Weight

The spindle of perfect knowledge is large, bright, and flawless marquise-cut diamond ioun stone the size of a halfling's fist. The gemstone would be a treasure in itself if it lacked magic, but it is also a powerful ioun stone. The spindle of perfect knowledge functions like a headband of mental superiority +4 and grants 5 ranks in two random Knowledge skills. The wearer can communicate and understand languages as if using comprehend languages, tongues, and telepathy with a range of 100 feet.


The spindle of perfect knowledge is destroyed if worn by a mindless creature for an entire year.

Staff of the Magi

Slot None; Aura strong (all schools); CL 20th; Weight 5 lbs.

A long wooden staff, shod in iron and inscribed with sigils and runes of all types, this potent artifact contains many spell powers and other functions. Unlike a normal staff, a staff of the magi holds 50 charges and cannot be recharged normally. Some of its powers use charges, while others don't. A staff of the magi does not lose its powers if it runs out of charges.

The following powers do not use charges:

The following powers drain 1 charge per usage:

These powers drain 2 charges per usage:

A staff of the magi gives the wielder spell resistance 23. If this is willingly lowered, however, the staff can also be used to absorb arcane spell energy directed at its wielder, as a rod of absorption does. Unlike the rod, this staff converts spell levels into charges rather than retaining them as spell energy usable by a spellcaster. If the staff absorbs enough spell levels to exceed its limit of 50 charges, it explodes as if a retributive strike had been performed (see below). The wielder has no idea how many spell levels are cast at her, for the staff does not communicate this knowledge as a rod of absorption does. (Thus, absorbing spells can be risky.)


A staff of the magi can be broken for a retributive strike. Such an act must be purposeful and declared by the wielder. All charges in the staff are released in a 30-foot spread. All within 10 feet of the broken staff take hit points of damage equal to 8 times the number of charges in the staff, those between 11 feet and 20 feet away take points equal to 6 times the number of charges, and those 21 feet to 30 feet distant take 4 times the number of charges. A DC 23 Reflex save reduces damage by half.

The character breaking the staff has a 50% chance (01–50 on d%) of traveling to another plane of existence, but if she does not (51–100), the explosive release of spell energy destroys her (no saving throw).

Talisman of Pure Good

Slot None; Aura strong evocation ; CL 18th; Weight

A good divine spellcaster who possesses this item can cause a flaming crack to open at the feet of an evil divine spellcaster who is up to 100 feet away. The intended victim is swallowed up forever and sent hurtling to the center of the earth. The wielder of the talisman must be good, and if he is not exceptionally pure in thought and deed, the evil character gains a DC 19 Reflex saving throw to leap away from the crack. Obviously, the target must be standing on solid ground for this item to function.

A talisman of pure good has 6 charges. If a neutral (LN, N, CN) divine spellcaster touches one of these stones, he takes 6d6 points of damage per round of contact. If an evil divine spellcaster touches one, he takes 8d6 points of damage per round of contact. All other characters are unaffected by the device.


The talisman of pure good can be destroyed by placing it in the mouth of a holy man who died while committing a truly heinous act of his own free will.

Talisman of Reluctant Wishes

Slot None; Aura strong conjuration; CL 20th; Weight 1 lb.

A talisman of reluctant wishes appears the same as a stone of controlling earth elementals, a rugged rock that seems to pulse with an inner power. Its powers are quite different, however, and are dependent on the Charisma of the holder. Any character touching a talisman of reluctant wishes must make a DC 15 Charisma check.

If the check fails, the talisman acts as a stone of weight. Discarding it results in 5d6 points of damage to the character and the disappearance of the talisman.

If the check succeeds, the talisman remains with the character for 5d6 hours, or until a wish is made with it, whichever comes first. It then disappears.

If the check roll is a natural 20, the talisman remains for a number of months equal to the character's Charisma score, resisting any effort to get rid of it by reappearing in the character's possession, in a back pocket, at the bottom of his pack, or the like.

The artifact grants one wish for every 6 points of the character's Charisma (round down). It grows warm and throbs whenever its possessor comes within 20 feet of a mechanical or magic trap. (If the talisman is not held, its warning heat and pulses are of no avail.)

Regardless of which reaction results, a talisman of reluctant wishes disappears when its time expires, leaving behind a large diamond in its stead, valued at 1,000 gp per point of the character's Charisma.


A talisman of reluctant wishes can be destroyed by wishing it so, using either one of the stone's wishes or a wish spell from another source. The stone then explodes, causing 5d6 points of damage to the holder.

Talisman of the Sphere

Slot None; Aura strong transmutation; CL 16th; Weight 1 lb.

This small adamantine loop and handle is typically fitted with a fine adamantine chain so that it can be worn as a necklace. A talisman of the sphere is worse than useless to those unable to cast arcane spells. Characters who cannot cast arcane spells take 5d6 points of damage merely from picking up and holding a talisman of this sort. However, when held by an arcane spellcaster who is concentrating on control of a sphere of annihilation , a talisman of the sphere doubles the character's modifier on his control check (doubling both his Intelligence bonus and his character level for this purpose).

If the wielder of a talisman establishes control, he needs to check for maintaining control only every other round thereafter. If control is not established, the sphere moves toward him. Note that while many spells and effects of cancellation have no effect upon a sphere of annihilation, the talisman's power of control can be suppressed or canceled.


A talisman of the sphere can be destroyed only by throwing the item into a sphere of annihilation.

Talisman of Ultimate Evil

Slot None; Aura strong evocation; CL 18th; Weight

An evil divine spellcaster who possesses this item can cause a flaming crack to open at the feet of a good divine spellcaster who is up to 100 feet away. The intended victim is swallowed up forever and sent hurtling to the center of the earth. The wielder of the talisman must be evil, and if she is not exceptionally foul and perverse in the sights of her evil deity, the good character gains a DC 19 Reflex save to leap away from the crack. Obviously, the target must be standing on solid ground for this item to function.

A talisman of ultimate evil has 6 charges. If a neutral (LN, N, CN) divine spellcaster touches one of these stones, she takes 6d6 points of damage per round of contact. If a good divine spellcaster touches one, she takes 8d6 points of damage per round of contact. All other characters are unaffected by the device.


If a talisman of ultimate evil is given to the newborn child of a redeemed villain, it instantly crumbles to dust.

Weird Queen's Magpie

Slot None; Aura strong enchantment and evocation; CL 15th; Weight 2 lbs.

Created by an ancient fey queen who could see the threads of fate, this intelligent, magical construct bird is made of bones fused by alchemy and magic. Though it takes the shape of a bird constructed of alchemically hardened and magically enhanced bone, its stats and abilities are similar to that of a clockwork spy except that it has perfect maneuverability and DR 20/—.

A creature wishing to use this artifact must be neither good nor evil and must spend at least 24 hours with the magpie in its possession. Once it does so, the magpie serves its bearer until it is dismissed, its master commits an evil or good act that requires atonement, or the magpie is destroyed.

Furthermore, the weird queen's magpie has the following abilities.


The weird queen's magpie is destroyed if it enters the Positive Energy Plane.

Major Artifacts

The greatest of all artifacts are unique items, coveted by the most powerful beings in existence and capable of altering the course of entire worlds. Only one of each major artifact exists, and even the least of them is capable of altering the balance of a campaign. Major artifacts are not easily destroyed, and each has only a single, specific means of destruction, noted at the end of its description.

Axe of the Dwarvish Lords

Slot None; Aura strong conjuration and transmutation; CL 20th; Weight 12 lbs.

This is a +6 keen throwing goblinoid bane dwarven waraxe. Any dwarf who holds it doubles the range of his or her darkvision. Any non-dwarf who grasps the Axe takes 4 points of temporary Charisma damage; these points cannot be healed or restored in any way while the Axe is held. The current owner of the Axe gains a +10 bonus on Craft (armor, jewelry, stonemasonry, traps, and weapons) checks. The wielder of the Axe can summon an elder earth elemental (as summon monster IX ; duration 20 rounds) once per week.


The Axe of the Dwarvish Lords rusts away to nothing if it is ever used by a goblin to behead a dwarven king.

Bottle of the Bound

Slot None; Aura strong abjuration; CL 20th; Weight 4 lbs.

The Bottle of the Bound is an ancient brass bottle with a narrow neck and a rounded belly, slightly flattened on the bottom so it stands upright when resting on a table. The bottle's tight-fitting stopper is engraved with sigils of binding and sealed with lead. Legends say a wizard of tremendous power and wisdom enchanted a fiendish army and trapped it within the bottle for all time. The Legion of the Bound may be called forth from the bottle by its wielder and forced to serve, as they were once commanded to build a fantastic ancient city, long since buried beneath the dust of the ages. But the bottle endures, its inhabitants still bound.

A would-be wielder of the Bottle of the Bound must know three secret commands: the Word of Opening, to unseal the bottle so the stopper can be removed; the Word of Binding, to call forth and command its denizens; and the Word of Banishment, to return the Bound Ones to the bottle. A holder who knows the words may use the bottle like a summon monster IX spell at will, except only creatures of the evil subtype can be summoned. The summoned creatures remain until the sun next rises or sets, and no new creatures can be summoned from the bottle until the initial summoned creatures' destruction or return.

No known force can open the bottle without the Word of Opening. If the bottle is opened without the use of the Word of Binding, its 666 inhabitants are freed, one each minute starting from 1st-level creatures and moving on to higher-level ones, until they all escape. If one of the Bound is called forth and commanded without the Word of Banishment being uttered, it is free after it performs the task for which it was summoned. The Words to use the Bottle of the Bound have been lost for uncounted years, although some sages believe they know at least one or two of them.


The Bottle of the Bound can be destroyed only if every creature bound within is slain or banished, and the empty container is then smashed with a holy weapon.

Brazen Egg

Slot None; Aura overwhelming conjuration; CL 25th; Weight 2 tons

This Huge, egg-shaped, intelligent, plane-shifting vessel is constructed almost entirely of brass. The exterior appears to be one crafted and polished sheet of metal, but it does have a door that can be opened. The Brazen Egg's inside has enough room to transport no more than eight Medium creatures, two Large creatures, or one Huge creature (as long as the Huge creature is squeezing). The egg has two methods in which it can move itself. The first is by a method similar to the dimension door spell, but the egg and all creatures within the egg are teleported. The second method is similar to the plane shift spell, though the egg can move to any plane it desires (it needs no focus) and when the egg plane shifts so do all creatures currently within it.

The egg has its own quirky, unabashed personality and can telepathically communicate with all creatures inside it or within 100 feet, regardless of language. The Brazen Egg's chief goal is to disrupt that plans of Hell's archdevils, but it requires the help of other creatures to do so. It often trades its ability to teleport and plane shift in order to gain such aid, but in dire circumstances it has the ability to enchant creatures in order to achieve its goals—and when it is close to reaching its goals it has little compunction in doing so. Once per day, the egg can affect a single creature within it as per the spell dominate person (though it is not limited to humanoids and can affect any living creature). Additionally up to three times per day it can affect creatures within it as per the spell mass charm monster.


The Brazen Egg implodes if a devil with 20 or more Hit Dice ever enters the egg's interior. The devil and all other creatures within the egg are utterly destroyed in the implosion and cannot come back to existence with any effect short of a wish or miracle.

Celestial Lens

Slot None; Aura strong evocation; CL 20th; Weight 2,400 lbs.

The celestial lens is a 12-foot-diameter lens mounted in a rune-covered circular frame of strange, alien metal, floating in a permanent orbit around a temple dedicated to the sun. Several smaller lenses of similar design hover around the primary lens like a bizarre orrery, moving into place to focus the arcane rays of the device. The celestial lens was created to capture the light of sacred eclipses and solar conjunctions, as well as the refracted darkness found between stars.

Celestial rays can be directed in an extremely powerful beam of energy that manifests as a vertical column of searing light focused directly below the celestial lens. Depending on the will of the controller and GM adjudication for inclement weather, such blasts deal between 5d6 and 20d6 points of damage in a 5-foot-radius cylinder extending from the lens to the ground or target. During the day, half the damage is fire damage, but the other half results directly from divine power and is therefore not reduced by resistance to fire-based attacks. At night, the device focuses distant starlight, and the maximum damage is only 10d6, although the lens does not function at all for 1 hour before sunrise and 1 hour after sunset. The lens moves with a constant speed of 20 feet and damages everything caught in the affected areas each round. Victims may make a DC 25 Reflex save for half damage.

The lens orbits at a static height of 100 feet from the ground and moves at a speed of 20 feet per round. It cannot be stopped or accelerated, although the path of the transit can be altered by a user in possession of the flame of guidance. When not directed, the lens maintains its last commanded path, eventually curving into a new elliptical orbit around its temple, scorching a path through whatever lies below. The user can alter both the damage (up to the maximum for the current lighting conditions) and the orbit in any direction, but the lens must move 20 feet each round, and cannot travel more than 3 miles from the temple in any direction before it curves back around and begins returning. Only divine intervention or powerful magic like wish or miracle can overcome this limited range, making a new person or place the center of the lens's orbit.


The light of a full moon must be focused through the celestial lens at maximum intensity on a flawless silver mirror no less than 10 feet in diameter (DC 20 Craft [glass] to cast). The doubly reflected light shatters the otherwise indestructible glass of the celestial lens, causing the whole lens to tumble to the ground.

Cloud Castle Of The Storm King

Slot None; Aura strong (all schools); CL 20th; Weight

Once the fortress of a legendary tyrant known only as the Storm King, this castle now wanders the known universe, sometimes at the whim of its master, but often as a drifting and aimless haunt of powerful monsters, ignorant of—or unable to tap into—its fantastic power.

This grand and opulent castle is held aloft and propelled by a foundation of storm clouds constantly rumbling with thunder and crackling with electrical storms. Atop the massive storm cloud, the castle is shaped like a square, with 80-foot guard towers at each corner. At its center is a 140-foot tower with seven levels and more than 30 chambers. The central tower is well appointed with many halls, living chambers, suites, privies, kitchens (with pantries that magically replenish food stores every fortnight), and laboratories suitable for arcane and alchemical study. Each guard tower has living chambers and barracks for up to 25 guards, and one tower has an adjoining stable that can hold up to a dozen griffons, hippogriffs, pegasi, or even terrestrial mounts. In all, the tower can comfortably support a population of 300 Medium creatures.

In order to fully take control of the castle, a creature must be at least 17th level, and must have the Leadership feat and 17 ranks in Knowledge (arcana). If the castle already has a master, that master must be defeated before another can take her place. The castle's movement is controlled by way of a control chamber located at the heart (a central chamber on its 4th floor). There, a font of pure elemental water serves as a scrying device for the castle's master, though it can view only places inside the castle or within 100 feet of it. The master (or a person she designates) can direct the castle's motion from within the chamber. It has a fly speed of 250 feet (clumsy) and uses the Fly skill modifier of the person controlling its motion; the castle can hover without needing to make a Fly check and never risks falling due to a failed check. When not being controlled, the castle moves randomly, sometimes changing direction every minute, sometimes holding the same course for days at a time, but always avoiding the ground or other hazards. It has the ability to travel to other planes, though no master other than the Storm King is known to have invoked this power. The master of the castle gains the following spell-like abilities.


The Cloud Castle of the Storm King can only be destroyed if it is dissipated by suitably strong winds; the only winds that can dissipate it are found only in the most turbulent reaches of the Plane of Air (of course, as nobody knows how to make it travel between planes, those wishing to destroy it must find it on the Plane of Air to have any chance to do so). Any other attacks may cause walls to collapse or even side towers to break loose, but the central chamber and the floors beneath it will continue to exist in a ruined form over a smaller storm cloud as long as this destruction condition is not met.

Codex of the Infinite Planes

Slot None; Aura overwhelming transmutation; CL 30th; Weight 300 lbs.

The Codex is enormous—supposedly, it requires two strong men to lift it. No matter how many pages are turned, another always remains. Anyone opening the Codex for the first time is utterly annihilated, as with a destruction spell (Fortitude DC 30). Those who survive can peruse its pages and learn its powers, though not without risk. Each day spent studying the Codex allows the reader to make a Spellcraft check (DC 50) to learn one of its powers (choose the power learned randomly; add a +1 circumstance bonus on the check per additional day spent reading until a power is learned). However, each day of study also forces the reader to make a Will save (DC 30 + 1 per day of study) to avoid being driven insane (as the insanity spell). The powers of the Codex of the Infinite Planes are as follows: astral projection , banishment , elemental swarm , gate , greater planar ally , greater planar binding , plane shift , and soul bind . Each of these spell-like abilities are usable at will by the owner of the Codex (assuming that he or she has learned how to access the power). The Codex of the Infinite Planes has a caster level of 30th for the purposes of all powers and catastrophes, and all saving throw DCs are 20 + spell level. Activating any power requires a Spellcraft check (DC 40 + twice the spell level of the power; the character can't take 10 on this check). Any failure on either check indicates that a catastrophe befalls the user (roll on the table below for the effect). A character can incur only one catastrophe per power use.

01–25Natural Fury: An earthquake spell centered on the reader strikes every round for 1 minute, and an intensified storm of vengeance spell is centered and targeted on the reader.
26–50Fiendish Vengeance: A gate opens and 1d3+1 balors, pit fiends, or similar evil outsiders step through and attempt to destroy the owner of the Codex.
51–75Ultimate Imprisonment: Reader's soul is captured (as trap the soul ; no save allowed) in a random gem somewhere on the plane while his or her body is entombed beneath the earth (as imprisonment).
76–100Death: The reader utters a wail of the banshee and then is subject to a destruction spell. This repeats every round for 10 rounds until the reader is dead.


The Codex of the Infinite Planes is destroyed if one page is torn out and left on each plane in existence. Note that tearing out a page immediately triggers a catastrophe.

Demon Prince Armor

Slot Armor; AURA overwhelming necromancy; CL 22nd; Weight 80 lbs.

This armor looks like a more massive and dangerous suit of demon armor. It is a suit of +5 heavy fortification full plate that allows its wearer to make claw attacks that deal 2d10 points of damage, and strike as +3 weapons that are treated as chaotic and evil for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. Additionally, those struck by the claws must succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude save or be affected as per the spell contagion. The armor's claws are built into the armor so these weapons cannot be disarmed. While wearing the armor, the wearer benefits from the following demonic traits.


The Demon Prince Armor dissolves if submerged in the tears of a demon lord. If that foul concoction is then drank by an angel, the armor is destroyed.

Flame of guidance

Slot None; Aura strong transmutation; CL 20th; Weight 1 lb.

This charm resembles an orrery composed of small, freely orbiting orbs circling a candle-sized flame. The device functions as an ioun stone, and when released, the flame perches above the user's head, remaining stationary relative to the user as the smaller planetary orbs take up elliptical transit around it. When in use, the flame grants the user a natural armor bonus of +4, the fire subtype, immunity to fire, and vulnerability to cold. If within 3 miles of the celestial lens, the user can control the horizontal orbital direction of the item, but cannot make the lens stop or move it vertically from its standard position of 100 feet from the ground.


Holding the item in a maximum-intensity blast of the celestial lens for 3 rounds destroys this artifact.

Fork of the Forgotten One

Slot None; Aura strong transmutation; CL 20th; Weight 12 lbs.

This +5 flaming wounding unholy ranseur was once the weapon of a powerful archdevil who they say controlled an entire layer of Hell. When he attempted to defy the Prince of Darkness, he was overthrown and banished into some cold and remote prison at the edge of the multiverse. Still bearing some infernal vestige of the forgotten fiend's power, the fork grants the bearer a +10 bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks and the power to use scorching ray three times per day.

Any nonevil creature who touches the Fork of the Forgotten One is given a choice: become lawful evil immediately, or die. Those who choose death are instantly slain (Fortitude DC 30 negates). Those who choose to become lawful evil change alignment immediately (no saving throw) and are subject to a demand spell (Will DC 25) requiring that they find the Forgotten One and free him from his icy prison—presumably thereafter he will press them into service for his plans of revenge against those who imprisoned him.


The Fork of the Forgotten One is destroyed when a paladin of 19th level or higher touches it and chooses death rather than becoming lawful evil. This sacrifice still kills the paladin, though she can be raised from the dead.

Jar of Dragon's Teeth

Slot None; Aura strong transmutation; CL 20th; Weight 3 lbs.

Each time this jar gains a new user it produces 2d4 dragon teeth. When one of these teeth is swallowed, it grants the user the following powers for 1 full week or until it is dismissed as a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

The user's draconic appearance is always the same each subsequent time it swallows a tooth. While in draconic form, the user gains the following benefits.

The user gains frightful presence with a 200-foot-radius range and a Will save DC equal to 10 + Hit Dice + Charisma modifier.

The jar never creates dragon teeth for the same creature more than once. If the owner changes before all the teeth created by the jar are consumed, the original owner no longer gains benefit from this artifact.


If simultaneously hit with the breath weapon attacks of all the chromatic and metallic dragon types, the Jar of Dragon Teeth is destroyed within that convergence.

Horns of Naraga

Slot Head; Aura overwhelming necromancy; CL 22nd; Weight 8 lbs.

The crown of an infamous undead tyrant, the Horns of Naraga are a symbol of dominance over death. When worn by an undead creature, the Horns of Naraga reduce all damage taken from positive energy by half. In addition, whenever the wearer touches a living creature while wearing this helm (even if the touch is part of casting a spell or another touch attack), the touch deals an additional 5d6 points of negative energy damage and the wearer gains these hit points, just as if he had cast vampiric touch. The wearer of the helm is immune to acid and can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created by magic. Once per day on command, the helm can be ordered to transform into an ancient black dragon that unquestioningly obeys the creature that summoned it for 1 hour before reverting to a helm. Slaying the dragon does not destroy the helm, but it does prevent this ability from being used for 1 week. While the helm is in dragon form, the helm's owner does not receive any of the helm's other benefits.


The helm can be destroyed by crushing it between the jaws of an ancient black dragon's skull in the middle of a desert with the sun at its zenith.

The Moaning Diamond

Slot None; Aura overwhelming transmutation; CL 20th; Weight 4 lbs.

The Moaning Diamond appears to be an uncut diamond the size of a human fist. At all times, it gives forth a baleful moaning, as if wailing in pain. Despite the disturbing noise, the Moaning Diamond is not evil. Three times per day, the bearer can call upon its power to reshape earth and stone as if by the spell stone shape, affecting 5,000 cubic feet of material. Once per day the Moaning Diamond can also summon an elder earth elemental with maximum hit points that serves the caster until it is slain; only one such elemental can be summoned at a time.


The Moaning Diamond can be smashed by the combined power of three elemental princes, one each from the Planes of Air, Fire, and Water. Even then, the dust must be cast into a place where it will never fall upon stone.

The Orbs of Dragonkind

Slot None; Aura strong enchantment; CL 20th; Weight 5 lbs.

Each of these fabled Orbs contains the essence and personality of an ancient dragon of a different variety (one for each of the major ten different chromatic and metallic dragons). The bearer of an Orb can, as a standard action, dominate a dragon of its particular variety within 500 feet (as dominate monster), the dragon being forced to make a DC 25 Will save to resist. Spell resistance is not useful against this effect. Each Orb of Dragonkind bestows upon the wielder the AC and saving throw bonuses of the dragon within. These values replace whatever values the character would otherwise have, whether they are better or worse. These values cannot be modified by any means short of ridding the character of the Orb. A character possessing an Orb of Dragonkind is immune to the breath weapon—but only the breath weapon—of the dragon variety keyed to the Orb. Finally, a character possessing an Orb can herself use the breath weapon of the dragon in the Orb three times per day.

All Orbs of Dragonkind can be used to communicate verbally and visually with the possessors of the other Orbs. The owner of an Orb knows if there are dragons within 10 miles at all times. For dragons of the Orb's particular variety, the range is 100 miles. If within 1 mile of a dragon of the Orb's variety, the wielder can determine the dragon's exact location and age. The bearer of one of these Orbs earns the enmity of dragonkind forever for profiting by draconic enslavement, even if she later loses the item. Each Orb also has an individual power that can be invoked once per round at caster level 10th.


An Orb of Dragonkind immediately shatters if it is caught in the breath weapon of a dragon who is a blood relative of the dragon trapped within. This causes everyone within 90 feet to be struck by the breath weapon of that dragon, released as the orb explodes.

Perfection's Key

Slot None; Aura strong transmutation; CL 16th; Weight 1/2 lb.

This platinum key can open nearly any lock or door with a mere touch. With a touch of the key, a lock of DC 40 or lower unlocks. When a creature holding the key attempts to break down a door with a break (locked) DC of 28 or lower, the door is broken and opened. In all other cases it grants the creature possessing Perfection's Key a +10 bonus on Disable Device checks to pick locks, and a +10 bonus on attempts to break down doors.


Somewhere in the planes there is said to be an Impossible Lock—a mechanism so perfect that only this key can thwart it. If Perfection's Key is inserted into the Impossible Lock, the key is destroyed, but unlocks the Impossible Lock.

The Shadowstaff

Slot None; Aura strong conjuration; CL 20th; Weight 1 lb.

This artifact was crafted ages ago, weaving together wispy strands of shadow into a twisted black staff. The Shadowstaff makes the wielder slightly shadowy and incorporeal, granting him a +4 bonus to AC and on Reflex saves (which stacks with any other bonuses). However, in bright light (such as that of the sun, but not a torch) or in absolute darkness, the wielder takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls, saves, and checks. The Shadowstaff also has these powers.

The Shadowstaff fades away to nothingness if it is exposed to true sunlight for a continuous 24 hour period.

The Shield of the Sun

Slot None; Aura strong abjuration; CL 20th; Weight 2 lbs.

This +5 Large shield, emblazoned with the symbol of the sun, allows the wielder to cast spells as if she were a 20th-level paladin with a Charisma of 20. The spells gained are cumulative with any existing spells per day the character might have, even from paladin class levels. The Shield of the Sun also grants its wielder spell resistance 15. It absorbs the first 10 points of damage from any energy attack (fire, cold, acid, electricity, or sonic). In return for all this, once per year the shield's owner must undertake a quest at the behest of a lawful good deity (no saving throw to avoid).

A chaotic or evil character gains four negative levels when wielding the Shield of the Sun. The negative levels persist as long as the shield is in hand and cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells). The negative levels disappear when the shield is stowed or leaves the wearer's possession.


The Shield of the Sun may be destroyed if a good-aligned character casts it into the Well of Eternal Night, its light fading into the inky depths before it finally disappears. If a nongood character does the deed, the shield is not destroyed, merely lost, and a quest to the Plane of Shadow may recover it.


Slot None; AURA strong necromancy; CL 18th; Weight 8 lbs.

This grim, alabaster figurine is the size of a human skull with an elaborately sculpted base. The Skullsoul is inert until it is bonded with a living creature. It then becomes a powerful and never-questioning companion. The Skullsoul functions as a demilich without the devour soul, rejuvenation, telekinetic storm, and torpor abilities, and with a hardness of 10. It is under the complete control of whoever bonds with the skull. Bonding with the Skullsoul is a ritual that takes 24 hours to perform, and doing so is an evil act. Paladins and good clerics who do so become ex-paladins and ex-clerics respectively. If they wish to atone, they must intercede with their deities (expending 2,500 gp in rare incense and offerings) and must promise to contain the skull.


The Skullsoul cannot be destroyed but it can be contained. As long as the Skullsoul stays pierced by either a weapon with the vorpal special ability or a holy avenger, it is contained and entirely inert until the sword is removed.