Cursed Items

Cursed items are any magic items with some sort of potentially negative impact on the user. Occasionally, they mix bad with good, forcing characters to make difficult choices. Cursed items are almost never made intentionally. Instead, they are the result of rushed work, inexperienced crafters, or a lack of proper components. While many of these items still function, they either do not work as intended or come with serious drawbacks. When a magic item creation skill check fails by 5 or more, roll on Cursed Items Drawbacks table to determine the type of curse possessed by the item.

Identifying Cursed Items: Cursed items are identified like any other magic item, with one exception: unless the check made to identify the item exceeds the DC by 10 or more, the curse is not detected. If the check is not made by 10 or more, but still succeeds, all that is revealed is the item crafter's original intent. If the item is known to be cursed, the nature of the curse can be determined using the standard DC to identify the item.

Removing Cursed Items: While some cursed items can simply be discarded, others force a compulsion upon the user to keep the item, no matter the costs. Others reappear even if discarded or are impossible to throw away. These items can only be discarded after the character or item is targeted by a remove curse spell or similar magic. the dc of the caster level check to undo the curse is equal to 10 + the cursed item's caster level. if the spell is successful, the item can be discarded on the following round, but the curse reasserts itself if the item is used again.

Common Cursed Item Effects

The following are some of the most common cursed item effects. GMs should feel free to invent new cursed item effects to fit specific items.

Delusion: The user believes the item is what it appears to be, yet it actually has no magical power other than to deceive. The user is mentally fooled into thinking the item is functioning and cannot be convinced otherwise without the casting of remove curse.

Opposite Effect or Target: These cursed items malfunction so that they either do the opposite of what the creator intended or target the user instead of someone else. The interesting point to keep in mind here is that these items aren't always bad to have—some have powerful applications once the effect is fully understood. Opposite-effect items include weapons that impose penalties on attack and damage rolls rather than bonuses. Just as a character shouldn't necessarily immediately know what the enhancement bonus of a noncursed magic item is, she shouldn't immediately know that a weapon is cursed. Once she knows, however, the item can be discarded unless it possesses some ability that compels the wielder to keep and use it. In such cases, a remove curse spell is generally needed to get rid of the item.

Intermittent Functioning: The three varieties of intermittent functioning items all function perfectly as intended—at least some of the time. The three varieties are unreliable, dependent, and uncontrolled items.

Unreliable: Each time the item is activated, there is a 5% chance (01–05 on d%) that it does not function.

Dependent: The item only functions in certain situations. To determine the situation, select or roll on the following table.

01–03Temperature below freezing
04–05Temperature above freezing
06–10During the day
11–15During the night
16–20In direct sunlight
21–25Out of direct sunlight
35–37Out of water
56–60Within 10 feet of a random creature type
61–64Within 10 feet of a random race or kind of creature
65–72Within 10 feet of an arcane spellcaster
73–80Within 10 feet of a divine spellcaster
81–85In the hands of a nonspellcaster
86–90In the hands of a spellcaster
91–95In the hands of a creature of a particular alignment
96In the hands of a creature of a particular gender
97–99On holy days or during particular astrological events
100More than 100 miles from a particular site

Uncontrolled: An uncontrolled item occasionally activates at random times. Roll d% every day. On a result of 01–05, the item activates at some random point during that day.

Requirement: Some items have stringent requirements that must be met for them to be usable. To keep an item with this kind of curse functioning, one or more of the following conditions must be met.

Requirements are so dependent upon suitability to the individual item that they should never be determined randomly. An intelligent item with a requirement often imposes its requirement through its personality. If the requirement is not met, the item ceases to function. If it is met, usually the item functions for one day before the requirement must be met again (although some requirements are one time only, others monthly, and still others continuous).

Drawback: Items with drawbacks are usually still beneficial to the possessor, but carry some negative aspect. Although sometimes drawbacks occur only when the item is used (or held, in the case of some weapons), usually the drawback remains with the character for as long as she has the item.

Unless otherwise indicated, drawbacks remain in effect as long as the item is possessed. The DC to save against any of these effects is usually equal to 10 + the item's caster level.

Cursed Item Drawbacks
01–04Character's hair grows 1 inch longer every hour.
05–09 Character either shrinks 6 inches (01–50 on d%) or grows that much taller (51–100). Only happens once.
10–13Temperature around item is 10° F cooler than normal.
14–17Temperature around item is 10° F warmer than normal.
18–21Character's hair color changes.
22–25Character's skin color changes.
26–29Character now bears some identifying mark (tattoo, weird glow, or the like).
30–32Character's gender changes.
33–34Character's race or kind changes.
35Character is afflicted with a random disease that cannot be cured.
36–39Item continually emits a disturbing sound (moaning, weeping, screaming, cursing, insults).
40Item looks ridiculous (garishly colored, silly shape, glows bright pink).
41–45Character becomes selfishly possessive.
46–49Character becomes paranoid about losing the item and afraid of damage occurring to it.
50–51Character's alignment changes.
52–54Character must attack nearest creature (5% chance [01–05 on d%] each day).
55–57Character is stunned for 1d4 rounds once item function is finished (or randomly, 1/day).
58–60Character's vision is blurry (–2 penalty on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks requiring vision).
61–64Character gains one negative level.
65Character gains two negative levels.
66–70Character must make a Will save each day or take 1 point of Intelligence damage.
71–75Character must make a Will save each day or take 1 point of Wisdom damage.
76–80Character must make a Will save each day or take 1 point of Charisma damage.
81–85Character must make a Fortitude save each day or take 1 point of Constitution damage.
86–90Character must make a Fortitude save each day or take 1 point of Strength damage.
91–95Character must make a Fortitude save each day or take 1 point of Dexterity damage.
96Character is polymorphed into a specific creature (5% chance [01–05 on d%] each day).
97Character cannot cast arcane spells.
98Character cannot cast divine spells.
99Character cannot cast any spells.
100Either pick one of the above that's appropriate or create a drawback specifically for that item.
Common Item Curses
16–35Opposite effect or target
36–45Intermittent functioning
76–90Completely different effect
91–100Substitute specific cursed item on the Specific Cursed Items table
Specific Cursed Items
01–02–2 cursed sword
03–04Amulet of inescapable location
05–06Armor of arrow attraction
07–08Armor of rage
09–10Arrowbreak bow
11–12Bag of devouring
13–14Belt of weakness
15–16Berserking sword
17–18Biting battleaxe
19–20Boots of dancing
21–22Bracers of defenselessness
23–24Broom of animated attack
25–26Cape of anchoring
27–28Cursed backbiter spear
29–30Crystal hypnosis ball
31–32Deadly returns throwing axe
33–34Drums of lethargy
35–36Dust of sneezing and choking
37–38Eyes blindness
39–40Flask of curses
41–42Gauntlets of fumbling
43Headband of stupidity
44–45Heavy hammer
46–47Helm of opposite alignment
48–49Incense of obsession
50–51Mace of blood
52–53Mask of ugliness
54–55Medallion of thought projection
56–57Nearfiring bow
58Necklace of strangulation
59–60Net of snaring
61–62Ornery pistol
63–64Pauldrons of the jackass
65–66Periapt of foul rotting
67–68Petrifying cloak
69–70Poisonous cloak
71–72Potion of poison
73–74Ring of clumsiness
75–76Ring of life bleed
77–78Ring of spell devouring
79–80Robe of powerlessness
81–82Robe of vermin
83–84Rod of foiled magic
85–86Scarab of death
87–88Scattershot bracers
89–90Staff of occasional wonder
91–92Stone of weight
93–94Unguent of aging
95–96Unlucky figurine
97Unstable musket
98–99Unwieldy glaive
100Vacuous grimoire

Specific Cursed Items

Perhaps the most dangerous and insidious of all cursed items are those whose intended functions are completely replaced by a curse. Yet even these items can have their uses, particularly as traps or weapons. The following are provided as specific examples of cursed items. Instead of prerequisites for construction, each cursed item is associated with one or more ordinary magic items whose creation might result in the cursed item. Cursed items can be sold, as if they were the item they appear to be, provided the curse is not known to the buyer.

Cursed suits of armor and weapons can come in many forms, and the examples listed here are merely the most common. For example, a –2 cursed sword, might appear as a +3 shortsword or a +1 dagger, with a similar penalty instead of the listed –2.

-2 Cursed Sword

Slot none; Aura strong evocation; CL 15th; Weight 4 lbs.

This longsword performs well against targets in practice, but when used in combat its wielder takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls.

All damage dealt is also reduced by 2 points, but never below a minimum of 1 point of damage on any successful hit. The sword always forces that character to employ it rather than another weapon. The sword's owner automatically draws it and fights with it even when she meant to draw or ready some other weapon.

Intended Magic Item

+2 longsword, any magic weapon

Amulet of Inescapable Location

Slot neck; Aura moderate abjuration; CL 10th; Weight 1/2 lb.

This device appears to prevent location, scrying and detection, or influence by detect thoughts or telepathy, as per an amulet of proof against detection and location. Actually, the amulet gives the wearer a –10 penalty on all saves against divination spells.

Intended Magic Item

amulet of proof against detection and location

Armor of Arrow Attraction

Slot Armor; Aura strong abjuration; CL 16th; Weight 50 lbs.

Magical analysis indicates that this armor is a normal suit of +3 full plate. The armor works normally with regard to melee attacks but actually attracts ranged weapons. The wearer takes a –15 penalty to AC against ranged weapons. The true nature of the armor does not reveal itself until the character is fired upon in earnest.

Intended Magic Item

+3 full plate

Armor of Rage

Slot Armor; Aura strong necromancy; CL 16th; Weight 50 lbs.

This armor is similar in appearance to armor of command and functions as a suit of +1 full plate. However, when it is worn, the armor causes the character to take a –4 penalty to Charisma. All unfriendly creatures within 300 feet gain a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls against her. The effect is not noticeable to the wearer or those affected. In other words, the wearer does not immediately notice that donning the armor is the cause of her problems, nor do foes understand the reason for the depth of their enmity.

Intended Magic Item

armor of command , +1 full plate

Arrowbreak Bow

Slot none; Aura moderate evocation; CL 6th; Weight 2 lbs.

This shortbow is beautifully made and inlaid with iridescent designs, appearing to be a +2 shortbow. When it fires its arrows, though, it does it with so much force that the arrows are always broken on either a hit or a miss. This bow must be used as its owner's primary ranged weapon and can only be discarded after the owner is subject to a remove curse spell or similar effect.

Intended Magic Item

+2 shortbow

Bag of Devouring

Slot none; Aura strong conjuration; CL 17th; Weight 15 lbs.

This bag appears to be an ordinary sack. Detection for magical properties makes it seem as if it were a bag of holding. The sack, however, is something entirely different and more insidious—one of the feeding orifices of an extradimensional creature.

Any substance of animal or vegetable nature is subject to “swallowing'' if thrust within the bag. The bag of devouring is 90% likely to ignore any initial intrusion, but anytime thereafter that it senses living flesh within (such as if someone reaches into the bag to pull something out), it is 60% likely to close around the offending appendage and attempt to draw the whole victim in. The bag has a +8 bonus on combat maneuver checks made to grapple. If it pins a creature, it pulls the victim inside as a free action. The bag has a CMD of 18 for those attempting to break free.

The bag can hold up to 30 cubic feet of matter. It acts as a bag of holding type I, but each hour it has a 5% cumulative chance of swallowing the contents and then spitting the stuff out in some nonspace or on some other plane. Creatures drawn within are consumed in 1 round. The bag destroys the victim's body and prevents any form of raising or resurrection that requires part of the corpse. There is a 50% chance that a wish, miracle, or true resurrection spell can restore a devoured victim to life. Check once for each destroyed creature. If the check fails, the creature cannot be brought back to life by mortal magic.

Intended Magic Item

bag of holding (any type)

Belt of Weakness

Slot belt; Aura moderate transmutation; CL 8th; Weight 1 lb.

Appearing to be a wide leather belt that functions as a belt of mighty constitution +4, this belt in fact saps the wearer's health rather than supplement it. A belt of weakness confers a –4 penalty to its wearer's Constitution score. Furthermore, when the wearer rolls a natural 1 on any Fortitude save, the belt constricts, dealing 2d8 points of damage.

Intended Magic Item

belt of mighty constitution (any)

Berserking Sword

Slot none; Aura moderate evocation; CL 8th; Weight 8 lbs.

This sword appears to be a +2 greatsword. However, whenever it is used in battle, its wielder goes berserk (gaining all the benefits and drawbacks of the barbarian's rage ability). He attacks the nearest creature and continues to fight until unconscious or dead or until no living thing remains within 30 feet. Although many see this sword as a cursed object, others see it as a boon.

Intended Magic Item

+2 greatsword, any magic weapon

Biting Battleaxe

Slot none; Aura moderate evocation; CL 8th; Weight 6 lbs.

This vicious-looking +2 battleaxe grants its wielder the Great Cleave feat. But when using this feat, the wielder makes an additional attack against a random adjacent creature instead of choosing which creature to attack. When determining which creature is attacked, the wielder always counts himself as a possible target, even if he is not adjacent to the target. The wielder of a biting battleaxe must always uses it as his primary weapon and must use Great Cleave at every opportunity until subject to a remove curse spell or similar effect.

Intended Magic Item

+2 battleaxe

Boots of Dancing

Slot feet; Aura strong enchantment; CL 16th; Weight 1 lb.

These boots appear and initially function as one of the other kinds of magic boots. When the wearer is in (or fleeing from) melee combat, boots of dancing impede movement, making him behave as if irresistible dance had been cast upon him. Only a remove curse spell enables the wearer to be rid of the boots once their true nature is revealed.

Intended Magic Item

boots of elvenkind , boots of levitation , boots of speed , boots of striding and springing , boots of teleportation , boots of the winterlands , winged boots

Bracers of Defenselessness

Slot wrists; Aura strong conjuration; CL 16th; Weight 1 lb.

These bejeweled and shining bracers initially appear to be bracers of armor +5 and actually serve as such until the wearer is attacked in anger by an enemy with a Challenge Rating equal to or greater than her level. At that moment and thereafter, the bracers bestow a –5 penalty to AC. Once their curse is activated, bracers of defenselessness can be removed only by means of a remove curse spell.

Intended Magic Item

bracers of armor +5

Broom of Animated Attack

Slot none; Aura moderate transmutation; CL 10th; Weight 3 lbs.

This item is indistinguishable from a normal broom. It is identical to a broom of flying by all tests short of attempted use.

If a creature attempts to fly using the broom, the broom does a loop-the-loop with its hopeful rider, dumping him on his head from 1d4+5 feet off the ground (no falling damage, since the fall is less than 10 feet). The broom then attacks the victim, swatting his face with the straw or twig end and beating him with the handle end. The broom gets two attacks per round with each end (two swats with the straw and two with the handle, for a total of four attacks per round). It attacks with a +5 bonus on each attack roll. The straw end causes a victim to be blinded for 1 round when it hits. The handle deals 1d6 points of damage when it hits. The broom has AC 13, CMD 17, 18 hit points, and hardness 4.

Intended Magic Item

broom of flying

Buffoon's Sword

Slot none; Aura moderate divination; CL 10th; Weight 2 lbs.

This blade seems to be and behaves in all ways as a sword of subtlety until actually used in combat. Once used in combat, it imposes a –10 penalty on all Stealth checks made by its wielder. It also makes it nearly impossible for the owner to tell a lie or engage in any other sort of subterfuge. Each time he does so, he must make a DC 15 Will saving throw to avoid blurting out the truth or taking some other involuntary action that spoils his attempted ruse. Only curse-ending magic can rid the wielder of the sword once its curse activates.

Intended Magic Item

sword of subtlety

Cape of Anchoring

Slot shoulders; Aura moderate abjuration; CL 9th; Weight 1 lb.

This bright red and gold cape appears to be a cape of the mountebank. Once worn, however, it affects its wearer as if subject to a dimensional anchor spell. The cape can only be removed after its wearer is subject to a remove curse spell or similar effect.

Intended Magic Item

cape of the mountebank

Cannibal Ring

Slot ring; Aura strong transmutation; CL 16th; WEIGHT

This simple and unadorned copper ring appears slightly tarnished, but seemingly wards off the effects of hunger or other sorts of deprivation; all tests reveal it to be a ring of sustenance. However, after wearing it for 7 days, its owner instead comes to suffer from almost constant hunger and thirst, which, if not sated, ultimately drives him mad enough to become a cannibal. The wearer must eat and drink a full day's worth of food and water each hour to avoid making a starvation or thirst check. Once the wearer starts to take lethal damage instead of nonlethal damage due to failed checks, he begins to experience ever more powerful cravings for the flesh of intelligent creatures (any living creature with an Intelligence of 3 or higher).

Once the wearer feasts in such a manner, he recovers all nonlethal damage sustained from hunger and thirst, though he continues to suffer lethal damage on failed starvation and thirst checks. The next time he is in a situation in which he could eat part of an intelligent being, he must make a DC 15 Will save or dine on the forbidden meat. If the wearer succumbs to this urge again, he recovers all lethal damage from failed starvation and thirst checks, and realizes cannibalism is the key to avoiding the increased hunger and thirst—on any day he eats at least one meal of flesh from an intelligent creature, he does not have to make hourly starvation and thirst checks, and recovers any accumulated damage from failing these checks. Once its curse activates, the ring cannot be removed until the curse is broken.

Intended Magic Item

ring of sustenance

Cloak of Immolation

Slot shoulders; Aura strong evocation; CL 12th; Weight 1 lb.

This cloak appears to be a finely made garment that radiates protective magic. The cloak can be handled or examined without harm, but when it is put on, it immediately bursts into flames that burn continuously but do not harm the cloak, only its wearer. The cloak deals 1d6 points of fire damage each round and cannot be removed unless the curse is broken. Sufficient amounts of water or other smothering materials can douse the flames temporarily, but the cloak reignites when exposed to air again. Spells like resist energy, protection from energy, and similar effects can protect the wearer against the cloak's flames while they last.

Intended Magic Item

any cloak

Crown of Blindness

Slot headband; Aura moderate illusion; CL 10th; Weight 1 lb.

This fine silver circlet is often set with a milky moonstone. When a wearer places it on his head, the stone quickly goes dark like the waning moon, and the wearer must make a DC 14 Fortitude saving throw or immediately go blind. The saving throw must be made each round that the crown is worn until the wearer succumbs to the blindness. Removing the circlet requires breaking the curse. In addition to a remove curse spell or similar effect, remove blindness/deafness can be used to end the circlet's curse long enough to remove the item.

Intended Magic Item

headband of alluring charisma, headband of inspired wisdom, headband of mental prowess, headband of mental superiority, headband of vast intelligence, moon circlet

Crystal Hypnosis Ball

Slot none; Aura strong divination; CL 17th; Weight 7 lbs.

This cursed scrying device is at first glance indistinguishable from a normal crystal ball . However, anyone attempting to use the scrying device becomes fascinated for 1d6 minutes, and a telepathic suggestion is implanted in her mind (Will DC 19 negates).

The user of the device believes that she viewed the desired creature or scene through the ball, but she actually came under the influence of a powerful wizard, lich, or even some power or being from another plane. Each further use brings the crystal hypnosis ball‘s gazer deeper under the influence of the controller, either as a servant or a tool. Note that throughout this time, the user remains unaware of her subjugation.

Intended Magic Item

crystal ball

Cursed Backbiter spear

Slot none; Aura moderate evocation; CL 10th; Weight 3 lbs.

This is a +2 shortspear, but each time it is used in melee against a foe and the attack roll is a natural 1, it damages its wielder instead of her intended target. When the curse takes effect, the spear curls around to strike its wielder in the back, automatically dealing the damage to the wielder. The curse even functions when the spear is hurled, and in such a case the damage to the hurler is doubled.

Intended Magic Item

+2 shortspear, any magic weapon

Deadly Returns Throwing Axe

Slot none; Aura moderate evocation; CL 8th; Weight 2 lbs.

This weapon appears to be a +2 returning throwing axe. Instead of the normal returning ability, this axe only returns when the wielder misses her target. When it does return, it attacks the wielder. It uses the wielder's full base attack bonus with this attack. If it hits, it sticks in the wielder, and the wielder can pull out the axe with a swift action. If it misses the wielder, it falls to a random unoccupied square adjacent to the wielder and must be picked up as soon as possible. The wielder of the deadly returns throwing axe always uses it as her primary weapon until subject to a remove curse spell or similar effect.

Intended Magic Item

+2 returning throwing axe

Drums of Lethargy

Slot none; Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th; Weight 5 lbs.

This set of kettle drums appears to be drums of haste. When a creature plays the drums, it affects all creatures (including the creature playing the drums) as though subject to a slow spell. A DC 14 Will save negates the effect. No Perform check is needed to create the slow effect.

Intended Magic Item

drums of haste

Dust of Sneezing and Choking

Slot none; Aura moderate conjuration; CL 7th; Weight

This fine dust appears to be dust of appearance . If cast into the air, it causes those within a 20-foot spread to fall into fits of sneezing and coughing. Those who fail a DC 15 Fortitude save take 3d6 points of Constitution damage immediately. Those who succeed on this saving throw are nonetheless disabled by choking (treat as stunned) for 5d4 rounds.

Intended Magic Item

dust of appearance , dust of tracelessness

Eyes of Blindness

Slot Eyes; Aura faint necromancy; CL 5th; Weight ­—

These normal-looking glasses appear harmless and nondescript. When they are worn, the wearer becomes blinded as if subject to the blindness/deafness spell (no saving throw).

Intended Magic Item

Any glasses or lenses

Flask of Curses

Slot none; Aura moderate conjuration; CL 7th; Weight 2 lbs.

This item looks like an ordinary beaker, bottle, container, decanter, flask, or jug. It may contain a liquid, or it may emit smoke. When the flask is first unstoppered, all creatures within 30 feet must make a DC 17 Will save or be cursed, taking a –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks until a remove curse spell is cast upon them.

Intended Magic Item

decanter of endless water , efreeti bottle , eversmoking bottle , iron flask

Gauntlets of Fumbling

Slot hands; Aura moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Weight 2 lbs.

These gauntlets perform according to their appearance until the wearer finds herself under attack or in a life-and-death situation. At that time, the curse is activated. The wearer becomes fumble-fingered, with a 50% chance each round of dropping anything held in either hand. The gauntlets also lower the wearer's Dexterity score by 2 points. Once the curse is activated, the gloves can be removed only by means of a remove curse spell, a wish , or a miracle .

Intended Magic Item

gauntlet of rust , gloves of arrow snatching , glove of storing , gloves of swimming and climbing

Girdle of Opposite Gender

Slot belt; Aura moderate transmutation; CL 10th; Weight 1 lb.

When this magical belt is put on, the wearer must immediately make a DC 20 Fortitude saving throw or be transformed into a person of the opposite gender. The character's abilities, mind, and spirit remain unaffected; only the character's sex changes. If the character's saving throw is a natural 1, the item actually removes all gender from the wearer, giving him an androgynous, neutered appearance. The change is permanent unless undone with curse-removing magic. Once its magic takes effect, the belt can be removed without effort. A creature can only be affected by a particular girdle once, though other girdles of this type can cause further transformations.

Intended Magic Item

any belt

Gravesoul Armor

Slot armor; Aura moderate enchantment; CL 10th; Weight 20 lbs.

This armor behaves in all ways as if it were +1 undead controlling studded leather until its owner actually attempts to use its special property. At that point, the wearer and all living creatures within a 20-foot radius must succeed at a DC 15 Will saving throw to avoid believing that they are actually some sort of undead creature for the next 24 hours. The GM can either roll randomly (1d6; 1–3 zombies, 4–5 ghouls, 6 vampires) or choose which sorts of specific undead the affected creatures believe themselves to be. Creatures affected by the armor behave as normal for the sorts of undead they regard themselves as—“zombies” mindlessly attack unassociated creatures near them, vampires attempt to bite victims on the neck, and so on—but gain none of the special abilities of that creature. The affected creatures react negatively to effects that harm “their” type of undead, so “vampires” avoid garlic, “wraiths” recoil from sunlight, and so on. The creatures continue to believe they are actually undead and ignore all evidence to the contrary. If attacked, they defend themselves, even if this requires using abilities they have but “their” type of undead normally lacks; for example, a barbarian who thinks she's a ghoul can still rage. Channel energy and other undead-affecting effects have no effect on creatures affected by gravesoul armor.

This is a mind-affecting, compulsion enchantment. The wearer of the armor can use this power up to three times per day, though it can only work on a particular creature once in any 24-hour period. Regardless of the curse, the armor is still +1 studded leather, and some characters may find it useful despite its (nonexistent) power over undead. Unlike most cursed items, this one is easily discarded without any magical assistance.

Intended Magic Item

+1 undead controlling studded leather

Hat of Hatreds

Slot head; Aura moderate illusion; CL 10th; Weight

This hat performs in all ways like a hat of disguise until its owner attempts to use it to disguise himself in the presence of a hostile creature. Once he does, the hat causes him to assume the guise of the creature or person the hostile creature most wants to harm. The hat never causes the wearer to assume the appearance of someone the viewer wouldn't harm if he had the opportunity (for example, the greatly feared leader of the local temple).

Once the hat reveals its true abilities, it no longer responds to attempts by its wearer to change his appearance. Instead, it automatically causes him to take on the guise of someone known to and despised by those viewing him, complete with supplementary illusions that make that wearer appear disoriented, injured, or weak. For example, in a goblin lair, the wearer might look like the tribe's chief, but sleepy and vulnerable. In a human town, the wearer may look like the hated local bully, drunk and staggering. In an evil town, the wearer looks like a confused visitor and appears to be an ideal target to victimize with some crime.

Curse-breaking magic is necessary to remove the hat.

Intended Magic Item

hat of disguise

Headband of Stupidity

Slot headband; Aura strong transmutation; CL 8th; Weight 1 lb.

This headband appears to be a headband of vast intellect +4, but instead of granting a +4 bonus to Intelligence and bonuses to associated skills, the wearer take a –4 penalty to Intelligence and a further –2 penalty on all Knowledge checks. The wearer is not aware of the debilitating effects of the headband; even the stupidest statement or misguided insight seems intelligent to him while he is wearing it.

Intended Magic Item

headband of vast intellect +4

Heavy Hammer

Slot none; Aura moderate transmutation; CL 8th; Weight 20 lbs.

This massive warhammer is even heavier than its size would normally warrant. A creature wielding the hammer takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls and a +4 bonus on damage rolls, as well as a –10 penalty to speed. Once picked up, this weapon must be used as the creature's primary weapon until subject to a successful remove curse spell.

Intended Magic Item

+2 warhammer

Helm of Opposite Alignment

Slot head; Aura strong transmutation; CL 12th; Weight 3 lbs.

When placed upon the head, this item's curse immediately takes effect (Will DC 15 negates). On a failed save, the alignment of the wearer is radically altered to an alignment as different as possible from the former alignment—good to evil, chaotic to lawful, neutral to some extreme commitment (LE, LG, CE, or CG). Alteration in alignment is mental as well as moral, and the individual changed by the magic thoroughly enjoys his new outlook. A character who succeeds on his save can continue to wear the helmet without suffering the effect of the curse, but if he takes it off and later puts it on again, another save is required.

Only a wish or a miracle can restore a character's former alignment, and the affected individual does not make any attempt to return to the former alignment. In fact, he views the prospect with horror and avoids it in any way possible. If a character of a class with an alignment requirement is affected, an atonement spell is needed as well if the curse is to be obliterated. When a helm of opposite alignment has functioned once, it loses its magical properties.

Intended Magic Item

hat of disguise , helm of comprehend languages and read magic , helm of telepathy

Incense of Obsession

Slot none; Aura moderate enchantment; CL 6th; Weight

These blocks of incense appear to be incense of meditation . If meditation is conducted while the incense of obsession are burning, the user becomes totally confident that her spell ability is superior due to the magic incense. She uses her spells at every opportunity, even when not needed or useless. The user remains obsessed with her abilities and spells until all have been used or cast, or until 24 hours have elapsed.

Intended Magic Item

incense of meditation

Mace of Blood

Slot none; Aura moderate abjuration; CL 8th; Weight 8 lbs.

This +3 heavy mace must be coated in blood every day, or else its bonus fades away until the mace is coated again. The character using this mace must make a DC 13 Will save every day it is within her possession or become chaotic evil.

Intended Magic Item

+3 heavy mace

Mask of Ugliness

Slot head; Aura moderate transmutation; CL 8th; Weight 1 lb.

This strange, featureless mask seems to have the powers of a headband of alluring charisma +4, but instead of granting a bonus to Charisma, the mask melds to the wearer's face, making him seem uglier and his words come off as crude and insulting. The wearer takes a –4 penalty to Bluff and Diplomacy checks but gains a +2 bonus to Intimidate checks.

Intended Magic Item

any magical mask or a headband of alluring charisma

Medallion of Thought Projection

Slot neck; Aura moderate divination; CL 7th; Weight

This device seems like a medallion of thoughts, even down to the range at which it functions, except that the thoughts overheard are muffled and distorted, requiring a DC 15 Will save to sort them out. However, while the user thinks she is picking up the thoughts of others, all she is really hearing are figments created by the medallion itself. These illusory thoughts always seem plausible, and thus can seriously mislead any who rely upon them. What's worse, unknown to her, the cursed medallion actually broadcasts her thoughts to creatures in the path of the beam, thus alerting them to her presence.

Intended Magic Item

medallion of thoughts

Nearfiring Bow

Slot none; Aura moderate divination; CL 6th; Weight 2 lbs.

This bow appears to be a +2 distance shortbow, but its curse is that it suffers a –4 cumulative penalty for each range increment beyond the first. Furthermore, it takes an additional –4 penalty on critical confirmation rolls when firing beyond the first range increment. This bow must be used as its wielder's primary ranged weapon and can only be discarded after the owner is subject to a remove curse spell or similar effect.

Intended Magic Item

+2 distance shortbow

Necklace of Strangulation

Slot neck; Aura strong conjuration; CL 18th; Weight

A necklace of strangulation appears to be a wondrous piece of magical jewelry. When placed on the neck, the necklace immediately tightens, dealing 6 points of damage per round. It cannot be removed by any means short of a limited wish , wish , or miracle , and remains clasped around the victim's throat even after his death. Only when he has decayed to a dry skeleton (after approximately 1 month) does the necklace loosen, ready for another victim.

Intended Magic Item

necklace of adaptation , necklace of fireballs , periapt of health , periapt of proof against poison , periapt of wound closure

Net of Snaring

Slot none; Aura moderate evocation; CL 8th; Weight 1 lb.

This net provides a +3 bonus on attack rolls but can only be used underwater. Underwater, it can be commanded to shoot forth up to 30 feet to trap a creature. If thrown on land, it changes course to target the creature that threw it.

Intended Magic Item

+3 net

One-Way Window

Slot none; Aura faint divination; CL 5th; Weight 1 lb.

This small, 6-inch-square glass tablet grows to a 6-foot-by-3-foot window if placed on any sufficiently large vertical surface and returns to its original size if removed. The window melds ever so slightly into the surface, allowing it to ignore minor protrusions, curves, or anything else that would normally make it difficult to simply lay down a pane of glass.

On command, the front of this glass displays all activities on the other side of this surface like a window, piercing wood, earth, or stone up to 10 feet deep, but not metal. The window does not reveal its existence to non-hostile creatures depicted within it, allowing observers to study them at their leisure.

However, once the owner of the window uses it to spy on hostile creatures, its curse activates. From that moment on, the window presents its owner and anyone looking through the window with an artificial image of the other side designed to lull them into a sense of false confidence—enemies appear sleeping or drunk, pits have obvious plank bridges for easy crossing, and so on. While presenting this image to those in front of the mirror, it reveals those viewers to the enemies being observed, creating a two-way window; however, viewed creatures see those using the mirror accurately and can read their thoughts as if using detect thoughts. Furthermore, the image shown to those using the mirror does not reveal that the creatures they are watching can see them as well.

Once the curse activates, the owner comes to regard using the mirror to spy ahead as his most effective tactic (after all, it has no limit to its duration) and does so whenever possible until curse-breaking magic frees him from its influence. Anyone who uses the mirror to spy on hostiles, even if he wasn't the one to activate the mirror, is also subject to this desire to continue using it.

Intended Magic Item

mirror of life trapping, mirror of opposition

Ornery Pistol

Slot none; Aura strong transmutation; CL 12th; Weight 4 lbs.

This pistol acts as a normal +2 pistol, but it has a strange aversion to talk of peace. Anytime the wielder or an ally within line of sight that the wielder can hear attempts to improve a creature's initial attitude with the Diplomacy skill, without spending an action, the pistol leaps into the wielder's hand and takes a single shot at the creature the wielder or ally is using Diplomacy against. If the wielder or ally is attempting to affect multiple creatures, the gun shoots a random member of the group. This occurs even if the pistol is unloaded, as the pistol's curse magically loads itself with a normal bullet and black powder when the action is taken.

Intended Magic Item

any pistol

Pauldrons of the Jackass

Slot shoulders; Aura moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Weight 3 lbs.

These steel pauldrons seem to be emblazoned with stampeding horses until they are worn, and then the horses change shape to that of dumfounded donkeys. The wearer of these pauldrons takes a –4 penalty to Dexterity and reduces all speeds by 10 feet. A successful remove curse spell is required before this item can be removed.

Intended Magic Item

any pauldrons

Periapt of Foul Rotting

Slot neck; Aura moderate abjuration; CL 10th; Weight

This engraved gem appears to be of little value. If any character keeps the periapt in her possession for more than 24 hours, she contracts a terrible rotting affliction that permanently drains 1 point of Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma every week. The periapt (and the affliction) can be removed only by application of a remove curse spell followed by a cure disease and then a heal , miracle , limited wish, or wish spell. The rotting can also be countered by crushing a periapt of health and sprinkling its dust upon the afflicted character (a full-round action), whereupon the periapt of foul rotting likewise crumbles to dust.

Intended Magic Item

periapt of health , periapt of proof against poison , periapt of wound closure

Petrifying Cloak

Slot shoulders; Aura moderate transmutation; CL 11th; Weight 1 lb.

This gray magical cloak seems to be a protective cloak, but when it is donned, the wearer must succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude save or be instantly petrified. If the initial saving throw succeeds, the creature wearing the cloak must make further checks at the start of each of its turns. On any failed saving throw the creature becomes petrified. A remove curse or stone to flesh transforms the wearer back, at least long enough for someone to take the cloak off the wearer.

Intended Magic Item

any cloak

Planar Invasion Shield

Slot shield; Aura strong conjuration; CL 17th; Weight 15 lbs.

This shield behaves in all ways as an absorbing shield until its owner attempts to use its disintegration power in combat. Once he does, it instead causes one or more monsters to pour forth from the shield and attack the nearest creature each round (including the shield-bearer) for 1d6 rounds before retreating by the safest possible route. If there is no such path for them to escape, the monsters fight to the death. To determine the nature and number of the monsters, roll 2d4 to determine the level of the summon monster spell and roll 1d3 to determine the number of creatures that appear. Monsters conjured by this shield remain until killed, act as normal for their kind, and are treated as summoned creatures with a permanent duration.

Once its curse activates, the shield calls forth monsters three times per day, approximately every 8 hours. If the monsters cannot emerge directly from the shield and survive (for example, because it's buried or underwater), they instead appear at the nearest safe location within 50 feet. Successful curse-breaking magic cast on the shield restores it to its previous guise as an absorbing shield and allows its wearer to abandon it.

Intended Magic Item

absorbing shield

Poisonous Cloak

Slot shoulders; Aura moderate transmutation; CL 15th; Weight 1 lb.

This cloak is usually made of wool, although it can be made of leather. A detect poison spell can reveal the presence of poison in the cloak's fabric. The garment can be handled without harm, but as soon as it is actually donned, the wearer takes 4d6 points of Constitution damage unless she succeeds on a DC 28 Fortitude save.

Once donned, a poisonous cloak can be removed only with a remove curse spell; doing this destroys the magical property of the cloak. If a neutralize poison spell is then used, it is possible to revive a dead victim with a raise dead or resurrection spell.

Intended Magic Item

cloak of arachnida , cloak of the bat , cloak of etherealness , cloak of resistance +5, major cloak of displacement

Potion of Poison

Slot none; Aura strong conjuration; CL 12th; Weight

This potion has lost its beneficial abilities and become a potent poison. This poison deals 1d3 Constitution damage per round for 6 rounds. A poisoned creature can make a DC 14 Fortitude save each round to negate the damage and end the affliction.

Intended Magic Item

any potion

Ring of Clumsiness

Slot ring; Aura strong transmutation; CL 15th; Weight

This ring operates exactly like a ring of feather falling. However, it also makes the wearer clumsy. She takes a –4 penalty to Dexterity and has a 20% chance of spell failure when trying to cast any arcane spell that has a somatic component. (This chance of spell failure stacks with other arcane spell failure chances.)

Intended Magic Item

ring of feather falling

Ring of Lifebleed

Slot ring; Aura moderate necromancy; CL 10th; Weight

Before being worn, this ring appears to be a ring of regeneration. Once it is worn in combat, however, the true nature of the ring becomes apparent. Each time the wearer is hit with a melee or ranged weapon attack, he takes an additional 1d4 points of damage. This ring cannot be removed until the wearer dies or by way of a remove curse, wish, or miracle spell.

Intended Magic Item

ring of regeneration

Ring of Spell Devouring

Slot ring; Aura strong abjuration; CL 13th; Weight

This delicate ring appears to be a ring of spell storing or a ring of spell turning, but instead of aiding casting or counterspelling, the ring hinders such efforts. Each time the wearer casts an arcane spell, he suffers a 25% spell failure chance. Furthermore, the wearer of the ring takes a –4 penalty on Spellcraft checks to identify a spell when attempting to counterspell. The ring can only be removed by a remove curse spell or a similar effect.

Intended Magic Item

ring of spell storing (any) or a ring of spell turning

Ring of Truth

Slot ring; Aura moderate enchantment; CL 9th; Weight

Deceptively pleasant-looking, a ring of truth bears images of childlike angels and broadly smiling divine creatures holding onto links of a heavy chain. The wearer of this cursed ring is rendered unable to tell a deliberate lie, in either speech or writing. The wearer may simply omit the truth or choose not to communicate, but even then must succeed at a DC 20 Will saving throw to avoid answering a direct question truthfully. The wearer cannot remove the ring unless the magic of the curse is negated.

Intended Magic Item

ring of mind shielding, ring of x-ray vision

Riot Pipes

Slot none; Aura moderate enchantment; CL 10th; Weight 3 lbs.

This simple musical instrument seems and behaves in all ways like any other kind of magical pipes until its owner plays it in an urban setting. Once he does, it requires all people within hearing range to make a DC 15 Will saving throw to avoid falling into a murderous fury. Those who fail their saves gain the effects of a rage spell for the next 1d6 hours and experience a strong compulsion (DC 15 Will save negates) to attack any stranger or disliked person whom they encounter during this time.
If the owner spends more than 3 consecutive days in an urban setting, he must make a DC 15 Will saving throw each day to avoid playing the riot pipes at some point during each subsequent day. The pipes remain with the player until the curse is broken.

Intended Magic Item

pipes of haunting, pipes of the sewers, pipes of sounding

Robe of Powerlessness

Slot body; Aura strong transmutation; CL 13th; Weight 1 lb.

A robe of powerlessness appears to be a magic robe of another sort. As soon as a character dons this garment, she takes a –10 penalty to Strength, as well as to Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma, forgetting spells and magic knowledge accordingly. If the character is a spellcaster, the robe targets the character's primary spellcasting score, otherwise it targets Intelligence. The robe can be removed easily, but in order to restore mind and body, the character must receive a remove curse spell followed by heal.

Intended Magic Item

robe of blending , robe of bones , robe of eyes , robe of scintillating colors , robe of stars , robe of the archmagi , robe of useful items

Robe of Vermin

Slot body; Aura strong abjuration; CL 13th; Weight 1 lb.

The wearer notices nothing unusual when the robe is donned, and it functions normally. However, as soon as he is in a situation requiring concentration and action against hostile opponents, the true nature of the garment is revealed: the wearer immediately suffers a multitude of bites from the insects that magically infest the garment. He must cease all other activities in order to scratch, shift the robe, and generally show signs of the extreme discomfort caused by the bites and movement of these pests.

The wearer takes a –5 penalty on initiative checks and a –2 penalty on all attack rolls, saves, and skill checks. If he tries to cast a spell, he must make a concentration check (DC 20 + spell level) or lose the spell.

Intended Magic Item

robe of blending , robe of bones , robe of eyes , robe of scintillating colors , robe of stars , robe of the archmagi , robe of useful items

Rod of Arson

Slot none; Aura strong evocation; CL 12th; Weight 5 lbs.

All tests indicate that this hollow metal tube is a rod of flame extinguishing until its owner uses it to extinguish or suppress a fire in a combat or other dangerous situation. Once she does, she discovers that rather than quenching the flame, the rod causes the flame to enter her body. This flame persists inside of her for the next 24 hours, causing minor discomfort and giving her the sickened condition, but causing no visible injury. However, when the wielder is adjacent to or within a flammable object or structure, she feels inclined to set the object ablaze, using any means at her disposal. Each round the wielder resists this urge, she takes 1d6 points of fire damage as the flame within her surges and roils. After 1 minute of this, she must make a DC 15 Will save or succumb to the temptation; if she saves, the urge passes, the internal fire stops harming her, and she can interact normally with the flammable target thereafter.

Once the curse reveals itself, the owner must make a DC 15 Will saving throw to avoid using the item to try and extinguish or suppress any fire she encounters which she herself did not start. She cannot use the rod against fires that she personally started. Successful curse-breaking magic allows the wielder to get rid of the rod and harmlessly dissipates any fire persisting inside her from the action of the rod.

Intended Magic Item

rod of flame extinguishing

Rod of Foiled Magic

Slot none; Aura strong (no school); CL 17th; Weight 5 lbs.

This rod is similar in appearance to a metamagic rod. Once a creature picks up such a rod, it cannot be discarded without use of a remove curse spell or similar magic. Each time the wielder casts a spell, he takes the rod of foiled magic in hand and treats the caster level of the spell as 2 levels lower. If this would reduce the caster level to 0 or lower, than the caster has only a 50% chance of casting the spell (any chance of arcane spell failure is added to this percentile chance), but if he is able to cast the spell, the spell has a caster level of 1st.

Intended Magic Item

Any metamagic rod

Scarab of Death

Slot Neck; Aura strong abjuration; CL 19th; Weight ­­­—

If this small scarab brooch is held for more than 1 round or carried in a living creature's possessions for 1 minute, it changes into a horrible, burrowing, beetlelike creature. The thing tears through any leather or cloth, burrows into flesh, and reaches the victim's heart in 1 round, causing death. A DC 25 Reflex save allows the wearer to tear the scarab away before it burrows out of sight, but she still takes 3d6 points of damage. The beetle then returns to its scarab form. Placing the scarab in a container of wood, ceramic, bone, ivory, or metal prevents it from coming to life and allows for long-term storage of the item.

Intended Magic Item

amulet of mighty fists , amulet of natural armor , amulet of the planes , amulet of proof against detection and location , brooch of shielding , golembane scarab , scarab of protection

Scattershot Bracers

Slot wrists; Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th; Weight 1 lb.

These wristbands appear to be bracers of archery until they are worn. The wearer takes a –2 penalty on all ranged attack rolls. A successful remove curse spell is required before these bracers can be removed.

Intended Magic Item

bracers of archery, either greater or lesser

Staff of Occasional Wonder

Slot none; Aura varies; CL varies; Weight ­­­4 lbs.

A staff of occasional wonder can appear to be any magical staff, and in fact such items are usually the result of accidents during an attempted crafting of the staff it appears to be. It usually functions as intended, but each time someone uses the staff, they must roll d%. On a roll of 1–10, instead of the desired effect, the staff acts like a rod of wonder.

Intended Magic Item

any staff

Stone of Weight (Loadstone)

Slot none; Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th; Weight 1 lb.

This dark, polished stone reduces the possessor's base land speed by half. Once picked up, the stone cannot be disposed of by any nonmagical means—if it is thrown away or smashed, it reappears somewhere on the possessor's person. If a remove curse spell is cast upon a loadstone, the item may be discarded normally and no longer haunts the individual.

Intended Magic Item

ioun stone , stone of alarm , stone of controlling earth elementals, stone of good luck

Unguent of Aging

Slot none; Aura moderate transmutation; CL 6th; Weight

This unguent appears at first to be unguent of timelessness. When it touches the skin of a living creature or matter that was once alive, however, it accelerates the aging of that creature or item. Living creatures that touch the unguent age by 30 years. Once living matter—such as wood, paper, or a dead body—crumbles to dust and is destroyed. One flask contains enough unguent to affect eight Medium or smaller creatures or objects. A Large creature or object counts as two Medium creatures or objects and a Huge creature or object counts as four Medium creatures or objects.

Intended Magic Item

unguent of timelessness

Unlucky Figurine

Slot none; Aura moderate enchantment; CL 11th; Weight 1 lb.

This figurine appears to be a figurine of wondrous power, but instead of having the ability to animate and serve its owner, it curses that owner with bad luck. While in possession of this figurine, the owner takes a –2 penalty to AC and CMD, and a –2 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws.

Intended Magic Item

any figurine of wondrous power

Unstable Musket

Slot none; Aura moderate transmutation; CL 6th; Weight 9 lbs.

This item seems to be a normal +1 musket but has a misfire chance of 1–5. No effect or ability can reduce this misfire chance. This musket must be used as its owner's primary ranged weapon and can only be discarded after the owner is subject to a remove curse spell or similar effect.

Intended Magic Item

+1 musket

Unwieldy Glaive

Slot none; Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th; Weight 10 lbs.

This weapon appears and acts as a +2 glaive, but cannot be used to make attacks of opportunity, and hinders its wielder whenever such an attack is attempted. When its wielder attempts an attack of opportunity, the glaive flails around madly, causing its wielder to become unbalanced. The wielder takes a –2 penalty to AC and on attack rolls until the end of its next turn.

Intended Magic Item

+2 glaive

Vacuous Grimoire

Slot none; Aura strong enchantment; CL 20th; Weight 2 lbs.

A book of this sort looks like a normal volume on some mildly interesting topic. Any character who opens the work and reads so much as a single word therein must make two DC 15 Will saves. The first is to determine if the reader takes 1 point of permanent Intelligence and Charisma drain. The second is to find out if the reader takes 2 points of permanent Wisdom drain. To destroy the book, it must be burned while remove curse is being cast. If the grimoire is placed with other books, its appearance instantly alters to conform to the look of those other works.

Intended Magic Item

blessed book , manual of bodily health , manual of gainful exercise , manual of quickness of action , tome of clear thoughts