House of Stone on Isis

Maps: Level 1, Upper Central Levels, Outer Upper Levels
Locations: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

The North Wing

Room #1: - War Chapple
Double Doors - wooden, good, stuck
8 Hezrou - Evil Demons
Sacraficial Pool of Blood in the center of the room. This is the same disgusting stuff as the bloody ooze that comes out of the walls. There is magic detected at the bottom, but it is a cursed ring. It is a gold ring with a garnet that is -1 to charisma.
An alter to CE god is against the south wall. It is protected by Prysmatic Sphere (17th level). On it is a statue of the god made of gold weighing 20lbs, but worth 2000gp to any worshipper of this god. It is studded with gems that are worth 1000gp if removed. If touched, the character must make a Will save or have his alignment changed to Evil for 24 hours. This will need to be closely monitored by the ref. Any possiblity to do an evil act must be acted on or the ref will take the character over to do it.
There is a fireplace in the N. wall. A ghostly sound has been cast on it of someone up inside muttering wordlessly. Anyone going within 5' of the fireplace will hear the noise. It can be heard from anywhere in the room if a Hear roll at DC 12 is made.

Room #2: - Muster Hall
Door (north, east):  iron, free
Door (South, east):  iron, free
20 Dretch - Evil Demons
This room was used for the practice war skills originally. Now only the arrow targets in the W wall and the battle dummies made of wood in the W section remain. Now the Drech wait on guard here. They don't like it here and used the walls to sharpen their claws causing scratches all over the walls. Note there are no windows in this room.
There are 6 Stone Golems along the West wall. They will activate themselves when anyone gets within 40' of them.

Room #3: - Mess Hall
Door (North): Double, wooden, strong, stuck
Features-cobwebs, tripod
Ghost - Robert Ralph - 4 HD
The tables in this room are hundreds of years old and are in bad condition. The remains of chairs are scattered around the room though some are still intact. Any piece of furnicture in this room will colapse under a weight of 100lbs on a roll of 20% or more. Add 10% per each additional 100lbs.
There are 8 normal rats in this room that will do their best to stay hidden and avoid those entering. They eat the furnicture and the leavings of anyone eating here. The Racsasha sometimes eats here and drops stuff.
There is a spirit here of one of the Ralphs. It is Robert Ralph. He was killed by his son Redik Ralph who poisoned him in this room. Robert was never strong or particularly sane and his sudden death through violence caused his transformation into ghostly form. Of the ghost properties he has only: Manifestation and Telekenisis. He is quite mad now. He can not speak (his manifestation is very weak) on the PM plane, but can on the Etherial plane. Unfortunatly he has nothing to say other than to warn the party about Redik and tell them how unfair his lot is.

<> Room #4: - Servants storage
Door (west):  wooden, strong, stuck
Door (East): Wooden, weak, free
Empty - 16 metal coat hooks (several have been used to impale rats) one of them has been partially melted.

Room #5:
Door (west):  wooden, simple, free
Features-discarded utensils, table (large), tub
The first time the party enters this room, an enormous fat rat will streak past their feet trying to get back to its home in room 3.

Horrible meals are made here by the 3 invisible servents present. They have been instructed to take orders from anyone who enters the room, but will not leave the room. They are benign and will never attack anyone. On the table, a severed head of a goat and it's hoofs have been rotting for 2 weeks and are covered with maggots. There is a load of wood in the NE corner near a stove. The table is along the S. wall. On the table is a tub of stale water with larve living in it.
The fountain in the SW corner is fresh water and tastes very good. A cabinet in the SE corner has knives and other utensils. One of the knives is magical. It is a Knife of Chopping. It has been enchanted to chop only non-living items on a horizontal surface like a table or floor. The activation words are engraved in florid letters on the blade. On one side it says "Chop knife". On the other side "Chop Fine" "Chop Corse" "Chop Big". Chop Knife, Chop Fine must be said for it to begin.
As this room is in use, the garbage/food present may change with subsequent visits. Grain, veg, fruit may all be seen along with goat meat.

<> Room #6: - Officers Mess
Door (North):  wooden, strong,  free
They search and find only plates that have been used reciently and a beer stine that still has liquid in it.
The spiders live in the S. table and will attack anyone invstigating in that area.

spider, small monstrous (vermin) (3)
Treasure: 32 gold coins (32 gp) hidden in a small box nailed to the underside of the table in the NW.
Features-meat grinder with gristle and fat rotting inside, carpet, trash (pile), tripod
While in the room, the minds of the party will be read by the

Room #7: - War Room
Door (north):  iron, locked, trapped [trap: pit trap (40 ft. deep) (CR2) (Find/Disable DC 21)]
Door (west)- iron, locked
Features-hourglass, steel mug, evil symbol (abysmal)

There is a fine painting on the E wall of the area around the river Hooto about 300 years ago. It looks much the same and the same villages are found here. The ruins are shown as normal towns.
1 Glabrezu - Demon
The demon will attack anyone coming in unless it is someone he has lured here. In that case, it will talk to the person and try to trap them into doing evil. He can not be surprised and will alway be prepared to attack.
The painting is 6'x4.5' 'Dedicated to  Raphael Ralph by Tubisnor in 2232.'

Room #8: Pantry
Door (west):  wooden, simple, stuck
Empty, but smells like decaying food. Remains of organic garbage can be found here. Mixed with the goat skeletons, hanks of hair and rotting grain are parts of human skeletons.

Room #9:
All Doors wooden, strong, free
This is the entry way to the armory. The Iron Golumns will only attack if they are attacked or if someone tries to take something from room 10. Other than them, the room is empty

4 Iron Golumns

Room #10:
Door (west):  wooden, simple, free
This room has been occupied by a nest of giant wasps who are entering from outside through a  broken window in the E. wall. The window is about 20' from the north wall. The bars in the window have been melted by a spell and the wasps can squeeze through, but can't fly through. They are agressive and regard this room as their home and the place where their larvae grow. The nest in in the SW corner and occupies about 1/4 of the room. There is nothing of value in the nest, but under it is a cache of weapons in a large waterproof chest. Inside are 15 weapons here wrapped in oil cloth. The weapons are common ones with a length of less than 6' and are all usable by the party (DM should grant each player 1 or 2 of their favorites). A thick paisly area carpet is 1" thick and covers the center of the room.

Room #11:

Door (east):  wooden, strong, locked

Monsters: Lammasu
A lammasu has been imprisioned in this room. All 4 limbs have manicles attached. They are made of case hardened steel 2" thick (45 HP). The manicles have been welded shut and are the same hardness as the chain. The Lammasu was imprisoned here by the Glabzeru that is in room 7. The demon visits here occasionally to torment the lammasu.
The Lammasu entered the HOS on a rescue mission to bring out a missing cleric of Mercuria - Goddess of Wisdom and Combat. He was captured soon after finding the dead stuffed body of the cleric in room 18. He will promise to perform a task for the party if they free him, but it will be a good act to free him without payment. The Lammasu knows a way out that is always open (not special knowledge, but a dispensation from the DM; the door WILL be available when the party is led there.)

Room #12:
Door (West)
Tbhis room is empty, but there is an illusion of a chest on the W wall directly opposite the door.
The door is trapped (DC 25). If it is opened 90deg (perpendicular to the wall) the trap will be set off. It is a deadfall trap with a great hammer made of a slag iron with a head the size of a small hogshead. It is about 5' long and 4' wide and just fits through the opening. It will do 4d6+4 damage to anyone in 2' the doorway.
There is a spring and cocking mechanism that can only be reached from inside the room. Once the lever is thrown and the deadfall locked in place, closing the door arms it.

Room #13:
Door (north, 3 from west):  stone, stuck
Features-Table, cards (playing cards)
Sitting at the table are a group of ghosts killed by a shout spell as they were playing cards. They are now ghosts.
They are invisible, but their voices can be faintly heard. They are playing contract bridge and their calls can be heard faintly from the doorway. The cards they are using are almost completely worn away and occasionally they complain about their condition. The cards they hold look like they are floating in air. On the floor near the table are piles of bones. These are the remains of the card players which they are using as chits to keep score. A few are on the table as the current bet.
As long as they undisturbed, they won't mind folks moving around in the room. If they are disturbed (some one messes with their cards or tries to touch them or speak to them), they will suddenly manifest and their  Horrific Appearance will become visible. If this is not enough to drive the party away, they will cry out "Dont interrupt the game!" using their Moaning Voice.

HD 2d12, Level 2, man sized, Special Attacks: Manifestation, Horrific Appearance, Frightful Moan

Room #14:
Door (west, 1 from north):  wooden, simple, stuck

Features-clothing, bed, personal effects (nothing valuable) and 13 PP in the pocket of a pair of pants at the bottom of the chest at the foot of the bed.
There is a trap on the door of this room. Trap: scything blade trap (CR1) (Find/Disable DC 21)

Room #15: Ghoul Closet

Door (west):  wooden, strong, stuck

10 Ghouls

Room #16: Wizard's Lounge (Ramidan Ralph)
Door wooden, strong, free
Ramidan is a reseacher who is investigating the family history to create a book detailing all about the HOS and the Ralphs.  He hates being disturbed and will try to escape (using his etherial ring; keyword gifgaleiaf infernal for "revenge"). He will then follow the party on the etherial plane and try to kill them. He will summon monsters to attack them, open doors to let monsters out, cast spells from a safe spot then go etherial again etc.

Male human Wiz 12:  CR 12; Size M (5 ft., 8 in. tall); HD 12d4+24; hp 51; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Attack +6/+1 melee, or +8/+3 ranged; SV Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +9; AL NE; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 17, Wis 12, Cha 12.

Languages Spoken:  Common, Elven, Infernal.
Skill points:  Wiz 84
Skills and feats:  Craft +18, Hide +2, Knowledge (arcana) +16, Knowledge (nature) +15, Knowledge (religion) +14, Listen +1,
Move silently +2, Scry +18, Sense motive +1.5, Spellcraft +18, Spot +1, Wilderness lore +2;
Brew potion, Combat reflexes, Craft wand, Forge ring, Heighten spell, Quick draw, [Scribe scroll], Still spell, Track.
Ring of Invisibility, Ring of Etherial
Hide from Animals, Mage Armor, Blur
Possessions:  27,000 gp  in gear.

Wizard Spells Known (4/5/5/5/3/3/2): 
0 -- Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance. 
1st -- Burning Hands, Charm Person, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Nystul's Undetectable Aura, Shield, Silent Image, Summon Monster I.  2nd -- Blur, Glitterdust, Invisibility, Leomund's Trap, Melf's Acid Arrow, Mirror Image, Resist Elements. 
3rd -- Dispel Magic, Fly, Gaseous Form, Haste, Hold Person, Illusory Script, Lightning Bolt, Magic Circle against Law, Slow. 
4th -- Bestow Curse, Confusion, Emotion, Fire Shield, Polymorph Other, Polymorph Self, Summon Monster IV. 
5th -- Animate Dead, Cone of Cold, Dismissal, Hold Monster, Rary's Telepathic Bond, Stone Shape. 
6th -- Analyze Dweomer, Chain Lightning, Eyebite, Flesh to Stone, True Seeing.  Wizard -

Room #17:
Door (west):  wooden, free, trapped [trap: lightning blast (CR3) (Find/Disable DC 21)]
Features-utensils, catwalk, chest-trapped [trap: lightning blast (CR3) (Find/Disable DC 21)]
Locked (disable 20), Trapped Contact Poison (3rd type)
In the chest is some of the gold from Ramadin's hoard. Contains 1900gp, 400pp, 2Kp

Room #18: Trophy Room
Door (west, 2 from north):  iron, locked, trapped [trap: large net trap (CR1) (Find/Disable DC 21)]
The heads and entier bodies of several creatures and adventurers has been put on display here. Originally, there were only normal hunting trophies, but now there are a bunch of human heads and bodies here as well. One is a cleric that the lammasu was looking for.
HEADS: Lion, Tiger, Brown Bear, Wolf, elf child, Water buffolow, Stag, Hedgehog, Boar, Giant Rat, Human Female
STUFFED: Fox, Cleric, Dwarf in armor, Black Bear

12' long table on plush rug in the center of the room. Huge animal skin (20'x20' covers trap door. In the same corner are window seats with hindged lids. Inside are:
skeletons, medium-size [human] (4)
Treasure: 30 gold coins (30 gp)
Stuffed Human head in a bag
The stuffed cleric is wearing Full-plate (1500 gp)
Features- Trap Door, pedestal
The trap door is hidden and only a Spot with a DC 30 can find the tiny hole that allows the door to be lifted up. The spot has to be concentrated, there is no chance of seeing the tiny hole with a casual examination. It leads to the dungeon area and has been protected by:
Contact Poison, Symbol of Weakness, Locked from the inside.

Room #19:
Door (west):  wooden, simple, stuck
A rush of moisture greets anyone who opens this door. This room contains a pool of fresh water. It is still and contiains some scum (harmless) on the top. Other than the pool, the room is empty.
The Krenshar will attack as soon and the door opens. It is being kept as a pet by Ramadin.

Krenshar (8)
Treasure: 4,000 copper coins (40 gp) in the well

Room #20:
Door (south, 3 from west):  iron, locked, trapped [trap: pit trap (40 ft. deep) (CR2) (Find/Disable DC 21)]
This room was a common room. It contiains small tables, chairs, couches, side tables and such around the outside edges of the room. The Leumurs will try to prevent anyone they don't know from going up the stairs.

  Barbed Devil (6)
Treasure: 880 gold coins (880 gp)

Room #21:
Door (north, 4 from west):  wooden, strong, stuck
Features-Bed, sound of sniffing dog, candelabra, Chair and Desk, hay (pile), goat dung

Room #22:
Door (west, 2 from north):  stone, free
Features-odor (unidentifiable), mirror magical: the image will change to show the person(s) looking at it as the most beautiful they can be. It is depressing as it shows something that is impossible. It is glued to the wall and any non-magical attempt to remove it will break it.

Room #23:
Door (north, 1 from west):  wooden, simple, stuck

Shadow (11)
Treasure: 150 gold coins (150 gp)
gemstone - golden yellow topaz (400 gp)
gemstone - alexandrite (500 gp)
gemstone - onyx (80 gp)
gemstone - hematite (11 gp)
Features- lantern, foodstuffs (spoiled), fungus, demon (Lemur) carving, spinning wheel
This room contains a circular staircase that leads to the 3rd level of the Wizards Tower.

Room #24: No room 24 on map

The East Wing

East Seniors Wing
Rooms 26 through 41 is a wing of rooms occupied by a number of horrible creatures. The denizens of this wing are used to strange sounds and will ignore much, but will always respond to cries of help. When a cry for help is made, roll % with a 35% or less indicating the inhabitant of the rooms will hear and respond to the cry. They will be cautious and not stupid, but will defend this area of the house from intruders.

Room #25:
Door (north):  steel, good, locked
Door (East) wooden, sturdy, Stuck
This room is a passway outside and a direct way upstairs.
There is a love seat under the window with a small table in front of it. It is overstuffed and is home to a large family of moths that will begin flying around the room if disturbed. They are harmless, but have a predelection for flying up the mouth and nose of those in the room. They need to make a touch attack at +2 to get up a orifice. Roll twice per round per person for 3 rounds, once in the 4th and then they will have all flown back to the love seat or landed on one of the walls.

Room #26:
Door (south):  wooden, good, free
Bedroom for a Half man, haf fiend. Bed table chair nightstand, trunk, wardrobe

Half-fiend (5) "Radukas Ralph"
Male human Ftr12:  CR 12; Size M (6 ft., 1 in. tall); HD 12d10+24; hp 99;
Init +4 (+4 Improved initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 10; Attack +15/+10/+5 (+12 Base, +3 Str) melee, or +12/+7/+2 (+12 Base) ranged;
SV Fort +10 (+8 Base, +2 Con), Ref +4 (+4 Base), Will +2 (+4 Base, -2 Wis);
AL NE; Str 17 (+3), Dex 10 (+0), Con 15 (+2), Int 12 (+1), Wis 6 (-2), Cha 8 (-1).

Languages Spoken:  Common, Infernal.
Smite Good (Su):Once per day the creature can make a normal melee attack to deal extra damage equal to its HD total (maximum of +20) against a good foe.
Special Qualities: A fiendish creature retains all the special qualities of the base creature and also gains the following.
—Darkvision out to 60 feet.
—Damage reduction +10
—Resistance to cold and fire +10
—Spell resistance equal to the creature’s HD + 5 (maximum 25).
If the base creature already has one or more of these special qualities, use the better value.
If a fiendish creature gains damage reduction, its natural weapons are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Skill points:  Ftr 60
Skills and feats:  Climb +19 (+14 Rank, +3 Str, +2 Focus), Escape artist +1 (+1 Rank), Gather information +0.5 (+1.5 Rank, -1 Cha), Heal -1.5 (+0.5 Rank, -2 Wis), Hide +0, Innuendo +0 (+2 Rank, -2 Wis), Jump +16 (+13 Rank, +3 Str), Listen -2 (-2 Wis), Move silently +3 (+3 Rank), Pick pocket +5 (+5 Rank), Ride +14 (+14 Rank), Spellcraft +2 (+1 Rank, +1 Int), Spot -2 (-2 Wis); Combat reflexes, Improved critical (longsword), Improved initiative, Mounted archery, Mounted combat, Point blank shot, Skill focus (climb), Trample, Weapon focus (dagger), Weapon focus (longbow), Weapon focus (longbow, composite), Weapon focus (shortbow), Weapon focus (greatclub).

Treasure: 160 gold coins (160 gp)
Hidden Treasure (Search DC 21): 300 silver coins (30 gp)
Trap: large net trap (CR1) (Find/Disable DC 21)

Room #27:
Door (north, 1 from west):  wooden, strong, stuck

Room #28:
Door (west, 4 from north):  wooden, strong, stuck

Half-fiend [human] Remick Ralph
Male human Ftr15:  CR 15; Size M (5 ft., 1 in. tall); HD 15d10+15; hp 103; Init +3 (+3 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 13 (+3 Dex); Attack +19/+14/+9 (+15 Base, +4 Str) melee, or +18/+13/+8 (+15 Base, +3 Dex) ranged; SV Fort +10 (+9 Base, +1 Con), Ref +8 (+5 Base, +3 Dex), Will +4 (+5 Base, -1 Wis); AL NE; Str 19 (+4), Dex 16 (+3), Con 13 (+1), Int 10 (+0), Wis 9 (-1), Cha 11 (+0).

Languages Spoken:  Common.

Skill points:  Ftr 54
Skills and feats:  Alchemy +5.5 (+5.5 Rank), Climb +22 (+18 Rank, +4 Str), Hide +3 (+3 Dex), Listen -1 (-1 Wis), Move silently +3 (+3 Dex), Pick pocket +4.5 (+1.5 Rank, +3 Dex), Ride +20 (+17 Rank, +3 Dex), Sense motive +4.5 (+5.5 Rank, -1 Wis), Spot -1 (-1 Wis), Swim +6 (+2 Rank, +4 Str); Blind-fight, Cleave, Exotic weapon proficiency (nunchaku), Exotic weapon proficiency (sword, bastard), Great cleave, Improved critical (flail, heavy), Improved critical (longbow), Mounted combat, Power attack, Track, Two-weapon fighting, Weapon focus (gauntlet), Weapon focus (rapier), Weapon focus (guisarme), Weapon specialization (rapier).
Treasure: 1,500 copper coins (15 gp)
Features-markings, jar of oil, spike, bird cage (contains a zombie cockatiel), table (large), wardrobe

Room #29: Outside Passage
Door (north):  Steel, good, Locked

Room #30:
Door (east, 4 from north):  iron, stuck, up-sliding

Monsters:Vampire Spawn
Features-paper, insects ant nest, cleaver, pipe (smoking pipe), bed, caldron

Room #31:
Door (west, 5 from north):  stone, free, trapped [trap: hail of needles (CR1) (Find/Disable DC 21)]

Monsters: Vampire Spawn
Treasure: 240 gold coins (240 gp)
emroidered and bejeweled glove (1000 gp)
a jewel coffer of chased silver, depicting wooded scenes with birds in branches on back and sides, the top is graced by an engraving of a maiden combing her hair while looking into a pool at her reflection (30 gp)
jeweled gold crown (5000 gp)
gemstone - amber (110 gp)
Features-bottle, rivulet, evil symbol

Room #32:
Door (south, 2 from west):  wooden, simple, free
Features-drum, runes, hook, pillows, tub

Room #33:
Door (west, 4 from north):  wooden, strong, stuck
Features-Human shaped pile of ash in front of the thrown, throne.
Every 10 minutes, an illusion of a kingly man sitting in the throne will appear. It will take no action, but is an excellent illusion (+4 to detect).

Room #34:
Door (east, 1 from north):  wooden, good, locked

Fire Elemental
Treasure: 168 gold coins (168 gp)
Features-shrine to evil god

Room #35:
Door (east, 4 from north):  wooden, simple, stuck

Orcs (2)
Treasure: 24,000 silver coins (2400 gp)
dung heap

Room #36:
Door (north, 2 from west):  wooden, simple, free, side-sliding

Krenshar (1)
Treasure: 3,000 copper coins (30 gp)
Full-plate (1500 gp)
scorch marks
cards (playing cards)

Room #37:
Door (west, 1 from north):  wooden, good, stuck

Room #38:
Door (west, 1 from north):  (concealed) wooden, strong, locked, behind rubbish, trapped [trap: spiked pit trap (40 ft. deep) (CR3) (Find/Disable DC 21)]

Monsters: Dwarves
Oskbon, male dwarf (hill) War1:  CR 1; Size M (4 ft., 5 in. tall); HD 1d8+2; hp 10; Init +0; Spd 20 ft.; AC 10; Attack +3 melee, or +1 ranged; SV Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +1; AL LE; Str 15, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8.
Languages Spoken:  Common, Dwarven.
Skills and feats:  Appraise +2, Craft +2, Hide +0, Listen +2, Move silently +0, Search +1, Spot +1, Swim +6; Weapon focus (battleaxe).
Possessions:  900 gp  in gear.

Dorif, female dwarf (hill) War1:  CR 1; Size M (4 ft., 0 in. tall); HD 1d8+3; hp 11; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 20 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Attack +3 melee, or +3 ranged; SV Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +0; AL CN; Str 15, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 12.
Languages Spoken:  Common, Dwarven.
Skills and feats:  Appraise +2, Craft +2, Hide +2, Intimidate +5, Jump +4, Listen +0, Move silently +2, Spot +0, Swim +4; Run.
Possessions:  900 gp  in gear.
Treasure: 200 gold coins (200 gp)
gemstone - jacinth (6000 gp)
gemstone - azurite (9 gp)
Masterwork studded leather (175 gp)
scorch marks
pipe (smoking pipe)

Room #39:
Door (south, 2 from west):  wooden, simple, locked

Room #40:
Door (east, 3 from north):  wooden, simple, stuck, down-sliding
flint and tinder
iron maiden
arrow slit (wall)/murder hole (ceiling)
Trap: illusion over spiked pit (CR3) (Find/Disable DC 21)

Room #41:
Door (south, 1 from west):  iron, locked

Monsters: Skeleton
Large [ogre] (1)
Treasure: 150 gold coins (150 gp)
gemstone - white pearl (80 gp)
scroll (nonmagical)

Room #42:
Door (west, 4 from north):  iron, free, up-sliding, trapped [trap: pit trap (40 ft. deep) (CR2) (Find/Disable DC 21)]

Room #43:
Door (west, 3 from north):  wooden, simple, stuck
scattered stones
winch and pulley

Room #44:
Door (north, 1 from west):  wooden, simple, stuck
The female goblin is chained to the N. wall. She has been tortured and sexually assulted. She only has 1 HP remaining and swims in and out of conshisness. She will be grateful to be freed, but will opt for heading out of the house on her own rather than travelling with the party.

Monsters:  Goblin
Worah, female goblin Rog1:  CR 1; Size S (3 ft., 2 in. tall); HD 1d6+1; hp 7; Init +5 (+5 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 16 (+5 Dex, +1 Size); Attack +0 melee, or +6 ranged; SV Fort +1, Ref +7, Will +2; AL CE; Str 8, Dex 20, Con 13, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 7.
Languages Spoken:  Abyssal, Goblin, Infernal, Orc, Undercommon.
Skills and feats:  Alchemy +4, Balance +9, Bluff +2, Concentration +3, Craft +6, Disable device +6, Hide +13, Knowledge +4, Listen +2, Move silently +9, Read lips +6, Speak language +2, Spot +2; Point blank shot.
Possessions:  900 gp  in gear.

Room #45:
Door (south, 1 from west):  wooden, strong, locked

Room #46:
Door (south, 3 from west):  wooden, simple, stuck

Monsters: Bugbear
bugbear (11)
Treasure: 800 silver coins (80 gp)
wand of knock (8 charges) (4500 gp)
wand of hold person (25 charges) (4500 gp)
wood (scraps)
dung heap
statue (toppled)
chest of drawers

Room #47:
Door (north, 3 from west):  wooden, simple, free

Monsters: Orc
orc (2)
Treasure: 480 gold coins (480 gp)
figurine of wondrous power (silver raven) (3800 gp)
wall basin

Room #48:
Door (south, 2 from west):  wooden, strong, locked

Room #49:
Door (north, 3 from west):  iron, locked, magically reinforced, trapped [trap: pit trap (40 ft. deep) (CR2) (Find/Disable DC 21)]

Room #50:
Door (north, 1 from west):  iron, stuck

Room #51:
Door (west, 2 from north):  wooden, good, stuck

Monsters: Darkmantle
darkmantle (8)
Treasure: 5,000 copper coins (50 gp)
Half-plate (600 gp)
Features- sound of two pieces of metal grinding against each other
whetstone, painting, platform, pillar, divan

Room #52:
Door (south, 3 from west):  wooden, simple, stuck

Room #53:
Door (south, 1 from west):  iron, locked, down-sliding
cards (playing cards)
hole (blasted)

Room #54:
Door (north, 1 from west):  wooden, simple, stuck

Monsters: Skeleton
skeleton, medium-size [human] (3)
Treasure: 350 silver coins (35 gp)

Room #55:
Door (east, 1 from north):  (concealed) wooden, good, free, behind rubbish, trapped [trap: flame jet (CR2) (Find/Disable DC 21)]

Monsters: Krenshar
krenshar (1)
Treasure: Holy water (4) (100 gp)

Room #56:
Door (west, 3 from north):  wooden, simple, locked
Features- engraving, puddle (water), sound of dripping water near the puddle, but no water is visible falling into the puddle (unexplained)
fireplace, bench, coat rack

Room #57:
Door (east, 4 from north):  wooden, simple, free
Features- bloodstain, odor of fine incense, razor, markings, door (broken), shaft

Room #58:
Door (south, 2 from west):  wooden, good, locked, trapped [trap: spear trap (CR2) (Find/Disable DC 21)]
Features-skull, spices, box, nest (animal), spinning wheel, ledge

Room #59:
Door (east, 1 from north):  wooden, simple, free
Features-corpse (monster), well, manger, tripod, chasm

Room #60:
Door (east, 1 from north):  iron, locked, down-sliding, trapped [trap: poison needle trap (CR2) (Find/Disable DC 21)]
Features-horn, ledge, fallen stones, font, bookcase

Room #61:
Door (west, 3 from north):  wooden, simple, locked, trapped [trap: pit trap (30 ft. deep) (CR3) (Find/Disable DC 21)]
Features-lantern, manger

Room #62:
Door (south, 1 from west):  wooden, simple, free
Features-bottle, mold, branding iron, branding iron, recess, statue

Room #63:
Door (south, 1 from west):  wooden, good, free

Room #64:
Door (east, 3 from north):  wooden, strong, stuck

Monsters: Krenshar
krenshar (1)
Treasure: 40 platinum coins (400 gp)
5,000 copper coins (50 gp)
Features-dishes, wood (scraps), equipment (broken), twine

Room #65:
Door (east, 3 from north):  wooden, strong, stuck, trapped [trap: spiked pit trap (20 ft. deep) (CR2) (Find/Disable DC 21)]
Features-paint, scroll (nonmagical), locker with  foodstuffs (edible), relief, winch and pulley, stuffed beast, stool
Trap: spear trap (CR2) (Find/Disable DC 21) on locker

Room #66:
Door (south, 1 from west):  wooden, good, stuck

Monsters: Moths
The moths are a nusanse and will obscure vision until removed.

Trap: bell trap (bell rings when anyone goes through). There is a metal spoke like fitting that connects the bell to the ceiling. Twisting the spoke wheel will cause a trap door in the ceiling open that leads outside.The clappered bell is made of carved gold, the bell and clapper are joined by fine gold wire. (900 gp)

Room #67:
Door (north, 3 from west):  iron, stuck
bits of fur

Room #68:
Door (west, 3 from north):  (concealed) wooden, simple, stuck, behind tapestry

fire beetle, giant (vermin) (4)
Treasure: 26 gold coins (26 gp)

Room #69:
Door (south, 5 from west):  wooden, simple, stuck

shadow (1)
Treasure: 7,000 copper coins (70 gp)
branding iron

Room #70:
Door (south, 1 from west):  wooden, good, stuck

hobgoblin (1)
goblin (1)
Treasure: 2,400 copper coins (24 gp)
Smokesticks (3) (60 gp)
sunken area
stuffed beast

Room #71:
Door (east, 1 from north):  stone, free
Hidden Treasure (Search DC 21): 300 silver coins (30 gp)
Trap: spear trap (CR2) (Find/Disable DC 21)

Room #72:
Door (south, 1 from west):  wooden, simple, stuck

Ghost of a Friendly Elf
This ghost is aware of what has happened to him and will ask the party to free him. Unfortunatly, he can not make himself audible. Even manifested his shade is so weak that he can barely be seen.
Manifestation, Horrific Appearance (he was broken on the rack).
Ais, male elf (high) War1:  CR 1; Size M (5 ft., 0 in. tall); HD 1d8-1; hp 7; Init +4 (+4 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 14 (+4 Dex); Attack +2 melee, or +5 ranged; SV Fort +1, Ref +4, Will -1; AL NE; Str 13, Dex 19, Con 9, Int 12, Wis 9, Cha 7.
Languages Spoken:  Common, Elven, Goblin.
Skills and feats:  Alchemy +2, Disguise +0, Hide +4, Knowledge +2, Listen +3, Move silently +4, Search +3, Spot +1; Endurance.
Possessions:  900 gp  in gear.
Felolia, female elf (high) War1:  CR 1; Size M (5 ft., 0 in. tall); HD 1d8+1; hp 9; Init -2 (-2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 8 (-2 Dex); Attack +3 melee, or -1 ranged; SV Fort +3, Ref -2, Will +1; AL LE; Str 15, Dex 7, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 11.
Languages Spoken:  Common, Draconic, Elven, Orc.
Skills and feats:  Balance +0, Forgery +4, Hide -2, Listen +5, Move silently -2, Search +4, Spot +5; Blind-fight.
Possessions:  900 gp  in gear.
Treasure: Alchemist's fire (3) (60 gp)

Room #73:
Door (east, 4 from north):  iron, stuck

Room #74:
Door (west, 4 from north):  wooden, good, free

Ghoul (1)
Treasure: 650 silver coins (65 gp)

Room #75:
Door (west, 1 from north):  wooden, strong, locked, trapped [trap: spiked pit trap (20 ft. deep) (CR2) (Find/Disable DC 21)]

shrieker (1)
Treasure: 220 silver coins (22 gp)
equipment (broken)
equipment (usable)
iron maiden
weapon rack

The South Wing

Room #76:

Door (south, 3 from west):  wooden, strong, stuck

Spectres (8)
These undead used to be members of a delegation from a nation now long abandoned. They were turned into undead when the heart of the house turned evil. Now, they think the room is their nation (they call it Brudalan) and will defend it or negotiate for safe harbor depending on the actions of the party when they enter.

Treasure: 40 platinum coins (400 gp)
650 silver coins (65 gp)
Thunderstones (4) (120 gp)

  Room #77:
Door (west, 3 from north):  Stone, good, free

The Solarium (not numbered)
This place was once the pride of the house, but now it has become inhabited by only the most evil and dangerous of plant and animal life. The walls here are clear, but are still clearly made of the same stone as the rest of the house. All that can be seen outside is the swerling mists except for the N area where the tortured goats can occasionally be seen.

When the players enter this area, the creatures in it are allerted to the presence. They can not leave the room, and so will attack anything entering even if it is not prey for them. It is important to identify where the plants are when the party enters. On the map, write numbers 1 to 8 without consulting the chart below. This is the location of the plants on entry.

  1. Assassin Vine
  2. Dusanu
  3. Fungoid
  4. Violet Fungus
  5. Shrieker Fungus
  6. Phantom Fungus
  7. Shambling Mound
  8. Tendriculos

In addition to these creatures, there are a number of other non-ambulitory creatures. They have no names, but can be deadly none the less.
Porcupine bush.  Fires a burst of 20 thorns that are poisoned. BaB 12.

Greenblood oil

Injury DC 13

1 Con

1d2 Con

This plants strikes using roots that appear to be stationary on the surface of the ground. They hit on a touch as the roots seek out any opening no matter how small. They are poisoned.


Injury DC 12


1d4 Con + 1d3 Wis

100 gp

Sassone Tree
Its leaves are poisonous. Brushing against it forces a save.

Sassone leaf residue

Contact DC 16

2d12 hp

1d6 Con

300 gp

Also in this garden are the plants of the original owners who planted magical trees.  Each will have a random number of fruits. The effects takes 1 hour to start and last for 8 hours.
Apple Tree of Great Endurance. (2d6) Eating an apple give one a +2 to endurance related checks on skills and tasks.
Tangerene of Fortitude. (1d10) Each one grants a +1 to Fort Saves
Berry of Sustinance (2d4) Each berry is so filling that the one eating it needs not eat for a week!

There are also a lot of common herbs here. For each 10 minutes of searching, they will find 1d4 valuable plants. Roll at random or choose from the list of Herbs and their effect. All available will be found in 40 minutes.
A few Ralphs thought this was a good spot to bury their treasures. There are 4 that may be found in this room. They are located in each corner of the room. They are well hidden so a DC 25 is needed on a spot roll to find them even if they are being looked for.
Small Chest - 2 1000gp Diamonds, Clear Spindle Ioun Stone
Leather Sack - 2 Krosnium pieces of mad money. They are cursed. Anyone touching them must save vs Will at DC 12 or go mad with a random malady.
Hollow Figurine - of a beautiful woman. Inside are 6 gems: 2 matching emeralds (2x400gp) and 4 matching rubies (4x500gp)
Rotted cloth Sack - 20 pp

Room #78:Hellcat Lair
Door (south, 3 from west):  wooden, strong, stuck

Hellcat (Bezekira) (10)
Treasure: 140 gold coins (1400 gp)
gemstone - malachite (110 gp)
Features- spices, belt, mold, fireplace

Room #79:
Door (west, 1 from north):  wooden, simple, stuck

Ice Devil (Gelugon) (5)
Treasure: 1,600 silver coins (160 gp)
a long sword of steel plated with silver, with a simple cross-hilted blade and a cabochon-cut piece of jet set into the center of the tang where the quillons meet it (300 gp)
scroll (arcane)
  - erase (l1, cl1)
  - mount (l1, cl1)
  - locate object (l2, cl3) (200 gp)

Room #80: Grand Entrance
Door (south):  iron, strong, locked
When the door is opened, a  hat rack with a magic mouth appoaches those who wait and says "May I take your hat and goat?"

Giant Fire Beetle (vermin) (12)
Treasure: 400 copper coins (4 gp)
foodstuffs (spoiled)
pottery shard
collapsed wall
Trap: large net trap (CR1) (Find/Disable DC 21)

Room #81:
Door (west, 3 from north):  wooden, strong, free

Ghost of a Dwarf 
Manifestation, Horrofic appearance, corrupting touch, rejuvination
Barendd, male dwarf (hill) War10:  CR 10; Size M (4 ft., 1 in. tall); HD 1d8+3; hp 11; Init +3 (+3 Dex); Spd 20 ft.; AC 13 (+3 Dex); Attack +3 melee, or +4 ranged; SV Fort +5, Ref +3, Will -1; AL LN; Str 14, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 9, Cha 6.
Languages Spoken:  Common, Dwarven, Orc.
Skills and feats:  Appraise +5, Craft +3, Escape artist +5, Hide +3, Innuendo +1, Listen -1, Move silently +3, Spot -1; Quick draw.
Possessions:  900 gp  in gear.
Treasure: 128 gold coins (128 gp)

Room #82:
Door (east, 1 from north):  wooden, simple, free, trapped right in front of the door [trap: pit trap (20 ft. deep) (CR1) (Find/Disable DC 21)]

Room #83:
Door (east, 2 from north):  wooden, simple, stuck

Room #84:
Door (south, 2 from west):  (concealed) illusory wall
Ruined Chapple to Mercuria
Statue to Mercuria with a spear is hacked up.  Only the most powerful creatures can go into this room<>. A<>ll wisdom scores are increased by 2 while in this room. Within 10' of the statue all healing spells are cast at maximum value.

Room #85:
Door (west, 5 from north):  stone, stuck
bones (humanoid)
trash (pile)

Room #86:
Door (east, 3 from north):  wooden, good, free

Room #87:

scorpion, small monstrous (vermin) (1)

Door (north, 1 from west):  iron, locked
broken glass
coat rack

Room #88:
Door (south, 5 from west):  wooden, simple, stuck, side-sliding

Treasure: 120 silver coins (12 gp)
partially collapsed ceiling
mound of rubble

Room #89:
Door (east, 3 from north):  wooden, simple, stuck

Ghostly Gnomish Mage (type 5)

Boddynock, male gnome (svirfneblin) Wiz1:  CR 2; Size S (3 ft., 4 in. tall); HD 1d4+1; hp 5; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 20 ft.; AC 17 (+2 Dex, +1 Size, +4 Natural); Attack +1 melee, or +3 ranged; SV Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6; AL LN; Str 11, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 3.
Languages Spoken:  Common, Dwarven, Gnome, Terran, Undercommon.
Skills and feats:  Hide +8, Jump +2, Knowledge (religion) +5, Listen +2, Move silently +2, Spot +2, Wilderness lore +4; Heighten spell, [Scribe scroll].
Possessions:  900 gp  in gear.
Wizard Spells Known (3/2):  0th -- Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance.  1st -- Burning Hands, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Silent Image.  

Room #90:
Door (west, 5 from north):  wooden, simple, free, magically reinforced
nest (animal)
furniture (broken)

Room #91:
Door (north, 4 from west):  wooden, simple, stuck, side-sliding

spider, medium-size monstrous (vermin) (11)
Treasure: 200 silver coins (20 gp)
foodstuffs (edible)
10 gold bars (10 lbs each)
22   Silver bars
chest of drawers
iron bars

Room #92:
Doors (north, 3 from west):  stone, stuck. DC 26 to open

 Room #93:
Door (north, 2 from west):  wooden, good, free
4 Horned Devil (Cornugon)
They will summon Barbed devils and Lemurs when someone threatens to enter the room. They will hear any battle or disturbance in the room with the Healmed Horrors and become prepared.
In the S. there is a 8' highx30' long and 10' wide stage where the devils will retreat to if they are hard pressed. There is a stair leading to the stage, but the middle 3 steps have been trapped to give way when stepped on.
Features-urn filled with flame oil, bellows, torch (stub),balcony and up on the wall is A recess  covered with iron bars with a bench in front of them. It is magically protected and contains a statue of the devils diety.

Room #94:
Door (east, 2 from north):  iron, locked

This is the entry room to one of the devil lairs in Room 94.
8 Healmed Horrors guard this room. Otherwise it is empty.
The fireplace in this room has an opening shapped like pursed lips.
Treasure: 2,400 copper coins (24 gp)
Masterwork bastard sword (335 gp)

Room #95:
Door (north, 1 from west):  wooden, good, stuck, side-sliding

Bone Devil (Osyluth) (3)
trash (pile)

Room #96:
Door (east, 1 from north):  stone, stuck, trapped [trap: pit trap (20 ft. deep) (CR1) (Find/Disable DC 21)]

scorpion, small monstrous (vermin) (1)
Treasure: 100 silver coins (10 gp)

Room #97:
Door (east, 2 from north):  wooden, good, free

skeleton, medium-size [human] (45)
Treasure: 50 gold coins (50 gp)
Full-plate (1500 gp)
Hidden Treasure (Search DC 21): 3,000 copper coins (30 gp)

Room #98:
Door (west, 1 from north):  iron, locked
flint and tinder
door (broken)

Room #99:
Door (north, 1 from west):  wooden, good, stuck
wood (scraps)

Room #100:

Bone Devil (Osyluth) Guards (10)
Door (east, 1 from north):  iron, free
cold spot
dung heap
winch and pulley
Trap: pit traps (40 ft. deep) (CR2) (Find/Disable DC 21) in front of each stairway up.

Room #101:
Door (west, 1 from north):  wooden, simple, free

Erinyes (13)
Treasure: 60 silver coins (6 gp)
This is a meeting room with a large central table and 16 `chairs. Other than this the room is empty. They are meeting to talk about an important issue of protocol with their higher up devils.

Room #102:
Door (east, 2 from north):  (concealed) wooden, strong, locked, behind tapestry.
There are 2 magical tapestrys; one in the N wall and one on the S. At first glance, the sceine looks like a garden party with beautiful people together in groups. On close inspection, at least one person in each group is covertly threatening someone with a weapon. Anyone examining it that closely must make a will ST at DC25. On failure, the mind of the person becomes comsumed with the desire to kill a friend near them.
The Tapestry on the S. Wall is also enchanted. It depicts a seascape.It shows a door depicted in the tapestry where the real door lies underneith. If closely inspected, the person must make a ST vs Will or they will see an octopus suddenly come out of the water and attack them. It is an illusion, but an extreamly powerful one. A successful attack will appear to cut a tentical off and reduce it's attacks. Only when all 8 tenticles are cut off will the image dissappear. No one can see the octopus except the one effected by the spell. The octpus will appear to follow if the affected one tries to flee. Once the illusion is dispelled, the affected one will desire nothgin more than to leave the HOS forever. They are not compelled to do so, but will continue through the rest of the adventure to find reasons why the party should get out and stay away.

Illusionary Octapus
8 Attacks at BaB of 18. Damage per hit 1d6+2 HP.


Room #103:
Door (west, 4 from north):  wooden, strong, stuck, trapped [trap: pit trap (40 ft. deep) (CR2) (Find/Disable DC 21)]

Animated Object (3)
Treasure: 20,000 copper coins (200 gp)
potion: cure light wounds (50 gp)

The West Wing

Room #104:
Door:  wooden, simple, free, trapped
[trap: portculis trap (CR2) (Find/Disable DC 21)]

Room #105:
Door (south, 1 from west):  wooden, good, stuck

Valaninia, female elf (high) War1:  CR 1; Size M (4 ft., 11 in. tall); HD 1d8; hp 8; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 10; Attack +4 melee, or +1 ranged; SV Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +1; AL CN; Str 16, Dex 11, Con 11, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 13.
Languages Spoken:  Common, Elven.
Skills and feats:  Hide +0, Jump +7, Listen +3, Move silently +0, Search +2, Spot +3, Tumble +2; Power attack.
Possessions:  900 gp  in gear.
Valanua, female elf (high) War1:  CR 1; Size M (4 ft., 10 in. tall); HD 1d8; hp 8; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Attack +4 melee, or +3 ranged; SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will -1; AL CG; Str 16, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 10.
Languages Spoken:  Common, Elven.
Skills and feats:  Hide +2, Intimidate +4, Listen +1, Move silently +2, Search +2, Spot +1, Tumble +4; Weapon focus (lance, light).
Possessions:  900 gp  in gear.
Treasure: Half-plate (600 gp)
cards (playing cards)

Room #106:
Door (south, 5 from west):  wooden, simple, locked, trapped [trap: pit trap (40 ft. deep) (CR2) (Find/Disable DC 21)]
corpse (monster)
mound of rubble

Room #107:
Door (south, 1 from west):  wooden, simple, free
Features- The NE corner has a iron maden with a latch in a hidden pannel in the left side. A skeleton falls down.
iron maiden
The fireplace is a throat that tries to swallow but can only constrict it "throat" in a perestaltic action.

Room #108:
Door (south, 1 from west):  wooden, simple, stuck

Room #109:
Door (east, 1 from north):  wooden, good, free, up-sliding, trapped [trap: spear trap (CR2) (Find/Disable DC 21)]
claw marks

Room #110:
Door (west, 1 from north):  wooden, strong, stuck

krenshar (1)
Treasure: 70 gold coins (70 gp)
Half-plate (600 gp)
Hidden Treasure (Search DC 21): 20 platinum coins (200 gp)
230 gold coins (230 gp)
Trap: pit trap (40 ft. deep) (CR2) (Find/Disable DC 21)

Room #111:
Door (south, 2 from west):  wooden, good, stuck, down-sliding

Quarivis, male elf (high) War2:  CR 1; Size M (5 ft., 1 in. tall); HD 2d8+2; hp 15; Init +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Attack +4 melee, or +3 ranged; SV Fort +4, Ref +1, Will -1; AL NE; Str 14, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 15.
Languages Spoken:  Common, Elven, Sylvan.
Skills and feats:  Handle animal +6, Hide +1, Jump +4, Listen +1, Move silently +1, Ride +6, Search +3, Spot +1, Wilderness lore +1; Improved initiative.
Possessions:  2,000 gp  in gear.
Alil, male elf (high) War2:  CR 1; Size M (5 ft., 2 in. tall); HD 2d8; hp 11; Init +4 (+4 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 14 (+4 Dex); Attack +5 melee, or +6 ranged; SV Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1; AL NE; Str 17, Dex 18, Con 11, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 12.
Languages Spoken:  Common, Elven, Gnoll, Gnome, Sylvan.
Skills and feats:  Bluff +3, Climb +5, Forgery +5, Hide +4, Intimidate +6, Listen +3, Move silently +4, Pick pocket +5, Search +5, Spellcraft +5, Spot +5; Weapon focus (greatsword).
Possessions:  2,000 gp  in gear.
Ivellimo, male elf (high) War2:  CR 1; Size M (4 ft., 11 in. tall); HD 2d8+4; hp 20; Init +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 13 (+3 Dex); Attack +5 melee, or +5 ranged; SV Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +2; AL CE; Str 16, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 15.
Languages Spoken:  Common, Elven.
Skills and feats:  Diplomacy +4.5, Hide +3, Jump +7, Listen +4, Move silently +3, Search +2, Spot +4, Wilderness lore +3; Improved initiative.
Possessions:  2,000 gp  in gear.
Treasure: 25,600 silver coins (2560 gp)
potion: cure moderate wounds (300 gp)
winch and pulley

Room #112:
Door (east, 1 from north):  wooden, good, stuck

Room #113:

This room is full of undead. 32 Type 2 - 1 HD ghosts swirl around the room in a soundless dance. They are oblivious to anyone entering the room. They will only attack if they are interfered with or attacked. They are dressed in finery and look to be attending a formal party. If the ghosts attack, they only appear as glow green slime that drips from the ceiling.
Door (north, 1 from west):  wooden, simple, locked
bale (straw)
hay (pile)

Room #114:
Door (north, 3 from west):  wooden, strong, free
Trap: portculis trap (CR2) (Find/Disable DC 21)

Room #115:
Door (west, 2 from north):  wooden, good, free

Silanua, female elf (high) War2:  CR 1; Size M (5 ft., 0 in. tall); HD 2d8+2; hp 17; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Attack +5 melee, or +4 ranged; SV Fort +4, Ref +2, Will -2; AL CE; Str 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 6, Cha 11.
Languages Spoken:  Common, Elven.
Skills and feats:  Concentration +3, Heal -1, Hide +2, Knowledge (arcana) +0.5, Knowledge (nature) +0.5, Listen +0, Move silently +2, Search +2, Spot +1; Power attack.
Possessions:  2,000 gp  in gear.
Treasure: 240 gold coins (240 gp)
gemstone - tiger eye turquoise (12 gp)

Room #116:
Door (east, 1 from north):  stone, stuck

Room #117:
Door (north, 3 from west):  wooden, good, stuck

Room #118

Room #119

Room #120
This room has a magical (cursed) Item in it. It is a medallion that causes an illuusion of a Balrog on whoever wears it. Problem is, it can not be removed! Also, it can not be taken out of the room. If anyone tries, it will be pulled back into the room with a strength that increases to a maximum of 25 as it moves away. It was created by a 25th level mage.
This room is guarded by a Orc that has had the illusion of a Balrog on him  It is enhanced in a number of ways.
The only thing of interest in the large room is the throne that stands in the middle of the E. wall. It is enchanted in that a Minor Globe of Inv. surrounds it at all times. Also, it will teleport the one sitting in it to Room 8 in the upper tower (4th level). The trigger word is "Slapyamama".

The founder of the ralphs-Revelant Ralph the King.

Most of the locations are corredors. The letters below describe the area in question. Most of them are just effects, but they are very necessary as the sounds not only make the players jumpy (a nice thing!) but also disguise some things. Each time one of these areas is entered, roll for a random encounter. This encounter method will be used instead of rolling for encounters by time which implies a more mobile dungeon population here.

The stable is large and mostly falling down. All the stalls in the 3 northern most rows are unusable. The others are occupied by a mixture of horses (4), undead horses (8) and a Black Unicorn who uses the center area as his stall (not in a regular stall).


When a lettered area is entered, roll 1d8. A roll of 1 indicates a random encounter when the area is entered. Roll again for the encounter type:

  1. Crawling Hands
  2. Helmed Horror
  3. Mummy
  4. Zombies
  5. Half Fiend
  6. Babau
  7. Gast
  8. Bone Devils

Special effects go off every 10 minutes when there is someone in the area. They can also be triggered by the house.

X - The Xs are teleport locations. These teleport to their corresponding X location elsewhere on the map.  Below is the key to the teleports on this level
X1- Teleport to X1 on  the 5th level of the Central Tower, the room below one of the locations of the heart.
X4 - This teleoprt goes to the 4th (top) floor of the North tower.

A - There are Double Doors - wooden, good, stuck on 2 walls and secret doors on the other sides. The s. doors DC 12 to discover. The S. door in the north releases 10 Ghouls. The secret door in the south reveals a closet. This was a dressing area for the cleircs of the War Chaple. There is a locked wardrobe and pegs along the walls. There is 150gp worth of gold cloth clothing and a CE holy symbol worth 30gp inside the wardrobe. Lock DC 10.
In this area, the loud sounds of clilderen at play can be heard. Everything is alright until about 3 minutes when the laughter and giggles turn abruptly into screams of "Murder". As with all the sound effects, they go off every 10 minutes when there is someone in the room. They can also be triggered by the house.

B - This is the secret area of the old armory. Although it has been opened several time, nothing has been taken as none of the items was taken. There are 3 sets of full plate armor, 2 sets of plate barding and a single set of ancestral armor of an ancient style made with pounded gold and platinum worth 1500 gp.

C - The furnicture in this area is animated. The hatrack presents itself, a plaque on the wall says "Welcome to the ancestral home of the Ralphs".

D - Each time someone enters the corredor a stern voice from a magic mouth in the ceiling says "Stand up straight! Remember your duty!".

E - A sexy woman's voice comes from the stairway says "Why don't you come up and see me sometime?"

F- The sound of running boots heads down the passage from east to west and past the stairway into the room beyond.

G - The sound of a babbleing brook is heard in this room.

H - A soldierly voice says "Be strong, be decisive."

I - An Alarm that screams "Get out! Get Out!" for 2 minutes. Roll again for encounters with a -2 to the roll.

J - Dancing Lights dance about at random colored green and yellow.

K - Symbol of stunning

L - Engulphed in Solid Fog.

M - Sorrowful Wailing.

N - Ghostly groaning

O - Dancing lights look like ghostly floating candles that shed light but no heat. The float about randomly and move up and down as well as back and forth around the area.

P - A voice whispers "Quietly, quickly, completely".

Q - A room for having elicit sex. Bed, mirrors, toys, restraints, gags, whips and a bar.

R - A whimpering mans voice repeats "What shall I do? Oh my god, what shall I do?"

S - Dancing Lights that look like magic missles streak from N to S and seem to eminate from the wall in the N.

T - Symbol of Death

U - Deep animal growling and sniffing.

V - A deep voice speaking in Infernal says "They will all die and the rule of hell will begin!"

W - A ghostly sound of a dog being brutaly killed with a club as a man laughs

X - A stong smell of brimstone

Y - A trumpet flourish is played any time anyone goes through the archway. "Da, Da, Da, Ta!"

Z - A swirling wind blow through the area and into the solarium.

AA - A beautiful display of fairy lights that come into being, float about and twinkle lighting this room completely.