Cluster - The Cloystered
Hit Points:20
Alignment:Chaotic Neutral
Sec. Skill:Miner

Str [ 13 ] To Hit:+0 Damage:+0
Int [ 10 ]
Wis [ 17 ] Magical Attack Adj:+3
Dex [ 14 ] React/Attack:+0 Defense:+0
Con [ 08 ] Hits:+0 Sys:60% Res:65%
Cha [ 06 ] Reaction Adj:-10%

Height:5'4" Movement Base:12"(6")
Weight:134lb Carrying Capacity:600gp
Thaco:18 Armor Class:2(3)

Languages:Common, Chaotic Neutral, Elvish, Gnome, Halfling, Goblin, Hobgoblin, Orcish, Gnoll

Equipment:Mace, Sling, 12 Sling Stones, Plate Mail, Spell Components, Holy Symbol(Silver), Leather Backpack, Waterskin, Cloak, Rations, Leather Boots, Bedroll, Shield, Lantern, Oil Flask, Sack, Bandages, 10' Pole, Grapnel
Can't Use Edged Weapons
Turn Undead
30% Resistance To Sleep/Charm Spells
Infravision 60'
Detect Secret Doors On A 2 In 6
Detect Concealed Doors On A 3 In 6

Clerical Spells: 5 5 2

Turn Undead: Skeleton:T, Zombie:T, Ghoul:T, Shadow:4, Wight:7, Ghast:10, Wraith:13, Mummy:16, Spectre:20

Saving Throws:
Paralyze, Poison Or Death Magic:9
Petrify Or Polymorph:12
Rod, Staff Or Wand:13
Breath Weapon:15

Proficient Weapons:Mace, Flail, Sling

Weapon In Hand:Mace (2-7)

Armor Worn:Plate Mail, Shield
Interest -- Foods
Occupation -- Carpenter
Morals -- Immoral
General -- Imposing
Intellect -- Brilliant
Piety -- Average
Personality -- Friendly
Hit Dice -- d10
Nature -- Resentful
Materialism -- Avaricious
Possessions -- Scant
Apparent Age -- Mature
Bravery -- Cowardly
General Tendencies -- Optimist
Disposition -- Morose
Honesty -- Average
Sanity -- Very Stable
Energy -- Driven
Thrift -- Mean
Collections -- Artwork

Platinum:18 Gold:402
Electrum:216 Silver:23