Mountain Fortress on Pirates Isle

Quick notes at this point:
Battle beasts are chained in the cellar. They will guard the way down to the treasure room where the arms are unless the outer wall of the fort is overrun. In this event, there is a tunnel leading off their area that leads to the surface into the area between the outer wall and inner wall. Normally, this makes the inner bailley a killing ground where the beasts kill everything in sight.

The blank areas around the outer towers are covered with boulders that are stacked up almost to the wall. If an attacker begins to scale the cliffs, the top rock will be rolled off. A rope is attached to a pully arraingement so the top rock will pull down all the rocks. There are 3 of these rigged on both towers. The fall of rocks has a THAC0 of 8 based on the size and number of falling rocks. Rock damage is 4d6. If a person uses their dex bonus to escape being hit, make a dex roll. Failure indicates no hit, but a fall.

The sky ships are located in 3 places. The galleys are moored with the other wall guard ships (2 ram ships and 2 cutters) at the base of the cliff below the fort. They are always invisible as there are 2 sea mages stationed at the docks to man the helm if necessary. The Deathship of the Gnomes is hidden under cloth netting on the top of the fortress inbetween the seige engines. It will only take off if the other 2 helm ships are outclassed. It takes a turn for the ship to be ready to take off.

The outer towers are nests which have pearches for Rocs. There are two of them that have been trained by the pirates to attack a ship on command (yes, just like in Popeye!).

There are 6 cockatrices that can be loosed from the tower to attack anything flying in the area.