Linnorm, Sea
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Any fresh or salt water
FREQUENCY: Very rare
DIET: Herbivore
INTELLIGENCE: Exceptional (15-16)
ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil
NO. APPEARING: 1 (5% of 2)
ARMOR CLASS: -2 (base)
MOVEMENT: 9, Sw 24
HIT DICE: 13 (base)
THACO: 7 (at 13 HD)
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 bite/1 tail slash + special
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Spells, breath weapon, capsize ships, surprise
SIZE: G (48' tease)
MORALE: Fanatic (17-18) XP
VALUE: Variable
Sea linnorms are coldly vicious, hating all humans and demihumans. They constantly plot to destroy human shipping, constructions, and settlements. Sea linnorms view humans and demihumans as a threat to all marine life.
A hatching sea linnorm is nearly translucent. As the linnorm ages, its scales become pearly and thick, and they shift color based on the linnorm's will. From the young age and on, the linnorm is able to make its scales shift to whatever color desired, as if it were a chameleon. All sea linnorms have long barbed tails that they employ in combat.
Sea linnorms speak their own language, can communicate with all sea life, and have a 5% chance per age category of learning how to speak any human or demihuman language. They can breathe air or water at will.
Combat: At sea, these linnorms' favorite form of attack is to come up beneath ships to capsize them. Only sea linnorms of young age or older will do this. The attacked ship must make a seaworthiness roll as per the Dungeon Master's Guide, page 126. A modifier for the linnorm's size is subtracted from the roll, the modifier equaling the linnorm's combat modifier multiplied by five. Thus, a Viking longship attacked by an old sea linnorm has a [60 - (8 x 5) = ] 20% chance to avoid capsizing. Sea linnorms use breath weapons, spells, and special abilities to kill any surviving humans, attacking physically only if necessary.
To attack humans along the coast, the linnorms slither out of the sea at night, then let loose with spells, magical abilities, and breath weapons at structures and ships. They then attack any survivors, using breath weapons, bites, and tail strikes. If seriously wounded, they will retreat to the sea again - but will plot vengeance all the time.
Breath Weapon/Special Abilities: The breath of sea linnorms is a cloud of caustic acid droplets that is 60' long, 60' wide, and 30' high. All those caught within the cloud must save vs. breath weapon for half damage. This breath weapon cannot be employed underwater. A sea linnorm casts its spells at a level equal to eight plus its combat modifier. Spells they acquire must come from only the Animal, Elemental, and Weather priest spheres.
Sea linnorms gain the following abilities as they age, each usable twice a day: very young - wall of fog; young - fog cloud; juvenile - gust of wind; young adult - solid fog; adult - airy water; mature adult - death fog; old - raise water; very old - part water; venerable - transmute dust to water; wyrm - reverse gravity; great wyrm - shape change.
The linnorm's ability to change the color of its scales also aids it. The sea linnorm has a chance equal to its magic resistance to be unseen when attempting to blend in with its surroundings, allowing a + 4 to the roll to surprise foes.
Habitat/Society: Sea linnorms are found in the waters surrounding Scandinavia and in waters near Permia, Greenland, Scotland, and Ireland. It is rumored they can be found as far south as north Africa.
While they can maneuver equally well above or below the waves, they spend most of their days underwater, surfacing to attack humans and demihumans. The lair of a sea linnorm is always found far underwater, usually in multichambered sea-floor caves. Sea linnorms of mature adult and older stages frequently have 1-4 giant squid, 2-4 giant sea turtles, or a kraken guarding their lairs.
The linnorms hide treasure in the recesses of these caves, hoarding gold, silver, and especially gems, jewelry, and objects of art. Such lairs likely also contain "prizes" from battle: anchors, sails, and other parts of boats or docks.
Ecology: Despite their great size, sea linnorms require little food. Being herbivores, they eat primarily sea plants and are especially fond of dried seaweed, gathering it and placing it on rocky shores, then waiting for it to become its tastiest in the afternoon sun.
Age Body Lgt.(') Tail Lgt.(') AC Breath Weapon Wizard Spells
MR Treasure Type XP Value
1 1-12 12-32 1 2d10+1 Nil 15%
Nil 5,000
2 12-23 32-43 0 4d10+2 1 20%
1/2D 11,000
3 23-42 43-62 -1 6d10+3 2 25%
1/2D 15,000
4 42-61 62-81 -2 8d10+4 2 1 30%
D 16,000
5 61-80 81-100 -3 10d10+5 2 1 1 35%
D,A 18,000
6 80-99 100-119 -4 12d10+6 2 2 1 40%
D,A,B 19,000
7 99-118 119-138 -5 14d10+7 2 2 2 1 45%
D,A,Bx2 20,000
8 118-137 138-157 -6 16d10+8 2 2 2 2 50%
D,A,Bx2 21,000
9 137-156 157-176 -7 18d10+9 3 2 2 2 55%
D,A,Bx2 22,000
10 156-165 176-185 -8 20d10+10 3 3 2 2 60%
D,A,Bx3 23,000
11 165-174 185-194 -9 21d10+11 3 3 3 2 65%
D,A,Bx3 24,000
12 174-183 194-203 -10 23d10+12 3 3 3 3 70%
D,A,Bx4 25,000
Sea Wyrm CLIMATUTERRAIN Tropical and subtropical seas FREQUENCY: Rare ORGANIZATION solitary ACTIVITY CYCLE h Y DIET: omnivore INTELLIGENCE: Low (5-7) TREASURE Nil (Rx2) ALIGNMENT: Chaotic neutral NO. APPEARING 1-3 ARMOR CLASS 5 MOVEMENT: 9, Sw 18 HIT DICE Young (7-8 HD), Adolescent 9-10 HD), Adult (11-12 HD), Ancient (13-14 HD) THACO 7-8 HD: 13, 9-10 HD 11, 11-12 HD 9, 13-14 HD: 7 NO. OF ATTACKS 1 DAMAGE ATTACK2d6 (bite) or 3d8 (constriction) SPECIAL A’ITACKS Breath weapon (sleep 3d8 rds), swallow (i f adult or ancient) SPECIAL DEFENSES Nil MAGIC RESISTANCE: Nil SIZE L (up to 12’ long) if 7-10 HD, MORALE Champion (15-16) XP VALUE 7-8 HD 1,400 |