The Soul of the Lungs

Things remaining to do:
Make an encounter chart for each of the locations.
Make notes on the factions and races they will meet.

Links: Planescape_Campaign (Sigil-PG 153), Planes_of_Law (Arcadia-PG 138)

The soul is the reprsentation of Joy. This is the impression to give everyone. Once they arrive in Arcadia, it will be as if they walked into a happy dream. Even when they are threatened by guards or have hostile encounters on the road, it will be "right", nothing will seem out of place or cause them concern. When they overcome a difficulty, they will be elated and feel they are lucky to be so powerful. Remember:


The soul of the lungs is located on the Outer plain of Arcadia
This is intended to be a very short adventure. It is one mostly of travel. The bulk of the exciting events will be from random or psudo-random encounters. Thus the random encounter chart will be critical to the success of the journey. There will be no challenge to Beourn as he claims the soul portion of his lungs which are guarded by the ruler of the realm Heliopolis. The party will only be able to find the entrance to this plane in Mandible, a city populated by Formians, a form of upright walking ants with 4 limbs.
The journey will follow this path:
From Sigil (the party has a couple of ways of getting there) to Mandible via a key they will have to find and purchase. They will leave Mandible and go through the tunnel through the mountains seperating the first level from the second level of Arcadia called Buxenus. Next they will travel via land road through Azuth south to Heliopolis. From there they will travel the fine road to Memphiria. Here they need to find Khallis Mhektis, the  ruler of this city. They will petition him to release the soul of the lungs to Beourn. Once Khallis examines Beourn and determins who he is, he will immediatly release the lungs to him and ask Beourn to remember who it was who helped him. Below are schetches of the events that will occur in each of the locations they visit. There should be an encounter chart specifically for each of these locations.

Arcadia: Roll 2d4
1 - Busen - Black skinned shapechanging guardians of the passages to the 2nd layer
2 - Formian - Ant-Men
3 - Patrol of Mixed Paritioners
4 - Harmonium Patrol
5 - Humans
6 - Dwarves
7 - Pet's of Petitioners
8 - Adventurer Party

The party always has a good time here and an encounter to introduce them to the city guard (the Harmonium) should  occur. They will have money to spend and a unique place to spend it so don't hurry this part of the adventure. They will need to find and buy a key to take them to Mandible on the plane of Arcadia. Beourn will pay for the key.  They will hear of changes in the Prime Material plane that no one can account for. This will begin the lead in to 3rd edition.

Once they use the key and arrive in Mandible, Beourn and Ulla will undergo a personality change (big surprise!). Beourn will become more fatherly and protctive of the group. He will tell them how much they mean to him, how much he values their help and how rich and powerful they will be when he comes into his own. He will instantly know where the soul part is and how to get there. They will have to meet and ask the Formians for directions to Memphiria. There will be an encounter with Formian Harmonium troops. They will accost Ulla and arrest him for "wrong thinking". He is sentenced at court to a week of mental rehabilitation. Beourn will demand that the party take rooms in Mandible and wait for his release. After his release, Ulla is a changed man. He has abandoned his stance on neutrality and become totally Lawful Good and a true Paladin of 12th level. He radiates the joy of love for all as does Beourn. They greet each other as long lost friends. Ulla appologizes for all the horrible things he did while he was insane and Beourn forgives him and thanks Ulla for all the times he was a pain when he was old.
The party will have to be careful that the non-good members of the party are not arrested for the same thing Ulla was caught for. They will have to stay in their rooms playing games of chance while the good people buy their food and stuff.

The Road to Heliopolis
There is a broad paved road from Mandible to the tunnel that leads to Buxenus. The entrance to the tunnel is heavily guarded. This is the place where the party will have the most problems. The non-good members will have to swear mighty oaths to the head of the guards. If they break the oath, any guards they see from then on will know they have broken it and will be immediatly arrested.
The tunnel is brightly lit by floating light globes of all colors of the rainbow. The caves look like they are natural, but are laid out in such a way that they have a soothing, uplifting effect. While in the tunnel, the party will be supremly happy and will never get tired or hungry or thirsty. They will want to sing and dance as they move through it. Make every effort to have Beourn and Ulla acting unnaturally happy and cheerful. They will be amusing, humorous and helpful in every way they can.  This feeling of elation will stick with them even after the come out of the tunnel and begin walking down the road to Mepheria. The guards at the Boxinus side of the tunnel will not harass them, but will require them to sign a travellers log. They won't meet much on the road here, but everyone they meet will be helpful and invite them to dinners and such. The party should be careful about acceptiing these invitations as the non-good members would be noticed which will make the natives begin attemting to convert them in a non-threatening way.

This area is more heavily populated than the road. Most of the natives will be typical of egyptians. There will be lots of pyramids about, but most of the people live in tents. Anyone will be happy to direct them to Mepheria. Beourn will lead them to where the soul part is. It is in the dungeons under the palace of this realms ruler. Beourn will simply march up to the entrance and tell the guards he must see the king as something of his is being held within the palace. It will take a while for them to be admitted. Once inside, Beourn will speak directly to the king and within an hour or so, the item will be brought up from it's resting place which is along the realms other treasures and magical items. The soul part is a small statuette of a androginous dancing figure about 2' high. Everything about the statue says "Joy!" It makes one happy just to see it. The more you look at it, the more meserizing it appears. Looking at it for more than a minute will have the average person weaping for joy.
Through his tears, Beourn will clutch it to his chest like a father hugging his child and it will slowly seem to move through his skin. In a minute, it will have dissappeared into Beourn's chest. Beourn will wipe his tears and take a deep breath. He will say "Let's go home". The party has the means of leaving this plane and returning home without assistance.

Description of Arcatia
Standing on the slope of Arcadia’s tallest peak, it’s easy to see why this plane is known as the Land of Perfect Good. Everything here radiates peaceful order. Forests grow in neat rows, more like orchards than wild woods. On the plains, grasses grow to only a certain height. Wildflowers grow in self-defined beds of color, one never intruding on the other. Fields are geometrically perfect and towns are laid out in neat squares. Even day and night are ordered and perfect. All light and dark- ness comes from an orb set in the top of Arcadia’s tallest peak. Half this sphere radiates starry darkness and the other half emits gleaming sunshine. The orb revolves in a regular 24-hour day. Light changes to dark abruptly there is no dusk or dawn and each change signals the beginning or end of another perfect day. Arcadia is a land of fields, orchards, and woods. Throughout, there are the perfect forms of beneficial and peaceful animals from the Prime Material. Even the animals here reflect the goal of Arcadia organization for the common good. Nectar-laden bees, industrious ants, silver-wooled sheep, fat deer, gleaming foxes, and other creatures that watch and protect their own are common here.

This plane is one of the most hostile to evil sods. Squadrons of petitioner militia regularly patrol the land, seeking out anyone evil. All Arcadian petitioners can know alignment at will, and travelers are always questioned as to their alignment. Lawful-good creatures are invited to join such hunts, chaotic goods are tolerated as long as they don’t disturb the public order, neutrals of all types are stiffly requested to finish their business and leave, while evil types are instantly attacked. For the petitioners of Arcadia, it’s no failure to fall when fighting evil.

Arcadia is said to have three layers, though only the uppermost is known, perhaps due to the difficulty of dealing with the Arcadian militia.

SPECIAL MAGIC CONDITIONS. The creatures of this plane (but not petitioners) are immune to illusions and phantasms. Likewise, a natural animal of this plane isn’t affected by a prime’s spell that might summon or control its counterpart on the Prime Material.

NATIVE INHABITANTS. Deva, einheriar militia, giant versions of normal creatures, hollyphant, and t’uen-rin inhabit Arcadia.  Because of their immunity to illusions, Arcadian hounds are prized as watchdogs.