Tefnut End Game

When I created this adventure, I had little idea how the party would approach the final problem of the Pirate Island, so it was really impossible to plan for how the adventure would end.
With the destruction of 2 of the 3 flying ships they had at their command and the loss of much of their treasure, it is time to consider what the pirates will do.

Although the pirates are much reduced both in numbers and in wealth, they are still a very viable fighting force.
They are very anxious for revenge on the group that brought them down.
They are not from Tefnut and don't care about it other than a place to ply their theiving trade. They are from planets all over SOS and have no alliegence to any world in partucular.
They don't know what happened to the Vulture other than it was destroyed. Even so, they blame the 509 for its loss.

It is obvious that the pirates will want to flee the planet and go someplace where they can recoup and become strong again. Them leaving without a fight would be a waste of a very dramatic situation. So, I'll beef it up a bit!

Things to do:
Restate the dieties of SOS and determine what their stance is in connection with the parties quest. Currently, Bane (Cyric) is the only one that is known to be against the parties efforts.

A few days ago:
Cyric (now Bane, Will die in the Time of Strife) will contact Malachi's god, Pele and convice Pele that the party is a danger to the balance of power on this planet.
When the ship is missed:
Malachi casts a Commune spell, Pele tells him of the ship's demise and that they are doomed if they stay on this planet. Pele promises to  help them get revenge on them if they follow his instructions. He wants them to build a temple to her on the site of the castle then leave the world and go to the Rock of Brahl.
Malachi is successful in convincing the other pirates to go along with what the god proposes. They explode a cask of powder in mid-air to summon the last ship to the island. It will return in 1 day. Benei doesn't wait this long; he teleports to the ship with all the 7th level fighters. He is most worried about the treasure that has been loaded onto the ship. That day he sets out to trap the party when they go for his treasure. He moves all the treasure from the hold to the ballast level (directly below the hold deck). There is a hatch to the ballast which he disguises usin g a permanent illusion so it looks like the rest of the deck. He positions his guards 4 of the 7th level fighters in the corners of the room. He has memorized the room so he can get there immediatly from anywhere, but he casts Hidden Lodge over the hatch and disguises it as a pile of old sails. He then casts and maintains a Guards and Wards spell for the 20'x20' area that extends through the floor of the hold and down to cover the ballast are where the treasure is. He casts an invisibility spell on himself, so when he comes out of the lodge he can not be seen.

The natives begin to work on the temple under Malachi's instructions.
All the labor is done by the natives. They are instructed to start a fire in a jungle like area to the N. of the castle. From the burned sticks, they make a Haieou of stripped trees and Ti leaves. This will take 1 day to burn, 1 day to construct and 1 day to bless (Malachi will do the ceremony).

This is where even this plan disintegrates. The party has 3 days after the removal of the Vulture to do stuff. God only knows what they will do. Thus, it's not possible to plan with more detail the actions of the pirates. 
The Menehuni and Phanto will get the feeling that Pirates are going to escape. The Menehuni say they will take care of any pirates that stay on the ground.

Cyric (The Dark Sun) - Greater Power of Hades, NE
Portfolio: Death, murder, the dead, strife, tyranny, lies
Requirements: Wisdom 13
Intelligence 13
Weapons Allowed: All bludgeoning weapons and the long sword (Cyric used a long sword to slay a traitorous halfling).
Armor Allowed: Any
Major Spheres: All, Astral, Charm, Combat, Guardian, Healing, Necromantic, Summoning, Sun, Weather
Minor Spheres: Divination, Elemental, Protection
Magical Items Allowed: Same as clerics

Shu (a middle aged man in a gray toga) has been watching the progress of the party and will appear to them as soon as the Pirates flee. He will tell them that it was his protection that enabled Phnanto to blow up the ship and expresses his impatience to conclude The Change. To this end, he will summmon Beourn and Ulla from the ship. Beourn had been told to expect this. He is surprised to not find the lungs there.
Next, Shu summons the other gods of the Planet. They are upbraded for not taking care of their charges and encouraging them to work together to increase the people to be more worshipful. They grumble but agree and describe how they will do what he wants. Wata'ru summons the Merpeoples King and some of his court in an animated column of water. They have the lungs and present it to Beourn who stands outside the column of water to receive them. Wata'ru tells the king and all that they will worship him best by performing acts and that he will begin granting magical and clerical spells to them.

Once the Merpeople have been summoned, they will begin a ceremony. It is the final step of their relinquishing of the responsiblity for the lungs. The legend of guardianship says that the lungs can only be taken from the dead hands of it's defender. The defender is chosen by the king and is the highest honor he can confir on anyone. He chooses his son. The whole name of the son is given in chant form. It includes all the good works of the Kins son (named Err'rbok). A ceremonial headress made of woven seaweed is placed on his head. The king tells him that by their works and by the good results of their efforts that Bourn has proven himself worthy of receiving the lungs. He then turns to Beourn and tells him to enter the column of water that the merpeople are in. He enters and is told he must kill the defender of the lungs.
Beourn is much troubled by this, but finally complies. The son of the king kneels and offers his head to Beourn. As Beourn is about to strike, the son turns and looks at him and Beourn breaks down. He gives a speach of the value of good living and those who live it. After much wailing, he complies and cuts off the head of the Kings son.

Ulla uses a chisle and his dagger to make a hole in Beourn's chest large enough to place the lungs inside. It is by far the most gruesome of the grafting operations so far. But once the lungs are tucked into the gaping hole, it closes and Beourn begins to glow.

Once the lungs are in place, Beourn begins to change things as the power of his new body part flows through him.
1 - Magic is enabled to all sentient races; not just the clerics, Menehuni and the Merpeople.
2 - Tech no longer works at all

Lungs/Joyusness - Tefnut - Twin Paradices (N.G.)
The lungs are regarded by the aquatic people of this world as a symbol of evil. They arent sure exactly why, but this beleaf is a fundimental one to their religous life. There is a high religious ceremony once per year (with a extra big celebration once per year) called the "Reviling" where the faithful are expected to take a pilgramage to the underwater city of SSlugub and heap scorn and derison on the object in it's sacred place beneith the ornate thrown on which the High Priest of Whata'rou (Chih Sung-tzu DD38 319) sits in judgement.
They priest and the people have no love for the Lungs (a lifesized statuette made of carved Jet), and they will find in the profacies that "Breathers of air will come to remove the lungs from their land, but they may be good or evil. They must be put to the test of quest and only by their good deeds will their right to the lung be shown. If the lungs are taken by evil, they will be used to destroy the Gubumga (as the race of mer people call themselves.
Their King will string them on like Hercules was strung along, assigning them task after task, each one having less to do with good and more to do with cementing his power. The more his power grows the more he will want. After the 4th task, they will then receive the lungs as a gift from a grateful people.
When the lungs are grafted into Beourn, a great feeling of Joy will permiate the entire world and all but the most powerful undead are sent away to the Neg. Mat. Plane.