The Adventure of the Lungs
This adventure takes place on the water world of Tefnut. This planet is
very quiet on the surface with only a dozen islands that are of a significant
size. Only 2 are larger than 400 square miles in area.
The party should get the ship that Dale designed this christmas. It is
a Space Fish and is more sea worth, more air worthy, just as space worthy,
better armored, has an attack ram, more armorments, less fragile, requires
less upkeep and is lower profile.
This adventure will require some means of living underwater using a rock
of air breathing or some such device.
Beourn knows of an island in the land of Al Kadim
that have devices like that. The magical Masks of No Breathing allow the wearer
to breath underwater by eminating the user's need to breathe.
Once they figure out how they are going to breathe underwater, they are
ready to go.
They travel through space and can stop at the rock of brall if they want.
Phantozee is willing.
When they arrive at Tefnut orbit, they are surprised at the beauty of the
world. It looks healthy and like a deep blue pearl.
Once in the atmosphere, Beourn senses the presense of the lungs and takes
them to the underwater city.
They are introduced to the water folk and their culture.
They are taken to see the king after a day or so. During this time they
are treated very formally and correctly.
When they see the king they learn of the significance of the lungs to these
people and learn of their quests.
There is a task for each of the elements:
Water - Remove a family of Sea Wyrms
- Very strait forward, go with the guide they send to guide the ship
to where the dragons live (it's only 200 miles away)
- Travel through the underwater dungon left behind as one of the first
tech terraforming facilities.
- Locate and kill all the 5 members of the dragon family that have their
lair there.
Earth - Battle Beasts are ravaging the island Kano
- Go to the currently inhabited island Hoana and meet the islanders
who are culturally similar to the New Zelanders
- They tell of the battle beasts and how no man can stand against them.
They have taken over the island.
- The party has to find and root out all of the creatures
- They help the villagers resettle
Fire - Cap off a Volcano being created by magmen and lava mephits
They follow the smoke to find the volcano.
Investigating inside the volcano they find the monsters at work keeping
the lava channel clear.
They must find the main canals and kill the monsters guarding them.
Close off the lava tubes
Air - Defeat the Sky Pirates
Find them and either drive them away, destroy the sky ships or kill all
the pirates.
The party leaves Kopeta in the flying ship.
They arrive
Currently, the adventure for the lungs is seperate from the adventure for
the legs. They are both water based adventurers (lungs Tefnut-underwater and
the legs - Isis Pirate Island.
I think combining these into a single adventure to take place on Tefnut
will be more complex and powerful.
What I have in mind is that the lungs will be held by the underwater civilization.
This civilization is a sad and somber one. This is because of the short lifetime
of these people. They are a genetic modification of humans to live underwater.
Unfortunatly, the genetic modification process was interrupted by the War
of the Dark Millenium. This arrested the scientific eugenics process when
the genes were not purified. As a result, they are plagued by infirmities
resulting from sport genes and accumulation of recessives due to the originally
small gene pool from which the race sprang. The average lifespan is 20 years
with very few living to 40. Even in their prime the race is subject to sudden
illness, madness and a condition they call "pineing" which is a total lack
of energy combined with an unnatural mental lasitude.
They have attempted to continue the eugenics of the scientists and the privledge
of child bearing is granted by a commitee that makes a recomendation to the
King who then orders a marrage and describes the number of childeren the couple
should bear. Unfortunatly, the properties desired for the offspring are determined
by tradition and not by observation of the childeren resulting from the King's
matches. This system of marrage results in much unhappyness and a maladjustmet
of the society.
The people know no magic and only once in a generation are their clerics
able to perform a "miracle" healing.
As already stated in the "lungs' notes, the people watch over the lungs
as "guardians and wards". They will relenquish them willingly enough, but
they know from propacies that not giving up the lungs will be a very
bad thing, giving them to the right people will be a very good thing and
giving them to the wrong people will result in the end of their race for
all time. They were told to wait for people who would appear seeking the
legs and that these people should be judged wisely to determine if they are
the "right" ones. It is said that they "shall know the right people by their
works". So the King (who is a wise and thoughtful man) will set the party
4 tasks; one for each of the elemental powers.
Destroy the Castle of the Cloud Giants
Kill the Aquatic Dragons that have been encroaching on the lands of a peaceful
civilization of intellegent dolphin creatures
Prevent the erruption of a volcano on the other side of the world that lies
in the middle of an inhabited (human) island.
Break up the Pirates and take over Pirate Island.
"My wife's cooking is so bad the flys chipped in to fix the screen door"