Temperate Water Surface
2 Dragon turtle 3 Ghost ship 4 Otter, sea 5 Otter, sea 6 Depths encounler 7 Pirate ship 8 Sea lion 9 Eel, giant 10 Shark 11 Merchant 12 Whale (Coast Patrol) 13 Dolphin 14 Warship or fisherman 15 Aerial encounter 16 Will o’wisp or seaweed 17 Seaweed (strangleweed 10%) 18 Seawolf, greater 19 DM Special 20 DM Special |
Ship Type Table:
Pirate Ship
You need a calculator to measure distances on the map.
Plot the projected course of the ship (Direction of ship and turns
if necessary) and determine the distance traveled.
Determine speed of players ship. 3 normal, 4 emergency
Determine when in the day or night they leave. For the example, they
leave with the morning tide at 6:00 AM.
Determine the projected time of the journey. In this example, the ship
will be traveling from the Pirate Isle to the nearest port on Huicos. The
distance is 145 miles. So the normal travel time is 145 Miles/3MPH or 48
days rounding down.
Find the date on the weather chart. For this example, the ship will
be leaving the Isle on Airlu 10th.
The chart says the wind speed on this day is 1MPH to the SW (the prevailing
wind direction for the season). It is impossible for a large ship to travel
in winds less than 5 MPH or faster than the speed of the wind. However
there will be some movement and it is being generous to say that
the wind speed is the ship speed. So, the ship will travel 1/10th the windspeed
under 5MPH. So, the ship travels at 1/10 MPH and will normally go 2.4 miles
the first day. However this is modified by the direction. They are going
due West and the wind is blowing to the SW. Consulting the Wind Direction
Modifier, they are moving at normal speed, so they to 2.4 miles.
Roll for daily random waterborn encounters. Roll a d10; once for morning
and once for evening. A 1 indicates an encounter has occured. If an encounter
is indicated, roll off Temperate Salt Water encounter chart above and run
the encounter. There are no encounters yet in the example.
They are becalmed days 2 and 3; no movement unless there is a strong
An encounter is indicated on the evening of the 3rd day. A greater
Seawolf in indicated.Day 4 (the 13th) the wind picks up and averages 3MPH
so they travel 3x24 or 72 miles. 75 miles so far
On the 14th and 15th they are becalmed again.
The next day (16th) the wind picks up to 10MPH, but they only move
their max normal speed (3 MPH). Thus they move 3x24 or 72 miles. This puts
them 3 miles from the coast at 6 AM. They reach the coast at 7:00 AM the
17th. The wind has picked up a bit to 13 MPH, but this has no effect on
the partys ship. An extra encounter roll is made upon arriving on the coast.
As a second example though, lets say the party was able to make some headway on the first day and traveled 24 miles. They left at 6 AM, so begin adding the days milage from the previous days total. They have gone 75 miles and need to travel 70 more miles. It will take them 70/ 3MPH=29 hours to do this. 6 AM plus 29 hours means they will arrive at 1 AM. However, an extra encounter should be rolled when arriving within 1 mile of the coast. For this example, there is an encounter with a Coast Patrol ship indicated in the evening! As they can't see anything in the evening, this encounter is defered to the following morning at dawn. Because the encounter was defered, they will reach the coast before the encounter occurs. The captain decides to anchor within hearing of land and wait for the dawn.
For the rest of the example, the ships are in daylight.
Indicate opponant ship and ship stats. In the example, a lugger is
the encounter.
Determine opponant crew stats. This crew is average.
Determine crews combat ability. Normaly 1/4 are crossbow trained, 1/4
are longbow trained and all are proficient in a bladed weapon. The lugger
has a crew of 30 and are carrying 20 marines. The marines are all trained
in crossbows.
Determine weather. It is now the 17th and the weather is clear with
a 13MPH wind. Advantage to the lugger who will move many times faster than
the players ship!
Determine distance sighted. Refer to the charts on the Navigation page.
In the example, the ship is "crack" and the weather clear. The lookouts
sight is 14 and he rolls a 10 to see. The weather is clear so ships see
each other at 8 miles.
Determine speed and direction of vessels.
The wind speed is SW 13MPH.
The coast patrol must also roll to see. The lookouts sight is 10 and
he rolls a 10, so they see the party at 8 miles. The Ref needs to figure
out what goes through the mind of the opposing captain. In this case, the
captain sees the strange ship which carries no national flag. This make
him suspicious. He decides to check it out and sets course toward the party.
When the other ship is within 2 miles, they get a good look at them. The
closer they get, the stranger the other ship looks. The captain decides
that they are to weird to be friendly and begins to alert the crew to the
attack at 1 miles distance.
The party sees him turn and make about toward them. They decide to
wait and ask directions to the nearest port.
The coast ship is now going S with the prevailing wind to the SW. Their
speed is normal at 13 MPH or 1170 feet per minute (90x13).
Thus, it will .6 hours (or 36 minutes) to arrive assuming the parties
ship doesn't move.
He begins to bring the men out of the hold after sailing for 30 minutes.
The party does nothing.
The captain continues at full speed for 35 minutes, then gives the
order to loose sails at a distance of about 1170'.
The next round as the ship is slowing, the capt. orders the bowmen
and grapplers to the rail for action. The party sees this and may take
action, but they think this may be a defensive move and do not attack.
They do order the ship to be turned around so the rear mounted ballista
can be brought to bear.
Inititave is rolled when either ship is in range of the other and begins
the attack. The party looses inititive.
At 540 feet, the crowsbow men are in range. The decide to wait until
they are in medium range (360')
The distance of the dragonship ballista is 180' at max so the initive
goes to the coast ship.
The crossbow men let fly.
There is a limited number of places at the rail for firing. This is
a max of 1 man per 2' of railing using missle weapons. There is 40' of
railing on the lugger, so the first wave consists of 20 bolts. The troops
are 1st level, so their THAC0 is 20. 1/4 will attack obviously superior
opponents (the leaders) and 1/4 will attack the ballista crew.
Of the 5 that attack the superior foes, there is a 20 and a 19 rolled.
Roll at random from the party members and see if there are hits. The party
are not using cover. The first is a hit on Pisheo for 2 points of damage,
the second is a miss on Victorex.
The crew is AC 7 and a range mod of -1 and a cover mod of -2. So they
need a 16 or better to hit a crewman. Of the 5 that attack the ballista
crew, there are 2 hits. Roll randomly between the 3 crewmen. Crewman 1
is hit for 1 point, crewman 3 for 2 points.
The rest of the 10 attacks are against the parties crew (AC 10), but
they have a cover modifier of -2. The bowmen need a 17 or better to hit.
There are 2 hits.
As soon as the bowmen loose, the party knows they must take action.
The ballista are order to fire and the ship is order to turn and flee.
The crack ballista team lets fly as the orders to turn the ship about
are given. Being a crack crew they know that attacking the hull of an oncoming
ship with ballista will do little, so they aim at the crew. The AC of most
of the crew is 7 and the AC of the hull is 10. The THAC0 of the ballista
is 14. The first attack roll is 6 plus AC 7 is 13 so the bolt just misses
and sticks in the hull (shot was low, DMs ad lib). The second shot is a
13 which hits. Ballista damage is 3d6. Roll percental to determine if the
one hit is higher levels. He is not and the marine takes 13 points of damage
which kills him.
As the parties ship is turning, their distance travelled is 0.
Consult the manouverability by crew type chart and see it takes 1 round
per rating of the crew to turn the ship. As the ships travel
5280 feet per hour/60=move per minute=88 but use 90' per round per
MPH of the craft. The lugger moves at 13 MPH, so they travel 1170 feet
per round. The parties ship moves at 3 MPH or 270' per round.
The coast ships captain orders the bowmen to make way for the grapplers. They step forward and are ready to throw the next round. There can only be 1 grappler per 5', so there is only room for 8. There is room for missle weapon fire behind them and since the grapplers aren't moving, only a miss of 1 indicates a hit on a grappler from friendly fire and no to hit penalty.
End of round 1
The party wins inititive in the second round.
The party pulls their missle weapons and start casting spells. These
are run just like a land battle. The ballista are reloading this round.
They manage to kill 2 of the 8 grappling hook casters, but 6 more are
left. The ships may be within 3d10' from each other when they stop. They
ships are 12' apart. This is short range, so there is no range modifier.
They throw. It matters which ropes hit and which don't so keep track of
where the attached hooks are.
Grappling hooks are run like other missle weapons, specifically the
harpoon (except for damage). The weapon speed is very slow, so humans can
use them in the slow phase. The AC of a ship's side railing is 10, bow
railing is 8 and the stern railing is AC 9 (as it tends to be higher).
No one has a proficiency in grappling hook as a weapon, so the throw is
at -2 (unless the thrower is not a fighter then its -4). Thus, the grapplers
need a 12 or better to hit. There are 5 hits (the grappling hook is over
the side of the opposing vessel). There is a 20% chance that something
will happen to prevent the hook from locking into place. 3 hooks stay in
place 2 fall off.
The speed with which ships are pulled together is determined by the
number of men pulling. A single man may pull the ships 10' in 4 rounds.
Thus, the 3 ropes will pull the ships 10' the next round. You can't throw
and pull in the same round.
The enemies bowmen let fly again, but this time there are only 8 firing
(as the rail is occupied by the grappling hook handlers. They hit but don't
kill anyone this round.
End of round 2
Round 3
The opponants win inititive. The grapplers can pull 1/5th their max
distance per phase. They move the ship 4 feet by the end of their inititive
in the fast phase. The 8 bowmen attack, but the grapplers are still reeling
in their hooks. (Grappling hooks go every other round). The bowmen will
attack anyone trying to cut the grappel lines. 2 PCs (Vict and Stallen)
are trying to cut them loose. The normal attack roll to hit AC 10, then
roll his damage to cut a grappling line. A line has 5 hit points. Grappling
chains are AC 4 and have 20 hit points. Grapples may be cut at any time
in the defender’s turn, but often the ship has been boarded by then. It
parts. Now only 2 ropes are pulling. Vict has a second attack but can't
reach another hook.
The captain orders more men on the lines that are still attached, but
they will have to wait for the next round to do so.
The 8 crossbowmen let fly but only hit one of the crewmen doing 3 pts
The partys ship has completed it's turn (thanks to its crack crew) and
will be getting underway this round. But it can only accelerate at 1 MPH
per round. Unfortunatly, the grapples are still attached, so this is reduced
to 1/2 normal accelleration.
Stallen and Burzmali take to the air this round so they can fire down
at specific targets.
The attacking ship has approached the parties craft from behind and
then they slowed. The ships were along side when the grapples were thrown.
Thus, there is a chance that the ballista (which are now reloaded) can't
be brought to bear. DM's swag says there is a 30% chance of this happening.
A roll of 06 indicates this has happened and the main ships weapons can't
be used until the parties ship pulls forward.
Gal.s Magic Missles strike the grapplers and kill one, injuring the
other. This ships are now attached by one grapple. Victorex has moved into
position to attack it. But a roll of 5 misses! Dromar has been pumping
arrows into the officers of the ship and kills one. This reduces morale
by -2, but is not sufficient to require a morale roll yet. Krom is roaring
insults at the opponents.
Cyril uses his M.Missle to bump off a couple of marines. Katrina does
the same. A total of 5 attackers have died.
End round 3
Round 4
The party wins inititive.
The mages continue to send vollys of M.Missles into the coast ship.
This time 3 men fall including the one with the single grappling line.
Dromar kills another with his bow. Pisheo has let loose with her bow and
kills 2 this round. Stallen is flying and invisible as is Burzmali. Stallen
lands on the bowsprit of the other ship and waits to attack. Burzmail lights
a vial of oil. The Ballista crew abandons their weapons moving to the main
deck to repell the borders. The total body count is up to 11 or 1/5th the
The other ship lets loose with it's second wave of hooks. There is room for 7 at the rail. 5 of them 7 hit, but 2 of them fall off leaving 3 attached. The ships are now 8' apart, but they can't draw closer until next round. Victorex moves to one of the grapples and hits it, but only does 2 HP. The captain realizes that he has bit off more than he can chew unless the ship is borded in the next minute or two. He orders the archers to concentrate their fire on anyone getting near a grapple line.
End round 4
Round 5
Coast ship wins inititive.
The grapplers draw the ship another 3' closer. The bowman let loose
at Victorex who is cutting lines. All of the arrow bounce off the armor.
The bowmen drop their weapons on the deck and prepare to jump to the parties
Victorex hacks at a line and it parts leaving only 2 attached. One of the crewmen attacks another of the lines and attacks it when he sees the crossbowmen let their weapons fall. He misses! Gal shouts at the mages and tells them to target the captain with the M. Missles. Cyril, Katina and Gal all fire their missles at him and (surprise!) he dies.
This is enough to force a morale roll. They are trained troops (12), but they have seen their Capt. an officer and 1/4 of the crew fall. They suffer -2 for facing mages, and a -1 for the deaths. This makes their morale roll 9 or less. 11 of the crew fail. Those that were at the rail are replaced, and they run to the other side of their ship behind the deck house. There are now only 20 men ready for the battle. The first mate takes over command, but waits to sound retreat as there are grapples attached.
The 2 lines attached allow the ships to get withing 2' by the end of this round.
End Round 5
Coast wins inititive
With a roar, the 15 marines jump on board! A dex roll is needed to
keep your feet after the jump. The dex of the pirates is an average of
12. 4 of them fall, but 11 are able to attack.
Victorex, Krom, Dromar, Pisheo, Timber, Ember, Kilak and 4 crewmen
meet their attack. Krom is hit for 5 Points.
Victorex, Dromar, Pisheo and Kilak kill their opponents, Timber and
a crewman wound theirs.
Burzmali drops his fire bomb. The ship is AC 10 and he hits, but doesn't
hit the group of people he was aiming at (rolled a 9). The fire does 9
HP structural damage. Stallen sneaks up on the 1st mate, makes his silent
move roll and arrives behind him at the end of the round.
End round 5
Round 6
Coast wins inititive
Dromar is hit for 3 pts, two crewmen are hit and one dies.
The party strikes back. Victorex and Kilak wound theirs. Krom, Dromar,
Timber, Ember and a crewman kill theirs. 9 are now down (more than 1/2).
Stallen attacks the 1st mate and misses. The mate attacks him and also
misses! Another crewman moves in and attacks Stallen he rolls a 1 and drops
his weapon in fear. The mate now realizes the ship is doomed if the attack
continues and order the grapple lines cast off and sail set for movement.
The lines are off this round, they will begin to manouver the next round.
End Round 6
Round 7
The party wins inititive. By the end of their inititive, all but 2
of the borders lie dead.
The crew of the coast ship are setting sail. Stallen hits the mate,
but does little damage. He is hit by the crewman for 6 HP. Burzmail lands
to assist Stallen. The sailors move away from the two mages in fear.
End Round 7
Round 8
The party wins inititive
Seeing the battle is in hand, they talk about what to do; let the ship
go or attack it. They don't come to a decision this round.
Stallen and Burz. decide to capture a crewman and grapple with a sailor
busy with the rigging. They succeed. The last of the boarders are killed.
The manouver to set sail is completed and movement will begin next
round. The mate orders the men to take cover.
End Round 8
Round 9
The coasters win inititive
The ship begins to move away at 1 MPH. All the sailors are hiding behind
the deck house and there are no targets other than the ship. The Ballisata
pointing backwards can not be brought to the attack.
The party decides to try and talk to the coast crew again. They shout
for them to talk and they won't attack. This fails. They decide that the
ship should be sunk. The order to raise sail is given to the crew of the
End of attacks
To wrap up the story, the coast ship quickly leaves the dragonship in
it's wake. They question the crewman Burz and Stallen captured and
are told the ship is on it's way to a port about 70 miles away where it
will report them as a pirate vessle. This journey will take about 3 hours.
They decide to fly and overtake them. Once in the air, they catch up to
them in an hour. They use Fire Balls and set the ship ablaze. It goes down
in 20 minutes. There are 6 survivors floating in the ocean. Realizing that
if they get ashore, they will report them, they are left to swim (die).
Luggers are 45 feet long with beams of 15 feet. Although a lugger‘s
hold can store only 20 tons of cargo, many pirate captains fill it with
additional brigands to increase the size of boarding parties. It is not
uncommon for a lugger to accompany a brigantine on a raid. Additionally,
the speed of the lugger makes it a perfect vessel for blockade running
or catching pirates!
Miles per Hour 13,
Emergency Speed 20
Seaworthyness 55%