Assassins Attack on Beourn

It is time for the party to meet their real enemies. It is time for me to make them up!
The party has had a huge influx of people who are only now becoming aware of their location far from Waterdeep. Some are having second thoughts (but won’t leave; their Followers!) and have received little weapon training. Most of their training has been in camp routine, marching drill and the like. Only a small percentage will be proficient in any but one weapon. The funny part is this: The party forgot to buy their followers weapons!!! This will be exploited by the assassin force who have been sent to attack the Hero’s Rest Inn.

Little do they know that they have been watched since the party showed up in Waterdeep. The minions of Bane have been gathering information about Local 509 since their name was given to them in a vision durring the change of the clerical magic. Seeing the force of men leading them to the town of Katina, the investigations centered there. They soon realize that any attack must occur before this force is organized, and so step up their efforts to attack before the followers get any weapons.

I will start with a God from Kopeta who sees the lessening of his godly powers due to the "meddling" of the party. This is…Bane. Oh, this is a good one. He chief enemy is Mystra and Bane sees her as a part of the meddling at the divine level. But Beourn is the one causing a problem at the prime level. Bane speaks to his priests in Zhentil Keep and instructs them to send a force secretly to a point near the School. He is to form a beach head there and prepare to assault the settlement to cause panic. In the panic, the High Priest wielding a Rod of Rulership will lead a party of 8 killers to make sure Beourn dies.

Checking things out and getting ready to attack.
The High Priest (Mortikate) and his 8 men have spent the last month enlisting and training the orks in the area to attack Katina. He has set up his men and 2 dozen slaves (accolites) in the Dungeon of the Crumbling Stair about 55 mi from Katina. His men spread out over the hills and gathered 4 tribes, forcing them to go to the Crumbling Stair. They have come with their wives and childeren and set up a large camp outside the entrance to the dungeon. Mortikate has had to kill several orks to convince the rest and from the dead has created a Helmed Horror every 3 days for a total of 10. When he has prepared his place of retreat, he will begin the 4 day journey with the Ork troop, and send out an advanced force on horseback who will arrive at Katina in one day.

The High Priest has sent out an expeditionary/recon. Force of 3 Killers to keep watch on the inn and report the habits, numbers and movements of the party members. This party will only move at night and spend the day simply watching. They will watch the first day from the other side of the river. The second the will move up the creek and watch from the other side there. The third, they will secret themselves on the rise that lies NW of the Inn. Two will be at the E. end of the rise watching the inn and the construction, the other will watch the town of Katina and note the places with the most activity.

They have agreed to meet one mile E. of the junction between the river and the creek. The watchers will go to this point at nightfall on the 4th day since leaving the Crumbling Stair. They will be met by the Orks who bivoacked about 5 mi. E of that point in the wilderness. The watchers will report, the orks will be mustered, the Horrors will be instructed and the attack will begin.

The attack on the town:
In order to create chaos, the High Priest will have a force of the local Orcs (conscripted for the job over the last month or so) attack the town accompanied by Helmed Horrors. This is a diversionary attack to lure the followers (and hopefully the party members) away from the Inn.

Orc attackers
ORC (x287); AC 6; MV 9"; HD 1D8; HP 2(x56), 4(x59), 6(x48), 5(x68), 1(x56);
(x14) SWORD (1-8), FLAIL (2-5)
(x18) SWORD (1-8), SPEAR (1-6)
(x20) AXE (1-8), SPEAR (1-6)
(x24) AXE (1-8), POLE ARM (2-8)
(x31) AXE (1-8), SPEAR (1-6)
(x24) AXE (1-8), BOW (1-6)
(x20) SWORD (1-8), BATTLE AXE (1-8)
(x36) SPEAR (1-6)
(x32) AXE (1-8)
(x68) POLE ARM (2-8)

ORC LEADER/ASSISTANT (x36); AC 4; MV 9"; HD 1D8; HP 8(x36); #AT 1; DMG 1-8/BY
TREAS 495 EP XP 1584

ORC GUARD/SUBCHIEF (x10); AC 4; MV 9"; HD 2D8; HP 11(x10); #AT 1; DMG 1-8/BY
TREAS 226 EP XP 3998

ORC GUARD/SUBCHIEF (x10); AC 4; MV 9"; HD 2D8; HP 11(x10); #AT 1; DMG 1-8/BY
TREAS 226 EP XP 420

Orks have long been a problem on this frontier seeming to run in cycles of 30 years (2 generations). It has only been 22 years since the last attack, but a ravening horde of Orks has been seen many times in Katina. But never before have they had the help of Helmed Horrors. These will not lead the force of Orks (they do not have even ork intellegenc) but to insure that they :

  1. Lead the orks to a specific named spot near Katina
  2. Do as much damage as possible to the town
  3. Cause the greatest disruption possible
  4. Kill any ork that tries to run away
  5. Continue the attack themselves if the ork attack lasts less than 20 min.
  6. Stay out of sight of the townspeople
They have been made immune to Fireball spells.

This force will wait until the moon goes down (about 3:00 am) and begin the attack.

The force lead by the High priest will ly in hiding around the Inn in two groups. One will be at the back with the door there in sight. The rest will watch the front door and wait until they have seen most of the people move out of the inn. Communicating by bird calls, they will know how many have left by which door. Two of the first force will be in deep cover and begin firing flaming arrows at the Inn and through the windows, to try to flush more out. They will stop firing and move if they think they have been seen. They will allow the people inside the Inn to flee unhindered, but will attempt to lead away any they see with hand weapons. They will allow people to try to put out the fires, but will attack any that are seen with missle weapons or spells.

At a bird call the Priest will begin the entrance to the Inn. He will send 3 in the back door and 3 plus himself in the front door each force accompanied by 18 high level Orcs per party

Orc leader/assistant (x36); ac 4; mv 9"; hd 1d8; hp 8(x36); #at 1; dmg 1-8/by
Weapon; sa see below; int low; al le; size m; thac0:16
Primary weapon composite bow (1-6/1-6), secondary weapon battle axe (1-8)
Treas 495 ep xp 1584

Front Door Team
1-8 2-3 3-6 4-3 5-8 6-5
7-6 8-10 9-5 10-3 11-3 12-7
13-10 14-9 15-5 16-5 17-6 18-9

Back Door
19-7 20-3 21-5 22-3 23-6 24-10
25-9 26-6 27-7 28-10 29-9 30-6
31-4 32-7 33-8 34-5 35-7 36-7

Their instructions are to find Beourn and Ulla. If they see a weak person, they kill them. If they encounter a strong person, one of the orcs will engage as many as possible allowing the remainder of the Killers to proceed to searching the Inn. A bird call will be made when they have found Beourn and another when they have killed him.

Non-Player Characters
Lawful Evil; Human; 12th Level Cleric
Str: 13 Int: 12 Dex: 11 Wis:17 Con: 13 Cha: 7
Hit Points:48
Armor Class:10 Movement Rate:5
Weapons: Club, Footman's mace, Javelin, Lasso
Armor: Plate mail, Shield, Medium
Weapon Proficiencies: Club, Footman's mace
Magical Items: Potion of Clairaudience, Boat, Folding, Rod of Rulership, Scroll of Protection from Normal Missles
Money: GP 7 SP: 17 CP:22
Memorized Cleric Spells:
Level 1: Bless, Curse, Atonement, Command, Cure Light Wounds x2
Level 2: Enthrall, Hold Person, Chant, Augury, Find Traps
Level 3: Prayer, Locate Object, Flame Walk, Protections From Fire, Pyrotechnics
Level 4: Cloak of Bravery, Cure Serious Wounds, Neutralize Poison
Level 5: True Seeing, Cure Critical Wounds, True Seeing, Cure Critical Wounds
Level 6: Blade Barrier, Anti-Animal Shell

8 Theives as below:
Hit Points:
A 27 B 32 C 23 D 31
E 40 F 39 G 19 F 33

Lawful Evil; Human; 8th Level Thief
Str: 15 Int: 14 Dex: 16 Wis: 8 Con: 13 Cha: 10
Armor Class: 10 Movement Rate: 11
Number of Attacks: 1
Damage: By Weapon THAC0: 17
Weapons: Short bow, Flight arrows, Long sword, Sling, Sling bullets, Hand Crossbow
Armor: Leather
Weapon Proficiencies: Dart, Long sword, Short bow, Sling
Magical Items: Boots of Varied Tracks, Gem of Brightness, Lens of Detection
Money: PP:5 CP:20

Thief Abilities:
PP:40 /DN: 50 /CW: 95 /RL: 35 /OL: 35 /FT: 30 /MS: 65 /HS: 75