The Mouth Endgame

After Sir Ulla has performed the necessary surgery to graft the golded lips of the charm to bleeding lips and mouth of Beourn, there is silence for a moment.

Then Beourn opens his eyes and stands uncertainly to his feet. He then seems to hold a conversation with himself in a language the rest of the party doesn't understand. Two distinct voices can be heard coming from Beourn. This will happen when the rest of the parts are grafted. Until sufficient time has passed for the new peice to make it's place with the other pieces, he will be confusted and schitzophrenic. This will take longer as more pieces are added to him. It doesn;'t take long this time and he comes to himself. Suddenly, there is a rush of magical energy and a 3 dimensional image forms in the air over Bourn's head. At first the image appears to be two complex abstract patterns, but soon it resolves into a single design of the mouth as it was before it was grafted on. Then Beourn begins to speak with the voice of a god saying:

"A terrible thing has been done using my mouth. It has been used to gather together an army to begin a war of conquest. That no more evil come from this, I suggest that the leaders of the army lead their men against the city of Tyr and take what booty they can from it."

(The image changes and displays an image of the city from the air. There is no one in the city, but few bodies are seen in the streets. The Ziggurat is ruined, the stadium is filled with the bodies of the army of tyr)

"Too long has this planet suffered from a lack of the most basic substance of life. The frozen water at the poles of this planet shall provide enough water that it shall rain over all the planet for 40 days and fourty nights."
(The image changes to show the pole where the party traveled in the North. An enormous shimmering lens made of air and water vapor forms in the outer reaches of the atmosphere that focuses the light of the sun on the pole. The view in the image follows the beam of light to the surface and displays the City of the Tharns (Greldians) bathed in bright light and heat. All the ice can be seen melting and rising in clouds.)

"The ignorance of the Anitechs ruined the planiform engines which destroyed the atmosphere of this planet. Too long has the Dead Zone grown. I command that all the planiform engines begin to function as they were designed to."
(A number of seperate images becomes visible. One is of empty sand that begins to vibrate and then roll away reveling an atmosphere plant underneith. In another, an obviously dismantled atomsphere plant begins to re-assemble itself. In another, an atmosphere plant in the Dead Zone lights up and begins pumping out huge volumes of fog.)

"I request the presence of all the gods of this world"
(Then something appears to form in the room. 4 human forms of devine perfection appear and stand for a moment gazing at Beourn as he continues. They are the elemental gods of this planet: Air'Lou,Fir'Hou, Wata'Rou, Ear'Tu.
Fir'hou, a red-skinned warrior of the north with over long gangling arms
Air'Lou, a large muscular red man with green armor.
Wata'Ru a human warrior with a blue helm and rusting scale mail.
Ear'Tou, a aged human with a bald head and a long white beard.
They look inquiringly at Beourn with various expressions Fir=interested, Air=pleased, Wata=exstatic, Ear=indifferent.
"Magic has been broken here by decree of the medling gods. Too long have the rules imposed on you, the gods of this planet, worked against the people of this world. I command that magic now work as it did in the Before and be as functional as the rules of physics."
(The figures of the gods and Beourn freeze and for 5 minutes, they don't move at all and seem to be surrounded by a field of fore that can not be penetrated by mortal spells. They are confering out of the range of senses of the mortals.)
When movement returns to the figures, they are suddenly in different places.)

Fir'Lou says "I am called Fir'Lou. I have watched the events of this day as a great battle has been fought valiently. Its success has righted the scales of balance and the old Magic has returned. My people, the red men, do not know me, though the people of the south remember and honor me. There is one among you of my chosen race. (He turns to Deja Thoris) She will become my Highest of High Priestess and shall return to Helium and assume the crown. There she will teach her people of me that I may aid them in rebuilding their way of life. The child within you that was dead shall live and become high priest and king in his time. He shall be known as The Way Maker and live through history."

Air'Lou says to Deja, "My name is Air'Lou. My people stopped beleaving in me when I was unable to grant them the Old Spells. Before I could show them the new way, they no longer thought they needed us and turned away from worship. Even so, they have done more than could be expected and retain much of the greatness that was. With the help of the gods, they can rise even more quickly. Tell them of me. I shall help them. "

Wata'Ru says addressing the entire party,"You shall call me Wata'Ru. Every minute since the end of Ragnarox have I died somewhat and watched myself dwindle in power and fail the needs of this world for water. But the dam has broken at the poles and the blessed rain shall fall. As I am it's master, it will fall as I command and this is good."

Ear'Tou leans on his walking stick and says to them all,

"Cracked and dry
the land
did die
and earth was bare.

The great voice
of life
and choice
again sounds there.

Cave you found
far north
in ground
within, warm air.

One with wings
the keeper
joyous sings
of duty rare

Life shall spring
from cave
and bring
the races fair
and foul
and fond
and forgotten"

The Presents:

Wata'Ru - "As my boon know you all that none of you shall ever die of thirst."
(There is a surge of power through each of their bodies)

Ear'Tou -
"Only with earth
my gift
and birth
of every plant
of every sort
of every size
shall grow well in abundance"
(A large sack of earth that weighs 50 lbs with a note attached appears. The note says:
"Pick land that is clear.
A man of 5' high shall walk 200 paces east, then north, then west, then south. (About 500')
Sprinkle a gold piece weight of ground upon this plot.
Till and sow.)

Air'Lou - "Remember me.  My power I shall share with you. To show it, I shall ask each of you to tell me your minor wish. Let it be done!"
(Ask each player to quickly tell him what their wish is, and if they hesitate, they will lose it).

Fir'Lou - "For your valient battle, I grant that all the life force drained from this group is returned to them, that they may fight as strong again."
(The party can feel the levels lost returning to them)


Air'Lou, is the of god of fortune telling and war. Instead of making war, however, he tries to prevent it whenever possible. He is a great scholer and protector of the people, though he be merciless and unforgiving in the pusuit of his duties. When war is unavoidable between two powers, it is his task to adjudicate the dispute and assist those who are deserving of victory.

Occasionally, he enjoys using his intellectual prowess predict the future, which accounts for his position as the g of fortune-telling. In his true form, he appears as a large muscular man with green armor and red skin.

Role-playing notes: Although he is a god of war, Air'Lou is not very warlike. Whenever possible, he prefers to political differences settled by diplomatic rather than n tary means. When a war does erupt, he prefers to remain involved until he has determined which side is m valorous, for experience has taught him that warriors fiE ing for just causes tend to be more brave than those fit on behalf of evil.
Statistics: AL ng; WAL any good; AoC war, fortune ing, protection; SY black-winged chariot.

Air'Lou’s Avatar (fighter 18)
Air'Lou’s avatar takes the form of a huge man with red and green armor.
Str 20 Dex 18 Con 18 Int 19 Wis 19 Cha 16 MV 18 SZ 7’ MR 35 % AC -4 HD 18 HP 144 #AT 2 THACO 3 Dmg
ld10 +3/ld10 +3 (sword) +8
SpecialAtt/Def: Air'Lou’s avatar wears special mal armor that helps defend him against magical
attacks. such attacks must make attack rolls (as if they were mi weapons for ranged spells and as
melee weapons for t spells). He fights with a magic two-handed sword +3.

Duties of the Priesthood
Clerics devoted to Air'Lou must be competent fighters, I cannot be quarrelsome or pugnacious. They
must always ready to defend the weak or the empire, but can never their weapons for personal gain.
All priests of Air'Lou are multi-classed fighter/priests must meet the standard requirements for
both classes. normal prohibition against human characters being n classed is waived in the case of
Air'Lou’s followers.
Requirements: AB standard, but must also be (see above); AL any good; WP any; AR a; SP all,
guardian, healing’, protection; PW none; TU nil.

Fir'Hou - Indra DD75-400

Fir'Hou - Indra DD75-400

Major Spheres - All, Astral, Elemental air and fire, healing, protection, travelers, weather, Combat, War
Minor Spheres - Chaos, divination, elemental, Elemental water and earth, necromantic, thought
Fir'Hou is the god of the air and battle. He is the embodiment of aggressive action, a great lover of war who always watches any battle with great
interest, and often cannot resist sending his avatar down to participate on the side which has shown him the most favor. He has the power to raise
those slain in battle, as well as complete control over anything occurring in the air, such as storms, rain, wind, and especially thunder and lightning.
Indra’s true form is that of a muscular man with unusually long arms and red skin. Indra’s avatar also takes the form of a red-skinned warrior of the
north with ling gangling arms. His celestial abode is located atop Mount Meru, but he is more often seen riding through the air on his huge white

Role-playing Notes: Fir'Hou is arrogant, selfish, jealous, and completely amoral. He is also prone to gluttony (especially where drink is
concerned) and loves all other pleasures of the flesh. When a worshiper who regularly honors him with riotous feasts is about to enter a desperate
battle, there is a 5% chance that Indra will send his avatar to help. Omens from Fir'Houa come in the form of storms, lightning, or wind.
   Statistics: AL cg; WAL chaotic good, also fighters; AoC weather, battle; SY white Orluk (carniverous elephant, normally black )
   Fir'Hou’s Avatar (fighter 1B, druid 14)
Fir'Hou’s avatar takes the form of a red-skinned warrior with gangling arms. He can call upon the elemental or weather spheres for his spells.
   Str 20 Dex 18 Con 18
   Int 16 Wis 18 Cha 18
   MV 18 SZ 6’ MR 30%
   AC -3 HD 18 HP 144
   #AT 2 THACO 3 Dmg ldl2 + 5 (sword) + 8

Special Att/Def: The avatar carries a Sword of winds +5 that is can be used to snatch an object away (like a sword or a wand). He wears magical golden armor that protects him from all non-magical missile attacks. He also carries a bow from which he can fire lightning bolts that do 2dlO points of damage and have a range of 1,000 yards. The magic of this bow eliminates all negative modifiers for range.

Duties of the Priesthood
Priests of Fir'Hou are expected to take an active part in many battles and must never shy away from a chance to engage in combat.
Requirements: AB standard; AL ce; WP any; AR a;  PW 10) raise dead on any individual killed in combat (before rolls for reincarnation are made); TU turn.

Wata'Rou - Chih Sung-tzu DD38 319 (lord of rain)

Greater god
ARMOR CLASS: 2 - MOVE: 12"/24" - HIT POINTS: 388
NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 - DAMAGE/ATTACK: 3-30 (+ 11)
SIZE: M (6~') - ALIGNMENT: Neutral
WORSHIPER'S ALIGN: Neutral and all beings needing rain
SYMBOL: Small red bird with one leg
PLANE: Elemental Plane of Air
CLERIC/DRUID: 20th level cleric
FIGHTER: 13th level fighter
MAGIC-USER/ILLUSIONIST: 20th level magic-user
S:23(+5, +11) 1:20 W:24 D: 19 C:23 CH:23
This god appears as a very muscular man. He always wears a blue war helm, giving him the power of constant haste and flying at twice the speed he could attain by himself (i.e., 48"). He prefers to ride a storm cloud that travels at 24" and is able to support up to 10 beings of any size. He can create weather of any type upon command.
His suit of +3 scale mail appears to be badly rusted, and when any other metal touches it, that metal completely rusts away (no saving throw). His +3 mace strikes for 3-30 points per hit

Ear'Tu - Huan Ti - DD34-380

Ear'Tu, is the giver of life, of the vitalizing power of the earth and is the bestower of the Mandate of Heaven, the supreme judge, forgiver, savior of mankind, and the personification of heaven itself. As the head of the Celestial Bureaucracy, all other deities rule through his grace and authority. His word is law among the gods of the elements, and he is the final arbitrator in any dispute among them. In his true form, Ear'Tuis an ethereal, aged man with a bald head and a long white beard.

Role-playing notes: Shang-ti runs the Celestial Bureaucracy with the welfare of the Chinese Empire at heart. He never gets angry, but will replace any subordinate god who fails to perform his duty correctly. In cases of corruption, Shang-ti has returned even the most powerful gods to mortal form and sent them to the Afterworld to be punished for their misdeeds.

Omens come from Shang-ti only when the Emperor has lost his Mandate from Heaven. In such times, the Empire is besieged by natural disasters such as plagues, floods, and earthquakes.
Statistics: AL Ig; WAL any lawful; AoC creation, social order; SY jade dragon.

Shnng-ti’s Avatnr (fighter 16, priest 18)
In his avatar form, Shang-ti appears as a wizened old man. The avatar has access to spells in any sphere.
Str 18/95 Dex 18 Con 18 Int 19 Wis 19 Cha 17 MV 18 SZ 6’ MR 50% AC -4 HD 18 HP 144 #AT 2 THACO 3 Dmg
ld8 +2/ld8 + 2 (staff) +5

Special Att/Def: Shang-ti’s avatar carries a staff of thunder and lightning as described in the Dungeon Master’s Guide. All missile attacks directed at him through the air turn around and strike the sender.

Duties of the Priesthood
To make the land well. To keep it fertile and prevent its destruction in building the civilization of man.
Requirements: AB standard, but at least 17 Intelligence; AL any lawful; WP any; AR e; SP any; PW 5)
Charisma of 19 and innate ability to detect lies; TU turn.