Doings in Seker while the party was gone.

It has been 166 days (over 5 months) in Helium that the party has been gone.
The advance party at the dead zone returned as planned after 3 months. They have continued to investigate magic and have made some interesting progress in this area. They have noticed that there is something different about magic since the mouth was recovered, but don't know what to make of it.
They have constructed 2 huge hothouses with irrigation and planted many of the seeds they recovered from the GS38 cave and they are growing if not flourishing.
Don't forget the weather conditions!
It is 2500 miles from the S. pole where the Air Lens is to Helium.  The storm front will travel outward at 20 miles per hour or 250 miles a day. They have 10 days before it reaches them.
They notice that a air plant has begun operations again after lying dorment for 90 years on the 4th day
They will see signs of change in 5 days.
They notice the air pressure fall in 7 days
They see signs of darkness at the horizon on 9th day
Day 10, the storm front hits bringing with it a great sand storm with 20 to 40 mph winds. The clouds cover the city and get darker all day.
Day 11 - It sprinkles that night and all the people run out of their houses to rejoyce in the street. It stops at daybreak.
Day 12 - A drizzle begins at night and the winds pick up to 40 mph but the sand stops.
Day 13 - The true rain begins and continues for 40 days (and 40 nights).
Helium (both greater and lesser) were once port cities and sit on high ground, so they are compeletly safe from flooding.
Upon the return of Deja, Krom and whatever part of L509 follows them back, several meetings will be held. The first will be a private one between Deja, Krom and the Jedak. The friends 509 has made in Helium will visit them at their rooms at the palace and welcome them back. They will receive a visitor; the Jedak and his ontorage who debreifs them and welcoms them back to the city.

At some point during the partys stay in Helium a great celebration will be held in their honor.

The first night Deja spends sleeping on Seker, she will be visited in her dreams by a messenger from her god, Fir'hou.
"I dreamed I was on a hill like the ones I saw on Kopeta, green and verdant with wild flowers. An enormous shape rose from the far side of the hill and at first I could not tell what it was. When it stopped at the top of the hill I could see it clearly outlined against the sky; a sky darker than the sky of Krom's world, but brighter blue than the sky of home. It was a great Orluk fitted out battle fashion with iron tipped tusks, a spiked collar around it's trunk and great spiked bands around its feet. On it's back was a houdah made of pearl and flying the flag of Helium. Inside was a red warrior, dressed in armor pieces made of gold. I could not hear what he said but he spoke to the animal and it lowered it self to the ground so the warrior could dismount. I could see once he stood that his arms were like the arms of a white ape, thick and long. In one great hand he carried a Kavas or Rod of Office. On top was a symbol which was of a rampant War Orluk made of silver. In the other hand he carried a flaming longsword. With the Kavas he motioned me to approach.
I approached with my eyes downcast, as they were dazzled by the silver symbol and fiery longsword. When I looked up I was much closer and could see his face. I wish I could tell you how beautiful he was! I can only say that I fell to my knees and rested my forhead on the ground as I couldn't bear the beauty, it seemed to make my legs weak and my head spin like it did in the worst of the Dead Zone, filled with strange thoughts and hallucinations.
He said "You are the Chosen and Mother of the Way Maker, you stand blessed. You have great duties to perfom. Much have you to learn and such knowledge as you need, you will be taught. You are also to be the Teacher. The one to pass down your knowledge into the thoughts of those who shall cleve to you that they may learn my glories. You are to be the Worker of Miracles. The one to show the power of Fir'hou and such power shall you be given. That you may prepare yourself for this, clear your mind of mundane matters. We shall meet again three days hence and you should be ready to purify yourself by walking into the wilderness at my direction. Trust me, you shall be provided for. You shall return to your people some day and be the Mother of them all."
With this, he held his sword over my kneeling body and I was bathed in its fire. The burning pain was like extasy and I am not now as I was before. I have been pruified of mind. I must hurry now to prepare for my departure.

Although she is single minded and serious about clearing up all the business she has before leaving on her pilgrimage.

Fir'Hou - Indra DD75-400

Major Spheres - All, Astral, Elemental air and fire, healing, protection, travelers, weather, Combat, War
Minor Spheres - Chaos, divination, elemental, Elemental water and earth, necromantic, thought
Fir'Hou is the god of the air and battle. He is the embodiment of aggressive action, a great lover of war who always watches any battle with great
interest, and often cannot resist sending his avatar down to participate on the side which has shown him the most favor. He has the power to raise
those slain in battle, as well as complete control over anything occurring in the air, such as storms, rain, wind, and especially thunder and lightning.
Indra’s true form is that of a muscular man with unusually long arms and red skin. Indra’s avatar also takes the form of a red-skinned warrior of the
north with ling gangling arms. His celestial abode is located atop Mount Meru, but he is more often seen riding through the air on his huge white

Role-playing Notes: Fir'Hou is arrogant, selfish, jealous, and completely amoral. He is also prone to gluttony (especially where drink is
concerned) and loves all other pleasures of the flesh. When a worshiper who regularly honors him with riotous feasts is about to enter a desperate
battle, there is a 5% chance that Indra will send his avatar to help. Omens from Fir'Houa come in the form of storms, lightning, or wind.
   Statistics: AL cg; WAL chaotic good, also fighters; AoC weather, battle; SY white Orluk (carniverous elephant, normally black )
   Fir'Hou’s Avatar (fighter 1B, druid 14)
Fir'Hou’s avatar takes the form of a red-skinned warrior with gangling arms. He can call upon the elemental or weather spheres for his spells.
   Str 20 Dex 18 Con 18
   Int 16 Wis 18 Cha 18
   MV 18 SZ 6’ MR 30%
   AC -3 HD 18 HP 144
   #AT 2 THACO 3 Dmg ldl2 + 5 (sword) + 8

Special Att/Def: The avatar carries a Sword of winds+5 that is can be used to snatch an object away (like a sword or a wand). He wears magical golden armor that protects him from all non-magical missile attacks. He also carries a bow from which he can fire lightning bolts that do 2dlO points of damage and have a range of 1,000 yards. The magic of this bow eliminates all negative modifiers for range.

Duties of the Priesthood
Priests of Fir'Hou are expected to take an active part in many battles and must never shy away from a chance to engage in combat.
Requirements: AB standard; AL ce; WP any; AR a;  PW 10) raise dead on any individual killed in combat (before rolls for reincarnation are made); TU turn.